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i � � _ .`�f__�, °�.' . . , , .� .. . -- —- – ' _ - ... "'`_ ,�; --- -:,.;::•. <br /> ��-b,---�— y� ' � �9- ' �`` '. <br /> .. , 1�� � <br /> TOOB'1�l�R Wi77!d!dia imprnve�now or fie+�e�t3ar aected on 1he�y.and�II e�amenta:�ppm�e�w�oa.aed . <br /> � A�nuto� �aw or horoa�ller � p�ut of �Me prnperty. All neplaoetnaN� a�d�ddllb� it�all �IRO be oovarod by W� S�ouri�y <br /> —.._�.. —`_— ,_ I�.All of�he fon�o��s rofermd to io IAir 5e�urity Iiwtrament a�We"�h�npa�y.' • � <br /> ' . . BO1tROW8R OOV6NANT91hN Bom►w+er u b�►Adly�ebad ot Ua awe he�d�y ooaveyed�lur the d�ht w p�ot aad ' <br /> oonvey the Propa�ty and tlw the Prapeity i�una�cumberod.exoept for a�cumbranaa of roonid. BQrrnwer wanNw aad�rW <br /> defad Qerier�lly the dtle to Iho Property+�dnw dl cldnu md dan�nd�,wbject W any e�urt�branoa of teoord. � <br /> THIS SBCURITY MSTkUMBNT combince uniform ooverunta for n�tiomi use�nd aoirwdtoraa ouvp�nw witb liodiad <br /> -- -- _- vui�tiora by juriaiiaim o0 oauaitnoe�unifomn cecudty inaruman ooverin�rod propaiy. _ <br />--, ��,._.�____t-____ , UNIFORM OOVBNAN7'S.Barower�nd Lcndar oovawnt and agroo u foUow�: ___ <br /> l. P+�ymeat af �'Indpd atd Iata�a�ti Pne�Ymeot aod I.�te CMrQa. Botrawer �11 Pro�Y P*Y whcn due tde <br /> princip�l of and interoat on the debt evidenood by the Note�nd u�Y prqu�Yment w�d Ipte chargex due under tho Note. <br /> 2.I�nndr to�Taua�and I�rr�pce. Subjoct to appUcablo Iww or to A wrlaen wnivor by Lender,Bamower e�h�ll pa�y to <br /> Lcnder on the d�y monthly peyrnente aro due under the Note.undl the Nate ia paid in ibll.�sum("Pundc')for:(a)yai�ly t�ucet <br /> nnd aasessmenta which nwy s�lain priomy over this Secutiry[nspument as a lian on tho Property; (b)yeuly kaschoid paymenU <br /> _ _ or grouod rents on Ihe�+upe�ty.if wnp:(c�Yearly h�aard or PrnpertY iaauranoa prcmivau:(d)Yeau'ly flood insuranoo pttimlunu, <br /> if ony:(e)yarly mortg�ge irtsur�u�oe pr�niume.if any: and (�aay swas p�y�bte by Borrower to r�000ndou�cc witb <br /> -- ____ ' ``,`�..��tD�e provieions of Pa�aBraph 8�in lieu o£tt�e payment of raori�+�ga insurwwco premiums.7'hese items are called'Escror ltems.' <br /> -- -:'� L�endar Any time. collect �td h�dal Funde in an�anoum �wt w exce�d the maximum amount a k�der Por a fedorally <br /> .����;� � rPiated mortgage loan may roquiro for Bonawer's esc►ow A000ant looxier ahe fedcrnl Real Estate Settkme�N Proeodures Act oP <br />� = � II974 as emended from dme to time, 12 U.S.C. 3ectlon 26Q1 a seq. �"ltF.SPA'),unless anotfkr law Uut applies to t6e�wds <br /> _ .�. ,,,� sets•a lesser art�ount. If so. Lender mxy, at eny tima. collect and I�at� Funds in en amount not to eaaeod thc lesser�fxiurn. - <br />_--_ -- -_�_�.N�; , , , I.cmi�r itwy �timu�c Q��unuunt uf Fu��i.�iwc uu Uw bYSis of curri.�t data wid raieonable�timates of exprnditu�+es of fiusum ' -- <br />----__—���;r;�� �sanw Items or otFKr�vice in accordance wBth applicable law. <br /> =:�� �`�=-��= � ' The Funds sFiall be heW in an institutian whore deposits are insured by n ftderal agency, instn�mentality. or bmiry :• ,r,- <br /> �•�•m�"`��^��� (includin I.ender. if l.endea is such an instilulian)or in an Fedemf�Finmc Loan Bank.l.ender shall a I the Funds to the = <br />:..��;e:�;:ss�� 8 Y PP Y PaY ---- <br /> _�;;;�;� Bscrow Items.Lender may a,�t charge BoRaaer for halding and a�+plying tlu Funds, annually enalyzing 1he e.s�rnw account.or — <br />-= __-�"•� verifying ihe Escrnw Items, unle.4s Lender pays Borrower interes�on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> - ---- ----= a charge. However,l.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-timc charge for an independent real estate tax reporting servicx <br />,,;,���-- •usoJ by I.ender in connccifon with this loan. unlesa applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an egreement is made or <br />:_'�'{�:�v�'"°�"�"° applicable law roquires inteTest to be paid. I.ender sh�ll not he reyuired to pay Horrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. N..:_: <br /> -F�'Y�;�±� Borrower and 1..¢nder :nuy agree in writing,however. thot interest shall be paid on the Funds.L.ender shall give to Borrower, = <br /> �����''�` �j wfthout charge, an annual aocounting of the Funds. showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which eueh <br /> �»,'.a«,. :..t.� ,, . <br />�?�c�w:taar�o;u� <br />;:;F���'m'---a—_`-"�"-�.• debit to tht Funds wss nisdt.Tht Fustda ere pl�ged as addh�ona!srcarily far�!1 sunu stcurM by tMs Secutity Instrumenl. <br />"!��;;hti ���k�y If the Funds held by l,ender exceed the ort►ounts permitted to be heid by applicable luw, Lender sh�ll account to Horrawer <br /> � � �F X for the excess Funds in acrordance with the requirements of applicable law,If the nmount of Ihe Funds held by I.ender at any :�_ <br />���-� '' �, ��:- <br />,,. + time is not sufficfcsnt Io pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender mey so notify 8arruwer in wriling,und,in such c• Borrower .�..__ <br />' �� - -�:_� T �_—. <br /> ���,l�,f shnll puy ta Lender the amount ne�e�aury to muke up the deficienc��. Honower shall muke up the deficiency in no mare than =-- <br /> };;���,'� twelve monthly paymen4�,at Lender's wlc di.ccretiun. „. <br /> . ,. ,��,,+ ` r Upon payment in fuU af ull sums sccured by this Securfty In�trument, l.ender shall promptly refu�d to Banower uny � <br /> , ��5�`'"�. ; Funds held b l.ender. If,under ara ru h 21, L.cnder shull uc uire or sell the Pro n . L.ender,prior to the uc uisitian or sale �;,,- <br /> �,•ti''? Y P B P 9 pe Y q i�;, <br /> �,-'i �� "��; of the Property,shsill apply any Funds helJ by lxnder ut ihc time af ncquisition or:;ale as a cre�lit egainst the sums secured by ;;..,� <br /> Ihi�Secarilv In�In�mPnt <br /> - ' � �`'�•�';��;�Y;;} 3.Application ot Poyments.Unless:applicable luw provides l payments rec�i��rd by I.ender under pnragrapfic � <br />" ' ��'`'��^'' �"" 1 und 2 shall be upplied:first,to any prepayment charges duc undcr Ihe NMe: second, w amounts payuble under parag�aph 2: �:."-�- <br />._:i r,. � r�ar�;y�..�l}yrv _ . <br />- � t�-�����`�'�° third,ta intere.vt due;fourih,to principal due;und las�,t.�any late charFes dur under tfie Nole. f <br /> L'I <br /> i�,°�1' , °'?�� ' ���' 4.Clu��es; Lieaas.Ro�rower shpll pay ull tax�,, assessments, ch•rr�et, t'inca anJ impnsiHom attrihutable to the Hropeny %f"- <br /> .,,b�.,,,_.: _:. <br /> � ,,,,..� • ''-��'• which muy uuain prinrity ��ver�his Seruri1y Insirument, und Icurehold puyment�or grounJ rents, if any. Borrower shull pay � <br /> . � - these obligutoons in�he manner pr.ivided in parugruph 2,or if nrn�aiQ in thu�manner.Borrnwcr sh•rll pay them an time direcQy ;s'�= <br /> '� . °� � '-�:;,'��, to the penon o�scd payment. Borrowcr shall prompdy furoi.h tu Len.ler all notice,af am�iunt,to hc p�i�under this pan�gruph. <br />_ J�.~ „ ..,'.. If Borrowcr makes Ihesc pnyments JirerUy. &�rrawer�he�ll promptly fumi.h a► I,cndcr r�rriptti eviJencing the payments. �,s,,�•'_ <br /> B�►rmwer shi�ll rom tl diu:hur r un licn which hu+ riorit ovcr this Srrurit In+trument unlesy&�rri�w•er:(u)u rees in `'�'�� <br /> - '+�=:• ,�, . : 1 P P Y R Y P Y Y 8 �?;. ' <br /> �eai�^' °a writing ro the payment nf the obligu�ion xcureJ By thc licn in v mannar ucccptahlc tu l.enJer: IBI c�m�c.�x in gaid fnith the lien �+�';• <br />� ��• �•'`' by, ar dcfe�ri� againtit cnforccmem of�hc lirn in. Icgnl pr�xceJingti which in thc LcnJcr'� npininn operutc tn prevem tt�e <br /> --� n, �. ., ;. . <br />.:a,�.. .. enfimement ot�he lien:or(c)serures I'n►m thc holJrr of the licn �in aprcrment�uti�fucwry��� l.rnJer suM�rdinating the lien ro `�'� <br />-''`; E�!' ,�- . }'�.•:'^ this Scrurity Instrumen�. lf LenJer Jeterniiix. tha� any pan ��f ihr Nrnpcny i. .ubjcri�o •r lirn whirh m•ry u��uin priori�y�ver -"'-= <br /> 1i+i, �*,° • this Securit lnstrumcnt. L�nJer m•r �ivr &irruwer a n�i�icc identif :n� thc licn. Wttruwcr�hall wiisf Ihe lien or take une or •;""° <br /> � �'��}� f. ..:: .- Y Y b Y b Y fi.,"..;. <br /> 1'� �4�. �� r y� more of the actions aet f'orlh al+uve w�ithin IU duys uf 1hc gi��ing nf nu�ice. ::��` <br /> ?I��s:���.:�:%5� r,tac.� <br /> ?" `"���� • Form 3028 9180 �n��� <br />;.. ��'u�:yG�,• e•r <br />�_-r-� I� �, r. P�e7o�6 <br /> ,.�°•,�; �c . • �t.'�i, <br /> a '`,��'� -"�:. S ��;�,�;. <br /> :i' c1'^ . ;T ^ . '`':i' <br /> ��i �i67'.. � , � /5� <br /> .L.i � it�•v � D� ay;• � tt.i ::W.R�.A�{f��+on.C•�J,�����vp��'f!�'r�'7.:�f� �MU.3iML �. <br /> 'i '1' Yi �� �rv '�l �1� ' . . "�.�1>• . v�� ~ hff{YAV:ITCIT�. ql. . -YI:1. �. <br /> �� ��»,_� :4�. w. ! • o ` ti _ . , - '�f' . .v.t.�. . � � . . . <br /> , �- ...� _ . � > >.., - . �. ���`�i� '. . <br /> •..� ..,..7t� _ , . <br /> � �.`*1,�_SL1Ri'ilf '�:.�iL�_ ..•e.•"- � ' -1- ' '.. - 1 �'� � 1 � . <br /> �� .�,�r.•5L)�iLT�..__ __i_L1.fif_� i,r_—_ __.____—_. __ _ �._. ____ _ :-__. �.'_ '�� •�•a-�„1��:biiC����� .�... _•1L,_\ '�•� � - <br /> �_ __ ,_ .p,a . _ _ . _ .. _ _'" _"`"""__"__""_'"'_" __ ' ��' Tir� _ '_ _ —. <br /> .{ � " • <br /> . <br /> r ._ -. �. .. �� . .� � . � . `• . . . �r� . , .. <br /> � .,Li'. �. . . u- 'S `' .. :. , y t� � � <br />._ .t �� „6- - Y9ffM1`.'v 4' _�` � ,.�r.'w.1�. . .. • : .. ��.. ��i� � . � .�t,- ' - ' . . <br /> �� . `�., h . � - �j .. . �. .. � .... .'.. . <br /> '_._ .t� ':A���. . -f .' �r ������1; �. , - •• .. . .. . . <br /> - :6 r ��1'uy" :P �. �'�, . h . 1, . . _ ' ' . <br /> � � : Ir� ��`.�' �a � d•J 1_ 1 , ••, � � , __`�.. - �..� � . . - <br />... ' .,,i i/rci�71 �. �.. 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