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., ���� _ _ _ <br /> . <br /> . <br /> � �. . <br /> � � -_-:--- -_ <br /> ., , l' t ...�.... . . - . , -�-•-^r=....- ----�--- <br /> -.. ---- � � 9� ia�.o . . ` <br /> ar��w���r�qu�roa.�t�he opjon ot t�Ac�.tr mo�,�o i�oo aaw�e ih:�no.moam.�a toR,�ao po�oa . <br /> �h�t lader req�uine�l Pro�'lded by�n inwror�pp�aind by l.�le+r qafn beooma awdlablo�td i�obuiAied. Boeo�wr Ih�U pp� <br /> �he p�mtam�requirod ta m�itqdn nxn��iawu�ooe la to pmvida a{oc�ro�orve.wMU tl�a eequir�+sieat fata�f� <br /> � iarunuoe ad�ia�oaoodaiao wilh�ny wriuen�emn�m betw�ew Botraw�er sad LaKier ar�pplic�l+ie law. <br /> !. I�ei1�w.l.e�der a iu a�ari a�y nWce raoa�bk aatrMs npoa�ad ia�poclim►�af die Propaty.tadac idl�iw . .. <br /> Ba,ro�er.Actioe�t t6e Wae af or pior to m ia�p�eaion�pedyia0«a�oo�ble rau�e far tho inspewlon. <br /> _- —� __ <br /> 1�. Co■/e�Wb�.The P�oP�+Y aw+ad ar dRim tor c�n�es. direa or ooroequenti�l. in oonneaioa vr1�b any <br /> oondmmtlan ur dlkt ukln�of�qy pet of�be propnty.or for omveyaooe L�lieu of�d�ioa�an heroby p�ed and <br /> thall bo p�id to L�cnder. <br /> __-�--,s,�t- . <br /> __—,-�° In tho eveM af a w�al hicjng oi'�be P�vperty.�he procoo9�xlwll bo�pplfed to�ha wma securod by ihia Saa�riiy inWrwtixvY� <br /> whqher or not then due. wl�h am exc�u p�id w Borrowet. In 1he event of a p+uti�l Wd�of�be P�opaty la ahkh tba fdr . <br /> ____ markot vdue of the Propaty immediately Oefa�e�be Wciag iR oquNl to or gre�ter ttun the�unount of�he wms�a�u�ed by thi� ; <br /> Secudry Incuunxn immedl�tely beforo the W�inQ,unless Bon�nwar ud I.eader dherwi�o a�oe in wrid�.tbe sww�cured by <br /> this Soa�dty I�me�t slull be roduoad by the� oP the prooeeds multiplied by tNo taNawing fi�ctbn: (�)t6e toW <br /> amcwnt of�he sua�s soc�ued immediatcly befarc�d¢ ukin�,divjded by(b)�he i�ir at�th,¢t vptue ot�he Pnoperty i�m�odl�Wy . <br />_._._� � �-�_��---_» bef'oro the takiqg. My i►alao�e sludl bo psid to&►ROwar. In the event oY a pwtiwJ kaJcing ofi tde Pcopeny in whkh ihe ftlr <br /> mwrl�et value of'dic�ropeny immedi�tely beforc�he uking is less thaa the amount of t6e sum�s sac�rod immedi�tely befae the • <br /> tating.unle�Borrower a�d Lenkr ott�ervvise agrce in wriW�g ar uolecs apQlicable lavr athervriie provides.�he proceedo�Fu�ll <br /> bo applied 101M sums cecvred by thia Seeuriry Insirument whe�Aer or not Ihe sua�s a�ne 1t�en due. <br /> _-- AF�e Proper�Y is a�bando��ed by Borrower. or if.atier notioe by l.rnd�x to Bor�uwer ttaR the rn�denurx ofl'as la nu�ke an <br /> _,:: <br /> _ aw3n!or sritle a daias for da�. Sarcowror fail�ta :+espn:�d co�ler eriehie 34 d�ys nRer tl:e Qate thr notice is Eiv�n, <br /> ,,'_ _ ' Lcnder is qutMxia�W collect and apply the it�opioa.either w rescor�tlon or n�pair of tthea Property or w tbe aum <br /> - --- secured by this 58carir.x•pnqrument.whe�her or�wt tha�due. <br /> Unless Gender Ond Qoasov�rer athenvise wgrce in writiag. uny applicatioa of proceeds ta principal shall not extaid or <br />� �r; �:;, poslponne the due date of the r�ncMc�IfY paYments rofemed to in pnragwphs I and 2 or change 1he amount of such payroents. <br /> e <br />--;�A ' � �-� 11. Ibrrower Not RdeaaM;Forbwranee By I.ender Not A Wplver.6xtcnsion uf tbe timc for paymeru or rt�od�ftration <br /> �� of am�xti�tion of the sums setured by this Socuriry Instrument granted by Lenler lo any successor in imerest of Borrower shall <br /> �• not aperate to telease the liability of the o�iginal Bornower or Borrowcr's sumcssors in interest. Lender shall trx be roquirod W <br /> �^ ° cori�ace proceadings ag�inst an successor in interest or refese to es�end time for <br /> �` ` nx,,, Y P�+Y�nt or otherwise modify anwRlratian <br /> �r`: of�¢t�: sums secured by this Security Instrument by r�eas,an of nny demand mude by tbe original Borrower or Borrower a <br /> __ , ,_ succccwrs in interest. Any forbearance by lxnder in exerc�s6n� any right or remedy sl�all not be a waiver of or preclude t6e <br /> exencise of any right or oemedy. ' <br /> 12. Sun�essers arid Ass�ng Bound; Joiat and Several I.ipbilitf; ��o-�poers. '�'he coveiwnts and agreements of this <br /> �:', - Security Instniment shall bind pnd benetit the successors and assigns �►Q'i.�nsler easd Bcsnrower. subject to 1he provisions of <br />;: ;s- , :'t,:i, <br />,, J,`�� � �q��,rY�,F pa�rng� 17. Borrower's cove�ants und ag�eements shull be joim and �averal. Aa�y �toaawer who co-signs �his Sacurity <br /> ' "��"� Ins�r�stnent but dexs not e!ceeute eMe Note: t�)is eo signing this Secu�iry Instroment aN�r to mo�tgage. grant arid eoavey that <br /> �r. •B��rowev's interest in the Propeny under thc terms of this Security Instn�ment: (b) is not personally obligatod to poy the sums <br /> ..� .� `�:����,,r,� „ . <br /> '��'' � 1 cecured by this Sc�curiry Instniment;and fc)a�:r��c>Ihut Lender ond any other 8orrower may ogree to enc�ml, madify,forbear or <br /> �'!.''• ':; <br /> �r '��.=t . ,ma0ce nny eccommodations with regu�d to the ter��of Ihis Security Instrument or the Note without thnt Borrower's con4ent. <br />_ •'c, ,,,�,�• �,j•." � 13. Q.u�n Chs�rge.c. lf the Ic�an secured by this Securis� qmtrument is subject to a law which sels nwzimum loan chstrges, <br /> e <br />-- ` ,� � t'''�h..��" �`'' nnc!I�at law is fmally interpreied so that�he in[erest ar oirer loan churges a�llected or to be collected in rnnnection with the <br />-"=.�,� loan excted�he permitled limits, �hen: (al aop+uch I��un rherge shull be reduced by the umaunt nerev;�ry to reduce the charRe <br />= � �..• , •,,.r,..., c,; tn the permitted O�mit:und(b)any sums ulreiuly collected from BonoKrr �vhich exceeded permined limits will be refunded to <br />�-����7. p�'f` � .{!{ ��:;7� �'tn <br /> . � ; �.i �'`->(,� , • &►nower. l.ender nwy chootie to make this rcfunJ by reducing the principul uwed under the Note or by nwlcing a direct <br /> �r .,�{'t�,.dy�, �., r <br /> :e <br /> �� �J;' vmena to Bnrrower. If li refunct reduces principal, the reJuction will t+e tm.s�tcu a. u {wniul prep:►yment withou� any <br /> 5��.. ,j,�5�� .,�,��,. P�- <br /> �F: ' :�4�,a;y' 'c, prey►uy�rrent churge unJer thc Note. _ <br /> '� -}-.;. . ��''� 14. NMices.Any rxwice to&irmwer proviJeJ for in Ihi>:�.�uriry In,lrument.hull hr Ficen by Jelivering it or by rrmiling <br />�-,; *", ' • ';,a. <br /> ' ' ' i1 by first cluss mail unless applicable law require,utie of another melh�xl. The notice shull he direr4�.�:1 to the Property Addr�s <br /> ' .i.� `' :�_°;:: <br /> -�°"- � or uny other nddre.s B�mower d��ignatcs by n�nire a� I.ender. Any n�ilicc to I.endcr shall be givcn by first cla+s muil to <br /> � ''�'� Leru'er'. uddress stuteJ herein or any other aJdre+. I.endcr n�nirr w B��rmwer. Any nmire pn►vided for in this <br />�V. ,°. , <br /> �. .�_, _ .,"",},�::�;f,, Seru�iEt Inguvment shull t►e dc�cm��l to huve t+een given ta Hurrnw�er��r I.ender when gn en a>procided in this parngraph. _. <br /> _� `^..�� r-.�`'"'�',a .;"%'�Y• 1:�.Governing Lpw; 5everabilitv. Thi� Securiry lnstrumrnt shull t►c govcrned �} fedcral la�v und the law ofthe = <br /> 1,^� <br /> � ` � jurisdl�Ki�m in w��a�rh�he Propeny ix I�xa�eci. In thr event �hut an�• pmvitii�m�ir rluusc uf this 5ecurity �nstrumem or the Note <br /> f' ,-�,, y�'"�. — <br /> ' �u. conflids with upplicable luw, sunc�unllict xhall nut uflert��thcr prurisi��m��I'thi,Scrurity ]n�trumcrn or the Note whinc�Un be <br /> �,�.. - <br />� i �. � •.�°�z`�e. given effect withcwt the cnntlic�ing provi�ion.To thi,end the pn,vi�inn,i�f thi+Seruria;. ln+trun�nt unJ Ilx� Note urt derlarad = <br /> t.�;�: <br /> to�+c�everable. _ <br />. . - .�_ 'r^�_�!L'.�t 16.Borl'oa•cr's Copy.��rruwc� .hall iw�i�eu unr c��wam��Yl cupy ul'ifk Ivwc nnd of�his Se�uriry insaumcnt. _ <br /> � <br /> 1H • �.�.[f' <br />_tl. _, ,. Form 30Y8 9/B0 _ <br />_•� . .(: . o eao16 <br /> _ �. i:..;,. � '-- <br /> :y � i , :;���;•':'.=' =- <br />'-st„ �� �'.�',i.�sj���i:�:.n;�.� `. <br /> '_t���,l !��`� � ';ti�' �� <br /> i.1..;% >., • _ <br /> lirt� �� � �. . • . ,. I . -�c• 5�T- .h l,•�^"::��.{)P+��t���`4��'�V���iki�.��,�7t� ' 4?2S[YfNrY4r .4.. • ';•1-.• ` -.1 '1 1 . <br /> ��.,,r��� + � . . • , ` �'�`������t .,.�• � �., , .., r�.r. <br /> �,., r�' . �• - - ,, - '{���fi:�iv�v.,"`;"!_Y,.., �. ` � �-X4f'r^��P�r,&,rp . <br /> •�=; � ' ' . rF��:S:i.,1�,.t^-{,fat. .s�" . 4C-...r...t�;t771;` <br /> . . . .. � <br /> � ..� .� -.- . . . . � <br /> : , , . <br /> ----�� . +.. �.y��,- . �� , ' _ . ,. . � ! 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