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}' � . r� �.. . a.. <br /> - -- - - - ,_ •�?s,s, _ _ _ <br /> ;� . . , r � . „ � . . - - -- -�: �„-�-�;-•q r:a�- <br /> -.--__���:,�' ' ' ' '� � � <br /> 'roQ1'i7'HBR RI111!all d10 i01p1�YiA1l1�mN Ar 1101Of1�Er CtECfed o11 WO pl�o�f�y.MM�Id aIl i0M01�1Mfi.�1p�if1�OM.MA <br /> --- - fU�Wna naw or haatlat • p�wt i,P tbo prapaty. Al) to�pl�oanaKs �nd additiatn �hall tla 6o aovotaf !yr 1ld� Se�riry --- <br /> �..�.AII of the rmr�a�iq b�finad w m dii�Soauity uWromaa�u�he•Pr�npeny.• . _ <br /> WRR�OWBR OOVBNAN'i'9 tb�t OorewMer i�4wNlly iei�ed d'tl�e aaMe Meby ooaveyad+�nd ha tbe�i�ht to�t iMd =- <br /> oonvey the R4ropaty aod tmM tbo Prapatty It uaeaoa�aibaed�aua�pt for aia�mb�►oe�of roowd. 8a�mwer warnou�od�►IU <br /> � dc�eod�ener�lly tFie Wk to the Pro�xaty aydRSt�ll c4imt and danmda.wbjal w�ry a�cuml�na+a ot r000�d. ' <br /> _ '�SECiJR1'i'V if�iS':itiJMBN i comei�aa pnifonn oovmWm�far n�ti�l u�e and aan�ifoem cuve�tW�AriW qa4ilpd • <br /> ,�„�-�,.,�, .._- :_ =--_—, <br /> variatfo�s 6y jari�dktloa to ooaald�te R udfaem seadry inwumaot aovuityr�1 propotty. .. <br /> �UNtPOl2M QOV6id�►.I�iT3.Horrnw�a aad t.aider om�awM ad�roo�follows: - - <br /> 1. !°�r�aed at rM�dpd w! Iata+eMi l�t+�7�a�t�ud L�wbe C6uu�. Horrower�all prompUY P�j' �6m due 1re <br /> prindpd of ud interat on the debt evldenoed by tha Nalo and anY Prq�ay�nnM�nd UMe d�duo unda t6e Noto. � <br /> 2. F�p�dr tar T�ata�d I�wa�oe.Subjact to applic�ble I�w or la�written waiver by[.a�der.Bomower clwll pry 10 �, <br /> Lader an the day moruhly psyma�ts�rc due under the Nde.wMil the Note i�p�id in tWl.a wm('Rund�")for:(a)Yar1Y tua � <br /> aad a�s which m�y atuia p�iaity ova this 5xudty inclnunau+��lien on the Pmpaty:(b)Y'eu#Y le�old Ph'�+ ' I� <br />— _ or gr�awd raiu an the Propetty.if�my:(c?Yarfy h�za�d or pnope�ty it�suranoe prc.miums:td)�i!�Oo�od iar�ur�noa prc�Riuoo�. <br /> it any;(e)Yau1Y morlg�r inwrrncc prcmiums.if wry:�nd(�ao0►wms Po9abk by Bamowa w I.ender.In aocmd�oe whb <br /> the pruv�d�n�pA 4a�of the pa�ymart of mott�ge inwranx pamiwt�s.'11�ese ikms aro calbd'Bscrow ltdt�t.' . , <br /> __ Lao�kt a�ry tipne.cdiect md hold Funda in an iunounl nd to excs�d the aw�inoum�ooud a IeMer for a fedenilly . � <br /> — �el�ted noo+Agage loan may�equiro fbr Homnwer's escrow acaount uader thc federal Real Fshtc Sdtlaaent Pruoadwidc Act of � <br /> 1974�c atneaded fn�m titne to time. 12.U.S.C. Sectioa 2601 ei s�+�.('RFSPA").unkss anod�a�law that�pplies w i6e Fuadi <br /> ° ats s la`�r wnouip. !f sa. Lendar m�y, a any ume. oollect�d hoid Fwds ia an amoun aot w e:oeod�hc iac�amowa. . <br /> '�' Lnder may at�matc the amoiun of'Funds duc an the batis of'curneut dw+�qd neasa»ble�of e�adiwrc�s of fWUre <br />-�_ Fscnow Ite�ns or othxvviso in aa�dance with applicaWe k►w. <br />; .�i The Furds shall be held in aa institution arM�e deposits a� insured by a federal agrnry, inurume�tality. or e�Mity <br /> (includit�g 1.ender.if Lcnder 1s such�n insdtu�ioai�'i�r aa�r Federal Home Lo�n Bank.l.eader slWl apply the FuMc to pay the <br /> ::� ;, Fscnow Items.I.mder may na ci�ge Bomower for�:+�iw!iao�a�4 applying the Funds.annwdly at�lyzing Ihe r.scrow acc�ou�u�or <br /> ,, `�`��� verifj ing ths Esrn�w ltems.unless l�ler pays 8orn�wr,r icmtec�e�on Ihe Funds ad applica�e t�w permfts Lendei to make wch � <br />� F$'�'�' a charge.{loweve�.I.ender may rcqulrc Borrower to�•w one t�me charge for an indcpenda.�:rcal estate tax rcpott�ng servlce <br /> � used by L�ender in rnnnaction with this loan. uniess ap�flkribte law provides otherwise. Unless an agroement is made or <br />_- ��� applicable I�w rcquircs intercst to be paid,Lendcr shall aot Q�e�rar�uired w pay Barnower any inteast or arnings on tbe Funds. <br />_' ���i�,f ';�ia.,� Borrox+er�nd l,ender:nay agroe in wrlting. however. thst iP+teQ�i shall be paid on the Funds. L,ender slwll give to Borrower. <br /> �J��x�r)};�a�;t', wi�haut charge. an an�ual accounting af the Funds, shawing sderi6is�d�ebits to the Funds and thc purpose for which each <br />_ - -R�;-� dabit w the Funds w�niade.The Funds are led ed as addo9aonAG s;cara Poir nGi sums secunod b this Securlt Insttument. --- <br /> .4,� __ - — P R �J+` Y Y -- <br /> If the Funds held by L.endcr exceed thc amaun�-.p+zmnuuaec�¢a�'he held by applicable luw,l.ender shall a000unt to Borr�wer <br /> ,� for the exc�ess Funds in acrnrdunce wlth the requirteer►rno.c m�f u�p0iruble law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> '` �r""',�' tlme is not sufTicient to the Escrop�Item�when dae,Lerulee ms� so notif Borrower lo wrd¢itm ,and,in such case I3orrower ` <br />- J r{ �, PeY Y Y 8 _ <br /> � �,� ,, shall pay to l.ender the amount necess;ury to makc up the deficiency. Borrower shall make w;a Ahe deficiency in n� morc th� <br />- �"'(�jy-;elq ' <br />_ ;�..,�r;�C��_, twelvc mon�hlY Lender'�discretion. _. <br /> .�.�%� Upan payment in full of all sums secured by this Serurity Instrument, L.endcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any � <br /> . ,� Funds held by L.ender. If,undcr parngraph 21. I.ender shall acquire or scll�he Properiy,l.ender,prior to the Acquisition or sale _ <br /> of the Property. sball apply an�Funds hcld by L.ender at the time of acquisitiun or sale as A cnedit against the sums secured by <br />�:—` >�,•�;�� thls Saurity Instrument. � <br /> '' ��� 3.Applkatbn of P�ymeats.Unle�s upplicable law provi�l�;otherwise,all payments received by Lender under�wragraphs �,_ <br /> - I w�d 2 shall be applied: first,to nny prepnyment charges due under the Note:second, to amounts payable under parugruph 2; _ <br />. �;�,��. tAird,to interest due;Wurth,to principal due;,lo uny late charges dar u�der�he Note. �''� <br /> • r . � 4.Clwry�es; Liens. Bormwer shull pay all tuxes, assessments,rhurges, tinrs und im�.+ositions attributable to�he Prnperty �_ <br /> ����.'• —- <br />- - '`�Y• which may auain prioriry �►ver thi. Security In�trument,and Iw.a:hold payments or griwncl rents, if any. Borrower sMull pay <br /> ; �.. ..,1�•.::. '. <br /> these obligatian�in Ihe manner providod in parrgruph 2,or if not paid in that manner, H��c�r�tier shall pny them on timu directly .�� <br /> .. .t;��,�;r.i,� ° �': <br /> •�,,,,.,� ;,• , to Ihe peracm nwcd payment. &�rrowcr xhall promptly fumish to LenJer ull noticcs of umuunts to be pviJ under this paragraph. <br /> ��'� " ° If Born�wer mul:c�these a mentx dirc�tl &►rmwer shull mm tl furnitih t��Lender recei ts evidencin the a ments. �`=._ <br />_ •i� ,,;�.µ; , P Y Y• P P Y P E P'Y :=.. <br />="�=� �' �',:�;'"!�� '" &irrower shall pmmpdy disrhurge any lien whirh hati prio�iry uvcr�his S�urity Instrument unless Bormwer:lu)agre�in �=;_ <br /> �. •t�,;•.r7+. _• � <br /> ��'� } ' f°F",• �,� writing tn the payment of thc obliguti�m�urcd by thc lien in u munner ucceptahle to I.cnder;(b)contesls in gocid fai�h t'hc lien = <br /> •�!` .�;'��S ,.., <br /> °' � � 1.'7,�'{� � �. <br /> .., °�r ,�,�, ,�,y.�w, by, or defenJ� Lguimt rnfiircemcnt nf tFk lien in, le�al prorceding, which in �he I.ri+.t�r's opini�m operntc to prece��t the � <br />=�<i;;. ,:.•,�,�'�+4�►'�„ '" enforcement of the lien;or(rl+�tiures tnim thc hnlder of thc laen an u�rceroen�tiatixiucto�} t��I.rM1er suix�rdinoting ihe lien w <br /> _.ry. � �� �.•����;�r ';; this Serurit In�trunKnt. II'Lcndcr detemiinc� th�it an} e1 of ahc Prn rt i++ut+�U In u lien whirh maa sittain riority over `- <br /> � ... .: .., ... Y {'� P� Y J" . P — <br />- �;,_ .�.�;,.,;,;,,`�;, lhia Scturity Instrument, Lcruier muy giv�R�xrou�r a noti.e xlenlifyi��g 1hc licn. &xrower shull satisl'y the lien��r take one or -- <br />- -T---i;:.i;'� more of the u��tions set fonh alwve witi�in 10 d•rys af Ux�givin�nf n��tice. _ <br /> .,r , — <br /> tV' . yS��rl'.,. �. <br />. .. • r n,�1(;�'i,�, Fam 30� 8180 —_ <br /> t ... �l't��f. �'f'Y�M:' Ppr 1016 ��� <br /> '� Sfi�A�•t <br /> �.� �. i.3�;:� <br /> ;'•;%' l�' �t;ti yf� ic�`(�,: <br /> , i �,�!,.' �{ <br />�•If��f4 �•. �� 1'�ri f1� <br />�.� ,Ij ��4.�'i�f�... • <br /> `�}j��{ i�� DY���1'{tl��(�V.tiiSi �.. <br />::i r���,�1�11'''+;,, _ ,: <br /> )t��1' �4 ��y <br />�y.�� 1 � ° 'Syrr��� \� �� • . . . �. �t:-+. 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