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• J <br /> _ €: � �, . - • <br /> .. . . -- <br /> +� . - - <br /> r � - --- - � <br /> .. _ "'..., 1 ".c� ' .._ . t� . . .!`,?iS+Th�, V.._.��• � _ —_���I-; <br /> '':�Y�;f � , � ' '-' <br /> � ����� <br /> ��NW���Y�������fR���r���fR�la���� . . <br /> .�rY b�p�id a i� , . <br /> LI�O OYe11t 0�A IOqi t�0�lU0 P�y���{A�) ��b th0 Wlp�/OQililld bY {� �y , <br /> In�pu�w�t.wA�or aa diea dua with any a�coeW a 9wtiuw�a: tn tbe af�p�rtW akM�ot the PrnpatY fn . <br /> qv�t M <br /> rvhkh die[air narka wlue af the Propaty immedi�sly befare Ma talc�i�eqad tO or�ter�b�a tha anoimt d tAe aanr � 1 <br /> �d UyY tY4 Siecudty InW�umait ImmaiilWoly b�aforo d�e Wciu,{.�uUas Samower+�ad I.endar oUbtwi�e�,pe�e in writ�q� <br />--- �— – ebe aina�ewrod by thh Sxudty In�t s1Wi be roduoa�by ebe anrant oP the{irooeedo mutdpliat i►�ma fa�rip� <br /> - ��-� .„ � - -� fr�ction: (a)tha tat�l ipnount of the sunu�ecu�ed in�di�ely bda+o the uklag.divjded by N)Iha falt r�w�cet vdw d Wa <br /> _ - ---- Ptopelty imatedlqaly bafa�a tlte t�Wn�. Aay 6dance�1a116e p�id to Barownr. Ta the evau of a pud�.�of tla <br /> �tnpo�ty in whkh�he fiir m.dca value of�he Propaty imtnodi�ly beforo thc a�Ci��1•lea dwn the�mount d amu <br /> aocunod immedi�taly befae thau��.ualess eamwer ud L.a�der alherwi�e�nee in w�iting or unlai�pplkabk I�w <br /> odiervvi�o qrnvlda,the p�ocoeds�11 bo yipUed w tbe w��ocwed by thi�BeauUY Iac�nwnau wbattrer or not 1ha aaar arn <br /> then due. • <br /> If tbe Property ie�bA�xlonod by Bon+owtr.or if�after notice by t.ender w Bonower du�t the condcmnar otlbrn oa m�e <br /> _._ ._. a��wad or stule a cleim for dam�gce.Botrowe�f�il�u►rc.spond to l.�nder wititin 30 d�ya afler tha dNte the notloe b�ivea. <br /> l,ender i�wWpurltad w collcct and�pply the p� its opdon,eitMer b reuo�aHon a�epair oP the Pnoperty a w ibe <br /> — sum�recurod by�hi�Socurity I�cdumrnt,whether or not tha�duc. <br /> Urilesx Lender�rM Baruwer otherwica�ee in writing,aay application oP pnncoed�to ptincipwl sh�U�wt eaq�d a <br /> _— po�lpono tho duo date ai dte matNhlY payment��efemed w in pwa�aphs 1 and 2 or change the wnount of such paymrnt�. <br /> ll. Barower NM Rele�edi Fbrba�aoe Br I�eadn' Not a Wiivd: Extension of the timo far p�yme�u a <br /> madificuion of�moAiz+tioo of�he sam socuired by this Secuaity la�dumm g�aotod by I.aid�r w�►ny ancroesiar in�mt <br /> = of Barower r�hall nat aper�tc to rele�co the li�bility of tho orip,iawl Bomowar ar Barower'�cdooessars in inte{est.k�fe* <br /> ';-:�;� _-_��� shaii not i�o�q uued w Wnu��ynx�iiu�s�raai w�y ewxw�ra+x+��wtCr.:�i v�r icPux:i3 exk'�-.�tint;.fas�p�'utLtst at <br /> �:.�^� othetwise moiify unatizadon of�he r,ums recurod br this Secwity las�nur�eat by reasan af anr drniand madc bq tbe ai�in�l <br /> � �. Borrower a Borrower�suaxssots in interesG My forbe�rance by l�ender ia exe�isin�aay�ht or ranedy}3u�11 nw be a �- <br /> °.�.� waiver of or precWd�e tho exercise of any right or rcmody. <br /> •'.' 12. 5aocesiors sad h�as Nopad:Jofnt snd Severall.iwWlity;Cu�. The covenants and agroemrnta of fhls <br /> . I iU?i:�� Security Inauument shall bind and benefit tite successot's and Assi�ns of L,ender and Bamwer.cubject w�he piovisians of <br /> psragraph 17. Bortowet�s cnvenants and ag�nents shall be joint nnd several.My Bomower wl�o co-sigas thls Security <br /> ,. . <br /> ` -- I <br /> ' Insdument but daes nnt exceute thc Note: (a)is co-signing this Secu�iry Insdun��nt only w mortgage.graat and convoy thu <br /> = [iorrowerk intorest i�►the 1'roperty undcr thc tcrms of this Security Insaumen� (b)is not personally obligued to pey the aums ,_ <br /> �- ":� securod by this Socurity Insuument:and(c)ag�ees tlwt Lender and any other Bomower rtwy a�rex w extend,modifY.forbeu <br /> ��n� or make a�y accomnwdations with reg�ud to 1he irnns of this Security laurument or the Note widaut tiwt BonowaY <br />_�'J�;,�.:;. ConiCnt. <br /> :A,_ 1�. i.00n C6ar�es. If the loan securecl by ihis Security Inswment is subject to a law which sets maximum lo�n <br /> ,.� <br /> __ _ _ <br /> - ��...f�,��d ihat law is firWly interprctod so that tlie intarcst or dher loan charges coikcted ar w be coilecte m co�u�xhon <br /> , ���s � . with the loan exceed the pemtined limits,then: (u1 Any such loan chwge slwll be reduced by Ihe amau�t n�cess�a.y to rodua <br /> ;) �.;•::ti¢ , . <br /> ,�"•, , s,.. the charge to the permittec�limit;and(h)any suma already collected from Borrower which exceeded pemoected�imits will be <br /> �,�,' <br />- `•;� �a �, . • ,�� ���ri,� refun�led to Bornawer. Lender may choose to make�his refund by reducing the pdncipal owed wsde�the P�ae or by making a <br /> ..,. ,s,;�. <br /> . =�, �-� � x,r�r dir�:�µ►yan«ua to Burwwer. If a refund reduccs principal.the reduction wfll be trated as u�ar:s!preFs}�ment wfthout any <br /> >�;•, ,'� ;, , '�.;;:��� prcpaymentchatge under the Note. <br /> ��� ,'ti • ,�� 14. Notice.w A�e} noiice to Borrowcr provided for in thiq Security Instrument shall bc given by delivcring it or by <br />��`��• �� .i;�� �' �;. mailing It by first clues m:ul unless ppplicuble law nequines use of another method.The notice shall be direct�d to Ihe Property <br /> "'' r `,� k'�e�.;;,y���' Addmss or any other ad��rss Borrower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice lo Lender shnll be�iven by finst class <br /> TII"�!;d,c, . . <br /> �",�����,f ;,:1 � .,�Y:.� nethis Se���n�trument�tih II be d myed tt e have�sbeen g vcn to�Borrowernort�l.ender�when givenyas�providod lnd O+i�.r� <br />.��.��� �� \ 'f,'��!�Xl�3t <br />����.� �',��, : ".± p�g��. <br /> �i� q,y��., . ., 15. Go�r�iag I.A„';Severability. This 5ecu�iry Intiuument shall be governed by federal law ue�d iR��!aw of the <br />°-'°�►' i��(�''`'t7= t'rf!tr�,�`. judxdic�ion in which tUie IPtoperiy is lacnted. In�h�evznt�hut Any provision or clause of this Security Ins�rumc.m or the Note <br /> r•.:.. ���. .� . , � .�: , <br />_:��/;,,:;; ' k�y .'•.;:'i�.7.q� confliets w•ith upplicnhle 9aw,such conflict shall aik ai1ec�other provisionz of�his Security Instrument or the tiae which eun <br />^�,'''; �'�, ,•f,�,,,?;:;~�,�l��rt�; be given efiect withnut t�e conttireine�ovi4ion. To thh end �hr E►TOVisions of this Securiiy lnstrument nnd the Note we <br /> _,;�;;. ,:',��,�,r :,j",.,�;:�4 �?�v• declored to be sevcruble. <br />,_.,;,.�� z .,, . ���?�tirs.•: <br />�, �� r 16. Borrower's Copv Borr�wer,hall be�iven one coniurmecl ropy oitht Nole and a0 tt�e.Security Inswment. <br /> ' '.� �::' �`.. " . . <br />!' � ''�,J�;,��f • 17. 'IFansfer oF Il�e i'�operty or a Bene/ici�0l�terest in Horrower. 1f a 11 nr uny pan af the Property or any interest in <br />=_�., ., ��'•f;���,A '� . � ; � it is sold or tnm�ferrcd�n�r if u beneficivl intcrest 9n 8ortowcr ic sold or trunwicRed and Borrower is not a nawrnl person) <br /> � ��.,.: .. without Lrnder's prior wril�en coment. LenJer muy,ut it+option.reyuire immeJiute puyment in full of aU sums recured by <br /> s•.:.. <br /> _ , .:,.,,r r ••• .+ �° , thi�Security Instrumen�. However,thi�option�hull not be cxerei.ecl by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federnl luw us of <br /> i , ' . , the date of�hi.Se�:urity Inslrument. <br />'. ;M a,:., If Lender exercixes this uptian,L�nJer shull give Bomo�.er naice of ucceleration. The nouce shpll provide n period of <br /> �...: ., <br />;;{.' �_ .°.,'1 ` na Iess Ihun 30 days from ihe dsxe thc nntire iti deli�ered or mailed wilhin which 8onower must puy ull sum�secured by this <br /> - %' 1:�;�:.'"�.S��l�2 �� Serurity In.lrumenl. If Borrower fails to pay the.c sums prior ro the �xpirutdun o(Ihi� period. Lender may invoke any <br /> � . " �•��.;::,, . remedies permitted by Ihi�Securily In�;trument N•ithoul further nolicc or demand Wi B�xruwcr. <br /> �� '. r' � '''� � 18. Borrower's Ri�hl to Rei�►c¢:�te. If Born�wer mec��crhuin ronditions, Borrower shall huve Ihe right ro huve <br />- .� , � �ti',. <br />' � "'I�t, ' } ��i� enforcrment of Ihix Securily Instrumr�ai disr��rninucJ ut uny time priur to the earlier of: (a�5 days(or such uther period ae <br /> .,�. ° �`• :..j'�;i. t��.�;�uk: <br /> -T• '' " �fi�, �`r��( :� i; ' SfnglrFamdy..Fbna{e\frr•F'n�Idk�larl�YlFQIt1111NtifRl'�1F.\T•-UNt'ormCavetunu 9190 rpau�4��fb(MlRttl <br /> � <br /> •� ' t��'i3f��h.�', r . <br /> ,, !;':�, ,� ,.; <br /> �;�1!.,f:. ��,nr��l" ` . <br /> . ,�' „y�s�"� � � <br /> :Yt�1. �y�k''�"`" ' �_ <br />�'�;�i��, � �..�#��t;�j;,�. <br /> :�' � f.. � � '��. _ - ., .� _ <br /> ,;, � ;x �.u,�.,�...•.,.j.. ,^;�,. �� <br /> ��;� '�.a� � . , i � ,ty�r� h . .., ��ra. _d l �.^'��� ��➢�v�,.. <br /> t � •�✓ . �• . �;' � �t� � . o <br /> '� •F 1r� rh .�r . _ , .Y ..,.,. , t•... . � ti �{� t, a 7 .x�.,>>_:t+-�+:.:..-�_: <br /> A{�� ��: , t� ,.��• . � , ' I�{�����I�:,�, • ri,p . . . . �. <br /> s�_n •� • ��� 11' - <br /> , � � :� •, ;,•� �', ,��s. ,.e� . :' ' <br /> ��a•iY:�,_[_ f'' :.``_ �l•{risi�''"r'.i'�t�'if�lrc:•' l�� i:. v ..�uc.`� <br /> � , . <br /> r—��n��.e - ,- "-' -�t�r._ _ .. - --� , --�.� - -..- � -..— -_-,- - :-- .?. : • ---------•=-R'"7'�____ 11q-:.----'_`_�..� --�. �-- - .. <br /> <'�,+ • ' ' - - � , . . - - • ,� -l;.. <br /> �. <br /> � � ..��������� 1 �- �..f. . , .. - " r - i ��-. - i - ' �n , � <br /> ++, .,1 '1 'R • + ti , . ,,, . .. • ' .� c� . �.i .. •.. .. ` 1, <br /> n'4 ,.�c. v •�1. �-Q�- .,_ <br /> _ ... •i�:f '4'� ��r � -. � . - • . . ��... M4.�'. , . , <br />`' � � ..J�!"' - . . '+r.. ` ' . . „ . - . .. ,` ' . �� _ .� . .. .. . • ' <br />: , . °.. " .y .., �J; J ,_ • , , � 'r�� , <br /> ao. .:ii . . , ;,,;, . , , . • •• ' . , . � . <br /> „ <br /> `'j(� ",, �r,. •�y' �� 1I .q 'V , .� � „ �' .. � ,{.r`1. •ti:. . � " . <br /> _ . a :� t. , , ,i ,r:,, : �, ' , ,, <br /> � �.� 'y'�.�!�•'�t.K , �. • ,� ' , ., . . . . ., . .� •• ' .7l�V�;M4+JR...a_::.d�' . ..wy}r� � , � <br /> +' + , , . ,. r <br /> , .. , • , ;• , <br /> „_� � . <br /> . . . � . . � <br /> * . <br /> ,_ <br /> � '�` ; _ — _ __ — .,,�„� ---°-- - — _ <br />