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�..,.� � _ T ,�r��, , .. .._..9: y ;a. <br /> . .. . �+.n!, :'� . �w�!�c4� . . • '+" <br /> .R � � ' ., . '�9Y" _ . <br /> . .1 .. ,. ' 1- . . . .. � ` � -'���_w. <br /> � ' r � ^r�h.:�r. <br /> r . . .. ., . _ . .. ' l � M���LI���'- .. ',,,,. <br /> �: I�n,,�y�ip,�f,rcf�)b�rae e►�s a a�e P�tipeeey p�3�tb�dy pov�+rr or u1e 1p.,W.`. .._:�: <br /> .. ���,. "�oc��;br�b?�y ot�,�1�d� ��.dds�orw�tr�.;'�'baMCO�didaln�re�t���(i)�: .a� .�-.�r <br /> sL�r dl uma�,�lah d�r+n wout�b Aue undet tbl��utit Ia�ln�ap�t �nd tht Nr�lie�s it ou Poaelentian i�id. ,�r;-. <br /> y �a N e <br /> . � � p�peun�;(b),,, aqy dafwit ot�ay dher oaveMOd or r�neana�h:(c�P�Y+,+��1��u���n�sfoniaj�tM�S�anity:'�� .,'�•'�: <br /> • I�unurna�t,inc�,but not limtted to��uon�bte�ttamey�'levat u�d(d)Wuw�ucfi�cdon ir I';eodar h►My r�onMbly . <br /> �-- = �aAquin.w,w�ae,Wc n�l�a►o�mL s.auity►lo.wment.r�.aoaerr rip�fo tue P�pmty►.ao sa�i�r1�dW+p�ioe oo�qr ihe.. . ._ _- <br /> . a�m. ,ecarodby d� Securicy Inpru�nau �b�ll copdnue uncJuinaed. Upon r�sin�uxn�nt by Bamwer, thi� Smariry <br /> I�ue�t�ud tlre oi�ilgwlaw oecurad I�by�fwtl�r�nolp fuqy cff�cllvu�u i!aa�c�er�a�hud�eihusrd. HoweVer.d�b - <br /> �bt w rsiauue t1u�U not�pply ia tbe c�te of�ooekr�Gian undar p�ph 17. , <br /> 1f. l�le d Nul�(.'bw�e d Lo�S�ev{ar. '['he NoOe or a�1 intarat in the Noto(to�dher wlth d�5acurlty <br /> Ip�uumaat)tnwy be�old oae br a�ote timcs�wlthaut ptlar no�lca w wer. A s�la ayy tewM�a,��h�nqa W tbe apoity ' "�. <br /> ''''����.-. :prnu�ra as the"I.a�n Saviocr'�tAunoullects r�►unthlY MS'�q due andp�the[Qo�e rwd 1Yi�Sek�itY Io�tn�eNR. Tbrera Mtw " <br /> ,t�ti,.�:�ct��,�ID#y hE OIIE 01'tdOR�O CIqOgGR Ot'IAQ I.OMI�sCfYICCf WI[CLIOd t0 R f�IC Of 1I10 NOfQ. I�t11d0�i*CLRI�O�IbE IAYI SElY�001'. . <br /> '•,!'�•'�:•,k.,;;:�rv+wR wiU be give� �tea oa�tice af Ibe chtuige�n�wNh� 14�bora���I��r. 7tie niMiao . .� <br /> . � ,'j�,,,;�at�te tho name imd.�ss oP t1�►now La�n Saviioar imd Wo�dldras�o pqymeaw made.�ta�it5�a w'i�1 •'�;:i�,:�.,: <br /> ;� � ` �t�iq at�y orhgr.It�foauatlo►� by applicabie la�r. . .�'� � , ; <br /> ,, � r:� .;:�,Q,; p�qn�l�+as, ��aclea.�rr�p riot cwse a�amN tbMS p�aee�c�e.u�e.diaPoowl�starqge.or tele�se of�ury, ,+"� , <br /> . . Sh�c��p�tt�',Ln�tloe ape�1y. .Aonower sb�p aot dq,nor.uZbw anyone else to do,anY�.Pf#'4�tiri8 tlits ,�,,;�,,_;: ,,:; <br /> . . `�;�'�'in via7.auo�i"+tii'auy��►�*'rtb .q.n�tntsd '1'I�e pt�odiog two sentatoes chpll not apply W tf#4��nR#dhbo.u�:dt''�`s,'•�:,���•'•` ;:� <br /> ' ;:st-�a�a rai:it�e P�iyqf't eri�al�quardi�a of Hdzaciiu►w Subxta�'tlu►t are gonerelly�o�iai�ed•to beappanbd�h1ata�t►�arm�l,';:: . ..,. <br /> ' I(CSit�Clltiai�f3CS'8A(�IIO p1ai11t811QtIC�Q[ � . ' . ' , � . • ; 1. ' ;'' <br /> : ! � � �hxmwer sahnll�tromP�Y 6tvd L�tder�wr�a n notice�f any inveedgation�claim. ' , „';r�: ' •„t. <br /> � e damand.lawuiit or ntl�acdbh bv�aay• ��-;•�.;i`t;. <br /> :� averr+nkmal or rcgularory agency or pdv�te party lnvalving the�'tnperty and eny Hazardous Subswnce'ar BnvkonmentN <br /> �.' .'�';�'s�w qf w,dich NuYrawer h�a:Act�al lrnoWladge. If Horrower leanu, or is notified bq.smy govermnenW or �gWatocy <br /> � ' autharay.Ui�t any removal br otht:rremedlation of any Hu�a�dou4 Substance.�ecdng tha Pmpe�ty i�nec�ewMry,Bor�iower � <br /> �N rimmpUy take all tixeseary remedi�l acdons in accordance with Bnvfronmental Law. <br /> As u�ed in 1hi�pamgraph 7A."Haz�Moua Subctanees"aro thoce wbstanixa defined na ta�ic or huardou�subatanoes by <br /> Environmenfal taw end the following �ubatances: gacaline.kerosene,other flammwblo or Wxic petroleum products.Wxk <br /> pestieldes and he�bicides.vol�tile wlventa. m�tcdals conwining�batas or fotmddehyde.�nd radio�ctjve materids. As <br /> used in thi�par�gra h 20."Qnv�mnpknql Law"mcana faicml l�wa wd Ipwc of the Juriwlktion wheae�he Propaty i�lac�t�d <br /> IhAt rclote w Ma�t�h.psrtay ur�w�rowi��trl wut�xtla�. <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENAMS. Bonower�nd Lcnder iu�thor wvenant uid a�ee�x followr. <br /> 21. Acoekntloui Remedks, I.e�dit�rhdl�Ive�otke W Ba►rovrer prbr to�oceteratloe tollowY�Borrower•� <br /> br+drcM a��ay covewt or a�reeaunt In t6b 5ltcurily ia�trnment Ibnt aat prlor to�t+�elerado���der pvt�ph 17 <br /> ��!�!e!n��ldn o!lxr��lesl. T�s eQlke�!!�ec!!�t te!!!�e A�eelti lb?1h��1MM e+ea�Ir�d to cun tie <br /> de�iWt;(c)�d�te,aot les9 than 30 d�ys ttan�Ihe d�te!he noHc�b�Iven lo wMk�Ihe de�anit musl�e <br /> curodi�d(dl lb�t�illuro to cue+ethe def�uft oa or befa+e the date�pecifkd In the notke m�y resnit ie�ooderatlos o� <br /> tde sumc acured by tbla Secu�lty Inskument�nd�k ot Ibe Property. 1Le natke shdl turlher Wtarm Bo�mvrer of <br /> the�Ight to oelnslate aRer aacek�ntba�nd the r1Rht lo brin��caMt nctba to acserl the aon�exWenoe a�s de�iull or <br /> any othe�defeace of Borrower to�ccekntlon�nd�nnle. If the defwult ls aot cured on or before the d�te specNfed in <br /> Ihe nolke,l.ender at its opUon nwr�equlre Immedl�te pAymeat in full af all sums secured by this 3ecudty lastrument <br /> wildout tUrlher demand and rtwr invoke the power oi sate and wny other nmedies permitted by�pplicable law <br /> I.ender slu�ll be eptiUed to collecl all ezpences incurred In pursuing t6e r+emedies provlded ia thb psra�rApb 21. <br /> Including,bnt aot limited to.reasouw6le attorneys'fees And costs ut title evidena. <br /> I�the power of s�le ts invoked. 7Fustee shall record a nMke of dd�ul!fn each county in wbkh�ny part of the <br /> Property ls located And shall mail copl�s of such notfce in the manaer prescrlbed by applkable law to Borrower aad to <br /> !he other peraoas prescribed 6y opplkable law ARer the time required by appUca6le law.7lrustee ahpll qlve publk <br /> aoNce of sale to the persons and b the manner prescrlbed by appNcabk law. 7Yustee.withoat demAnd on Borrower. <br /> ehall seU the Property at pubfic auction to Ihe hlghest bWder at the ttme and place and under the terms desig�ated in - <br /> � the notice ot sale In one or more pucels and in nny order'I�ustee determines. 7lrustee may postpone s�le ot ull or any <br /> paral of the Property by publlc�nnouncement al the Iime aad place of any prevlously schedukd sole.�der ar ils <br /> de�ee may purchase We Properly s�l Any sale. <br /> Clpoa receipt of ps�yment ot Ihe prlce bid.'IFustce slwll deUver to the purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the = <br /> Property. The recitals in the 7Yuslee's deed shall be prlma facle evidence of Ihe Iruth ot fhe statemenfs made therein. <br /> 71�uatee�all apply the proaeeds dthe s�le in thc foUowin�order: Ia1 to s�M costa wnd expenses of exerciein�the power <br /> Fa�302i 9190 I fwR�S��f n lbReal � <br />- � -.�-+ .rqs�.rt...��w•� R . . ^ vR�1�"��'G` � _ - �FFi.Ti�d3"!. <br /> .. ..s^J•�,y��{' • Ti� _ C .{.�1.�('v ��t ..1�e� �l� r'l. �� - <br /> _'"_ ' •., .- .. . - i__ . : r .. . ' <br /> ..... .. . . . _ <br /> . ._ �. ._..�.. - ___-.�..�rc_.i4W'.�4ttiti):afla.uR . '.. � . <br /> -----.—��....,.. __1�W1'�lp '� � •:i�ar�lf!A�*sfri7llfbil:�•..... .r—._._��__�.._��.__.......... .... <br /> _ <br /> "__— �:.:s. �.'{__--_.__—_—__— <br /> .._� _..�± -- _ . <br /> -- � • - <br /> v --{-��� - .� �{i�n��j«° �"'� _ --- . i.. �- , .. _�-�.�� .�..+�t�rrrr c� r- r -YL`tS'Qi�-. <br /> � /E�\t���S - � . �'f'~ e�t�k.a � L "'�}l-_f � �)�'_ri 1 u <br /> �• t '(.'� �.i(��j . 1:� in�w�r � F�{c S+ e'irt�4lhuNl 1 <br /> :J��.�� �1 <t�'���r1fi�(�Aj�A�h`'j��'?k'(I.i - 7�r •� ' . .. . .y e , x(� ' t��r4.Y)�i.��14.'*Ly,�y��+� �. <br /> `1.)(t��� rAj i F ^9, �r ��' I+RS���`,A•,1��i- 1ti�pV,.�'{J�., - ��s�,� , '�� ����f�f f'.A�t•��..uni..�'3�rir.�f�.�. <br /> 1 1• ,� �n� NY l 5��•(1.. ..,� p.. � (q��4���' t i: p+�y, . <br /> pt,� 7�0 ����;M1�}i.1Y� �.�'���p��3��i- �{�� iZr' ��-�- �'.�j� y,r���^ '1 .•nr+L S 1i{'�3Y+ � , �.���±NQf►'����,�7C.P��h`n <br /> _.N��� Y����t� .1�k.1��1 !� Q�����,7(��� Y ���.��:f. . _ .tM�.'lY`.I� IY• �At� � ��r�t;Ei1 � / ����•�.{t 1{,�.i,;ry Ks-: <br /> y ,,�p ���` �.It.::� <br /> '�{�(�/.R.� S'�' ��;���PF71't rF��i . ' �•" y C �,,l {. y� r,. 5 S r i. S' ; nht��'"u`J:c. <br /> S .F �. ±.p •.i�i r 7,'�it . �,�^r� t k'�!^.h. � <br /> y(5.L .� �{k1�y... ���(�1�5i ''"��1��/ �1`!�i.,[l`7. i 'r.4y �:u1 �' � r. d n,�� � ,ii1.';.; ��.��'': � <br /> iI 1� 1�.�. ; ip-a�.'.:- ;�"` � �?'-':; ( �s'.,....• ;Fr�t�l -_,..? .�. '+ � �,. 1'J�?,,• i �t�+ �"� <br /> ( \ ( j �y{'� �'T { • ':71' 1��� . L�y[- � • �l)i(�1 �k( � <br /> 'pf ,r i� .• �..:�Sr rE' ��t�}�`' $ i i �� ��,Y �'� i 1� t'�,r�� �„ ��� `�� �,t� �. rr <br /> � �S� �' M�M�(�' '4`!'•��b I'� .1 it �(C�l' � T7. F�� I f('{ f !Y�� !� 11 �. <br /> y * �} r.:, �a<',�'��,. 1 � .F,,. i��,,h;� �.., ,'�'.! • �����y��{" ;(".ft..�� t ��i' 7y���' •..'l�':��'(��5�`:� u�, <br /> J�i . -��ZI!(�4' ..a�y`:.-GG ?�;l/F,�.�1��. v . y'" ' � y1�j �1��•.. F+.' �• '7:". 5�� � 1'���, f A . <br /> �'t '��.�.,•j�.` �3. G`� . '��� •. .. . � � i{�{)r�„r,, �t."�• tl �2-.�4i., �,�, <br /> � n Z ' i � y. �� �n. ' ���� � s: �t� � `SY i: � � t v <br /> t•. r/ t � � v ;r ,, b lt !'� , (ii�' !. { P r. <br /> Zt QT r � i � e y� �trk.�at.:;t }e tt r. �, . ��(fQ - 7 ti��! a <br /> !nrt��� i'�� '��� I1h• :-�� . :+ir b�as+�. r: I�;y�it��l+-�A,� �`d`vt.'.: :•'��-, , Y�P 1 ` , . <br /> � r y_g�, ���� � ''�.lS:.. q• ����.,,.:•, _ +r a.1 . , �i�'l)i� t �;''•.v`.•p _ ,.1 y� + <br /> t`qf(��� iQ7�� f'i f �� c .�� '�'`," � .b• ;.��f,iS"' � 4:: �i`,{E��f;. 4 t' <br /> }�S y '��9 ?�1��� t��.U',.l� }�_�,� �l�f rt;y�if� �,k,r,r�•X'`- �� ` ,���t,�l,�Ex{�' ;f '�}► '�` ��irA�r'nr� <br /> , �s.��� ,�� t��� - �� ��1�� ,(w:�:�� � � �Y, � . ; ., �.��:�:, ,� y �,,j� ,�' , <br /> 4i 1�g i.t 5 t, l'r��/����� �i�• 'P�} �y1�R���jlZ�A ' �c '�I•' , ..l�J'1�ar i i I�r��1 <br /> .'� S�.' '1�Glli;a � �� ��5}��i�..t �Nkr.Fa�� � �� � � •+,". . 7��' ,� ' 1 '1'`i���}S r: <br /> t � ! .. ,, ; � � •.';1i,, {�NF �. , �,���1�y 1.� :( .� ,y��y t;r����i;�,< u n.. <br /> �� J •"!I�� �fi ,�". tt�n.. �-� 1 y.:�� .;Y'� w r� . . ., - . � {��.• �'i�ff ,i �''�,,,°'�`�ul� il. '� i, d . ,i!� �f <br /> j! + ; ,1.t,�11 ,�r•: . , .¢ .v�� •1; _ .iJ �, �}:��::r��.�•.. L�I <br /> '� �� t . Y y�, i),' , � .,� l�,-.p r�E�i'�: •i�.� . � � . - '•''�. ��.. . - i -. � >�i�ff, l� �%�, - �J.,� ti . <br /> �� r�-. �o 1�fF�',� � � -��-ttr+� t�{ � • , . . -iJ•{ �t -5�����- 1��, • - <br /> i <br /> -1 lit 17��g��.�1� � ., {� �i �_�f��/ I ���� .��. . . .. . /�(�,1��)t.�) 1} . , <br /> :i �t_+•,�;��1�i+3`-'�?Kt,. ,,,'ti�c''A�1�1'��.-. � . � -•� - . �l���t r.P,.�.X.:i � . � _ . . - <br /> _e,t .•.fr� .�,��i:�._ . . � <br /> ., . . . <br /> . <br />. . , � . �_•,�:ve....,11 .. .. .__. .__._..'_ _. ... . ____ . �l<:.-{rn«.' --.- - - <br />