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_� ., ..,��'�; �s.�:...... <br /> -- :�;..�.,.. -r. ��.1 • s♦,� ; �.,.� ' ,, — . ........�..�...-,.,..-._— , -.�s�r.�� <br /> b.� <br /> • � �.• � ».� - <br /> �. H�ararl ar Propwey I��a. Hartowar �h�ll I�aap t1� iraprovemenro ao�v n� ar cp t(M <br /> ,_-__ PrcTe�ly imund y+�in+u I�hy tiro,han�da Ixluded withla the tarm'ea�taded oavo�e��nd mY alhcr Iwu�d�.loc��dlns .� <br /> fload�ar 800dia�.for which Lader roquiros inwanoe.Thi�insu�noe stwlt 6e m�inuined tn the amauMo am!for tbo parlado <br /> IiNt T.ender nequfr�a. The iawrarnoo curier provid{n� �he inwranoe�II bo cho�ea by Borrower wbjecl �o I.etder'�appnavil <br /> which�11 no�be wue�wnbly withhold. lf Borrower fdl��o m�inWn oovc�e described�bove. I.eadar m�y. +a L,ender'� <br /> option,obuin cwer�e w puted Lender't dQhu io thc Pm�erty in acoaidmoo witb p�r�gmph 7. <br /> _ -s ---- -� � All iaw�a polici�+ta�A �anawdn dwli ba Aooe�N�b�{o lo l.erder�utd�11 Includo� �rd mortgage cLusa. La�da `_ <br /> sl�Il luive�he d�ht to hold Ihe po8cia and romwab. lf Le�der�iax.Bomaw+u oi�rll piamptly give ta I.ender dl roxipts of <br /> _ '°c�`�`'�``--�T� p�id prc,�ttimm a�d ren�wa!ndfaes. in the oveot oL•t�s.Bo��rreir rGwil�ive pro�t uoil�ce w tl�e ia`urourc can'ier wid�d�x. <br /> l.�ender m�y m�ke p�aoi of Ic�if not a�dc p�+nm�lty b�g Borrorrcr. .. <br /> Uo1cs�iRO�er tpad B�oircowar olhawLx rtgroe to writin� p�ocoeda shadl be ap�tEed Go e�[am or rep�i�ot'030 <br /> • P�o�a,tg�.if t�e t�estocation or rc�air is eoonomic�lly fa�sible�nd Lender's s�curity is noe rasseaod.Afi Uho taft+o�arlioni ar <br /> �+ep4ir is not eaonomically feasible or I.ender's sxudty would�be kssened.the ineuranoe pm000da chail be appLiad ta►tII�e� <br /> ___� sd��red by thio Sewri�y Instrum4nt, whdher or not then due. wllh amr�cacesa paid to Batrower. If Batmwer abaaaons the <br /> °����g daas not auaiwer within 30 daya a aodce from Lender that the ines��ance carr+er has oft'ered to settk a cluim.thea . — <br />:,,«�.«; � `[.ender'may aotlect the inSUlancc P�nceeda. Lendcr may use the proceedr to repair or reswre tho Pro�rtY or,to PAY au�m <br />- `:--�,���__ � � �curod by�hia 9ec�tity Insuumeot.whelher o�ni�t�hen due.Ttie 30-dey pedod will begia when the notice is given. <br /> - ���relfGb.iAKNl..W : <br /> ru-- --------- - . ,� CJ�Iesc Lpido�and Borrower otherwise agree in wridng, any appliauion af proceede ta principal shall not oxtend or <br /> -- _ - postpone 16e due d�te of t6e monthlY paYmentc nferred ta in pamgrnphs I �utd 2 or chenga the amount of tlio paymems. lf <br /> undor pa�epb 21 tha Property is Acquirod by Lcnder. Borrowcr'a rl�ht to uny lneurnrica policies and proceode rcsulting fiem <br /> ;_x-= dartwge to the Propaty priar to tho acquieiUon ahsll pass to Lender to the extem af the puun+u Reoured by�bi�9ecurky Inctnunont <br /> - immedfately pdar w thc�cquiaition. �- <br />°;t <br />-- — 6.Oecupiucy�Pre�erv�tlon.MdMauaee ud P�otoctlon af tbe Pe+uPMYi W�rrower'�I.o�a Appllditlont I.aaubuldr� <br />:1 - - -- Borrower Wwll nccupy,e�abli�h.ond ur�e Ihe Prc►perty a++Barmwer'x p�fncip�l resWence wi�hin rixiy dAy�nfier�he execuNon of <br /> Ihlr SacuNly laWrumenl ww1�Iwll c�mlinuc to�ccupy thc Pmpcny w+�irn�wcr'x principrl rc�Wcnw fi�r w Ic�l une ycar�flc� <br /> s- 1he dpte oi�x��vp��xy, unlo�[.�Ic��Nhervvi�e pQroe�in wrUin�. whfch wn�oM�Iwll Qx►�t+c unrc�w►nahly wlthhcld.or unlc� <br /> ex�enua�inQ clrcunutwx�er e�iM which w+e l+eynnJ &►rn►wer'x unnln►I. &�rrower �Iwll mn de�tniy. Jamaae nr impAir �ho <br />:._; PtopeAy. allaw�lu PropeHy k► dMerk►r��e, or commi� wa��o on �ho Pn�perty. Born►wcr ahull bc in Jefuult if ony furfeitu�c <br /> -- ,, �rtion nr prcuoaiing, whether civil or criminul,ia hegun that in l.ender'r:gaxl fuNh judgment c�wld rawlt in forfeituro of tho <br /> "" Propehy or iWperwlso mwe�fully impuir thc lien cr+ew�d My thia Secu�ity In�wment o�L.cndcr's xecu�iry intemst.Bormw�r mey <br /> curo cueh a dafwlt und�proviJ�d in parogrnph I S,by cuuRing the action or proce�ding ta be dismissed with a iuling <br /> thal, in Lender's aood faith dcterminwion, precludes forfei�ure of thc Rorrower's intercat in the Property or other meterial <br /> - impairn�ent of 1he lien created by thic Security Inslrument or Lender's securfty interest. eorrower shell also be in default if <br /> Borrower.du�iag 1he loan applicntbn process,gave materially false or inaccurate informetion or stotements to Lender(or failod <br /> to provide l.ender with any maleriel inforniation) in connectian with the loun evidenced by the Nate. iacluding, but rat limited <br /> -- y,� to,reprrsentatlons conceming Ilorrower's occupancy of the Property ns a p�incipal residenee. If this Security Instmment is on a .-- <br /> h'.:. <br />;y E' f,1r Ieasel:oW. Borrower shall wmply with all the provisions of the leasc. If Borrower acquires fee tiUe to the Praprrty. the <br /> aa 'fi�F1�N.•`;:" "': �- <br /> � ti�f�;,,� leacehold and�pe fee title shall na merge unless Lender ogrees to thc merger in wri�ing. __ <br /> � . <br /> �'�,��''�'� 7.Pr�tecdon oP Leader's Rights In the P�►perty.lf Borrower fuils t�pert'arm the rnvenants and:�rcemems contuine�i� <br /> ��;,_ r,; , ' ._�;,��:� this Securiry I�trume�t,or there is A leg�l pruceeAing that m;►y significac�tly n6fect Lender's rights in tFa�P�opetty (such as a <br /> ;.•i 4`•, r�.,.•,;. . � , <br /> z rt��; proceediag in 6anlaupYr}, probate. f�x condemnaaion ar Porfe:tuKC ur t��enforce It�ws or regulations). �hen G.ender may do utd �„_„ <br /> `�-�U"�� �+ay for whatever ic oeceacary t.�orntrct thr val�e of the Pr++m�m•and I.�encier'a rieM� i�o the Praoenv, l.etxler's acfions may <br /> �,e.....v,► <br /> -=--� .:n: -- -- <br /> � ; include payiqg any sums secured by a liea wfiirh haa priari�y over t7�ic S�cudty ]nstrumem. Appea�ing in caurt, paying �', <br /> "► - re�.cr.:.�l:�tomcc�s' fxs and entering on the Property to make rep�irs.Al�hough Lender may Wke actian underthis paragraph �.� <br /> �t '� ' ` 7.L,epder does not have to do so. � . <br />_ '�;y,���:.� : <br /> -_ . � ' Am�amounts disburscd by L.endcr under t�his parngruph 7 shull t�eairne additionu! debt of Borrower secured by this =� <br /> • ` i . `�_ Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower und l.ende�aRree to other terms of payment, �hesc umounts shnll beur interest from the `_`__ <br /> �Y'� � � date of disbursement at the Note rute und xiwll be payable, with interest, upon notice fnnm Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> :,:?�i.+;,�.:, y,,.�'•!��:'.,'� • — - <br /> � .yM`".;'ti;'°.;Yrt�i: .'' Payment. =`=-- <br />__ � ,i,r,:,' ,,�.' 8.Mortp,�e Insuranee.If Lender required nwrlgage in.gurAnce a�a :ondition of makin�the laan secured by this Security <br /> ! ,,; �,..,:.• ., .. . .• �!::. <br />.;;�, _ �� instrument, Barc�wer shull pay the prcmiumx required io maimain the mongage in,ur��e in effect. If, for any rruson, the �.- <br /> �s.�c{:'..._�;,. <br />• ��,�,,�.,�.; ,.{{�- mortgoge insurancecoverage required by Lender lapses or ce:i.tiey tR be in effect, &m��wer shall pay the premiums requireJ to �•,: , <br />�,ti;�� ,�;,:,:�::�� ..�: obtain coverage subslantially equivalent to�he mongoge insurance p�e�•iousl}� in effeci, ut a cos� sub�tantially equivalent to the <br /> _ �� i � e iawr r vioust in ff ct rom n ul •rn �e ion i � v b �I <br />__:;rc.,,;� ,���'. ••• .. � cost to Bomower o the mortg g �nce p e y e e , f A t� u n gAgc n urer uppro ed y I.ender. If <br /> �:-,�� ��'' � � substatKially equovaleut moAg�ge insurance coverage is not uvailAble, &�nowcr xhnll pay t�i Lender ruch month a�um equal tn <br /> � one-twrlfah of�he yes�rly mnngage insuranre premiwn bein�paid by &�rrciwer when thc intiuranre c�wera�e lupsed or ceasixi to �'•, <br /> �i.;=-�--� .•.' bc ouclien.i. l.e�ter will a���ept. uee wal reluin Iliex puyn�enl+u., u lu�+ ic+r�vr in firu �►f nartgagc insuru�k�. Lai�� ��eserve �- <br /> _ ,. <br /> ' : . ,:. � Form 3028 8/YO <br /> ;', :'�'i,' '- ;•2L Pp�7 018 -. <br /> ,j . '"�i�l:. <br />.. ;r Xf,,;,`�'. . '� - _- <br /> . ���:i.�:r:t• �� `. <br /> �*w� ..; �� . �.�. <br /> . _.'•f'.. �.r,`�o� ��2�- <br /> . 3'`�t.� - Krt : ,1 .. • . _ ' ' . .' � . \1:... :y � f 'c r�r...-.�-7f .r- ._ �- <br /> . i r " <br /> � . <br /> :, ., ' . <br />__y �•�c " :- rµ 3. - ?'1•�� • 5�_ •• '.'7 . . _ A'_�• r qR4�QSi!'i ° <br /> . � .. t� ��s,.,� <br /> � '+ . •'w'� ' � - .cL ' _. <br /> : , .. r :.71:.`_.� v�•lIr t �`:{�t� A� • . ' ��� . <br /> =i'y�: _ -' ;T.. , : r.:-_ 1,,,���I �r •a ���� �.�, 'I' 'F ,e�..��r...-"- <br /> -- -�1iSoiWl:l1'ar.:_;L:M�.�.. a*�.�.._•ixs�r W�..LJ�roi.�k_���;,,.�c_:..{: ..��..�T=��L•�etfA+'i�1+N1kM�A9� �4s:aL`.i.l4�i�utit�1_ 1��� <br /> i�-.—i :. - -t .�. --. -1 ..--- . .- - -- �-- : �- --.. .. ' � ''�- - ° -_-i- �j(� 6 M��!^� <br /> :. "1 '' . . : .. ' ' . . _.rr� �.w./C4AI v'�`��M�f \�`�il�u 11�II .+� y� " <br /> , , � <br /> : <br /> . ! .• , , � � � a� . . � � . . �:4ti:'.�.�� ' `�'o..-!:. ' ' � �c��r�.i.Yi r..aH�`s':. <br /> � �-� <br /> 1 _ <br /> �` ,`�` . .. ,-.Y. S^j ��♦ <br /> �_Jr '' . . _ . ' j" '"'!•` �,�° � - .�. <br /> _ � 'A5� �t�.�.�. . .�� .,.�1A.Ii�M� e�� '.� .'.+• .,�1.... .�yYtt.! 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