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:..� � . ...�.:i P ' ' � __ <br /> ^ � <br /> .''4 . <br /> .�.-� : C <br /> �._��. n,�'� .a +� �; . . . .' ..... <br /> ,.� ... 4'� � " "- <br /> .'.�� ._ ._.��_ .- ... _. .. . .. �- - <br /> �..' _�: .: �i:_;.r,..:��.,,� . � ���.....-.r .._ —- _ . . .� <br /> iO�iO <br /> 3. e�ra or Pl�cy Lwe�aoe. 8anuwar cb�u kap tae imp�mvanooia ou�v � ar hpanar axna oa tre <br /> Propeety I�aurod apinq lor+i by fire. Ias�Aa induded wNhi�the term'extaded�oven�e'atd a�ty ather h�.includlog ' <br /> t0aada ar floadi�.ta�whioA l.eoder roquit�inwr�nc+e.Th4 law�noe xfMll be tn�irMained In ibe�nonrMa�ud fat tbe periods <br /> tMt I.s+d�pr�equle�.The inurmoe carrier�xnv�dir�tlx inwt�ore�11 Me cbo�a�by Bonnwa wbJax w Le�det'��pprovd <br /> wUtch �hdl nd ho umo�a+�ebly wGhkeW. If Barrower i'�ils W m�int�in a�vex�e described above.t�eadei m,y.M l.e�der's <br /> o�ptioa.obudn a►v+et�e to patuct Lrnder's�iQlus in �be Pivpaty in amordanoe wi�h Mra�nph 7. <br /> . . _.______._ Ail inw�aqa palicios iuid taiowals.iwii ix aeeepl�Wc w t.ei�:r a��i si�ll ineiudc�Ra�ri�r�d mai� �3a�w. Leiide: <br /> s1�11 have the d�ht ta hold 1he palkia�d raMaw�ls.lf Laider requit+es.Horrowu sl�ll promp�ly�ive to Lendor all reoeip�s uf <br /> �-----=:��-ti=_��---=�� p�id pnmiwm and�al thc evcra of loss.Borroarer sh�U�ivc pc+aapt uotioe w the inwmaoe carrler aod Leader. -- <br /> L.eaoer m.y mrke pra�rnt�oss ir na maae wamplly by Bomnw�r• <br /> == Unkn[.aKkr�nd Bamawer ahawl�o s�roe in wrilfng.inwr�nce pnuca+dr sIW16e sppliad to restanulan or t�epir of�he <br /> •.:�-,; <br />_• - F'mpcnY dauia�ad. if tho�starntian at rq�i�ia oc�nially fesslbic md Lender'�se�utity is r�ot lessened. If d�e tatoratlan ar <br /> _ rcpir is not ee000mieAlly fqcible ar l.nde�'t�ecu�ily wouid be I�scenod.the I�uranoe prooeeda�ll bo applied to the a�me <br /> socu�ed by �his Secu�ily Insnumenl. whnher or n�t lhen duo, wilh any cxass paid to Bomoa�er. If Bornowcr�baMo��r �he <br /> --z-�-�_—�- daes not answ�cr wllhin 30 days a nolice frnm Lender�hat the inwrnnoe carrier Iw�afTerod to�dtle a claim.then <br /> l.erKler m�y oollxt Iho inwranoe pr0000ds. Lender may use the prooeeds to rcpa�i�or rcslon the Priope�ty or 10 paiy wa�s <br /> eearod by thi�Secudty Insuument.whether or nd tben due. The 30�day pedod wNl begin wl�the notice Is given. <br /> - -- Unl�sx I.rndu and Bomawer dherwise �igroc in wdtiqg. +wuuy r�p((iartion of praoeede to principal s!�!1 mt extend or <br /> =� _. postpone thc due date of the manthlY paYmcntc mfem�d w in pwr�gn�8�s 1 a�d 2 or chaqge �6e amount of�p�mcnts. If _ <br />_,�:,.� unde�pauagrnph 2! the Pnupaty is acyuiried by I,eoder. Baruwer's rigM w au�y insur�nce poli�s a�nd paxodc asu{ti�g from = <br /> _ - dansagc ta tS�e��,nY Prkn tu U�nuquir►ition sidl prus w iw;ader to thc c�t of tlee senR.sess�rc�Dy Mis S�n�vri�y I�aaeat <br />..--r _..._. <br /> �, <br /> _ -- -- . <br />: �� imaodwteig prior to the�quisition. <br /> � : 6,Oac�p�?r.Pr+e�avatioa.Mainteu�oce�ad Pr�olettfia�ot tMe R+opertY:Bomnwer'a I.a�a Applkallon;l.aee�olda. <br /> Borrower st�ll oocupy,establish,and use the Property as Bonow�er's principal neside�nce within sisry ds+ys afta tG►e cxecution of <br /> , • ' t@wis Securiry InurWmem�nd shall continue ta accupy ihe Pm�peRy us Borrower's principal rcside�x for at least wr:yrar dhr <br /> t the date at av.�rpancy. unless I.ender dherwise agr►�es in wriling, Which consent shall not be unrcasonably withbold.or udess - <br />.. _,,.,� " ' extenualinF cinum.ctat�ces exist which arc beyond BorroN•er's rontvu9. Borrower ahall not destroy. darnage or impair the <br />_` Prupeuy, allow�he fMoperty ta detedorate,or�rommit wute oo the Propeny. Borrower shall be ln default if any forfei�ure <br /> ,}.. c�:ti�n or procading,whether civil or criminal, is begun th�1 in [.en�ler's good faith judgment oould rcsult jn fa�feiture of tAc �"''° <br /> �`���' Pmperty or athenvise m�terially impair the lien crcu�ad by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest. 8orrower may `=•`J'�- <br />-�. • .�� z. ' cure such a defaul�and rei�ate,as provWed in paragnph causing the�ction or praceeding to be dismissed with�nili� <br /> . !T ��,,` that, in I.ender's saod faith deterniinsntion, precludes forie�turc of Ihe Bomnwer's interest in the P r o p eny or dher materlal <br /> �'•--'' - .. ' „ ;"°' i nt'�nt of it� iit�u�twt b tliir Sc��urii froiameni c��I.emie��securit _ <br /> .., ��tiA�•,,-r; :, ,.,,,- � Y Y y in[erest. Borrowe�siwil aiso be in defauit if <br /> ,,., A +'H Borrower,during the laan application pmcess,gave m�teriall�•fals�o�i�nccurate int'i�rn�ation or uatements to L,ender(or failed !';"= <br /> , ' !�: . :�� ;:�:_. to provida[,ender with any material inforn�ation)in conne��ti�m w•iih the loan evklencc�! by the Note, including,but na Umi�ed �`i,v.. <br /> • ., c�u <br /> ...�: •'•;,,:,�: ,�;;�- <br /> r'x�.�-�-�... tu.�npre�ntati�ma wncewing Sunuwri'a uwupa�ky uf U�r Prupeny as a principnl residence.IC this Security Instrumen[ is on a = <br /> ' • .� •'��'��':''.'�L•, leasehold. &�rnow�:r shall com I wi�h aU the rovfsions of the Icaa�. If Borrower ac wres fee tiNe to the Pro R the <br /> `.:•::,.;:1. :�'"r►�'�'., 1�. P Y P q ' pe y. _�• - <br /> . leasehold anJ t�c,i�e tiUe shall not merge unless Lcnder agreet�o the merger in writing. __ <br /> - 7.Pnotection of l.eoder's Rig6ts in the Propeely. If Borrower fails to perform�he rnvenants and ogreements mntained in - <br /> ' v this Securiry Inslrument,or Ihere is a Irgul prc►cc�eding thut rn�y signifirundy aff��ct Lender's rights in the Property (such as a ='� <br /> 1 � �"`•�'� proees�ding in bankruptcy, probate. for rnndemnutbn or fart'eiwre or to enfor�r laws or regula[ions),then Lender may do and = <br /> � � psy for�+�hatet�cr is nece�::�rl�!o protect the��:slue r.f t�e Prvperty sn� i.ernier's rights tn the !'ropcct�;. Letuler's sctintts m�y. <br /> � ��;:�,:.:.., �.. <br /> �; ;.', ,';'�;:. � include paying ony sums secured by a lien which hus priorily over Ihis Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying �,,, <br /> ?'�:;'�. <br /> _:-.��"���x.:;�,e. reasonable w�orney�+fecs and enloring on thr Properyy eo muke repain. Al�hough Lend�r may take action under this paragraph <br /> :'!-r` ''.`"'�.'�'}' �� �` `' 7, l.ender does not huve tn Jo..e. �c'' <br /> " ¢ ' � •;i �� Any amounts disbuned �} l.ender under �hi� pnv�graph 7 shull berome udditionul Jeht af Burr�wer secured by this ' <br /> �''.' � .�;,,5�"'"�.����, Securicy Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender A�rer in��ther tcrm.aP payrn�m, thesc unK�unts nhall bear interest f�om the �a,: <br /> • •?:"�'+"'"�,�.��°i' � date of dislwnement ut�hc Note rLtc and ,h;A9 t� payaDle, with intercat, upon notke fmm Ixnder to Barrower requesdng " <br /> ;' <br /> , `'A��,r.�'F:."v.��•`'.'�k� a men�. '=' <br />- '„� ��i�` .��. 1`�1: P Y _r,.=:=, <br /> , -:wlr•;�,�,f;;;•��x�j�C��� 8.Mort�ugc Insunnce.If LenJcr rcyuired m���Lu�e insurancc,�ti•r ronJitiun uf nwking tlk lusui sccurcd by this Security �''�,,t; <br />- : ' '�"''4�"���'� '�'�����+��� Instrument, eorrower shall �he rcmium� r U�TiII io maintuin the m�m�u r inwranre in effect. If. for un reuwn, the �"" <br /> � PaY P �I � b 8 Y a�s':: <br /> .��;;;_�., -. ,�� �' � , :�:� <br /> •^++ �� �e5r•�'t��� mon a e insurnnce rnveru e re uin�i b l.ender lo se, �rceax� to tx:in effcYt. &�ra�wer slwll e �he remiums r u�red to <br /> 6:. S 8 s y Y P• (+:�_• p eq ' <br /> M5 � ��. "`� "��r�"'"��'t oMafn rnvera e substumiull uivolent w the mon a� mwrunce rcviousl m eff��t, ut u cost sui,.�antiall e uivalent to the ��', <br /> }����t,�,,� � Ye9 L� 8' � P Y � Y 9 '"�, <br /> � , t��2,� l��, cosl to Borrower�P Ihe mortgage insurance previuusly in ef'fect, fmm vn oltcrnute m�mguge insurer upproved by Lender. IF '., <br /> � � ����a�p,�. <br /> �y 1 • ; t.�r;:�� ' ,� �� subst:►ntially equivalent mortgagr insuruncr cnverage ix»ot avuilublc. &xruwcr.hala pay to l.enJer carh monlh:�sum u�l to <br />_ .,�: ���f.,�.r::',;• ,��i.s,.� e9 <br /> fir �.•�+,. c�ne•twelhh af the yenrly mongpge insurunre premiurn i►rinF puiJ My Bi�rn�wer w•h.n the in.<urance rover•rge lupsed or cea.tied to }r�� <br /> -, �1.t'. :�. s: ��� ��. <br /> r-: -{{, �`"`�~,'`-;, br in effect. i.erale�will accep[, use aixi r��ain thtse pnyrnen� a low, reserve in licu of m��r�ga_e Msurnn��e. I.oss reserve <br /> � „ � ;�;„t�,,. ;. <br />��.``; ti `�� , � ;�ia''� corm aose s�so � <br /> �j?,� S Rs.�' `�'�' 'h�,` Pa9a3d6 '.. <br /> °'v� - ' �```i,``t�ii u. .. �'::{f Y��t� <br /> - � � :�•r:''.'. . '.i{ t•fc:� <br /> � ,� .,}�,,;Y. ,,; �;St' `�, <br /> dii i,Jt t ;' <br /> ��� `,' 4 . �r`*ri;, a�r�A ,• <br /> ,,, <br /> r•� <br /> , I;v��� �,�, jS,�si�,f ��, �1.�f - t�,;,:�,+lK jJ��`h��;r��,;;,.?4.y — <br /> � t j /(�r � �j� CyF, r,. w ,; .`,;: '� , , Af 11'i3',��• � "/��-i <br />-:� �' '�l�it:'.:�t���' { r�1"._ � ,�)'1 .'Yt. •l11�!�� t�.�,' �t�� �` .��,4;�i,:. ' �.. .� ��',�'.�.', ��.,�'.., 'r 41 �,` ��. ' � .. ,�1�t p. ��t��'1 4tl'' '•�)h'!;`��.. <br /> � 4�d� 7�� ?lj. �� -C ,'.i!(l• 1.�'� S.rIy,,. 1, f C ���,;1'( eJ'{"�• , <br /> .��%�l�� 1� .f l; .f '(/�:� ����i' . 'T. i.�� - � r�1 ��x u;',[ -�� 1' d����' 111:.��� .�. •'� �? '�'1h 4�� <br /> i(f��R"l.�l"•!W :f S 4::t�'t „ �s. '��,' ,�'�• .a, „i' , .7•,.:.� r� ���. '�;���.' y.�.,.��,•..;,..•.�y � �.r,;::r., <br /> {I . �� 4 �O.l." 1. ` i�' . �i� ..:.IS. �i',,. . . '�J1 ���;1�i�• �Il�. i'�y,.�.. 1+�ti �� �� �' '�;.' ,L�,�_`_.�, .r.ti'�' f.�.:� <}��(�� ���r��� .. <br /> . 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