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���� '_._._.__"._ �...r.t„�..1......__._. <br /> .µ. i,. ...." <br /> =�_.f.. �����i: __--____----- - ���--,--. r- - .��, _ . --- -- �:--� _ <br /> � � � . � ,-,. <br /> ' '9��'�o�2g <br /> .' . ���� ��������������� <br /> .which�1aU aot be wa�aitau�bly wld�beld. If Samowu bdts W mdnt�in cova�o dacribod+�bw�q L�ler m�y.�c <br /> 1.aider�optlon.obdnoave�e m protaa t.en0erb rl�hts in dic !n�ccord�nce wltl�p�t�rqih T. <br /> • . ' All inaur�r�oo paltcid�a�d�ewal�tbu�ll be�ooe�abb to L�aad�all incNido a atendud dooet�a�e Gl�we. Lardiu <br /> ��II iuwe ita ri�ht to hold the poUoies md�enawal:. U L.ender roquirr,�,Bonnwcr shpU prompHy�ive oo I�dar aq reoeipts <br /> _ — - — . �'t�P�+�ms+ind ronewa!notioes. Ie 1Ms e�t of.lo�ss,Narower sh�ll�iw�anpt notfa td Mie i��ama�e s�ueiK�od . . ._ <br /> Leadcr. l.endnr m�y melce poof of los�+if not mde p�tly by Bamwer. � <br /> _ '��^--"�'--°,.' Unlesa l.e�xler s�nd Hom4war othe�wlse <br /> aXree w g, �catnt�ca pn,000de ah�ll ba wppliod w rcrtor�tton ar�of <br /> d�oaR�npaty drutu�ed,if d�e ratomdon or rcpair i� economk�dly feaoible and I.e�Wer�:ocurlty i� not le�ened. [f the <br /> roc r�t�an ar r�ep�u�i�not 000�►o�niaiUy fea�lbte�l.endert�scca�ity wouid be laceaed,the in�nrnnca poceede elwll be <br /> �ppllod to tho sums secun�d by thi�Seau�ty UWrwnent,whathu or aa then duo.wlth ony e�ccew paid to Aamwer.' N <br /> Bomower sbwndoiu tho P�o�ty, or doci not�nswar wl�hin 30 d�ye a notia from Lc�nder th�t da insura�ce c�icr i�as '. <br /> . at�'arod to settla�claim,then L,ci�dermsy callect the ineumnce proceed�. Lender rna�r use the procaetta co r�patt ot restore <br /> . •the Pm�periy or to pay iomo cocured�by thio 3ecurlty In�4umerN.wheti�er or not then dua 7De 3Uday periad WlU l�in whsn: ; . <br />--- —..�---- the mficc is gfven. , <br /> ---= Unlens l.ander and Bmmwer otheiwise�groe ln writing� nnY aPPlication of pooxds to princlpal alWl not exte�ncl or•:�.•. :' :.'., <br /> - _�: ''� postpone the Aue d�te of the monthly payme��ts ieferrod purngrs�phs 1 and 2 or ct�tl,ge the amao�tt of the paymarila. If '., , �`•;; <br /> - -_-__ under parag�ph 21 thd is acquirod by I.ender, Horrowarl� dght to eny insur�uwe.pollcie�+and procada t+ewilfin • <br /> — ' •. from damage to 8ie P�ope�or to the acquiaition•sh�ll pass to Lender w the exteat of 1he sums sewo+�t'by thia Secprity ; ,,. �� . <br /> ' ,. Insaumont lmmediwuly or td,lhe acc�uieitlon. - � ,� , -� .� <br /> - 6. Ooeop�ae9, loo, �Vraiateaance aad 1'raiectbn of t6e ProNert ; �orro�ver�a Loaa�Appltcatin�; ' ��' � <br /> .� '�" Learehotd�. Bam►we+r nhaU i�ccupy.estebllsh,end uee the Property as Bortnwerk�ai:resi�cssce c:lthin s��cty tlayx uf'�kr . "___ <br /> . '"�"'"'"-'� Ihe caecudon of t�is Seeurl Inatrume�t and shall eondaue to accu the ac Borrower� <br /> �'�rh�ut�a�T�'T� �Y PY �KY {1!'ItICUPA�TC811JCilCC fUP A! <br />-*��i�m�nx�t!�,v�t� ' lea�t ane year aflcr the date o f occupancy, unless Lender atherwlac agreca in writing. whish ra��sent shall na¢ be <br />--__�:NR��Mr�;�;"`' �unreesanably witi�held,or unlass extenuatinR circumstonces ezist which are 6eyond Borrower's conaol. �awer shaU not ' <br /> �`=a__:. ' .t�ed��.��-fi� destra .dama t or i�o air Ihe Pro rt5'�allow�he Pra Pe g <br /> .-���`•r"a�=.a.:u:�uzun�vss�r j )' $ P � p01'I��O 1�CICt�0iA�8�OI COIIIIIIII WAS�C QIl IfIC PYO T4 . �OROWCf C�IA�) . <br /> '�°",�'�"`''�'�"'��"�"•• ba in dafault lf an fodeituro acdon or ' <br /> _ "�,���. �,� , y procaeding.whether civU or be�un that in l..enderb goad falth judga�nt <br /> �+��. � could result in forFeiture af the Property or otherwise marerially impalr the lien createcl by �his Security Instrument�or ' <br />:`'�� � `'-, ,`, Lender s security InteresG 8ortawcr may oure euch a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph ceusing the acticm � <br /> or proceeding to bo dismissed with a ruling that,in Lender's good faith determination,p�ecludes forfeiture of tlu Borrower�i <br /> �' ".`"-- — �`D�. - interest in the!'roperty ar other material impainnent of Ihe lien c�ated by this Security L�suument or l.enderis securlty "' <br />'� i" � interest. Bo�rower shoil also bc in default if Barower, durfng tt�e loan applicalion proccas, gave metarially false or <br /> ==.s� ��� inaccurate infam�ion or su�tements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender wi�h eny matedal fnformatlon)in connecNon with <br />� , � the laan evidenced by the Noto, inaludMg. but not limited to. m nseMetlona concerning Borrower�C a;cupancy of the <br /> Y'-- <br /> - _ �y as a ptimlpal,nsldenze. If thla Ssc�uity Instrument is on a easeltald.SOfi�DV.'tT&IiGi�=CBflipl�WSi�f 8II i�i8 j3f8V3&{OiiB <br /> � � �,.,� : of e lease. If Borrowar acquires fec tide to the Propeny.the kasehold ond the fee dlle shall not merae unlau Leoder a�rc� <br /> �`ti�.. lo the merger In writing. <br /> � ' 7. Proteclion af I.epder'� RIQhb in ihe Property. If Borrawcr foilr w perf'orm the covcnants and agr�xrt�entr <br /> •r; contained in �his Security Insttument, or there la A IGga) proceed{ng �hat may rignificwmly aff�rt I.ender� d{�hts in tht -- <br /> F�c •. Property(such a�r pru�xedmg in bwikruptcy.probate,for condemna�ion or forfeiturc ar�u enforce luwx or rcgulNionr),Ihen <br /> l.endcr mry do �nd pay f�x wh�tcvcr ix ncccRwry to prwah�hc vulue of thc Pr�eny and Lenderk�i�htr In the Property. <br />. �' ���'��'� Lender�acNon�. mpy include paying ony xums secured by�Ifen whirh haK prlorily over thiR Security Inx�n�ment,appeurinR — <br /> �� . ., , r ; in coun,paying rca�conuble ouomeya'fee.r and enlering on the�Ay to muke rcpairx.Althou�h Le�xler myy talco w:tion <br /> . ' '�F �?�., , under thiR purng�aph 7.I.cnder doe4 not huve to do so. ��:. <br /> N` •' SN4.t•a� ,4 <br /> -_", t . . Any amauntr disbu�ed by Lendcr under this parogrnph 7 xholl becomc uddiUanul debt of Borrower secured by�hiR <br />.::�;`•; I 1''�;.,: ; :,.;: � Securi�y Ins�rument. Unless Borrower nnd l.ender agree to othcr�ermti of puyment,thcre Amount�shall bear interest from Ihe �.-. <br />.� �:�" datc of disbursernent ai Ihe Note ri►te ond shall be pnyable,wUh inlerest,upon notica trom Lender to Bomower rea�uesting °- <br /> ;��,.�' puyment. Q- <br /> .;4z,wtia.,�:.�-i ...�';` <br /> '.�t}, , ,_�;;,_. ,�,;,<<.,.,:;, 8. Mortgage lasurance. If Lender required mortgage inFUrunce as a condition of making the loan secured by this �:. <br /> " +,;'� •','�'�r; : s '� Secud�y Inst�ument, Borrower shall pay�he premiums reyuired lo mnintain the monsuge Insumnce in effec[. If,for nny �•` <br />•�,;.� i„1, � �L?,Ys r�4r� rcason, ihe mortgage inrumnce coverage requircd by L.ender lopses or ceASes to be in effect, Bomower shall u the �- <br />_��� .���,i���,t1:����i4ST P 9 � Y 4 � � P y • P Y �- <br /> remiums re uir+ed to obtain covera e substantiell e uivalent to the mort a e insurance rev�ousl m effect, at a cost <br /> �• y`�• .� ?`�.��;ty; ' substantinll y e quivulent lo the cost to Dorrower of t h e m o rt g a g e i n s u r a n c e p r e v i o us l y in e ffec l,from un a l�em a t e mortgage �- <br /> ' � � � � i ��'„ � insurer approve d by L.en der. I f su bs�ant ia l ly equivs�lent mongnge insuwice coverage is nat availuble,Borrower shall pAy to <br />.,��, �_.. .,� l.endcr ench mon�h a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br />;;'•� �+�'�` �Ni insurance covera e lu sed cx ceased to be in effect. l.ender will acce t,use nnd re�ain�he,e n ments es A loss r+eserve in lieu <br /> n•i;. t� R P P P Y <br />;;`,. ,�.- ,:•.�� �: .�l�tA�' , of mortgage insurance. l.acs ��escrve pnyments may no longer bc rcquired,at the oplion of Lender,if mo„gage insurance <br /> ' "f��,�> covcrage(in�he amount and for the ncriod thut Lender requires) provided by nn insurer upproved by Lender again becomes <br /> - �`•'•},���'��k+'`�, ' c <br /> -`'' • ti;,��y,��,� � available nnd ix o6tained.Borrower shall pay the premiums neyuir�ed to mointuin mortgoge insurance in effec�,or�o provide a <br /> _,�} 44'� �:;t loss reserve,until�he requiremem for mortgage insurance ends in accordunre wfth any wrinen ggreen�ent between Borrower <br /> '�r' ���, l�f�� � and Lender or appllcnble lnw. <br /> . .`+�i,�t;=,r:�;�?• <br /> ,,1�� `,�';u�?�„'�'i q, Inspectlon. Lender or its ngent muy makc reuxunublc emrics upon und inspections of�he Propeny. Lendcr shall <br /> : �,���_ <br /> ,..,, �,,G,.. �,,,,tiF;�.� give Bormwer notire A�the lim�of or prior to un inhpectinn.ry�rifying reo�onable cuuse Por the inspectian, t � <br /> ,���T�°_'':,... .' 18. Condet�nation. Thc proceeds of any award or cloim for damuges,ditrr�nrconse uenlial,in ronnection with an '�'�: <br /> .. : q y � � : <br />-.•�+ ''.:_:.., '..�p;�•'I I Single F�mfly••t�ank M�dl+reddk M�c UNIFORM IN37'NUMKN7'••Unifixm Covcnann 9I90 ipu.qr 1 u/n puR�s� <br />� �.' ' Iital Wn Bwtncs Fa�fr.loc� �'��� <br /> �. :�.;. .: . <br /> ;F:�':�;�7 .� . A tMAs CW:Ii00670�Y9i7 O►A1t�1i7i1•ttSl <br /> r'� �-� .,t - - i:�s <br />,,�' , :.0� ." �.tn <br /> c: <br />-- ��.�r df-'�'•�:T �, <br /> -^'q_� 'l�'-�_- i!«-+°' ''1�;��i..' .�..._ . .z.�'j ' . � _ . � • .a.�:a2dC.ia:Ai" . . ..�-. . . . .w..'�. <br /> . . �. . - . <br /> , _ , <br /> . . <br /> . . .. . . . <br /> �-- ��rrrar�i:wn�ma�, '.��.. , . . ,. . ., . . . . <br /> -.• . ..=s •.. . _ :.... r . <br /> — ��--- .,�• '�n.%,S:SY�'.[6;F�i+;i���i,ii:,• -- - -•.�,�'��_� 1,u,..�kst.y.:+•=r.�:r�_.�,.fhvG �hbi1�?i'�:t1}�;.�: '�Sa1'�... 1�:.'f.'„F.�.�_�• <br /> -� . .- ,:- ; � -- --- -- • . : � -. r . . . ,� . :.�:� - <br /> , . . °°' <br /> j , <br /> . . <br /> � .4. ..r]1 .. ,.. v . - . -i- i1�'A�'�t-1) f�} y,i� , <br /> i .l . . r �� ._ � . 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