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. 1't,�A -'sT►w^ar.��� T ... T f._ ..���Rr•�.,�r ..��-r ... . V. + .. •Ij1-4«..ju�.�.l.'lj�� � .,`: At ( W_.� <br /> _ . . . • ' ^i� • . . I � n-' <br /> � � � �3•so�� <br /> . , <br /> eanda�udne ar other WcM�d wy p�rt a�td�r Anpp�ty�ar ftr aoawy�noe io Na�al aoodema�io�.aa h�+tiby wi�ned ad ' . <br /> .;, Vb�ll b��Id b l�■d�t . . . .. <br /> � In 11a eropt o�� �i �kt�at thR F�OQ+ertY.tlap �baU ba nppll�d i� die aena aei;urod try thi�Security <br /> lntttument;wM�er a nat then�d�e�with�ny s�taa p�id w�Ho�rower. Tn die eveat ot�pwtitl takln�of the Pr�opeqy M ' .. <br /> w 6 1 d t d a a h i r�o�r l�v a{u e o t d a P ro p e r t y i m m e diuei y beforo tha takin�i�e qwd to or�ter th�n the amount ot�l�a�a�ra <br /> �eewrd by thL S�►lawument Immodl�tdy rettw+e Iwe t�lcing.�Bano9v�a A d L o t i d o r ulhenvbe+�es In w1+it� .. - - <br /> - - _ ___ � <br /> the �uuns�eaued by thi�Bx�urtty lntpament�11 ba reduoed by the atnouat ot Ihe�oeeds multlpfled by the followin� <br /> �--.--_--_-,�.-„. fr�ction: (a)�iw Wtal amiwnt af t!w cunw cecu�ed immedintoly betom the tekin�.dlvided by(b)the fei�mnrk�vatnr af rha <br /> Fmpaty immodl�tely baforo die Wtln�. My b�l�noe�hwll be p�id ro Baruwar. In t6e ovetM aP�puti�l t�kia o[tha - <br /> � in which the fair m�icet v�luo of dee t�aparty immodiatoly befaa tbe Wcin�i�kw d�a tha amount uf�wm� <br /> lmmedi�tely beforo �te ta�dng,unloao Barowar uid I..ender otl�erwi�e�Qroe in wdtin4 or unlew applicable law <br /> ethaivrl��e provide�.the prnceed��fuU be�pplied w tbe wm�rxwed by tbb Securiry Inspument wt�etber or rwt the�uaat�re <br /> ihoa due. <br /> lf the Praperty i�iiba�da�ed by 8amuwer�or it,afler nodce by Lender w Aortower tl�the oondannor offers w m�ica <br /> aa awatl or�eenle a claim for d�ms►�eR.&xrower t�3W�respor+d to I.ondc�wlthin 30 days after�he dato U�e aottce la given. <br /> -- I.ortder is autlwt�ud a collect and�pply tNe p�vcads.u its optla�.either w t�estorntbn ar rc�d the PropeAy or a the � <br /> -�..= �wrw�ecw�d by this Socurlq►I�saianent,wheiher or uat tl�due. , <br />_ _'jy�,� . Unloss I,onder+�nd Bormwer oi�+crwise ag�ee in wrlting�ur+y :�pplication of proFeqds to prinaipal �hall n�extend or '• <br /> --„_:._,p . pa�tpp�e tt�e due date uf the�aanthly pnyments referrcd to in paragm�+ha 1 and 2 or�h�nge d�e amounl of such paymptta. . , _ <br /> -�,.��"� � 1�1. Horrpwer Na�t Ralencd; Fa�be7�rancc ay Lender Not p Woiver. F.�twtuia� of the dme for payment or . � <br /> =��� iap�llficuti�n of s�niortizatian of the sums aecurcd by this Security lnstrumcnt gr:uued by I.e�der to any.apccessor in interaat • � <br /> ��. rjti� � ,pf 8qrower ah�ij�not operate to relense the liability of the ori�insJ BoROwer ar Horrowerk successols in interest,�dt� ' <br /> � '-°'-'"'"""�""' ahell poi be red to cammer�ce proccedinga agaiost any succes�ar iq lntereit or refuse Io extend tit�te tor paymen or <br /> _ ,,,.�.»b�.J.wc. <br /> - h4 �� ' • ofbefwlsa mod�A�mwi�sndob of th4 sums se�u��l bp ah�s Security�nsuumena by n:�spn of ar�y.depu�nd t�a�te by tlie anigmaa3 • - <br /> Aptrower or$orroWar's succe9.vdis In inleres�. �+.ny i�o.rbes�rante by l.eo�de�iun exerc'ssinQ��y dght•tx amcd�r ahnU not ba u ••� <br /> rbe <br /> Y` ,,�" , ��y..�.� waiver af ar preoludc the ex�ercise afi any r6gh�t or r�mc C�,:. ' - <br /> = � e� _ <br /> --� _ 12. 5�ocrs�o�Ai�6 Assi��w�a�l;Ja�au siad Serera7 L1aW7i1}�: `�-sigllel'8. Tho Covelli�¢s artd egte8111BM�of lhis � <br /> ���jet�`����?;; ' Securiry ]nstniment shall bind and penefit the euccessors and a�sigms of l.ender and Bottower.subject to the provlsions of <br />`�°'�..�5':�'�°�'��',� ''' • paragraph 17. Bonower§cavenanw and agreements ahull be joint and savernl.Any Bomowar who co-signs this Secu�ity <br /> n��ri,�,��=; <br /> y��y,���, lpstnxnent but does nat ezecute the Nato: (a)Is co-xigning this Secudry Inehument only to mortg�ge,grant and convey thet <br /> •� --� Bur��oa�eb interest ln the Property under the tem�s of this Secudty lnspvmenr. (b)is not persanally obligAted to pny the aums <br /> '"• secund by this Securky Ineuument end(c)ag�eeR thut T.ander end any other Borrowcr may ag�e to extend.modify,forbear <br /> -�� or m�ke pny accommododona with regerd to ihe termo of this Seeurlty InRtrumont or�he Nae wi�hout that Borrower'c <br />:,, <br /> con�nt. <br /> --_ l�. Loee Chere ee, !f�h!+ lonn�o�by�hfK Securi�y Insuumem is subJect to a uw which sets maximuro loan <br /> "' chwrge�,aul thw law'is finwlly inte�prcted so tlwt the interes�or wher loan chargex collected ar to be collectod in cannectlon <br />' wlth Ihe loon excxd the permitted Ilmi�s.then: (n1 any such loun charge shull be rcduced by the amount neceasury to roduce <br /> the ch�rge to Ihe permitted limf�;and(b)any aums already callected from Borrower which exceeded pem�itted limit�will I�e <br /> - rcfundod lo Borrower. i.ender may choose io mokc thi��efund by reducing tho p�incipal owed under�hc Note or by malcing a <br /> -{ dirocl paymcnt to Bomnwcr. If a ncfund reduces principal.the reduction will be trea�ed as u pnrtlal ptcpuyment wiUiout any <br /> ' - prepAymcnt churge under�he Notc. <br /> ' 14. Notices. Any noticc to Borruwer provided for in this Sccurily Instrumcnt shall be givcn by dciivcdng it or by <br /> -;,t•,, mailing it by firct claes mpil unless opplfcnble luw rcquires ur,e of unother method.The notice shall be dfrc�ted to the Propcny <br /> s� Addrcss or any other addrcss Borcower designotes by notice to l.ender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by first class <br /> �, � mpil to l..ender�s addrcss slated herein or uny olher addres�l.ender designates by notice to Bormwer. Any notice provided for <br /> ��..�H:.�:� <br /> H.,.. ... in this Security Instrument shull be deemal �o have been given to Borrower or L.ender when given as provided in this <br /> LM.�r� - <br />...: �•, • :;,� �. . PareStaPh• _ <br /> ����,��: 15. GovernMg Law; SeverabHlly. Thig Scrurity Inslrument shall be govcmed by fedeml law and the lew of the <br /> � �'r`;�;�`,' Jurisdiction in which Ihe Propeny is located. In the e��em that any provi�ion or cluuse of'this Secudty InstrumcM or ihc Note <br /> �"`���"•'•`'�'`'fX conflicts�vith a licable law.such con0ict shnll not uffect other rovisions of thi+Secu�it Instrumen�or the Note which can <br /> :;. ...' , y!•v�r�`�'&:,�4� PP P Y = <br /> . _,,.y^ �� be giren effect without the conflicting provisbn. 7b Ihls end the pravisions of thfs Security Inshvment nnd the Nwe ane <br /> , � . ,�,,�;'. declared to be severable. _ <br /> ,. � �•i���+>�,;�A 16. Borrower's Copy, Borrower tihnll be given one confarmed copy of the Note und of this Security Inswment. � <br /> ;� '�� " •t`�'•"''` 17. 7YAnsfer of Ihe Property or A Benelkial Interest in Borruwer. If ull or uny psut of the Property or noy interesl in <br /> �wIYY�4 �:�Aa„'.��.�'�,'�"..,- �' <br />- -.+��C J�,.n+ H is sold or transferred (or if a beneficinl interest in Barrower ix sold ur trun�ferred und Borrower is not a nutural person) <br /> 4i::--=.��"�j;'', withoet Lender's prlor wrilten cansent,Lender may,ut its option,require Immediute puyment in full of nll sumx secured by = <br />=' <br />