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�i,.,,�r�t�r� . <br /> �. d i it"t'. .:4::c1 t< x . . -- <br /> °'_ �� „ '��� � '� . .. . , . __'r_"'T ` 1,� ..._ <br /> .r ..._ � - �,•. -�,,}�h..:-;r�� . _ . .:,' '� _ 'J�{. , <br /> . .r <br /> — __..___..6�... 1.. -...._.�� � -.. . . . o , �i . . . 1 !•• �,}ft��n� . <br /> � g3- 1 .._'�++�; ;�,.. �-��� <br /> P�Y��U'ao lan�be the aptbn ot Lendlr�if mottpp iaounwoe aoven�ge(In tho urrounc ari��'iai`'���pb�1+�;-;��•��?�='.R <br /> �:;�:�.,.--- <br /> . dwt Lada nquir�r)Provided bY+���PP°ti'�bY���b�ooma�vdl�le �nd l�obuined.Borti,iWr�r�) �ey�••,•;.n•;,,•. <br /> n <br /> . the prctatums�aiuirod w uafatdn coort�qe faau�tae ia etfaot�a a providt�lar n�avo.w�til the roquirandl�{'nt.� �:j;�.''��"'`",=_ <br /> ,.: �� :•�;��;Cf�'.';= <br /> inaa�ad�ia p000�dr�ooe witb�aY w�iaon asreement betwMn�owrr�nd l�nd�r a�ppliwble I�w. ,, ��r'��;� . ,:•..��: •1i..:_= <br /> � , ,..,,..;-,--_ <br /> 9.latpecdon. l.atider or ia�xit trry m�ke rairun�ble aqrier upon nd itrpecxlons ot 1M�e P►opaty. Lendor�s�iill;�iv�:r ,;s;::;"J�d; <br /> Horruwer notice u the dme of a�prlor w m in�pa�tion�paciPyln�ro�rombb ca�w tur the l�upoctioa. �.��`. ;`�� .�� :,�'�,`��,�, <br /> 10.Conilama�ion•'1'be Pmoeed+of tny �w�ud or clalm for d�nu�a, dlroq a�canioquentl�l. in cannoc4ioci iv9tt�:.�t�y . , �� <br /> oondemn�Uon or otF�er talcin�oP my pet ot d�o Proparty.or for ouevey�noo In Ibu oP wndann�tion.aro heiebg:,assi�nod,�pd:t�,,; �•.� .': - <br /> . �.._...._..._.._�_-�-�.. �-- �. , .,rtwll bcs pnid w�der. . ., . . .:_ <br /> ,� in thc event of a toW ukin�of the Prpparty.�he pn000ed��h�ll bo�ppliad�a tho�unu� cacurod by this Socudry ln.gmut�nt;';�. ' ��� <br /> ' , �."whethar or not then duo. with any excess p�id ta Bo�mwor. 1�Iho ovent of q putl�l takin�of tho Praperty in whirh tfie fAit '. - <br /> �mruket.value of the AropeRy lmmodiately befaro�pa uikiag is eqwl to ar Qrcater Uun tha swtount af the cuma secprccl by thia . � . _ <br /> , '$ecueity Inetrument immediately bcforc the uking,unlasa Borrower and Lendor athenviw a�rea(n wdtin�.the wniv scrwrerl�y ; ; _-. <br />==�__ -- � �this Secudty Instn�meat shml be reducad by tho amaum �f the procoeds muldnliad by the fallowing fi�ction: (a! eC+e taN�l ,��:� _-- <br /> ��`���� amount of the sums sccurod immedlately before tho teking. dividod by(b)1ho fair markd value of'the Property imcnediaiely <br /> '~'��!`?���°� Neforc the talcin Any balwna ehaU ba d ta Barnnwer. In the event oP a ial t�lcin of the Pro rt in whici� tt+e �u3z <br /> � r +jv �r ��� �• P� P� � P� Y =_.. <br /> � murket value pf'the Property immodintely beforo the taking is Ieca than the omount of the sums securod immediptely befurc i1;c __ <br /> � -_— - � taking, unlesvs BoRawe�and Lender olhenvise agroe In wrlting or•mlrs:applicAble law otturvvlce provWea. tbe pracee�s�ail . �„�:'�� . �. <br /> __ bB applied ta the sutns cecurod by this Socurity Insuumpnt whether or ttiat the Rums arc then Juc. ;' =_ <br /> ' lf the Propetty is obandaned by Borrower.or if.aRer notice by Lcndcr to Borrowcr that thc oandcmnor off'e�s tQ maGe va _= <br />__,___._u._...�.,_.�,._ - J award or aettle a claim for d�es. 8omower fdls w �ond to Lender wilhio 30 doY��er tho dote the notice ic given. � = <br /> '.� a°�`.�" - Lender is autha�iud to collect and apply the proc�eais,at ite�uption,elther to reworubn or repair of�he Pmpeny or w't0ie sua�s -= <br /> .,`.'�'� '�F '1 I secunx9 by this Se�uriry Instrument.whether or not then due. __ <br /> . ;,� Unless I.ender and Borcower otherwise agrce in writing, Any application of pnxeede to prfnclp�l shall not extend or -° <br /> �i �y ne the due date af the monthl a ments refeRed to in ra hs 1 and 2 ar chan e tho omnunt of such ments. � <br /> ._�,.,, pasqw Y P Y P�B P 8 PaY _ <br />-���,,tA�,p;� , 1�.Bo�ower Not Reka�ed;Forbearance By I.ender Not a Walver.Extension nf tho time for payment or madifica¢ion = <br /> - '':7�s' of amortixation of the sums secured by this Security instrument grunted by Lencler ta any�uccexwtt in interest of Borrower shaf! _ <br /> ,,;:.:��\�., � _ <br /> `�, �� no�operate to mlease the liability of the original Borrower�r Borruwer a succtssur.r in intc��l. L.ender Khull not be required ta _ <br />-`�ti' comu�e�cr proceedings against any successor in intereat or refu�se�o extend�ime fiir paymenl nr olherwire modify amonization <br /> •- �� of tiie sams secured by this Security Inxtrument by�n aP any demand mwlc by �ho�►righ�al &imnwer �� &iROwer's - <br /> - succe���s in incerest. Any farbearance by Lender in eaerciYin�uny �i�ht or remedy ghull a��t be u waive�uf or prcclude�he __ <br />�'hi.�. f exercise of nny right orremedy. • _ <br /> _-__-- - - 12. Succe�+ur., �nia� aa,fqns Roundi 3oini aiu! �cera! Llab!ltty: Co-�la�. Thc ccovcnams as�d aga�:s:cniv oF ttsis _- <br /> ��'�• ^ :,i�� S�curity lastrumem sha19 bind and benefit the successar:z�nd usgigns of I.eiuler And �►rn�wer, xubje�;l tn Ihe pmviKions of ' _ <br />-�;, • - <br /> •,. �4�, • ,� paraeraph 17. Lorrower's cavenams and agreemeMs shall t+e jaint und severul. Any Butmwer wh�� co•.rigns thig Secu�ity --. <br /> �•'� . lnstnurMnl h�ot dnes nm execute the Nnte: 1a) is co-,igning thix Securiry Instrument only lo nwnuugr, �truut und convey that u:. <br /> -..">if:. ..�r'�,,. _ <br /> R,, ,.{� ; � BoROwer's interest in�he Propeny under the terms of thix Security Instrun�nr,lb►in not per�ooully obligulcJ tu puy the sums _ <br /> , ;,:: -;r�; ��� secured by this Security Instrument;u�xi(c>agrees thut[..cnder and uny athcr Bnrn�wc�muy u�nx tu cxtciul. �ihdify,fiirbear ur _.; <br />__ • ,�:,;1��1,�;► makc any accommcxlations with regurd to thc temis of this Security Ins�rumem nr Ihc N�itc wlih�iw t6a1&►RUwcr'�c�m�cM. ��_ <br /> ;����;� i � �E�,�; - <br />- ,.��.}�. 13.l.oan Char�ea. If the loAn secured hy thls Securiry Instrunx:nt ir,ubj��t to a luw which+e�+ muxiinum luun churgex, _ <br /> - '- �` '�iu>, and�hAt law is finally intcrpretcd w thut tf�c irneresi or ahcr I�ian chnrgeti collcra�l ur tu hc c�►Ilec���l in runnrction with the '- <br /> � — -- -- — loun e!eeeea tne permnteci iimits.then: (al smy ,ucn ivan ciiur�c�iiaii ik rcJuc«3 i,y il�c wii�Wid�ie�e,rui� t��ialu�c Ii�c�ii�+�g� °� <br /> ��rM� �~rS,`�^.����'� • '�� to the rmitted limit:unJ (b)vn wmti alreud collected frnm Rnrruwcr whirh excccJed nniucJ li�ui�.r will I+c rcl'unded lo � <br /> �'� , ;1,�, , ��,. Pc Y � 3' Ix .,.- <br /> '�� '• B�rrower. I.ender muy choose �o niuk� Ihi. rcfun�f hy reducing thc p�in�ipal uw•eJ unJcr tl�c N��ir or hy iiiukiiig u �irect `:-� <br /> ;; c�'� ` paymem �o Borrower, If u rcfund reduce+ prin�ipal, the reducii��n will hr t�eatcd uti a puniul prepuyment withuut ,�ny ��- <br />_�' . :�}'�I,:i�i+,�{ prepayment churga,pnder the Nwe. R <br />_ , «��,�::,:� • <br /> � 1����,.•r tt• ' 14.NoNctw. Any n�uicc to Bc�rrower prmided for in�hi�Sccurity In,trunkm ,hall b� given by Jclivcring it ur by muiling E' <br /> �Ar�l�:�:��,�.r �*.�;: -_ <br /> ''�� J. • it b}�firs�clmss mail unless npplicable law requires usc of nnother methal. Thc n�►ticc �hull hc direct��J t�►thc Pr�►pcn�• AdJresti -.. <br /> - � �f:: <br /> " '� '� (`• or any oiher uddress Bormwer drsignale. hy n�nice to Lender. Any iwticc �u l.enJrr ,hall t+c giv�n hy lint clu.. muil io -c�� <br /> 1'�r " . . k..� F.. <br /> ��: ;,. v Lender'c address stuted herein iir any uther;K1Jreti+ l.ender de�ignateti by nolice w Burn�wer. Any n�+hcc pn�vid�Yl li�r in thin �' <br /> `F Ils, ;,. . 4'{�`.,�y =. <br /> , .���" . '��':`•, Security lnatrument tihall be deenxd to have becn given to Bc�rr�iwcr�ir LcnJcr wlkn�ivrn a,p�u�•iJ�d in�hi�parugruph. a <br /> o. ,` .. ;� � -• ���,Z�a 1S.Governln�; Scverabillt�•. This Serurity Inv�rumem sh.dl l�c g�►vcrn��l hy 1'�dcral IuN• u��1 �hr luw ul d�c 6� <br /> � /;.r. <br /> .�'-,�, � :.��,r�,.fr;,;: jurisdiction in whirh �he Propeny is loc•rted. In Ihe event thn� an} pmvision ur rlau.r of thi+ 5e�uri��• In.�runkn� ur thr N�►�r ,-- <br /> ' �✓,I��'�`[���� '�g•:�;s' conflicts with applicuble laa-,such cnnflict shull nm aff'rct othcr pmvisiuns uf thi.Scruri�y In�trwue�n��r thr N„te wliirh eun Ix - <br /> '�'l._��'-;� ' ��"�ii �. <br /> - �� t . ,;5,'dp'. `�`,1 given effect withnut the conflicting pmvi�ion. '1'u Ihi.end�he pra�•i.ians af Ihi.S�curit}• 1 narumern oiul Uir Nu�c arc�krfun�l - <br />- .'. , `i" tn be�everahle. � <br /> '�,.._ r ,:.: <br /> � ' `�-:��: 16.Borro�cer's Copy.8urrm�•er shal! bc givcn onc c�nl��rni�tii rnpy��f Ihr ti��ic:�nd�+t�tl►i•Srrurity In,trumc•!n � <br />,�- - .., . , Fam 30Z� O�YO 1 <br /> i�ti,Ti,zqi'?��: <�: v.o.�oi e `-., <br /> _ � G;r:. '. �5;.v� ���, - <br /> - >.. � .� ;..:...��� _ <br /> ,...t",•�.;..y� _�.: d <br />- " �"�ki#'n��l�.�, ... - <br /> ° � ���wV'�`' �•u S �7 t^��"�� ��tllf�SPj.;� � �,�..1<.�d �_�. <br /> . .. �{ ' ,,.t. �P r��C.}';,i:, .. . '(�1 �t�' ��ry����� .. � ' - <br /> ...�.• ��� ;,�,'.'i;!`lrt,�°?'� �TI( '; Al'.M.�C�l�}��` t��'!�tr F 9 vii�}•:��o'��r���}1 ?•jy pl�?� t�� ,�, - � H <br /> ,:,�c �� �).. !'!. _ -_ <br /> �;,9. 1 �Si �`'> �;,,r,t,�"Iy��ra�'S�J(��Yf'�tic_t '�: ,it+i�.��t�"1�'i... ��� �' .� i ..�°. .._��..� . ,..�._. . � . _.,.,'�"L'` . <br /> .��— •-iMiklT.�a�f�'„i:�,-r?.�ILi:fi�iA9� } � ,.�, r :w�,ryl�;����.� �•1.!•�:li:J�fi��Y\; � ��L'�_u1.99S��N'�+ :��G��. -:YC.a�'f"�i.tAj{ �_. <br /> �?�j '�Ti.tii'[';r.=i�c . ..`-�.:,,'•:��;�`. � .��.r• }`�,�•.nlr rv«r w r..-.-..�{::r.�'t`?,' ,�Y�+t ��� _ . `,i <br /> o � ���"��-; }4Fi';�1 t;;;Y��J�}-I 1 . r)_ ����,�y �1- �i.11 ��,_� - :� ��� -���i -r.} .rr••�'i'� . i tt M�Y�.�',p 3 '�.''�F'Jl'�� .^.tt + 1 �. i r �: <br /> - } �.�11;�f- . 1S� �, 1��r:Y " . _ �� � ��tti� ���J�- 1 -_�4. -n� �'tr•`�iC�A�. �� �[i��� ��'1 i., <br />- � 'SL'�,td'�''� I .� ''�?f `� .. � S�1 : �5. 1. 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