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.n.., :. .\`.�-'� , � , . - .... . > . ; - ;-. <br /> _. .�_.�...�„ ` . , .. ` „ � ru , `��i�,v� . . <br /> �� ��Or Rl�f' �.gOQQCMOf t�) k00p f�10 ll{�IbV01110Rfa OON O�iull�{ Of �M� A1 1�M <br /> pmppty inwrod y�itW luu by A�,lurards incladad withia the tena'e:t�oded covar�o' and ary allier I�wqdi��indadl� <br /> ----- ------- tlpod�or floodl�.for wh9ch I.aider roquiia incue�noe.Thii ir�sur�noo�tWl pe a�lnt�ioed in�ha amawN��xl fa tbo�eioAw <br /> .' � Uu�t l.anler raquitas. 7Ue inq�r�tae c�trier prnvidlqg tlte lt�wraaee�II be dwku by 9otrower wbjad to i�der'��ppt�wd <br /> � which shwll tat 6e unrasau�bly w�ithheld.If Batmwer fiils w mdnWn oovera�e deacrlbed �bove� 1,ender� laK1�r'� <br /> apNon�oMain ooven�e w prWacx l.cnder'�d�ia the lfroperty ia acrnrcl�noe witb p�rq�niph 7. ' ' <br /> • . All inw�ncp polido��nd rp�ewal�ahstt bo aooept�blo to l.ender�ud tlWl inctude a cw�dard mort�e dwte. l.widor -- - <br /> � ' tiudi iu�ve the dght ur IaW the policlec�nd rcneaal�.lf l�de�t�equh+a�s.Aorrower thall P�P�Y�ive W t.andet d)teoeipr ol <br /> - �.w._.=.�—__ �--�_ � �pnid premiwiw wid rwwwal notices. in tbe event of losc.Aormwcr�Iwl1�ive prompt ootica w tue insumnoe cAn9ar aad'lret�dot, _ <br /> I�dor m�y malce ptaof of!aw if not mde pt+nmptly by Harmaror. <br /> Unks9 I.a�der�nd Borrowcr ott�erwlse aBnee in writing.incutanco prnceeda tlwll be applied ta�tar�tlan or ropdt ot the <br /> P�apwty d�god�if tho e+esto�don or�ir i�aoonomicAlly fe�sible And Lende�'s sooudry ic not lescaned.if tho ro�tar�llan or <br /> rc.pd�iq not eoonamically fa�ei�to or Lender'�:ecudty woulA be lesaened�the i�urar�co proceod��lull bo applied ta tho cums <br /> sacurod by thiQ SecuNty Inxlrumcmt,whahet ot not then�.dae: with any osc�s paid to Bomuwer. If 8onawe�wb�ndonp �ho <br /> - Aroparty,or does not answer within 30 dAys a not�Fe fmm Lcndcr that thc insurance caRlor hac afferod ta cettle A claim� IhG► <br /> I.erKlor may wlloot ti�.insurana proceeds: i,ender may u�e the proccxds to apair or nstaro the Propeiiy or to p�y eunu <br /> secuned by this Sebu�ity Instrtiment. wheth�r ar nat then due.'alie 30-�luy?period will begin whan 1ho nolice ie given. <br /> Unless Lender and Bonriwer otherwiae agree ln wrlting, any appiication of procoeds w pcincipwl ehwll not exlend ar <br /> . postpune thc due date oP the moatblY paYmenls c+efcrred to in pa�graphs'l.end 3 0�phsMge the am�unt af the pwymonte. IF <br /> T� un�ler par�grnph 21•the Propeny is.acqulreA�by I.ender,Barrower':rlsht.4�ranv�n�u�ance poli,cies wd pooeeda resulting fmm <br /> dartuiQe to the Pru�eRY priar ta the acquisition shall paca'w•I:etidet to the e�¢ent a�f[he sumo cacurod by tl�S�curiry inctmm�nt ._ <br /> _ _- _- --_ -f-. . Immediately pdor to the acquisition. . - <br /> - � 6.Oocuponcy,Pracervatbn,MwiatenA�rr w�d ProtecNon or thP Pr�n�rr�y:�rruwer's I.own APWk+�do+�:l.e�eholdo. <br /> °',� � 8orrower shotl occupy,esWiblish,and�dce the Ptt+perty aa Horrower's prinaipa!reyilten�c within sixty days after�f�c executlon oP <br /> t�ia Secur�ty Inatcument and sha�i cu� oc¢upy thr�Pi:�perty as Borrower's principal residence Por at k�st one year after <br />,� �•. �he date of axupancy.unless txnder othenvise agras in wrlting. which consent shall not be unreasonably withhcld,or unleas - <br /> eauenuating clrcumgtances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower si�ell not destmy. denwge or Impair the <br />"s`'n,' � Property, allow the P�vperty to deteriorate, or commit weste on the Properly. Bormwer shall be in default ii any forfeiture <br /> . j'�;;.;, action or p�aceeding. whether civil ar criminal,is begun that in l.ender's good faith judgment cauld result in fori'elture of the <br /> �"'�'�� Prc�peRy ar atherwise materl�lly impair ths lien crealed by this Secu�ty Instrument or Lender's secudty intet+est.Borrower mAy <br />_„��--=�- -��� cure cuch a default and provlded in paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with A ruNng <br /> that, in I.ender's determinadnn, precludes forfeituro of the Rormwer's interect in the Property or other mwterial <br /> :�;:;;��;�- - • impaimunt of ti�e iien�created 'oy this Securiry instrumen[ or Lender'F securiry imereat. Borrower sheii �iso bo in de�uit if <br />--;;�� � , 8orrower,during the loan ap�lica�ion prucess,gAVe matedally false or inuccuretr i�tormution or stetements ro i.ender(or feilod <br /> •= �� to pravide I.ender with any matenal infortmtionl in connection with the loan evideaced by the Note,including,but aot Nmited <br /> _� ' ;`'; - <br />- - �'ir t�, repr�entations concemin�Aarmwer'a occupsm�:y of the Propeny as a principal re�iJence, li thic Security fnstrumene is on e ___ <br /> �,r., � leasehoid, Borroa•er shall rnmply with ull tfie provisians of the leasc. If Borrower pcquire.e fee tille ta the Property, the � <br /> leasehold and the fee title shall na mcrgc unless Lender s�grees to the merger in wdting. -..-. <br /> 7.Proteetion of I.ender'q RIgINs in the Property.(f Bc�rrower fAils to perf'orm the covenants and agrecments rnntuineci in -�• <br /> ' �•r this Security Instrument,or there is n legul prceeeding that may significandy affect l.ender's rights in the PropeRy(such as a �t�°�=- <br /> proceeding in bankruptcy. probate, for cundemnation or ForPeiwre or to enforce luws or reguletion5l, then Lender may do and ��" <br />:�•�-� P���-1 - pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value ot the 1'roperty and l.ender's nghts m the !'roperty. Lender's actlons muy �� <br />`'�� ti-'-<"'y'';?� include paying any sums secured by u lien which has pri�rcity over this Security Instn�mem, appearing in coun, paying ;.� <br /> �-�..�'', 't 1'L..'.r1_. ,. �� <br /> � �' '� '� :��+ =:i��:: rear,onable attome s' fees and enter�n on the pro n �o make re ei�s. Althnu h L.end�r ma take Action under this h '�t; <br /> � Y B PQ Y p � � F Y P�n+P <br />:i�,, �,y, ��,t,y.y� : , 7,Lender does not huve to do so. �'�. <br /> ' "'��'��"� �":G�' ` Any amounts disbursed h}• Lendar under thiR puragraph 7 shull become addi[i��nai Jebt af Bonower x�ured by this ''� <br /> :�� •.'t?7�' vFl4`*s'a ` <br /> �ro� ;,��, ,� 5� ci;;5 ��, Secutiry lnstrument. Unless Barrower s�ncl Lender ugree to other temis of puyment, ihe+e amnums shall beur intarest from the ''+". <br />'���:�:� '�:c;���•'•�"'•�¢"�'�;�� date of disbursement at the Note rale anJ shall be payuble, with interest, upon notice frnm l.ender to Borrower requesting �':�'� <br /> ;?rti'!. ..... .,. , payment t's,l; <br /> - .�fi'�.�i.�J�iw�l'.1...Vt.?.� ' ��t�l�. <br /> �wfh� g,Mort(�ge Insurance.If Lerxler re u�red mort u e in.urunce u�a conJition i�f mukin the loan securcr!b this S��urit <br /> - •.tr-� 9 � 6 R F Y Y ;:. <br />``� �,, ��. ;+., �, instrument, Borrower sh�ll p:ic the premiums required to maintain the mongage in,urance in effect. If, fi�r uny reau►n, the ���� <br /> �:,,,.� 'i���� +�,�w.,,�j:�', mortgAge insurnnce coverage required by Lender lapscs or rcuses to bc in efFirt,&�rruwer xhall pay the premiumr reyuired to �` , <br /> ' '!•,.;s. <br /> -' � :;: � �� obtain covemge substantially equivalent�n the monguge insurunre prc�i��usly in efl'�Yt,ut u cost suhstantiully equivulent to the �.�:; <br />`,i..� . ,., ;<:,..:f� - <br />-a��� �,`s;��%;�,.,;_,:•.;'? ' cost to Borrower of tMe mortguge insurunce previnusly in et'fect, from an uUcrnutc mortgage insurer upproved by lxnder. If ,,''� <br /> � �,r.�''�.,'•:':�� w�stantielly equivulem m�hgage insurancc c�wcrc�€c is not aeuilahle, B��rr�iwcr shall pay �o Lender euch month u sum cquul to , �' <br />'� �'••� � ' `'' oneawelRh of the eurl mon a e insurance rcmium hcin� rid b B��tti�wcr when the in>urance coveru � la sed nr ceased to • <br /> Y Y € F P � P Y F' p <br /> _ ' ����,..��_...;�.p,�;• be in effect.Lender will accept. uxe ancl retain the�e puymrnts a. a In.. rc.ervc in lieu oi mong:tgc insuranre. Los:: rescn•e -- <br /> '!�;��� 3, " �N�� � • ''�� Fam 3028 81�0 <br /> :��.�� � q�f :,... , - . Vwp3o�6 <br /> ! �1.�16�'t <br /> , � � ys.,,a���;;Eh:<<.• � <br /> ' ;' y i ry:�'','•1_'�_ . f-4_., <br /> .L�•�} �:�1i�� ���_ ;f � <br /> �jai�:� Sti �-k kt��.tie• . a i�`t �� �{5;.�� ��'y�' � S` �'�•` ?' rli( ✓. �. . <br /> ��4/ L 1 J.f�i� . t.• ��j <br /> - fl . ., jy�a ,r 1 1/�t �t' '1 ' � 1`:.�f'�yt 'f. .�•'.f�� . <br /> - rz� �r� . .._ . . 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