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r"�- . -_'� � ._ �;-_-._,- � . ... . .1.. .: �:�'�- <br /> .. . .�.rr,� • � ' � . .`�,3�•`f:r.. � . . . .`�rw.�ww���.. <br /> . '' � 93�so�� : � <br /> mt7�'til�t wr�x au tb.�mmprov�mena aow or dero+d�a�clea on�e p�opaty,Ma�1��e�ne�n�wwnauMioe.� <br /> wd liatu�now vr haa�tl��►p�tt of da poapacy. IW�al��ad�dditiou�� d��iacuiiqc,.�_..,.:d:-� <br /> �, La�r�mon�. Alt Af d�a fo,+cgofag t�oeternd a i���bi�,Seaulcy imuu,nem u d1e"Pro�any.° . ..R <br /> . � �OAROWBR CoVENANTS dut Bonuwer is.iRwfnyX.�ai�ed of the at�te hem oanvayed�ad b*�the d�ht a pans .•� - -_ <br /> .;,�, <br /> �nd'canvey the �ad ti�t the Prope�ty i� ��l;�a?t�R���s ofcl!ty�i►��Qrrower wq�{pn a�1d . - <br /> --_ -•- • -�k-8elr,r�dga�a�elw�l�tp'tpel.�p��� '+w1d,, w1'�a':a,r�3!�r�m <br /> �y '�c9�fr�� , ' ca ntmcu�d:. ±'_ <br /> � ��� THIS�5 ��i I���'���1CfriiY�i�j�s;'ifnif�rro��coyenuats,fQr,netic�l usA'a� �µqi�o��aovm�o� w�d .- <br /> . . <br /> .�� ,K, ��ix� ' �.,�� , _ <br /> �A��'b}�;�i�lRi3�CSIO�!10 COYltiit;7t$;��l+e"'t'�7iCCU7S�ji�St[tltilBQ3•COYCl�11�TCB�:p(OP01ty. . <br /> ,._.. ::l fi� h: �. ''ii� � _ . ., . <br /> ,'•:,l����:'•' .,�,.`,�?. �►YI.:�: �1�+�R�,�eltd�i�'}cm�cnrnY a�d Ag�o a4 fdIMYYd: . ' <br /> �'�`�+� . • , . •. • , �pnN 1qtb`laq��lm+e��c�,NR,.{��s CMIA1'{�. �arr�war alwll P�P��WY Wheh due�he . ' . <br /> n:��;;,�9.'�, n1c4�� �, <br /> '�.;F}�;�'... .`.�r:3v;inel�,v���l�rih��i�bt Cvl��'{�N���Y�3�ent u�d lu�e chnrge�due under tha Note; •�� _. <br /> -�i•. ;.. •,�.,.�.:�;�,;�;: �•,.'�, '�m�ii���r aad faiuraoc�.S�abject w sipp1iC�ble lpw+4r tu a written�traivu by Lender�Horrowu ebe�11.paY tp ' <br /> "��'' " "�':�(,',,,,.� . uh t�;�+{�Y montWY PaYments are;due wder the Note.undl the'Note ie p�M in fuU.a sum( P�a�e 1 for:(�' Y <br /> .�_ ••;;� ._,: . ��d�sa�i�m�whtch may a�in�or�ty�overthis Secudty Instrumeat os a lion on the Proporty�(b)Yca�lY'l�� - <br /> payMr.�ents or ground c+ents oq.the Propary.'if my:(c) Yeatly or property insurarice promiums: (d) ye,�r#�+.;flaod . <br /> ..:ias.�µ:�lu�a Premiums. if�ny;(e�gearly�Age insura�cs premfua►s. if rary� and (� any suma psyable by Bo�ovNlr to <br /> — t.:�� a000rdance with�lrr�ovlsia�s of pe�ag�aph 8,in lieu of thep�v�n�ent of mongago insurance promiurn�..,�'he:e • . <br /> items ae called"F.�crow Iten�s. Lender any timo,caUect and hold Punds in an amount na w exce,ed tbe nn�uchnum ,'�,�h: <br /> emount R lender far a fedetnlly relAted mortgag� !om may rdquiro for Barrower'�escrow account wider the fedpr�l Real ;::.,s};.��r- <br /> --_- Ecnte Sealenneat Procedurca�A�t of 1974�wncndeA from�ime W Nme.12 U.S.C.$�b01 et seq.("RESPA").unles��noAl1e�;,;:`�....:;., <br /> ;^,:'� law thu applie�w the Wrtds s�1s A lesser amoun� If w.[.��r any time�collcrs�nd hdd Amdi in a�am"ount not to ' :: 'i;,:_�. <br /> .... <br /> -- .—_�._._,.� Cat,ro�xi ti'KS ksscr 6i�l:�lii'Ii. I.e� -- <br /> ,�c� r�ay�,;i3�atc t�sc �:,:,uisi af Putsd:..duc..:.�:c�asf� of cunrnt deta and reexn�hk; _ �.� �,,,__. <br /> _ exdmetes of e�pw�dilures of tuxuto Fscrow Items or othe►�v1�e in�lcCOtdavyce�vith i+,ppGca�il�laW. ' ' ,�;: <br /> � 7f�e Punds shul! be held in an instiwtioA whoac�deposlt�are in�ured by A federui ngct�cy, ia��umauAlity. pr�e,nt+tY ,- <br />_— ;�,�:y_d (including l.rnder is auch ar+institutian)ar fa�su�y�dEml'Home Loan Bank. Lendea shall apply tho Fl�hda�o puy. �:,.'; <br /> ___-°°" , '.the�scoow Item9. l.ender may not chuQe t�orrowcr �or haldi�g and applying tlx Flonds,annu�liy ana➢y'dr°8 t1,e'esCrow �•��i� �::.�; <br /> �,,:,�� .�. ;;I�,� uocawN. or verifying the Face�ow Items�tlales.p[:endes pays Borrawer intereRt on tht �ra�s and Appl3cable luw pennit� . ,,, <br /> --.:.!tr.�i�l " �, <br /> ��;,�� . _'',.,�•,,• ,L��d�r w make such a chuge. i�Owever�Lender may ra�uire Borrower to pay a o��-time el�,ge iar aio i�c3epera�lent neal '. �: . <br /> -�-�; � ,� ,�eszate Iax reporting cervice usc�cl�y Lender in'connecuan wi�h tQ�is loan,unleac appli�flble law provkirs otheea�lse. Upless sin _ <br />,,:;=��;; - ---:� � agtccmM►t is madc or applicadte luw nquires interest ta be polA,Lender shall not bc ttgaired to pay���xnoi�ver aoy interest or _ <br /> - L-- e8rnings an the Punds. Borrdwcr'and 4.ender may Agree ir+wiking,however.that inceresa sh311 be pai�on the�nds. l.cnder <br /> :.:_:— --___—��-, .• • shsal gi,ve to aorrawer.wdtlwut annual accaumimg of the F1mds,shawing crediis and debits to thC Flmds and the <br /> j;���;�i�� : purpa►se for which ench deblt to Ihc Funds wtu�made. �A�'Fw�ds are pledged as additio�l secu�ity for all sums secured by - <br /> _ thie 3ecurity lnstrument. <br /> --_ _ - <br /> ,� lf the FUnds held by I.endar exceed the amounts permitted to bc heid by applicablc law. resount 10 <br /> Bomower for the eseess Funds in accordance with the rcc�uirements of applicnble law. If the amount of the Funds held by <br /> Lender at any time ie not sufticient to pey the Escrow Items when due.[.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in <br />�_ such case Bomower shell pay to Lender the amount necessuy to make up�he deficiency. Bomnwer shall mWce up tha <br /> ::,'��- i dcficiency in no morc than twclve monthly payments,at I.ender�s sole discreNon. _ <br /> Upun payment in full of all sums secured by �his Secudty Instrument,Lender shall promptly r�efLnd to Bomowar any <br /> '� Fundi held by Lender. If.under paragr�ph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell lhc Property.Lender.prior to�he acquisi�ian or <br /> �i �ale of Ihe Property. aFwll apply ony Funds held by Lender at �he time of acquiaition or�ale as a credit a�rinst the rnmr <br />_- Recwed by this Security Insaument. <br /> 3. Applkatbn of PaynKnta. Unleax opplicable Isw provides otherwise,all puyments received by Lender under <br /> '��' parRgraph4 1 and 2 shell be applied:Rrst,ta eny pr�epayment charges due under tbe Note; amounta payable under <br />