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�x: ,;. . <br /> .. .; ,, <br /> :t���. ---^`-`�" , . _ � ,_ _ - • � <br /> .._ . _ ,._ ... — <br /> ,;� _ __--�__ <br /> . � , _ _ - -------- .._ ,�,..,_�. <br /> � . i0'�lia --�- <br /> _ _ �� - . <br /> . , � � . �g3- • . <br /> 17.11eawti�et tMs Pbpe�tY a'�=�iieLl I�tiNMl i�Mrr�wsr.if all at put ot tbo Propdty�ary laterat in it <br /> i��ofd or tr�aa�fatred tor if a bme�icW iqtere+t in Borror�is�aW ar traafened Imd�amnv�i�nat a wW�l panon)wltbout. . <br /> -- l,etber'�prior writton ootueot� La�u may. W i�r nptia�, roqui�a ia�odl�u p�ym� in full at alf amm tecurod by Ihl� <br /> Seaudty lnuu�ttne�q.How�ever.Ihi�a{Mloe�n11 aot be a�erclta�bY���if��eKl�e i�proMbite+d by tederal 4w►�u uf Ibo dNe <br /> of Ihit SeauJ�ty 1nWum�t• <br /> U l.aider o�canise,+aa�upwu.L.a�der r�IWu� ive Borncwer notioe or.00ekntioa.n�e nou«sl�upmv we a perioa ot oa <br /> kca Ihan 30 d�ys tirom the dato tMe notix i�del�varod or mwiled within which BoROwar mw p�y�Il wms saarod by thir <br /> _._ Secvri�y tuwueaeot.IE Botmwu t�il�ta pny�hao�umsprbr a d�e axpiratian af thi�paeiod,l.e�der nny imuke ury ro�aedk+ _ <br /> � by� LWrumcnt w1�Uout NhUer nado�ar dan�nd on 6ormwcr. <br /> �B�ornowtr's� to RdnM�te, tf Bonower mew atqin oondhionr. Bortawer �hall have the ri�ht w h�ve <br /> �—�--°---���T,-- cnforrcmcnt ot sbis nl IAiuUplplt AI6C011t�IM1ld/f ally NflIQ JMIOi(0 lI1Q l�IICI'O�: l�)3 d�y�lor wch otber period u <br /> - ' �pplicabk uw m�y spocify for �Wm�aK) beFae s r k o f U�e P ro p a t y r pu�nt ta �ny powar o f s�k c a u e inod i��hi� -_ <br /> _- Soarity Inurumem:ar(b)a�y'of s jud�neaa eMaNn�tf�Searity tncirumcot.TM►se oonditions are td�t Borrower(n)p�y� <br /> -� Lender all sum�which tben would be due under this Socuri�y I�trumem and Ihe Nwe as if na�axleratbn hd oocumed:(bl <br /> cu�es any def�ult of ury dher aovemnts or agroanaus: (c1 pry�all eapcnca it�cumed in eaforcing this Sezurity lncuumcat. <br /> � including,but aot limitod to. rc�son�ble attorn�s' iea:s�nd(dl lakes such action As l.ender may�son�bly roquiro to acw�e <br /> lhet�hc lien of thie Socu�ity Insaument. l�ender s r�gbte in the Prop�nty and Bornuwer's obligatian to pay the sums saciened by <br />-°-- _ ; this Sccuriry lnsuument shall oontiaue unchsn�ed. Upon �i�tate+net►t by Borrower, Ihis Secu�ity IaauumeN aod tbo <br /> obligatioas s�e�viced berd�y ehall nenwin Polly effective ao if no axelentEoo tr�d occumed. However. thie d�6t ta reiva�ate�hatl <br />__-- _ not apWy in t6�e cace of vccakration undcr pa�graph 17. <br /> ��9.Sde d'No1e: Cbntr�e ot I.awn Servfaer. The Note or a panial interest in�he Note lto8ether with �eia Secvrity <br /> '. Inst�ument)ma�r be soW aie or more times witlwut prior notice to Bomower. A sale may resWt in a chaoge�a tAe e�uity(known <br />-.t��, as the'L,oun Servioer')�hat oollecls monihlY PaYments due under the Note and this Security Instcument.Thene also m�y be one <br /> ar monc chan�cs oi the Loan Servioer unrelated ta a sale of tho Note.if there is e change of the Laan Servioer.Botrower will be <br />.;r,..:— - � given written nutice oi'�he ch�nge m accor�ance witb parag�apb i�t ui�uve�r�i•ry�plicable law.The nwive wiil c�rre��wn�e au�i . <br />•%;�`� wddress af the new L,ocu►Scrvicer and the addresc to rfhich paymeRts should be ar,dc.The notia wil!also caotein my olher __-... <br /> :��` j � � information required by applicable law. <br /> 2p. Haanfous Sppqaucee. Borrower slwll nat awse or permit U�e pmSeAC�c. use. dispos�l. sto�ge. or release�f'a¢qy <br />,•;:� Hazardoas Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shull nW du, nar �IO�aR• anyone else to do. anything afl'ecti�� '��r <br />-'�'•�� :� PmpeAy that is in violaa�tion of any Environmentel Luw. The preceding two seee�nces shall not apply to the presenac, u�e. �r <br />�-�+' :� storage on the PropenY•4�E smsdl quantities of Hamrdou� Substanas that arc gecw.mlly recagnized to be ap�prupriatc w nom�l ,— <br />- ,1' residential uses and to m.�i.aunance of the Property. • <br /> � ��•�?./.,+ Borrower shull prar�pUy give l.ender wdtten notice of uny investigation, cluim, demai�d, lawsuit ur�Eaer action by any .,— <br /> , ,�, �,, �� governmental ur ngulalory agency or privatepany involving the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> •., "-�i:�' ?' ��, „!L,;,�t of which Barrower has actual knowledge. If�$orrower leurns, or is notified by any governmental ar regulatory authority,that <br /> ��;� �' any removAl ar othe�remGdiation of ony Hazardous Substance nffecting the P�openy is necessary,&►mawer shall promptly take _ <br /> ' �� '� ' ,� ,�, all necessary remediui•i�4ions in accordance with Environments+l law. _ <br /> � � ;r.,r.• :. <br /> 9,.,� As used in this p;�e�graph 20, "Hawrdous Subswnces' ure tho�e substanc�detined as toxic or hazfudaus subslanees by <br /> �r-;-� , . -°° °° Enviranmema� �I �he iuiiuwiug wbsta�xe:: gas�lit�:. lerncene, attser t��.�tnabfe �r tazic petroteu.:: �soducts. lassc <br /> �'..- pir���F .?`.�.-,�j-.,_�� <br />;,.+�• � 2 , y;t.� pesticides ano]h�rbicides,volatile solven�s,materials cantaining ark�este►s ar Pormaldehydc,und�c;ic�i�uac�ive r�na¢enals. As used in <br />•.;�� '" "'.' "` �his pa�a��•a�+h 20, "Environmentul l.uw" meAns Pederal laws an�9 iaw�of the ju�isdiction whcrc the Prope�ip is IocaRed t,�+at <br /> -- ;:+�,�.;;,,rM�-i;.,, relate to�¢a11h,wfety•or em�ironmentn!protection. . <br /> �,.ti;,,,;;��;•, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Barrower und I.endcr funher c�>vcnant und ugree ux foUows: _ <br /> ,,2 ��,,;�,����,. 21.AccelerAtlon;Remedi�s. I.ender slw0 give nutice tu Bnrrower prlor to Accel�ratton follow•ing�r�rr►x�er's brcach -� <br />_ �i;�;,•:,, ;�N of any rnve�wr�t or agreemerd in tdls Securit�� lastrument (but nat prinr tn acceleratian under parogrpph 17 unle� _ <br /> F��F: l., ��:. o henvise.The nntice slwll s If : (a)Ihe deiuult:Ib)the actt�►n retluired to cure the default: -- <br /> � ppplicaWe law provides t 1 P� Y � <br /> _ ,�e�•y,,,,..,•;��.f;,;t,. <br /> .�. ,���. .•,.���r�s (c)A date.not less tlwn 30 day�s frnm the date the notice is�iven w&►rn► which ahr defeult mact be cenYl;And �_ <br /> _ y "t:�i��•':�:� . = <br /> i (d)ths�t Pailure to cure the default on or before the date specitied in the notice may result in acceleratbn ot the sums � <br /> � 'arnrnl bv thfc Securltv Inctn�ment and xule oP the Pn�perty. 7'he notice shall Purthe�in6orm Bormwer of the riRht to <br /> ,%� y,�+�q�v� ,�°�,� rei�tate eiter ncceleratian and the rlght to bring a court uctiun to ac+erl the non-existence of a del'ault or ony other �, <br /> •; ` ••� '�,�:`���.;it'�'7,i� defense of Burrower to acceleration and sale. li'thc defAUlt is not cumd on or hefore Ihe datc Specified in the aatice, a <br /> ti .,,�3'`"'`•. ^.�" `}�' l.ender.ut iis aption.may require immediwle pavment in full oP ull sumc secured by Ihis Secu�itv Instrument without -_ <br /> _ ...j�.--.s. ,.--��,. <br /> , iurther dTOnsui�und may invnke the pow•cr of ssde aad uny�nther remedies permitted b�•appli�mble law•. l.ender shall be <br /> ' '' � �`', � enNtled t�ca+l0ec1 A07 e!cpen�incurred in pursuinR the remediaw prnvlded fn tbis paru�;rnph 21.includinR.but not limtted �` <br /> `'�`' ��ifi��'�~• to�reasonable attortae��s'fees pnd cmts of title e��idence. <br /> -��;}�`t;�;s;.,;'� IP Ihe p►wer of;r�9r Ic invoked, Trustre�hall record u ��nnire oi dePault in i�ach couM�� in ��hii�h any pa�t of the �:..,, <br />;' . •�'���;a�";''���,'`•�f,"�t Prnperty is l�►cuted und shs�ll mail enpieti of such n�nlice h� thi manner prekrilxYl b�• upplicyble la��•ta+�Svrrower and m �•��- <br /> - �.;,r/,.t,r:.: r¢U., "�" <br /> ':�'•' 4��,��y��y; :.;.�,,,�1A the othcr personw prescrlbcd bv app0icn�1r la��•.Afler the time rav�aired b�uppllcable In�c,Trustee yha�l give public notice <br /> �{ ��•;�i:;L'�.+�:r;; of sule t�+t'he r+nns und in thc munner re:`crilxKf b,r a Ucnble lan�.Tru+tcc.��ithnut ck�und an�rn�H�er.shall r.ell ��' <br /> t.;,Pk'C,t.. , pe . p pN "_� <br /> �:;::��,,.�• r,`•{�a,}�;• the Propert�•at publle uuction tn the hlphetit bldder at the time and pluce and under the t�r+ns rieci�nuted in the notice oP �F�� <br />-- ,� ,� sale in nne or mnrc purccls and in�ny order T�iisaee dctcrmtn�w.Tru+tec ma�• pn+tpnnc sak oi a!I�ar Any ps�rcel of thc i'.�. <br /> .�'rti �;��, y� � �operty by public announcement ut Ihe time.i�+�E place of uny previna.l�► ��aeduled wle.I.ender�r ils d�lgnee mAy �'' <br /> �� . ,- .. p�ch�se the Property�t�ny sple. �_ <br /> �� �`.;:. • ,M'i,g," -- <br /> ;. -- <br /> t�_...:��_ �•: <br />- ..' i�," � Fam 3028 8/90 ",?� <br /> : ty� S. Pp�6 0l 8 ����.• <br />,i.�• .,'2•. � .S"� ���''. <br />,..ii ': � � , �.�. <br />-_�� � .. <br />�_� ��''� �' . . <br />.`'` .. � ,:�- .�. <br /> �` _���.�t�:�. ��,. <br />";`�"�, `•i���'i{' `'�� t>:;w — ��_;. <br /> �,{t� �7� .c,J'r` ;. .,� -..: ��;..#$„ . ,;• . r�+ ;. �.' '�,�'••;aiy ; , . , 4, � ti , 4 <br /> iaa /' t ii. � .� i . • , f �. , . ,:.l ,t ,., ,, „� v►�r : <br /> 9,i,�y( i � � �I� -� . . . f � •. 1 L" � tr . � -• � 7i� . <br /> i . <br /> -L'�yr�f ,f, ���,���+ - ._;• ' ' ,�fy'f,+�'- •,� . .. ., . r � '��;ti-..:�:-:�� . ���',?•:fs t'.4rr�.'`?t`t.- i _. -°�;�. <br /> • j � .! <br /> L � �;`� � <. � . - <br /> �.�:il.�ftt- . .�_� ., ��e'..����a_�' _—--- ._.... .-- "'_._.:._ _.:�:a��rl�_� ....�.titsi_1t�4 i.�� _J...e.:�.�L.....l�i:'Y:_. {LYs.. <br /> t�r _" _ "'_. ' ' ,.." ' . . ' _ ". . ,. '� _._.�. - .� ' _ .•._ .,�"�__' <br /> ;�� �� :� :_t . � ��� ; .�, ' . � s :�• ` �' . _ . . �' . . <br /> ;r.SJ ' v.VJ � �I5 ' �� r _�' . '�' ��'� . . <br /> — ��� ���,-. . �t- a� ,�. , ../' ' 1 . • '',I'• ., . �� u � . - . <br /> -- --- -,i- �1- .��` •��r. '1�-• , . . �,�' • . . ' � , .. �t � � <br /> F ��1♦�� . . •.� . . � . � � �i . ���1� . <br />. , . I �� ., I'� it'�: . .. , ' . . .. _. .. '. . _ . �� . , �, . .' . <br /> .���,� ; ' t., . ,. . � . ' , - .. .. ' ` HirAhE�'.'�:�,. : -. .._ � . . <br /> t <br />.. .;i. . 7��.� .�2 ��• . . . -. - . . . .��.. ' • �� . <br /> ,,�', .. � . ; .tJ . . �. , . . . . � � <br /> , ; � . <br /> �. , , ` <br /> r• 1 <br /> . !'.. .,� . , <br /> • � <br />