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<br /> :.:�:�:;s:Y���•"���� •— THtB DBDD OF TAUBT l"8ra�uit�1a�teauwat")i�auW�on Apsil 9
<br /> _.-�:::�:u.
<br /> �.8 � itl 91 .Tla prwtar V Lucille M. PUee (an anrenarried widow)
<br /> -- (••eorrowar'7•TM tnutae i� ARBND R.NMCK�K��'l►('"�"1• _
<br /> - � 7'6e benefiday i�NOM6 RBDBRAUGRAND Id1.AND 0� OMND IsLANO.NESRA8Kl1. whkh�orpntr�d�nd�tin11
<br /> -� uoda tM I�w�otN�RAtKA��nd whae�ddra�u�1 iaueh Loowf�0►ru�d Island.N�a�k��MOt ���t,M,dK��).
<br /> �orraw�r o�twnder th�pdadpl wm ot Six thowaind 7tfroa Huntire� Fifty and 00/100 ------
<br /> ._�..� - Dollns(U.S.S 6,35Q.00 ).Tbb debe u avldencad by 9orro�'�nat�
<br /> -'`��1 dand t�wu�dat�n t61��aw�lty huttup�at("TVaq"�Mhbb providrs far moat4ly Pqmrntw with�h�IW!d�bt.if aot
<br /> -.,� pidd rrIIK.dw�ad p�y�bN a� May 1, 1896
<br /> ::� ��i�li�urity Inurum�at Maurw to l.aid�r:(�)tlw np�y�nt a�the dabt avfdenoed by the Note,Mith interea,�nd all
<br /> �,.� nn�M�k,eoctawio�u u�d modlAc�tloiu;(b)the p�y�aaat of all ahar sumti alth intenst�advanced under pra�raph 7 to
<br /> pe�t�ot tia seoudty of thi�S�¢urity Itatrumaitt and(c)tbe pett'orm�naa of 8orrower's covenrnu and yreanaits.For thb
<br /> _ � puepo�R Bwtowar in�avocaWy prn4 wd aoavey�to Truuee.in tn�t,�vith powar of wle,the folbwin�dac�ibed property
<br /> . - ��� HAW, County�Nebradca:
<br /> wa.��arl[[➢iltw=,���
<br /> - -=��;t� Lot Nine (9) in Bishop Heights Subdivisfon, Being Part of the
<br />�_-�1.-.�bl� ', '`t -
<br /> -=-'- `'� 3outhwest Quarter of the Northwest Ruarter (SW 1/4 NW 1/4) of Section
<br /> '�1-.,.�'ra.i�_; -
<br />_,z�;;:��° -
<br /> '-=�� Eleven tll), Towaship Bleven (11► North, Ranqe Ten (10) West Of The -
<br /> ^�1CS:..�� . ,
<br />'7a p.r�•�:�- •
<br /> �.I�j��" � 6th P.M., In Hall County, Nebraska. _
<br /> - _ :.,t,
<br /> .r>>��=`..�f�";;;� .
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<br /> ti,�[E�ss��t.;�1,��.;Jh,;;,
<br /> _"•�'• ,"'`'
<br /> - �;�.� w�hiohh�sthe�ddrassof 4320 Sherwood Rd, , Grand Island � _
<br /> •;,;;r��:.<i•,::.� Isas.►l I�1
<br /> '� •��.'-: ' Nebnisl�a 68803 (•,propertY Addras"); _
<br /> �:-�.�. .
<br /> �.,•-'� �� li+o coa.1 _
<br /> �'y� �•�" �,� TooETNeR W1TH all the improvements noM or heraRer erected on the property, and �II auemrnts, riQhts.
<br />� -�s.��,•����' appurten�noa, ra�q. roydNa.minersl,oil�nd gss ri�ht�and proflts, water��hts and stock and dl Axtura now or
<br /> `--�''f��»A�•� beraRa�put of the property.All replaoemrnu md�ddiuons ihall alw be coveoed by thu 5ecurity Interumeet.All of the _
<br /> ^.;�r,;��.,�,-,:�� , forqolaa is referred to in this Securiry[nstrument u the••Property•• _
<br /> . BoRttowe�t CoveN�t�'rs t6at Borroaer is IaavfLUy sei�od of the e�tate hereby conveyed and hu the right to grant =
<br /> ...:.:�;'�:;.. , snd coavey the Property�nd that the Pmperty u unencumberod.ezcept for encumbranoa of rocord.Bomower w�rrants
<br />��i;s;�,�,�;��t�'';.i�ti,=a!�;<;' �uod wid defa►d Qennmdly the title to Ihe PropertY�sintt all cWms and danrnds,subject to�ny encumbranca of rocord.
<br />�:i•It� :! 1...�w'.ii�1
<br /> ��S� '� 'Itins g�cuRliY MSTitUMENT co�nbiaa uniform covenants for nationa) use and non-uniform covenanes wi�h
<br /> .:�>?�+�it���l�f�'},s�;;;� e a
<br /> ;,�,
<br />-;-�;ti�..����`��ti���:��}� lueiaitadhrria�ior�ey jurisdietion to eonstitute a unifona security inatrument covering real property.
<br /> °�F`.'�k���t�r!?�.;� �� .,
<br /> -�tifi1��S'��f�i.�1 h,ti 5�y .,
<br /> 44�t�.::,1��.:,':��:,;..: '.
<br /> �--Sr� F�y--iMMA/i11LMC UNIiORM III:TRUMENT Form �02� lZ/��
<br /> . ►�N1Nw Fe�r�"' �
<br /> . ., . RMw 1HI
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