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m'----��, .t •3s �� ----- -�--- _� ' � -- <br /> - �,, -- -�`......„�:� . .• . � ��» ���� .. r- .. ..-,- <br /> �:, <br /> P�myr qn loa�a be roquirod.�N the apiaa ot i.eader.iP mutt�+lawnnoe onve7nge(i�►tbe wtouat aod for thc paiod <br /> IMt� roqairo�)Worldod by an inccatter appavod by L�endor a�in t�acame+�v�itable�nd i�obbined.Botrower aball py <br /> �--�-- -J the p�emipm��eqairod ta m�fmain matt�e inwanoe in efl'ect�or to p�oviee a k�s rera�vc.until the rap�iremeat far oa�anp�e <br /> imura�oe aid�IA ooaxd�ooe wilh�ny wrlttw��IY►xmeM belwaen Bornawer and l.aider or appflcable law. � <br />�ectio�. I.arler ar Iu�gW mq m�ke roasotwble ent�ia upwt And inspections of tbe Pnupaty.Laider�6aU�ive <br /> 8orrowc�notka�t the Nme of or prbr w an lnspection spedgrin,�rc�sand►le c�u�e far the Inepocdon. <br /> 10.Coodarawition. 71b Pmcooda of itny�wa�d ar daim far danwgas,dlroq ar oaasoquentinl. in connaxlon wlth airy <br /> _ - - condemnwtlon or other q�kin�of any part of the Property.or for oanvay�noe in liau af oondepuwtion.+�6aebY a��d and - <br /> - �-__� -----. . tiwll be paid to Lendor. - <br /> � k�tt,�evant of a wud u�king of tho P�erqi,the pm4eedc sl�li bo�ppliod to ihs sums secured by this Seauity I�tnia�nt. <br /> - wh�he�r ar wot Ihen due. with any oacess paid to Borrawer, I�the�c�ent af a pnrlial tnkiog of�he Pmperry in which the fair <br /> -_ ;:=�-„p;aj;' �vr�tue of Iho Properry immediately befi�re the ttilcing is ec�ual ta ar gmater thon the�mou�of the wms zowrod by t�it <br /> _=_' Socurity Lest�wment immodiately bofore the e�ukeng. unless Barrawer a��d Lendor otherwise ag�e in vuritin�.tde swnv iecunad bY <br /> � �his Sew�ity insuument shall bo reduoed 6y �he umount of the proceada multiplfed by the follawiog fraclion: (a) the total <br />_ --�—=�T°�°°�° �unaunt of the sums securod immediataly be�are Ihe Wking,dividod by(b)tha fair market value of ti�e Property immedi�tcly <br /> befara the taking. Aoy balanoe s1ud1 be p�id ta Borrower. In tho aveot af a p�Aial taking ot the Propeny ln which tho fair <br /> mArket v�lue oP Ihe Property immedlately boforo tho leking is lesc than Ihe arnount of the Fums sccurod immediately before the <br /> udcing, unless Borrower and l.ender otherwise agroe in writing or unless applicable law othenvi�o provides.lhe procood4 dW� <br />_- bo appliod ta the sunw iecurod by thie Socurity Instrument whether or nw the�ums ane then due. <br /> If the ProExny is�ndoncd by Bornnwer,ar if,afkr ootice by l.encicr to Barrower tlwt the ooidemrar offer�to mdce an <br /> -- _ <br /> �wiud ur�aUo �cldm for da�n�s. Borrower iiilo to re�p��nd to Lcider withln 3D day�Afte�tik dote the natice is �ivcn. . <br />_ �-.- -- . ..---- �.. <br /> l.ender{r owh�rixai to rnllect w�d Appty the procoodx,at itx�i�r tu rcs�ur�Ni�u�or�w�o y ar to wm� - <br /> - �ecure�by thb Sau�iry In�tn�mem,wheehcr or nut then due. <br />,fz Unlcas l.cndcr and Hormwcr atherwir�e agroe in w�iUng, any Appiir�tiun of pnxbods to pri�cipal shall not oatend or <br /> pn�tpnno the duc date af Iha momhly paymentg�ferred�o in purn�mpha I nnd 2 or chango tho umount of such paymenta. <br /> 11.&�rrower Nat Rdea�ed;F'ofi�rance By I.ender Not p Walver.Extcnsion of thB time for puyment ar madif�cation <br /> - of amortizwtian of�he sums secured by thiR Secu�lty Instrument gruoted by l.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall <br /> not aperate to r+cleuse the liability of the o�iginal Bormwer or Bomowcr's successors in interest. I.ender shall not bc requirod w <br /> � rnmmence pmcoedinga against any successor in interest or r+efuse to extend tima for puyment or othenvise modify artani7ation <br /> ef thc suma socured by this Security [�strument by reas�m of any demend made by the original Bornower or Bomower's = <br /> �� sucassors in i�tercat. Any forbearance by i.ender in exereising any right or remedy siwll oot be a waiver of or pr�eciude tl�e <br />