,�.> ::ti�r rH'.r�. � pa �;' 'u`� .+,y.. ,�l;.�t�,�,,..�,-.-.. . ,r:�:�s-
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<br /> -=�:��n�" � �' UNiPORM CovBN�NTS. Bonower and I.ender covenant and agta ns fallows: :. 10 21�6
<br /> �����;! �c;vx � 1. Pay�eet o�lM�elpd ud laterap Prep�ymeat�ad l.�te Ch�a. Bonower shal)promptly psy whrn due
<br /> , , ,, the pdncipd of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and w�y prep�yment and lale chuga due under the Note. _—�
<br /> • . 2. Fu�d�tar Ta:a aod lnwnnee. Subject to applic�ble IAw or ta A wnqen wAiver by L.ender.8orrower shall p�y
<br /> °•�=�' � `,. to Lender on the d� monthl
<br /> � y y payments are due under the Note,unti) the No�e is paid in full.a sum("Funds")eqwl 10
<br /> �'? _ _ _ onrtwelRh oL• (��yeuly ta�ces and a:sasment: which may anain priorit,y over this Security lnstn�ment:(b) ye�rty � --_,...,.--,�,,�,.;�
<br /> - � , � la�rehdd payma�ta or grour�d rents on the Property. if any; (c) yaarly haxard insurance premiuma; rnd(d) ysaclp ; "°'' '
<br /> .. . ., , �..�.:
<br /> _ � , morRg,�,e i»surance premiums.iPany.These items xn eslled eacrow items. 'Lender may atimste the Funds due oci Ibie �` �� .�}�:�'�� - �
<br /> . . ' i.�'`A i.�1lfA'0.��..-:-.:,.
<br /> --- ' b�cia ofc+rrrent dat��nd msaoruble estimstes af futu�e ac�aw items. � ,� 'r�;��;,,
<br /> ,'f'�`d���y��r`�� � Tl�e Funds shwll be held in an insdtution�he de us or accounts of which are inaured or uaranteed b a Pedcnl or '�`'' •�"„���i;����.��
<br /> kr,��„�E,=:���tj; t� e r '=��'—= --
<br /> a �;;�t,���,::�,�. �� , st�te a�ency(including I.er�der if Lender is such an institutian).i.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow items. --
<br /> ,.�(�Y.�i� {. �� _ ' _—
<br /> .1;4�.���`S�;, Laider m�y nat ch�rge far holdln�aad applying the Funda,�n�ly:ing the aceaunt or verii�ing the escrow items,unless —=-� --
<br /> Lender p�ys Aonawer interat on the Fundc and applicabla IAw permils I.ender to mpke such a charga. Borrower and -
<br /> .' ���=�� � I.endor m�y �g�a in wdting tluu ioterat shall be p�id on the Funds. Unless an Agaement is mode or��+plicabk uw �
<br /> requira interat to be p�id,l.ender slull not be required to piy Bonower any intera�or earniogs oo the Funds.l.ender
<br /> sh�ll Qive to Hatrower,withaut ctuirge,sn Annwl accountin�of the Funds showing creditc And debia to�he Funds and the R
<br /> purpose for whicb ach debit to the Funds wss m�da.The Funds ue pled�ed a�addition�l cecurity for the tums iecured by ���
<br /> � thb Security Imtrument.
<br /> If the iunount of Ihe Funds held by l.eeder.to�ether with the futurc manthly psymmts of Funds psyable prior lo
<br /> . . tha due data of the escrow itam�,whdl e�ceed the amoun�required lo pay�he escrow itemr when due,lhe eacess ahdl be,
<br /> "��LS.;e�,Y
<br /> • • at 8orroaer's op�ion,either promptly rcpaid tu Borrower o�credited to Borrower on monthly payments of Funds.If the '� , �
<br /> • , . . �moum aP the Fundt held by Lender i�nat tuAicimt to pry the acrow item�when due,&►rrower shall pay to Lender any �'��`
<br /> � , amouot naceu�ry to m�ke up the deflciency in one or morc payments as requi�ed by Lendcr. ' '�
<br /> .. Upon payment in f1u11 of dl�um�sacurod by this Socu�ily Instrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br /> ' any Rund�hald by I.ender.lf unde�p�raQraph 19 the P�opehy is aold o�acquirod by Lender,I.ender shdl apply,no later ' ' ''
<br /> thu�immedi�taly prior ro the s�le oP the Propeny or�ts acquicitian by Lender,any Fund�held by Lender at the time of ' �
<br /> application as�credit�g�in�t thc sums racured by thic Security Inctrumen�. i•.�
<br /> 3. Appticalloe of P�yweAb. Unlas applicabic law provides otherwice,all poymcnts reccived by Lender under ,r
<br /> ` n � pua�aph�t and 2 sFWI be applied:flnt,to I�te chuga due under the Note;second,to prepayment chorges due under the ;��tt „ �
<br /> Note;third,to iunoun�pay�ble under puagraph 2;fourth,to intercst due;and Iwst,to priacipal due. �
<br /> 4. G7uRest Lea. Borrower sh�ll pty all wees,aesessmentr, charga,flnes and impositions�ttributabk to the �� � �
<br /> .:, �r
<br /> _ Propeny which m�y att�in priority over thii Security Instrunxnt, and lea+ehold payments or ground rcnts. if any. ��: '
<br /> ,f,p�.;�� � . ; Borroaer�hall p�y these obligatbne in the m�nner providod in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thal manner.Bonower sh�ll �! '
<br /> ,�5 ����' r �'. ._� �•.:.: �•.
<br /> ���:r; p�y them on time directly to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly iurnish to Lender�II notices of amounts �`,���� �r:��•,
<br /> '.�;�;�� ' Ro be pid under this paragraph,IP Borrower ma�es these payments directly, Bonower siu�U promptly furnish�o Leoder � ' '`-:':•r`'
<br /> `;i�,,: . rooeiptsevidencingthepayments. � ��:y.i: .��s�.i;.'�.:
<br /> �;?�.'�:° ' � 8omo�rer ah�ll piarRptly discMarge any lien which has priority ove�t�his Security Instrument unkss Borrower:(a) ����'•'�����.`k•; �,
<br /> � ' • a�roes in�vritia�10�tfbe ps►yment of the obligation socured by t6e lien in a m�nner acceptable to l.ender;(b)conta�s ia good � F
<br /> ��5�:� fa�itb the lim b ,or c3eYxnds a 8s P P� ,, ���'���1:.";-:� '.�j
<br /> • , y gAinat enforcemrnt of the lien in,kgal proceedio which�o the Lender'c o inion o ra�e to '" ,
<br /> � prcvrnt the enPorcement of the lim or forfeiwre of any part of the Property; or(c)Kcu�es from�he holder of the lie�a�e �`••s�:�
<br /> � agreaoent ss��isiaetary to L.ender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If I.�enster determina that any paca of `•''`� ���' '��,s�:�,.-
<br /> � ' ' the Property is svbject to a lien which may attain priority over this Security]nstrument, Lender may give Hotrower a '� ���''t�`� '��
<br /> . �'��' '�°`�•�"�'.'" � � notice identifying t'hc fitn.Borrowe�shall satisfy the lien or take one or rn�re oitQ�ac�ians set forth above within 10 days :f.��;�!,,};'�;;4:���Mw
<br /> ,�'S�� `s� r:``.,,;;y,I „ .. ofthe�ivingofna�ice. '�1 "{r'., "'-�-r- __
<br /> � � �.;� � ,.':y�},,.�� S. Huard�nauranee. Borcower shall keep the improvcments aow�aista�g or he�wRer crcetod on the Property �� •:..�';; ..{' ���,�'••
<br /> •, ;•.�,,,.�:, ,_:•,, insured against laes by fire,ha�eacr�s includod within the term"extended coverage"and any niher hpzards far which Lender . . , �'
<br /> • ' �?r��i,�h�'. requira ineuranrx. 'D'his it�u�ance shall be maintaioed in the amounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The �
<br /> ' . �" y� ,'� � insunnce prriet��rovidin�the insutance shatl be chosen by Bonowe�subjxcr to Lender's approval which sh�ll not be 1 '
<br /> , ! unreuonably with�eld. f � �='�
<br /> , ���;;�:
<br /> ' All insuraace policia and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. E � ,,,�•:...
<br /> , I.ender shap have t?�e dght to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender reqwres,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender � �w�
<br /> ' all rcceipts of p�id premiums and renewal notices.ln the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt nwice to the insunnce ' �s�
<br /> y;,,,. ' ' carrier and Lendee.i.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Barrower.
<br /> :�;�' �` Unless Lencier and Horroaer otherwise agra in writing,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or repa�r ,j;�,�;,;,;;�;�;;�;s'�
<br /> . of the Property damaged,if the rcstoration or repair is economically feasible and Leader's security is not lesseaed. If the •�.:;•� . :','.
<br /> . . ratoration or repair is not economically kasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shalt ba �• '` �'�?'�
<br /> � a lied ro the sums secured b this Secunt Instrumrnt,whether or aot Ihen due,with an eacess �' � � .
<br /> PP Y Y Y paid ta Borrower. !f � ':
<br /> ;• :,,,:,:',t. . ::.
<br /> . . � Horrower abandons the Pr�peny,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from I.ender that the msurance cairrier has •,;.,;;i•r:�,,
<br /> olFered to setde a claim,then Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. l.ender may use the praceeds to repair or ratore �'���t�i:�;:�:�'� �,�,
<br /> i �"` � � ��}'i;�:;t';. ,'
<br /> ��, the Property or to pay sums secured by this Secunty Instrument,whether ar not then due.The 30�dey period will begin ,:�; •, . ,� .
<br /> I�' � whw tbe notice is given. , ` ,..,
<br /> ' Unlas Le�der�nd Borrower otherwise ag�ee in writing,uny application oP proceeds to pnncipal shall not eatend or � �
<br />' poslpone the due date of the monlhly paymcnts referred to in pnragrnphs 1 and?or chnnge�he amount of�he pAyments. If
<br />� under psragraph 19 the Property is ncquired by�Lender.Borrower's nght a�•rm m�urance pnhr�es and proceeds resulhng ;
<br /> from damage to the F'roperty prior tn the ecqu�siiinn�hall pass to Ixnder to tbe extent of�he sums secured by this Secunty
<br /> , In:trument immediately prior to Ihe acqmsmon.
<br /> b. Presen�tion and Malnten�nce o�Proper�y:Leaseholds. Ebrrower shall nat destroy,damage ur subsiantially
<br /> • i ch�nge Ihe Property. allow the Property ta detcnorote or commit Waste. If this Secunty Instrument �s on a leasehold,
<br /> � 8orrower ahall comply with the provis�ons of�he lease,and d Barmwer acquires fee ude�a�he Propeny,the leaxhold and
<br /> .. __—..__ !�i����6��1��������.._��_■ __�__ ...
<br /> "�"�""'
<br />�- . ..... ---.._... �w�Nti.O�M1�UV�Uli.��i YI�IGip{ii11YG1 a�iiii ii�wc u�c��c�ii�wiiiifi�. . ..
<br />: � . 7. Protection ot I.eader's Rlgbb in the Property; tilortgage In�urance. If Borrower fails to periorm the
<br /> � crovenants and agreements contamed m�his Secunty Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding thal may sigm8cantly aRect
<br /> Lender's righta in the Property(such as a proceedmg�n bankruptcy,probate,for condemnation or tc�enforce laws or
<br /> neQulations),thrn Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary ta proteci t he ralue of the Propeny and Lender's nglTts
<br /> � in t6e�roperty. Lender's acnons mey include paying any sums secured by�a lien which hos pnon�y oYer�h�s Secunry
<br /> lustrtimeat,appniriag in court.paymg ressonable attorneys'fees and entenng on the Propeny to make repa�ra Although
<br /> l.eadea�oay take xtccm urt�ar t6is paragraph 7 Lender doa noc have to do so. •
<br /> Arty ae�acs clisbursed by L.ender under ehi��ar�tgranh y sha[t become addrnunal dcbi af�urrower securcd by Nus
<br /> Securtey imtruaieat CJn[as Borrower and Lende�agrea ia oeher terms of payment,rhese amounts shall bear mterest from
<br /> the date oP d�tBursement at tlte Note rate and shall be payable. wrth �nterest, upon nut�ce from Lender to &rrrower
<br /> requestin�payment.
<br /> . ' � . . ;
<br /> I
<br />