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�. x�►,� . :s,i�a,:�r,a. _' ... <br /> �. . ��.f . . . - � . .-.:� ,-�,,�•.ir- �•--.�_- 'r- ."� <br /> -a' - - • '' - .�' ��,��i�.�,�`",�'x•! �(,,y'���v° �:.: .,��.4, .i� � _�4$�. <br /> �..3_i.1iG!.ii,�' .. � . . .. . . - ' _ <br /> 'I.. . . � , ' . , . ����� <br /> �-+ L, <br /> .� •• . ;1. . .. . � ' ` .. - <br /> i�, . . ' �W1TM�1�0�1�1•N(IW 00�101O�E1'.�tlll I�M�'0�1l1[�►�ML���IIpq1Al1l��11�I�OO�n <br /> . :. Mld Rllpqtlt 110M 0��10(���{�R���ppplS►,� �10�11�OOIMO�Mi��d1�1jpN�l�i���.��00lfM��IJ►I�,�OM�Iy► - <br /> ,i � � IqNnaoerN. /W of t6e taie'oin�.�i plared iain 14ia$et�ritylni0mmen��s Ibe"Pno�tdYty, ,j , ; •• _ <br /> HORtEOWBR C70VBNAIVJS flat l�arrov�i�uwtully�ei�d of tde ax�te haeby cohwsy�od lrid'hrs Ibd�t tb.p�qt <br /> _ 'I ., . wiN dd M Beoen�th�N11e m tha P�n��i��iat�wl�d�epwd�,�jec�t�ofaapm�ibrruoe�af troo�d.. ,.�. . <br /> ----- ��� . . 71US SECWRITX INS7RUl1�[�TP oombiaa uaifam oov�a�u►t�fa a�tlaMi ute u�d non�ptifam oo�nripa�wftb _ <br /> - � ; , . Ibdled vui�tioa�by jurl�Ctioa toaoa�tUute+�unit'omi�eauity itwnnna�t oovmin�mal�pmpaty. . ' , � . <br /> : UNIPORM(70V�NANTS. Harnwa'�nd I.code�oo�►nt�wd�oe o fdbwa: � - <br /> � 1. Pr�l of P�iei�l a�d I�1e�Mt�p�ll�t+u�d L�te CM�e�a. Barower�II pranPUY P�y wbea dua�ho� <br /> � d'and�aa tha dabt evldaioed by the Nato u�d any p�ymait aad 4we due uader tho Note. <br /> �� �PY�d�ibr'li�:a�wd I��oe. Subjoct to l�w arto�writron w�ivix�yi[,e.nder.Hatrower shtll psy to � <br /> I.aMer m t4a d�y moathly paywa�ts am dae upder d�e��imW tho Noto ia paid in[i�ll.a cum("Ruid:")for:(�)Y�! <br /> i� taxa�uad acsessnxnta wdich m�y�p�in priaity oMer t6is Security Iasu�mneat aa�!bp on the Prape�ty:lb)YeulY l�o1d , <br /> ji payma�ts ar grnwxl ra�an tho Propaty. if�ny; (a) Y�!' ��ProP�Y 1�P� (d) y 11ooA <br /> �� insu�unoe Promiwas. if aayt (a) Y�Y ���P�wne,if�ny:aad(4�nY �P�Y�bY�� ` � <br /> :! i.a��cco��oe wltd It�e provic�of pang�sph Ifea of thepa af moRg�go intunmce prcmium�. 71iot�e � �,.-;` <br /> _... ' . it�dns ae caNGti'&cmw Itam." Lender mAy.ut�ny time.oollect and fald�in ao amount not�eaceed We mui�awa ;.� �', <br /> � . �;- <br /> amoant�la�der for a feder�Uy�elated awngage lo�a tn�y roquinc for Harowerl�escrow�ocounl under 1be fedaal Rral .:� �' ''�` <br /> Esuua Seula�xnc Prooedwes Aa of 1974 ac amendod from time[o tima 12 U.3.G�2601 er scq.("RFSPA`).ualess aiod�cr '�:,:��:r:���;�- <br /> law tG�l spplies W 1hc Fi�nds seu a iaser amow�� If so�1.eMJer mq'•at�ny tia�e.collect�nd I�Wd Rtndt in an�ra�int rKN to : � � <br /> -- - --- —_—=,� czCCCd(h�l�i iuiwiifU. I.cii�E1' IiiAy CSdt1'fi1tC t�iC BfiWipU itif F�iRdS i� AA ttiC 68L7�Of tiRiRit �tit itR�iC�l�C-. :; <br /> es�rtwtes ot ex�ndiwres of future Bsaow Item:or dhawlse in aixord�nce wilh applic�ble(�w. � <br /> -'• �: 7'he Punds ahall be held In�n in:titudon whose its ar�e inxW+ed b a fedenl � � '• <br /> .:�<< i �P� Y 8��i'• �ulity,a wNity <br /> ' ���; (ineluding Lender,if l.a�is such an institudon)or in any Federal Hane Loan Bant. l.cnder eholl apply the P�a�d�w p�y.. . <br />--�L.�;�:��, the Bscrow Items. Lenda may aot chwge Bo�rowar fm holding and epplying Ihe Iiu�ds.nuaually analyziag d►e eccrow : <br /> ,=i. . accwunt. or verifying �he Escrow Itemc. unkss I.ender pays Bortower intaest on thc P�nds and applirable I�w peimits <br /> _ � �' l.ei�der to mako such a charga. Howaver.I.ender may rcqui�e Botmwer to pay a one�time cbArge far an indepa�dant�eal ,, <br />. `;,,, . . . estate tax repoding sc�rjce used by Lcnder in camccdon with this loAn,unless applicabk law pmvidea otl�wue. Unless an '' '. <br /> -�N. I � _ . . .pg�esment i�made or appUceblc law raquires inteRSt w be paid.Lender ahall not be roquired to pay Barower�ny intc�est or" _ <br /> ti-W:�� -- - � � earnings an the Funds. Bamwer aM l.ender may ogn�e in wriling�hriwever.that intercat siWl be paid an the Funds. I.e�der . _ <br />�"'�' I. , sh�ll give to Bomnwer.wllhout clw► suu�wl accounting of the ii�nds.showing crodits and debdts ro the Funds and ihe <br /> _ - - i purpose far which each debit to the i�nds was mode. The Fuqds are plalged as addidot�l security for all tuma seewed by . <br /> --- _, this Security InsMiment. <br />_ - �—; If tho Funds held by Lender exceed the amounus permitted to 6e hald by applkablc low� Lender slull ao�unt to <br />-r.;t[l���� e �1� . n <br /> :;:�rf;�i� �;� �;,�, Bwrower far tha ezcess Funds in accordance wGh[he requlremenls of applicAble law. !f�he amount of ttie Phnds held by . <br /> °��*f+3 L.ender at any time is not sufi7cie�t to pay �he Escrow Items when due,I..ender may so notify Borrower in wrlting.and,in <br /> ,�;�,,• such case Borrnwer shall pay to Lender Ihe amount necesgary to maka up the deficimcy. Aotrower shMl make up d�e <br /> _+ deticiency in ra more than twelve monthly paymrnts,at L.ender's sole di:�crction. - <br /> ��"'' � '�'�� ' Upon paymen� ia full of nll sums secured by this Security Instrumeot,l.ender shall pmmptly refund W Horrower any <br />� , ''•'R'" � Y Pe 8 P 9 PnoPenS'• P� � <br /> .; � ;y '�_�. :. �, Funds held b l.ender. If,under rn ra h 21. Lender sh�ll ec ui�or sell the Lender, nor to the isidon or <br /> ��. , ,•,...�f•�� •r„ �,��, <br /> �t ;r ;y�i i�►;,r;, �,.'�,,, � salc of the Propeny. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisit�on or sale Ae a credit against the sums <br /> :. n;s�;,.:��,:�.. � .necured by this Security Instrumem. <br /> '�{ .�,±�.,;.:,,�>F,��� �.�s 3. Applkntlon o�Payme�ta Unless applicabte I�w provides otherwise, all payments recejve� by l..ender under <br /> .�f•�t�;�'�''^',° ra hs I and 2 shall be a lied:first,to an ment chur es due under the Nae; amounts; a nble u�der <br /> r,= ,,,� �;\,,: �. • '' ' p�+B P PP Y P�PAY 8 P Y <br /> ` °3 ' '.��- �.,�ti�.,;�"%+' paragraph 2:third,to intems�due;founh.�o principal due:and last.lo nny late chnrges due under�he Note. <br /> ':t" i'. ' �-�;r,'.., . �..t�t,.' <br />-,�,,, ;,� :,,.,;;r.�,,:��� 4. Char�es; Liena Bomower shull pay all taxes, susessmen�s,chorges, fines and impusitbns attrjbutable to the <br /> ;j�;'.'•�i� •' ".� �•- PropeRy which may anuin priority uver�his Security instrumem,ond leasehold paymenis or ground rents,if any. Bomower _ <br /> - ���'��+�� r'�1,;�`'� shall puy these obligations in the manner provided in parugmph 2,ar if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on =- <br /> .���, '.,,; u <br /> �' ` �� lime directl to Ihe rson owed u ment. Borrower shull rom fumish to Lenakar all notices of amounts to be a�d under -- <br /> ° ' :F,�,,•'.:� 1'�;s Y Pe P Y P P�Y p ' - <br /> .s <br /> j �•,: r:* ; �A this paragraph. If Borrower makes�hese payments directly, Baruwrr shall prnm�tl;, fumish to Lender receipis evidencing - <br /> �'` °".:� :�'' ,,�; lhe payments. <br /> • ":`� J�"�s• �,""°,c i;;;. Borrawer shall promptly dirrhar�te any lien which ha�priurity ove�ihix Securiry instrumene anless Borrow�er.(al agrees <br /> � ` ��µ���-�•''��:���� � in writing to the pnymem of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner ucccptable to Lender,td+�contests in good faith�he <br /> w ,,,,�.•,,�, ' <br /> '��'s''� ;'r�� ``� lien b or defends a umst enforcemen�of the lien io,le al racecdin �which in the Lender's o inion o n►le to event the <br /> ��`.� ^` �.:t�:�..::• ,. ,�� y, � ' g' P R•� P Pe P� - <br /> �`•` ,,.�:�,:. ..•y , . � ,r enforcemenl of Ihc lien;or(c)serures from the holdNr uf�he lien an agreement satisfuctory Io Lender subordinating the lien ` <br /> �' ti,�.i:,,��•f•. . _ <br />.� � ;. .;�., .}�.� to this Secudty Ins�rumem. If Lender de�ermines�hut un y pwt of the P r o p en y is vub j ec�to a lien which ma y mtain priorit y - <br />��`f,A;' �t •"'�4i•;''t�;t,.,,`r� over�his Security Mstrument.Lender mny give Borrower a naice identifying the lien. Borrower shull s�tisfy�he lien or take <br /> ..:,.;, }.- •'�•.r;'+,�� one or more of the actions set forth ubove within 10 duys of tl�givinc of notice. <br /> ��` ' ��• ''- 5. H�rard or Pr rt Insurapce. Borrowcr shall kcc lhc im mvements now exi.rtin or hereofter erected on�he - <br />�:a,iQ� A��.+YJ��1�. <br />='tt.,. �,r,. : .,� ..rVf � Y P P F = <br />=. ., , . .�, . Propeny insured uguinst loss by fire,hw.arJs inclucled wilhin the term"extended coveruge"unJ any other hazunis,including <br />�.;.� M'° .'. 4',.� ••���T iloads or flooding, for which Lender reyuirea inwrarsre. 7'his insurance sha01 be maintained in �he amouncc and for�he - <br /> ; ,� ..:1�' .;::>�,;,.. t - <br /> .,,�� .,•+ :r,•�•;.:,t��'�•��� _ <br /> -� _i•�Y".,.�'�� ,l��41ti�i7 i <br /> ,,, ;,... '" ��. t� 9'.Y 9t90 ��wQt7oJbp.qvs! <br /> - j��.ti`i:�, ..., .'�:-t <br />_ ' �j:;r�����';� �y���s . _ <br /> ,i�.i;�:. s�;. <br />- +a�.;+„}:'_:�..,, -'• ...��4 � <br /> -� :�•';rF y� -�5��•;• ..� '_ <br /> , } , r::,)pf it , ' �'� - <br /> .�k�' ', f , � � -:,, , ...-.- •.}�••ryr��r�r�}�`��; x ---- .� - `- <br /> r ,�`,� a'.. , t �i�.']Y.d�..;:(�.',' �F" <br /> � ,. <br /> iX?"l� ..S.i���. .�N3� � ' '�1,' .. ';.\� • .;.1 ' e'�-�, �� �fL_.-�_"F-.T Y'CYdA- <br /> .�' Il 1�`II� - ��'� �~T� - .- <br /> , � .�� <br /> � <br /> . . <br />._ . ... . �. . . ' <br /> . . <br /> . <br /> � . ., <br /> � •: �� 4 + r -P�. �M,.ti,.�... <br /> �� ,,�,m.i�aY. ;n•S,_.L 1 -- ----�`- -- i.�t. ��r- e��� 141� T�� .iIa�1�� <br /> ,� _: -. � ;; - - ___ - ---- - - -..: - - `t r - �- - — , , . -- - _-- _��;- <br /> . � `,R. } . . . ,, . • ' � . ....�.�,,•:� <br /> � ' -t'���.x::�� ,;, .. .� .. '. � • .� ti:; . ' : r•r ;.= A :.. <br /> . -_au,:,�,:�;+:-. a� , � ' , • ' . , ' <br /> ����, . A'` `' - '� '• � .�. . .,N . , ` . <br /> .`'1 <br /> �'��` f��� q - � _ . - ' ' ��� '1. .. ,. ..-.11���� . . . . . , � . ` . ' .� <br /> ' '('.' .. . . . - . ��' , _ . • . . . . _ <br /> � • `� �)gk ` '. . . ' . ' ' _ . . . <br /> � , } ,��x,.��i � . .. • .� ' � .� • . <br />. , "� x'" . . . . �, . .. :,. _ ,`. . _ ��..,` ' - [ ;�' <br /> : .� �' "".r'� � ' .. � ' .. T�„i,re,,i....,z., ... . •._,,,.., <br /> ��.. �'4• 1 . . . �t ... . . . . <br />_ . "�Y .a �,.� . ' . . 1 .. 1 . . <br /> � � � � <br /> � ' <br /> . . ' . • • <br /> �.�, • r <br /> { . � � <br /> � <br />