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. �,� .i4i.)'a�Y• �i r' N�j�j�t•�51.:r �ti ' it r��.{ •.F•. •^---_� . . . , •��,.�!(;/.� � <br /> w . , �.r�';�5 Iyt� n aurt <br /> ��%=+�.' . • � t . R, _ qii:_ , . , 'P �:�.qy�Y,r:�rp l<t�°�����y <br /> }. :i' . -•.,r' ' i,'�L "•rr;�,��>>�{.,�i+,j��if�,���'_e:� _ . <br /> . . � .'�.''r..�. � - i � i!(' ���/�f���1�.ry�!•.ir�.i-- <br /> .�. .� g1bR:_-'=_._- <br /> - "' '—�+_" _——_ .�{�Nnn`�:�/iiMV4r/J7:hati/aWiw....w+ _"'___��_'_ _...�.1t:i���N�-,"f�-__'.- . <br /> \t.i/4RK! <br /> . ._�_"_ . -.. <br /> / ..� . . 1.:.. ...� - I����• ..... <br /> , � w . <br /> �..' <br /> , �• <br /> :� ,f <br /> � 1'7 T',. <br /> .�,� � � <br /> � � 91--- 1021$� - <br /> �: « <br /> ��i.: , lf l.rnder�equired mort�e imunnct�s�cundition of'n►�i�in��f�e b�e�saared DY dhis 9ecu�ity l�utrummt. �__�- <br /> =;�. Borrower sh�l)p�y the premiums required to maintain the insurancc io eA'cct u�tiE such teme u�he�equirement for the ` h„a,�,�,t�� <br /> ' insurance tarmin�tes in�cdrdance with 8orrower':uuf Lender's wnitten s+�mrnen�or�ppliabla I�w. �,-=•:�=---�- <br /> ��� g, Intpecdoe, Lender or its��ent msy m�ke reasonable ent�ics upon ��d inspactiom of the Property.Lender oT� <br /> �3�1i � •`� siull�ive Hattower natice u the time of or pdor to an�nspection spoc�fyio�reaanpble cauce for�hc ioipection. �_ , <br /> 9. Caadwntu�No�• 'fhe P�oce�ds af Kny Aw��d or cl�im far d�maQes,direct ar conxquenti�l,in cunnection wlth �,;,,�,��----,:.�,_ <br /> any condemn�tian a�other tskinQ oP�ny p�n of the Propehy, or for conveyance m lieu of condemn�tian,ate hereby �=��.a--,_;�==� <br /> � �� . . � �ip�ed�nd�hdl be p�id�o Lender. ��y����:.� <br /> �A.�.'-` n� ��__.r.___ <br /> ��'r � In the event oP�tatd takir.�of�he Propehy, Ihe proceed�shpll be appliad ta the sums�ocured by Ihi�Securily ��;�-�---- <br /> � „ ,,.� � Imtniment,whether or not then due,with�ny eacas paid to Bonower.In thc even�af�p�r1nl takin�of the Property. ��' <br /> ' ' � unless Borrower And Lender othernise a�ra in wntin�,lho eums�ecurcd by�his Secunty Insttument�hdl be reduc,�d by _ _ __ <br /> ' .. the�mount of the praceed�mulliplied by Ihe PolbwmQ fncuun:(al the tc►trl amounl af Ihe sums acurod immediately �,_=--- -_ <br /> before tha t�icin�,div�ded by(b)the fiu m�ricet vvue of'the Propehy�mmedu�ely before the��k�n�.Any bdsece�hall be <br /> � „ p�id to Bonower. <br /> !f the Propeny�r�b�ndoned by Bimower,ar d.�P�er notice by lxnder�o Borrower th�t the condemnar oRen lo <br /> � , m�iee an aw�rd or eeule�cl��m Por dama4a,Bormwer f�ils to reapnnd ta Lender withm 10 daya aPter�he d�le the nntice i� _ <br /> . � �iven,L,mder i�authonud t�collect�nd�pply�he pracad�,At N�optian,enher to ratar�non or rep��r of the Property or �f Ay�i��„��' <br /> to Ihe sum4�ecurad by this Secunty[mlrumcnb whcther or nat then due. +• ' ��� <br /> � �, ,, -. • ''' Uoless Lender and Bonawer otherwi�e�gra in w�itiog,any applicat�on of praceeds to pnacipd ihrll not ex�end or ':.�,:.,,� :,�--�� <br /> �' . postpone th�due d�te of Ihe moMhly p�yments referre�Io in p��agrnphs 1 and 2 ar rhange the amuuot of such p�ymentc, •- <br /> 10. Horrower Not Rdea�edi Rorbainnee By Lende�Nat � W�i�er. Eatennion af the time for pnyment or +�I�� ��;�{.�-_�,� <br /> • �� modific�tiop of amortiution of the sums secured by this Security Instrument gronted by L.ender to Any successor in •' . :;�;��� <br /> !i <br /> ' interat ot Honower:hall not opente to rekace the lisbility of the on�inal Horcower or Bonower's succasors in interat. i,. � -- <br /> � L.ender slull�ot be roquiad to commence procoedinga aga�ns�an} successor ia interest or refuse to ex�end time far �. �' �: . •�� , <br /> � � p�ymenl or otherwi�e modify amortiz+ition oP the sums secured ay th�s Secunt}Instrument by reason of Any demAnd made ,�k � <br /> r; '. , b�r the origieal8orrower or Horcowe�'s succasors in intercst.Any forbeannceby I.eader in esercising any right or remedy � , � <br /> •L . sl�all aot bo a waiver of'or preclude the exercise af any right or�emedy ,, � <br /> �;' 11. S�ceawrs a�d Assipn Boo�rl;Jot�t a�d Sennil Li�biUtY;CoaiQnera. The ccivenants�nd agrameMs of .�:' :� <br /> � ',,. •� ��� �� this Security lu►strurnent shall bind and bene8t ihe succasors and a�s�gos of Lender and BorroWer.�abpece to the provisions ;� ., : .. n•. � <br /> _—___ of oaragraph 17.Borrower's covenants�nd�greements shall be joim and several.Any Borrower w!w eo�gns this Security ���• <br /> .,�,�', J ' Q�strumeat aut doa not execute the Note:(a)is Casagn�ng th�s Jecurity Instrumcni u�8y io iiiotig:gti��:'..�'=�ni=Y � � - <br /> �•� tha��oraoR�er's interest in the Prope»y under the terms of ihis Secunry Instrument;(b)is not personally ablig�tc�ao paY ���• ��. .et <br /> ' t�t surns secured by this Security Insuummt;and(c)agrees thac �.ender and any other Borrower may agree¢o exaead. IdC'!•� �`•�.�u <br />/•,..�'� � J •v <br /> • modify,9'�orbenc or make�ny aceommodations with regard to ttae te��►�ss of this Secunty las�nomen�or the Note�i�Yoe�u .�, ,:, .�,`;,�,�� <br /> •i-�,: .,.., that Bnrraw�P's conscrnt. ,, •. <br /> .-� <br /> • 12. Looa Char,g�s. If the loan secured by this Secunt� In�srument is��tye:'t to a law w:huh sets maaimum 6oacr. � �:�:�;•�~.. � � <br /> , . eharges, and that Iaa• is finally interpreted so that the interes� er c+che� I�um�c�:arga co4Gecaed or to be collecce� na � ,. • • �- <br /> � ''• connectioa wetA the loan eacxd the permitted limits, them.(al a�p such laan ch�rge shaU!be�aduca! by the a�ocatit �. .� '*� <br /> ' r,ecessacy tu riduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)aray su�ns already collected irom Be�rrawer which excee�ad ! ,•�.,,,.:,:Y <br /> ��`'i' permitted limdts will be refunded to Borrower. I.ender may che�ose to make this refund b� redurdng the prir�cicp�al o�d �� ,� �'� <br />• ,•� • under ihe No9e or by meking a direct payment to Borr�w•er.lf A�e5unsl reduca pnncipal.the rer�urct�a waLl be trpae�as a , <br /> . �,e�tiaG prepayment without any prepayment charge a�cslx7 tC:e!`��'t�. <br /> r'� l3, t.,eQialadoa ARectioQ Lender'� Rights. Af er.ara�ent or eapiration oP a�pLal+i� �:+ws [�as c0�e etFect of ; <br /> rendering nny provision of the Note or this Security instrum��enforceable s�ecording r��ts�t�s,D.ender,at its aption, <br /> ma��rea�uire immediate paymeot in full of all sums seeured h;� t�h9s Secunty Instrumrnt ar�ct ma� rnvoke any remedies , ; <br /> , ,permieterl by paragroph 19.If L.ender exercises this option,I.ea�der shall take�he s[eps spe�:iRed in the second paragraph of y . <br /> • _ DuaSaph 17. j,;��� .. <br /> i�. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in th�s Security Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by � . �` <br /> ��,, � , � maiEia�g it by first class mail unless applicnble law requires u�se of another methcxl. The not�ce shall be directed to the <br />.. s ... ,_;;�� pra�yerig•Address or any other addras�Cirrower des�gnat�ti�y nouce to l.rnder. Any nouce to Lender shell be givm by � <br /> � � . hrst ciass mail to Lender's address sca[ecl herein ar any oth�:s a:ldress Lender des�gnates by nntice to Borrower.Any no�ice ', , <br /> �,,� . ,ti provi�ded tor in this Security Instrument sAall be d�.nnad ru have been g�ven to Borrawer nr Lender when given as provided ' � <br /> .. in this para�raph. <br /> • .. i 1S. C�erniog I.�w;Sererability. This Secunt}•lnstrument�hall be governed by federol law and Ibe law of the <br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provis�on i•r cluu�e of this Secunty Instrument or the <br /> , Note conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not aBect other provi�u�n.of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> ' • which can be given eSect without the conflictmg prov�swn.To this end the pruvi�iom of this Secunty Instrument and the <br /> . Note are declared to be severable. � <br /> • 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be g�ven one conformed ropy oi tht Note and of th�s Securny lnstrumenl. <br /> 17. Tnnsfer ot the Property or s BsneBeial Inlerect i� Borrower. If all or an} patt of the Propeny or any <br /> iMerest in it�s sold or transferrtd(ur if a beneficial mterrtit m H�rr��x.r ic.old��r►ramf�rred and Horr��urr��not a oaturel • <br /> person)w•rthout Lender'ti pnrr urutm coment,I.ender�tti opeiun,rcywre immediatr puyment�n full uf a!1 sum� , <br /> secured by th�s Securuy Instrument Howe�er, th�.apciun.hall rn�t hr r.rerr��rd hy Lendar d'cxercise is proh�bned by <br /> , federal law as of the date uP thtti Secunt�Inwtrument <br /> If Lender exerc�ses th�s opt�on.Lender shall gue Horraw�er na��re af•rrceleruuon.The nuuce shall prov�de a penod <br /> , f oinot less�han 30 days from the date�he not��r�r dcl�vered ur madcd v��uh�n wh�ch liorrow•er must pay all sumx secured by <br /> � this Secunty Instrument.lf Burrower f�ds to p�y thesc sums pnur�u�he expiran�m uf th�+penoci,Lendcr may mvnke any <br /> .. : .. .. .. _. ..�._.._._.t.....�.....�..�.0.�6.,�.�f.�n6��n�e�rr��rdrmand��n Burrower. ... <br /> , . ' . . .. � RRICOICSPC«IIIIINOY11�1\AC4411\J .�.�....�...... —....__.._...._. . <br /> I 18.Bor►ower's Rlp�t to Reinstate. If Borrowrr mer�.certa�n r�mJu��m�, ti��rcuwer.hall huve th�nght to hove <br /> rnfbrcement of th�s Secunty Inwtrument diycuntmu�d at any�ume pn��r tu thc rarl�er of la►S duy�Iur wch ather penod�.+ <br /> . applicable law may spetify for reinstatement)before.ale of the F'roper�y purtiuunt to an�Ewwer uf+ale cuntained�n th�s <br /> Seeunty Instrument,or(b)entr�•�f a�ud�ment enforcmg thi�Securuy In,trurnenc Tha.e c�md�uonti are thut Hurrower: <br /> (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under th:s Secunty Imtrument anJ the !�iute hud nu accelerauon <br /> oc�utted,(b)cures any default of iny aher covenants or agreemrnt,. (c1 pay� rlt expentie,incurrnf in enf'ore�ng this <br /> . , Secunty Instrument, mcludmg.but nut I�mued to, reasunabl�attorney�' 1'eey. •rnd Id►takr,tiuch ucuun�� Lender mvy <br /> , reasonably reqwre to assure that thc lien of�h�s Secuntp Ins�rument. Lender'� r�ghts in the Yropeny und [iurrowrr't <br /> obligauon to pay the sums secured by th�s Secunty Instrument �holl cuntinu� unchanged. l.'p�n rem�tatement ny <br /> Botrower,thi�Secunty Instrument�nd the obl�gatwns sa:urcd hereby shall remam full}•eflacuve ys d'n��accelerauun had <br /> oceurred.Nowever,th�s n�ht to re�nstate shull nut upnly m the case nf acceleraaun under paragrapNs I l or 17 <br /> � <br /> � � _ - - _ <br />