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� ., . <br /> . - - <br /> . . . . <br /> � ` f - -`- - - -_ _ ' __ - <br /> - �,y� 1 ii� , � l�. ' . . . . . 'L�.N�:! .. . .� I. I � .A�L- .. <br /> .1�J�L�r.�.�� ' . • . ' <br /> --- , , 83• �#�2 <br /> -- - _ ca,aea�u�Oa or akr akin�ot�oq►p�e+ot u,e�ropei+y.a Pa aoow�o.N ww of ooad�o�tloN,.a b�b�►+yfpm wd , <br /> �11 be pdd a l.adK . <br /> � M d�e e�at d a taW akins or d�e Ptnpe�ty. a�e pnoeed��lan be.ppueo a 1bo aim..eaaaa ey u�sooinhy <br /> Ia�rop�eiN, wbethor ar aot Wan due�wYh�ny exaea aW to Bam�vwe�. In.�he oveat o[a pa9W ukia�d the�1ape�ty in <br /> wMich tfa hir m�rka v�iue ot the Propaty imnadi�toly befae the tdcl�b equd ta ar�nes�er dwn the+unourM ar tfie tnm� <br /> �ea�red bY Ihi�Sewdty Insnu�r�eiu iaunodlatoly hefaro�he t�kin�.unlen Bormrrer md l.ei�dar otheiwi�o�tee in wtitins. <br /> --- _ — ti►e a�mc c�aued by td3�5ucuity itudutnct�t chall tra�d by ds��n!t!a ptacecde�ttuNlplkd by�he te!larvit� <br /> fr��on; (R)tho touil amount ot�Iro wm��ecurod immedl�tely befnm�bo talcln�.dlvided by lb)�po far m�ricd value aY die <br /> -_ � _.-..,,�-.,,_,�__-_ ._,, p�y fmntedl�telY befae d�e pddnp. My bala�oo ih�ll bo pMid w Bumawer, In the overl c►f�pwhi�d uiltln�d Ihe . - <br /> propaty in which tbe Wr m�rta v�lue at tho Property immodluely befon�he�aking b le�w th�n�he anoiun of the wna <br /> - r o n u o d �i u r e d i a t e ly b e foro t h e u k iag.u n k s 9 B a�m w e r�n d l.e�f e r a d�a v v l s e�p e e i n w�i d n A o r u a l c u�p p l i c a M e l a w � <br /> "- o�perwlpe provida�,�be p�0000d�sh�ll l�e�pplied to iha wmo roaurod by Ihis Secwity fawumeot wbother ar nat tbe aavu ir�e <br /> � It the pmperty is�i�nda�ed by Bomnwe�.or if.aflcr nalca by I.ender lo Bamnwer Iluit�ho candcmnor offe�s to m�lte <br /> �n�wmd or sepk+�cl�an for d�ma�.Bar�wer f�il�to rcspond to I.endc�within 30 day��fler tho d�te�ho notioa ia givai� <br /> - - - i�ender is wahorizod to callact�ad+ipply tha its optiou�eithcr w�staratlon ar�pai�of tho Propwty a to tla <br /> suatc sec,�wod bY Ilutt SocWitS'fn�uu�t,whether a not U�an due. <br /> u+�less I.eua«,ma eon�ower ane�wise+�p�e�o 4w writiqp.�ny.pplk.dan or pm�oeas to princip�l snd�ew eRtena or <br /> - poctpone the due dooe oidie�aonthlY pa�ments refinod ro ia pa�a�phe I aod 2 or ch�nge the aonount af cuch psytna�tR. <br />,-y:�;.; il. Ra�raner Not Rsieared: F��oie B�r Le�der Not a Walver. Extension oi�Ae lime iar payment ar <br /> _= raodific�Mion of amort�►ian of'd�sama sxarod b�r�is Secwii�y Ins�umeM granted b�r I.ender ta aay srcoeswr in Lue�at <br />�� of Bam�nar sluill nol ope�te to rela�.se�he li�bility of Ihe oai�inal Bartor�er or Bonoweri�saocess�o�in iu�tetiect.L�tder <br />_--- ------a simii aat be to oonaneuoe P�ooee�iags a�Baia�any c�rc�or in intersw vr nefiwe tu ex�ad�me i�x paya�W ur <br /> �.�` dherwise mod�amordzatioq of 1he wms secu�ed by thi�Securiry Insuumeat by rcssan d'any drm�nd made by the origiio*1 <br /> =�=•: <br />__`�-- Harmwer or Bonower�s cuccecsois�n iuMe�est. My fmbearan�e by L.ender in exerri+rin�any ri�bt or rcirKdy�fwll aat be• <br />:_:;�_� wdver of or preclude tha e�cercise of�ny right or remody. <br />:;';- 1L Suc�o+�s aad Aai�as Baa�d;.Poi�t aod Several LtabWtyi Co�sigaers. The rnvmants aM agroements ai'this <br />„'i�„�;;._ Secwity Inswment shaN bind and benefit the sucassas atrd assigns oi L.eader and Bortower.:ubject to the provisia�s of <br /> --- ���',5j i p�a�ph l7.Borrowerx cove�unts rnd agnaement� shall be joint and several.Aoy Bomower who co-signs�his Sa�urity <br />�'e��[�w,;i}_ <br /> - Insuuaxnt but daes nu�t execute the Note: (a)is ca-signing this Security Insmrment anly w mcxtgage.grant and canvey dw <br /> `:='� ;,_ Bormwerk intenst in the 1'roperty under the terms af this Sacurity Ins�rua�enl; (b)is na persunally obligated to pAy 1he sums <br /> ` ';�i 3� secured by thjs Securi�y Insaument;arerJ(c)agrees thnt l.ender su�d ony other Bomower may Ar�nee�o eatend madify.forbea� <br />::`""-� Y'� or malce�ny accommodalio� with r�egaid to the�emis of�his Secunty Insuument w�he �irne witlaut Uwt Borrower'� <br /> -= cansent. <br /> -= 13. I.oaa Clw�es. lf the laan secured by thib Security Instnunent is subject to A lnw which sets mmcimum loan <br /> --°. �. <br /> ,�;�.3•;� ' , ciiarges.�i�h�t few is fiaaiiy intc�ccird sa that t:x i�tesL�st or ost:er!om cl�rges eollecsec!nr so be ra!l�rtsx!in ronsas�oss - <br /> 'K�}t; r:,� J, .�,' ' with thr bun eaceed the permitted I�mWs,then: (a)any xuch los�n charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to r+educe <br /> _,a�� '�� P ��,t<5!C, �•the eha�e ta the permiued limir,nnd(hl aoy suma Already colkcted from Bomower whieh excecc3ed permitted Umit�will be <br /> _::Yrs�; !.�;., � ���.� c�cfunded ta Borrower. L.ender m�y chcw�e to mnke this�fund hy Peducing the principal owed unc,ler the Note o�by nwking a <br />---` ;i'�':� �`� ' direct a ment to Do�ru�tiet. If o�efw�d reduces p�lacip•rl.tlte m.�lu�:lion wlll be tiealed:u a p�uiiul prc�y�ueut wiUKwl�my � <br /> �;;.,-� �r�j�Ffs i��� s��;,;•> P Y <br /> _,,� :; d�_y,y�.��� •�s{�.:, PRPpYment chorge urv�er a7�e P1otc. _ <br /> 1��+• "•• ' + 14. NMlees. Atay notice to Burrower prov�ded for in thi.Securi�y In�tniment shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> :. r q:.,` r�.�::Y _ <br />-- �• ti,�•��."� mailing it by First class mail unless Appiica6le luw requires use o1'another methai.The notice sha8 be directed to ihe PropeRy <br /> ' ` �''�"� Address or any other uddress Barrower designule.r•by notice�o I.ender. Any notice to Lender shail be given by fint clasY _ <br /> ,,'�;t�r�' :��. _ <br /> mail to I.ender�s nddrecs stated herein or any uther addre.r•s Lender de.ignotes by notice to Borrn��•er. Any notice provickcE far. <br /> ---- lt1 thi� Seeutity In�IrttmrRf 9hntl he derme•1 i� h'��'.' 1r'pn oivrn tn Rf1TAWP1' M 1 Pmirr wl�n nivpn nc �mvitl�xl ia ihic <br /> •'.;�.; , '`. ,.r� m h. <br /> P�8 P <br /> �'ri''�� •`��` •%�'�•�•�� 1S. (iuverning �.aw: Severa6Nbtv. This 5ecurity Instrument nhnll Ix gavcrned by federnl law ana nc� law nf the � <br />'ji11;`,�•� ' "''�' �'�`�"'�"�:;" , juriulir�ion io whirh tfie Propeny is Iorated. In the event thal am provhion ur cluutie of this Securiry Instrument ar 1hc iYute — <br />'�,,. ��. ' '� eanfliets watfi ap,plicable law.such c��n•11i.i shull nrn uffec�other pern�isions of thix Security In:an�ment or the Note whi�ia c:u� � <br />'A .� ;.,� be given effect witfiout the con0icting pruvixion. 7b�hi�cnJ the pm�•ision, oi�his 5ecurity Instrument and�he Nutc ,ur = <br /> i�' ,. �' ,'':P:��• derlvred to be xeve�ab�e. _ <br /> � '�� 'f,. �' .Y 16. Borrowerk�Copy. Bortuwer shall be given one ronfonn�Kl c��py of 19:r�ota and of thix Security Instrument. '� <br /> �'' • � l7. 7lransfer nt t�e Property or a Benelicial Inleresl in Borrower. If atl or uny pan af ihe Propeny or�ny intettw�in `� <br /> � . °� �o��,'•.�� it is sold or tronsferred(or ii a beneficiul intcrcst in 6om�wer i�sold or trrn+fcmd und Borruwer is not u nuturnl persor�t __ <br /> '��. '„��t��;� without Lender�prior written con�ent. Lendcr nwy,at i��optian,require immediutr paymem+r,full of ull xumn secur�d hy _ <br />-_�•�'� `�:� �'���; tbis Socudty Instrument. However,Ihi.a�Nion xhn11 nw Ix exerri�J by Lr.rnkr ii'rxcrrise is prohibited by fedeml law n;oi <br />