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'�,,..A`;,_'__��_"'__ ..—. <br /> • � ; <br /> ^� ...__. ...._�1/� ----- -- �-- -- —:a7Rlf�;`° . <br /> . , 93- �.o�»�.�i <br /> � 17.'11n�te!dttie ar�BaieflcW IMa+at W lian+a�ra�.lf all ar p�ut af 1he PrapwtY or aay intaest lp ft <br /> is told or tpuatenod(or if a�t*!iata�at in Bonuwer is co{d a�tnu�sfermd and�v►er is not�nwtu�al per�on)wi�out <br /> ' I.eoder's priot writkn oo+waM. 1.aK1er mwY. �t ils opdon. roqu it�o inunediate p�ymeat in Pull of di sw�w �a,�urad�y Q� <br /> lrotn�aaoat.However.lhi�aplion sA�U aot be aaa+cisei by t.a�der if e�ce�e i��o6i�ted by fotler�l uw u oi�be dMe <br /> of 1Ais�i eeuriry lnmua�ax. <br /> " if I�aeder euen�e�this opicm� t.a�de�ch�ll ive BormRrr ixNioe of aaxleratian.Tho notioo alallp►uvlda�periad of not , <br /> les�tlu►n 30 days from the dato tUo notice is del�vered�u m�itod within whkh Bomowar musl p�y�11 �ums socu�+ed by this <br /> _ -- Socurity I�strumaY.lf Aonawer f�ili w p�y tt�e siu�►c p�ta thc cxpi�vn af this period.l.a�m�U'lavoke any reme�iia <br /> permitted by thir 5ecurity l�uma�t wilhaut fluttkr adioe c�t denw�d on 8arrowu. <br /> � -- - ---� 18. Bon+ower'� R1�M ta ReidMe. I{' Ban�a� meet� aruin axdi�ians. Barmwer st►�II have the r:ght tn hava <br /> - - enfararnent af thir Saa�dty InutturnaN dM�co��ti�od q�ny limo �ta the esrlicx of: Ipl 3 days(a wch aher poriod�►+ <br /> - applic�blo Iww m�y :pecifry far rdttiYiAadiaKl befiu�e cak oi Iho pursuant �a aqy p►N�er of Wo comained in �hi� <br /> •=� 'Sauriry Inctnimaq•ar(b)awfy of�jil��mem cntorciny=thi:Socudly lns�nunent.TM�s�e c�nditlo��ro thwt Borroww:l�)p�'� <br />-` I.ade��11 sums which thrn wauld be due under�his Sau�in Insl�nt an�i tho Nae os if nu ocoekrati�m iwd aecumod; lD) <br /> cu�cs�ny def�uU of�ny other oavatwN�w�reenKnto:lr)poy r a11 expen�in►vrnd in cofimin��his Socu�ily I�slrumenl, <br /> inciuding.bu�nat Ilmitod to.�ble Atlurae��'Pees:ud Id1 tW�a.uch�yioo uY l.e�xkr m�y �w►n�bly royuiro u�avwro <br />— th�t tho lien M thic Secudty InstrumeM.L.enJer w righw in Ihe Pn�pcny�wl�mt,wcr'�ublfgwlu�lu pwy Ihe numA Ravrad My <br /> thi� Savdty Instrumant cA�ll c�xninuc unchan�od. Up�n ni�ul�lrnkM hy &►rn►wer, ihi� Savdly Itwrumrnt urt Ihe <br /> abligwiwa�socurod hcnhy�Fwll rcnwin fully cffcclivc rr if no r�ti�elrrwi�m hNJ�xtivmal. Huw�vc�. �bir �l�ht tu�einc�tn rhall <br /> --- nolapply in Ihe�e of acceler�tian under prmp�Aph 17. <br /> �- 19. S�k ot Natei Chaa�e a� I.a�n lRen'Icer. '1'ha N�we ur a p�vrliul iMCrr►1 in Ihe Nwe Uuycther wilh thi.r Securily <br /> - Inclrumrntl mry i�c r�id�no or marc timc�wldxw�prior n�Ni��o���&xmwr�. A tc;dc m�y n�wll in a rh�nstc in U�cn�hy lknown <br />,��st +a�the'Lcwn Servlar�►�n��cc�uocu�uhlr paymrn�,�auo u�wler�t�N.KO an��hiF�cu�i�y in��n�men�.'fhere al►a ma��!�e�ne <br /> or maro ch�nges of tbo L�wn&rvlcor unrclwal t���as�lo of�ho IV�wo.If therc ic�chxnge uf ihe l.�un Sen�icer.&�mnwer will bo <br />;;'' - - - gfvcn writicn rtaticc af tha changc in aomNamx u�ith paraB�aph 14 aM►vc and upE►ticabla IAw. I I1C IMMII'C WIII Siple(IM OY111C AIMI <br />-- <br /> addr�cs�of thc new lawn Sarvkcr u�d the address t��wh�:h�yments shcwld bc m�b.The niwkti:wfll �iw�nnwin any athe� <br /> infarmatian requirod by appUcable Isw. <br /> 29. NAxaMwtv 3ubstat�s.Borrower shall nat causa or permit the presence. uEC, dispnsal. �toruge, or release of any <br /> Haau�dous Substar�ces an o� in �ha Propeny. Bomnwer shull nut do. nor allaw anyonc else �a do. any�hing AiPecting the <br /> ,: Propeny that is in vlalatian of any Envimnmental[.aw. The pre:roding two senten�rs sh�ll not apply to tho presence,use. or <br /> storngc on thc Property af small qusntilies of Hozardcws Subslunce.c that are generolly rcxognir�i to bo approp�We to nurnwl <br /> '�' n�identinl uses and to maf�tenance af�he Propeny. <br /> �,ti. <br />_ '�, , Bornnwer shall promptly give Lender w�ilten notice of any lnvestigalion,claim.dernand, lawsuit ar Wher actian by any <br /> �„ii���.��''', gore�rnaieninl or regulatory agency or prlvate party iovolvins the Propeny and any Huwrdous Substanoe or Bnvim�mental Law <br /> °�,'"' r, of w�Neirh�ornuwar has uctual knowledge. If Borrowcr learns,or is natified by Any govcrnmental or regulatory authority,that <br /> . ,�t s'.r <br />':�.;ti„ � '��� ��, � arty renaval or other remediation of Any Hazurdous Substance Affecting the Pmperty is necossiuy.Borrower shall pmmptly tal:o <br /> � �.���:� dl neoessai�r remaiial-�ftiaas in uccardance with Bnvironmental Law. <br />-.:��',:,=�_=-__�.=,;:='�4j AS r�sc3 ia xh:s p�aagsaph Z0, "H�ouu Substanc�"sre sl�ase ssbstances definec!ns tnKic �r h.azardnu� ,s�bstancts by <br /> rc�uv, ���,'4���1'�., Envimnmental anc! the following substances: gusoflne, kemsene, olhcr flwnmable ar toxic petroleum Products. �oaic <br /> . ��, :y�;��J,.. <br /> , .t i ��•f �,,,,���v�� pestirides and herhi^ides,v�latile solvents, materfalti comaining ur�besu►s or fomwldehyde.and radioucdve mntenals.As used in <br /> +�+�� t f �,�f this pa�agraph 20�, Envimnmental Luw" means fedaral lawa and laws of�hr jurirdirtion where the Pmperty is lacated tiuu <br /> ,< • <br /> .;ia�rs'--:'�_,'t,;;�.�. <br /> ,�5+��^�;�# +�'�j �- relate to healtS�.safeq or environmental prute�:tion. <br /> '' � �'�j .�',•:,,,,.• NON-UNIFQRM COVENANTS.Borrower und I.ender further cnvenum And s�gree ns fnUows: <br />��i���, ,"� � �. �.� 21. Acceleration:Remedles.I,ender shall glve notice lo Borrower prior to accelerntlo�follawing&�rmwer's bres�ch <br />��;� � � ' ' of s�ny epvenpnt or egneement in thls Secu�lty Insirument (but not prlor to ucceleratian under rpqraph 17 unlesc <br />:,,1,;�, r�,+�; i:� <br />.., ., � „�;.y,;:� appY�cabte law provldes oil�rwi�e), The naHce shall spoclfy: (a)the defaull; (b)the uction requl to cu�e lhe defpulh <br /> ��:r, ��(.;�`�!i�ih: (c)A date,not less tlwn 30�8ays from the dete the notice is glven to &�rrnwer,by which the detault must he cured;and <br /> `� �,`�':`�;�;f� ' (d)that failure to curr the deiuult on or before the date liied in the nMice may resull in Acceleration ot the sums <br /> —��i; :�.. ;,,,� � ao.- o ......,. ...... � + .� <br />,.•_�.,, �� .�: .. sccu:cd by i.��.,c.�.�i� ..W,:�.�s:ni xcsd:alc af tltc Praperty. Thc naii.c^ ts�!!t'ssr!lter lafarm 8arrael•er oi tltr rtsk!!n , <br /> ;•��• �. , ,,� relnstete atlte� accelerution A�D the rlght to brina a court nctlon to ascert the non-e�istence uf a default or uny other <br />��'�;��°Y '�f' Z •F defense oi'Borro���er t�e acc�ekratbn pnd gule. If the default is not cured on nr hefore Ihe date speciiied in the notice. <br /> �,r��f, .u <br /> "•'' +:�•,��,+�;X+t�r�E I.ender. At ttx option,ma}• rer�aire Immediate payment in full nt ull sums secured by thiw Securlty lastrument withnut <br /> �� Y ����i'?"`�� further demand and muy in��oke thepuwer oP sele and any nther remedirs perntitted by upplicahle law. l.ender shall be <br /> {y. �l��c, r <br /> :" �r�,i�� endtled to cnllecl ull expens�incurred in pursulns the rcmedfec provlded In this paragraph 11.including,but nat limlted <br /> '; � .';'�{ . ' to,reasonabte As�orneys'fees and cust.s�P titie evldencc. <br /> ���' ��Y �," If the pOwrr of sale is iavokrd,Trustee shall recnrd a notice of defuult in e�ch county fn which any psrt uf the <br /> ; , � <br /> :�:;i: ' +' ',,�:' proprrty is I�cated and shaEl�wil copies of such naim in the roanner pnwcribed hy applicable low to Borrnwer and to <br />,•,,�,�: r,;r,��.�• <br /> �i,,� �Ct.,., the�.tt�er pers�►n�prescribe�fip•nppflcable laa•.Af'ter 1he�ime trquirrd by uppllcahle Iow,Trustee tihall�ive publk notice <br /> _�_�I� !'�;���;��• . ''' of s�ic t�thc p !' P��' <br /> � �� person�and In the manner rescribed b a� U�able law•.Truztee, «•ilhout demand on Borrower, sliall sell <br />'��f.. • }.:;{•'yi[,�„ the Propert�•at publie Auction to the hiqhcst bidder at thr timc and placc�nd undcr thc tcrmti dc�iRnaled in the aatK�e of <br /> .,%�:;,r ,s r.. �s <br /> ,�.�• } � -.:,� snle in one oo r��ore pArcels and In any order Truvtee determin�x.Tru,iec may poct{wne u�le oP ull or Any parccl oi the <br /> .�,n:.� � �:��'',; <br /> _,}.j--;-�3���,��, � Property bti publlr announcemcat at the timc und plucc oP um• pre�iou.+�� ,cheduled sale. l.ender or its designee ms�y <br /> ''+�t :��;,,� � t• ,' . � punchnse tbt H+opeAy a!any snk. <br /> �,�'t� ,.� �1:F <br /> �a.i' ��}3��n?f�r�- ',. <br /> "f f� F�:•�*�}:�." <br /> ;;`�1r�1� �;�,,;;� ` :i=• fom�302a 9190 <br />_ �f , �.' �s1. P�Bol6 � <br /> . . `^. , <br /> .. i ' <br /> �,';;;G Y.''.''�..a� <br />_i'�;'.,� }_'�,K:k;�• �,_ -L-. �4r;]t"-"^i7+�r^.��c-. :- . •:q`-y�v.;--_..�3, .�r-.--.7'r_'."P• �v�� .-a — ---- -- -_�_�. <br /> � , ; . 1 _.� _..� -�e-�e. - . +..ii�:St�.'.ar_ '� ST�trA __. <br />- - .� J - � - .��,.:J- ! !- ���°]�1� ;� - <br /> �l�� p� �_�.�..�'7 T�II- �1� l. <br /> .�_ �''� - �nu��.:i' ) sv.�7���i44,�-�•_ ...c•�,�_e. .•L..�_.nin��,�.S�IZ�.%-.�..�'',,,.,rR�Ai , xa..,:�i.c<d�n.s�.r: <br /> — -, . - — _ . . _:— . _ _ --rr�.-�. rrv_� . - . ., . -- . � - <br /> t� !�� ��.. -7 1 .� - _ �r <br /> p�.., t t r-�.�� � n � . <br /> � `i�',Hu � t,���1-.��- 6 � � ,� �. . � t :.��,�IP.�. N ,* S "- . .• r :1 .. <br />- �1�p�}-�[�- :•r - . ' �r � ' . . . 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