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, <br /> JaT� . ' ..t" � . `.. �IR._..-. <br /> _ � . IY ��� �. <br /> � ,� ... .... . <br /> �Z.� . �1 _.. ... . . _ ... ... . -- . . <br /> 1 <br /> .� � __ .. . . , , ___ -- _ <br /> _'. _'.J.a�l - ' � .-�` ---_. <br /> 93• �ox� � � <br /> — — � ,�uw�o�ao��... �.�.a.�o�wa��.��n a���.e.�►��b�� <br /> �pp�ov,a wbicu�n na 6��a�b(y►whhhew. u earowro�r,iM w nu�o�a�e ae.c�ibea.boYe.4p•��r.� <br /> Landerti optiaa.aM�iaoove��e m pnolect l.end�uti ri�lw ia tbetPropaety in�oca�d��wlth p�raQrA�b 7. <br /> � All inwnu�oe palicia aad reaxwalt sMN be�ooepable�o ,a�1a�ad�11 iaalude a stand�d mongaye clw�e. Laixla <br /> �hall h�vo the dght to hold�e polick�a md��. lf Laider iequinp,darower�lull prampdy�ive w Lender�11 rooelpu <br /> of p�id p�miuma�ad�aewd aotioes. In tde event of loa.Barower�II�ive prompt aabe to tbe ins�u�e crpder�ad <br /> - - - I.ander. I.cndor m�y mate poof atlos�if oot m�wle promptlY bY Bo�o�er � <br /> _ __a ,� ---��� U�kss L,ender uM Borm�wer alrcnvlAe a�roe in writtng,in�+maicap shdl be�ppli�d�o rostauinn or repair of <br /> tbe if t6e restaratiaa a empir io 000nomlc�Uy Fe�ibk�iuM L.e�derb acurity i�not Icsionod. IP die <br /> - �esta�i ar rop is not ecanomlcally teuibla or I.enderti security wadd be ksca�od,�he in�umnoe pnooeed�sFu�ll bo <br /> ,...�:�. �pplied W the cums iecured by thit Saudty Inctrumen�wlKthor a �ot It�en duc.with�ny exoese pdd w&xrower. If <br /> ----- BonovNa abando�thc P�q�w1y.a does not�ru�ver whhin 30 d�y� �ootica from I.eada tlut the insu�ana canier h� <br /> oPfc�ed W zetlle a cl�hn.lhai Lcnder nuy callect the incurance pmceed�. Lender moy uca the p�ocaede to�e�au ar nesto�o <br />- ' �he Pmpnty a to pay wms secwied by tAiR Secudty IpttnunqR,whetbet or�at tbeA due. 'Rrc 30�day period wW bc�in wr6� <br /> _ — � the notice is givrn. <br /> Unkss l.aider and Barower otherwice a�roe in wrlda�.mY+�PPNcaatioo of pmcecxle w priocipd shall not expend a <br /> postpono thc due date of the monthly Wlmen�e�fe�d w in{wagniphe A md 2 or clw�gs tM:�of the payma�ts. If <br /> _-' fnom da�c�to tho�he Property is acquirad by Lender. Bortowul�righa to any i�policies aad pooeed��esultiag <br /> �:� P1vpe��r p�io�r w u�e aoquisition�hal�pss�a Lenaa w tAe exa�t d me sums seq�a by thi��Sxunry <br /> �,:.;.�- �y� iclu� <br /> ]r:=, and Pe+otectioa d We Propnt�: Ba�ow�ar�+ L.o�o �ppkiaiNoni <br /> �='_ I.e�erold�. Bon�nwer slwiU accuyr.est�bNisY.atd use the Property as Bo�rmrrer�pnacp�l�esidea�e witEiin siiiiy Qa}t��ita' , <br /> �-- � th�:rac..uiiw�uf ihia Sexwii�W�fumi�d uurl eC�rll wol'uwc lu u�x:upX Ii�Fw��ty �u Bwwwrr's 1�'ciarP�{rrsiti�cttx�r.i0r�t ` <br /> _ kast ane year after the date of occupauncy. wikss L.ender otherwise agrees in vrriting, wldcle ua�.�rnt ��IJ ncr be , <br /> -= unrcawmbly withheld.ix unless extenuatin�ci�wn�t�nca exial which ue boyond Bamwer§cana�o9. Bomuwer s�all not <br /> destmy.darnage or impair tQre Pimperty.d0ow U�e Yr+opeRy to deuria�te,or commit waste on the Property. Borrnwer shall <br />_- �`� 6e in dcfwlt if any forfeipu�action ar pacYeding,whetlKr civA or criminal,is begun that fi I..end�r�good faith judgment <br />-• •�-�L �,• could rcsult in forfeitwe of�he Pruperty a otherwise matedally Impair the lien created by thi� S�acuriry Inswment or <br />:�°..���, r..�`-'' � ';> ��` I.enderk secudry inta+esG Bamwer may curc such a def�uk and provided in pa�-aph•Q�.�by causing the actjon <br /> � + or procecding to be dismissCd with r ruling Lender�gaad faith determin�tion,precludes forII%eitune of the Bcxrnwer's <br /> :�,,,�;.,,...�..,,�s;� • <br /> . �.,.,.� '�a.p tn�,, � intercst in the Propaty ar otl�r muerid impaimient of�he lien cneated by thia Security Insnument or Lenderk security <br /> ' ''��' �� interest. Borro�vcr shall also bc in default if Bormwer, during the low�application pracess, gave m�terially falsc or <br />-- . inaccurate infamation ar atatementa to Lender(or failed to provide l.ender wi�h any mnterial informadon)in connectian wlth <br /> "� • • ; �he lou� evidenced by the Note. including,but not limi�ed to, repesenttu�ons conceming Barce��er�s accupancy of the <br />��''�„f � _ Prope�ty a,a principal rcsidence. If this Security Instrument is on a Iwsehold,Bomower ahall comp0ti with�ll the provisions � <br /> ' - A�^:�,°d�. of the lease. If Borrower uiros fx titk to the �he leasehold�wc6 d4e fa litk�hal)nat me e unless l.ender a <br />'� �; '� i!�'��"�:{����.�; �o tlx merger in writing. AW �'DPCnY• rF S� <br /> ,.:� -��$'�`�`'�.�':,: . � 7. Pnotectlon ot l,ender's RiglNs ia the Properly. If Borrower fails to.�eafa:�m�hr cavrnants and ug�oements <br /> ,�::.`, ; •;'•• .ri.,s',•yw,;t.:,;,,:• conwined in this Security Inauument, or there is u kgal proceeding that m�y aisnala:untly Af6eca Lender's rights in the <br /> � ��'�'�`-"'�"'"''- Praperty�such as u pr�xraflug in bwd:ruptcy,prob�te,for condemnadoo or forfaiture or�o eufur�e�uw�ur rcgula�ions),deen - <br /> ` . � ' ` Le�er muy do nnd pay for whntevcr ls ne�essary to protect the value of the Prope�ty nnd Lender ti�ights in the Propetty. — <br /> .. ' • , ��,..,�t3� tznders uctions may include paying any sums secured by u lien which has priority over Ihis Secudty Instrument,appeAring - <br /> ; ', • in court, in reawnable Altome s fees And enteria on Ihe w malce re �rs.Al�wu h Lender ma �ake action <br /> ' • - :,.r:}�_ under�his�EwroBmph 7.Lender doe.a not have to do so. 8 ��' Pa 8 Y <br />�� Any amounts disburxed by Lendcr under U�is parugraph 7 shall become udditianul debt of Bcxrower secured by this <br />� Security inairumrn�. [;nicsx 8orruwer und t.encier agree to aher terms ai paymen[,�hese nmounts shali bear in[erest from the -- <br /> :�,�; 5 �='�•',r�r' �� � date of dishunement at the Note rolz and shall be payable,with intei+est, upon nolice from I.ender to 8orrower r�equesling _ <br /> � ! ' � 'R.�,�,:9�:��,f , puyment. <br /> - ,- �1 (,_::,►rT� 8. Morlgage Insurn�ce. If LcMler rcyuired mortguge insurance as a cnndition of mnking the loan+ecured by this — <br />-rf�, ' ��;,yiiy;!,�.c Security Instrument,Barrnwer sh�ll pay the premiums required to maintain��e m+nng�ee insumnce in effect If, for any _ <br /> _ �•.<<~ '� � � rcason, the monRuge insurance coveruge required by Lendcr lapse� ur reases to he in effect. Borrower shall pay the <br /> �•, � � '.•. , : premiums required to obtuin coverage xubsluntiully eyuivulent lo the mortgage inYUrunce previ��i�s1y in effect, At n cost <br /> " � "�'.�� subs�nntiully equivulent to the cost lo Bomower of the mortguge insurnncr previoutily in�ffect. from an s�lternale mongage — <br /> ' ° ," "� . �� ����;, insurcr upproved by Lender. If substuntiully eyuivulem mortgAgc insur�nce rnvrrage ir not nvailable.Borrower shull puy to <br /> - � .'U'�'�'� Lender eu�h month n sum eyunl to�x��-�welflh of the yearly mongagc insurancc premium bein�e paid by Borrower when the — <br /> ' ,y ��,;�� � � insunmce rovernge lupsed or ceuxed io be in effect. Lender aill uccepl,u�e nnd retuin thexe payments ns u loss reserve in lieu -- <br /> . ' '� ' ' ...��'4� '..;.•: of mortg�ge insurnnce. Loss rcserve payments muy no longcr be reyuircd,vt thc option of l.rnder,if mortgage insurAnce — <br /> ' • ,FS�t ';, covcr.�ge lin thr amount und for the period that Lrndrr rcyuires)provided hy un insurcr approved by Lender ugoin becomes _ <br /> a ,�'y � ;:,,, a;� �'�'';, uvailuble und is ohluined.Bormwer shall puy the premiums myuired Io�naintuin mungugr inaurnncr in effec4 or to provide u = <br /> (�'�`' ,-;:�,: � �: <br />- �-�'��' 11:�Y• �� f1 !..' __ <br />_, , £, , ,,�.t,.:.�tr.i� .�j luss rcserve,until thr R•yuirement for mort�uge inwruncc ends in uccordanre with an}•written agreernent belween Bomiwer <br /> ., ;•�.:.,.r,::."+�'�'��.�c� :uu�Lender�►r•rpplicablc law. <br /> , }1 `.�� ��;,`�", 9. Ins � <br /> a�� �' i . '•�'"'At.�'��F�'�;t.l pectlon. Lendcr or its a�;ent tnay m•rke rea��m:�hlt entries upon anJ imper�ion+of thr Propeny. Lender zhnll <br />;'_� f,_.., ;.,.. Fi�e Borrower nrnke at thc time of or prior to an incpecli�m specifyinp reas�nahk c:�use for Ux inv�e�si�n. -_ <br />. y 1( .� <br />�`F . �' :•' --�=�;.-�-.Fr;;'::t: 10. Cundeu�nYiion. Thr pnxerds ol':ur. awrr�o� rlaim I'or dam:ice+.dimc<<,r comequrn��a�. m.•�nnecunn with any <br /> ��,��;, ;, �•: �, <br />:;�,�. - t,��`.., �'�''�������?���{:� SingkFamily--ltinnie:liae�}hddk�lacl'Nl�(1kMlYSTRPNF.M1T•-UniformCnvenans 9lgp rpu�;�•?ni�lwe�•�i <br /> ".i. i:�' ,'}I�,�` `';'y; �:rcat LAM ew�nne s ' <br /> � �, Tnqyer I�p�I�IOO8JO90f3�]YAt HI&74t•119t <br /> g. ' �i v/1F,:�;' "C4h%{��i,:i`P6 �'.: <br />':)i:,' ,�> �`'���;",t�4��.',�:��{4i f�fl; <br />.� .:':'1; t•: ..�i:��(��v,�.�4iy2}.'�f;'; � <br />. ,:i7.'�,c; ��, • ;f� l��j-�t'1��tY�y)';�: <br /> ( ,�', tr s •y,�:" .�"t' t 1'S � ?:::."�.!tr^^�'' <br /> �} ,{� �� sn:� �ift�1� � i� 'i T <br /> i`1l,,�;' �t!'��'� ��1�"%� �,: .,, ,��� ;,E � �; �'�• �� t�,��",.7`'.' , � .�,��,,;. <br /> �i' ,i;., 1 . � �. �� ; }`���. �� ,� <br /> =t.;?�fti 1�,, �'�., .., t' ����; .�� ,.���,;� ,t .;� ,�� ;�:'� � �;�r;a,�•��� ;_r.: '��. `..,�.•` <br /> _'ILl: ��_.�. t'!J� . ( f��/C;���54� ii•1.t�1��� �;�•.�•,. � �'<<r.' � ,;:l�'�/�'t- .� � r' - ��_,��..;;Y���ts� -�f���2, ' S, ' . ' �. �« ' . ' . <br /> _ �.tiY ;.t4,.1t�ilt�n�� 1[tA�II� ty���'4�• . . 1.. . ,i5�. �' �.l!;i�.�.1�.,S.Y!:. s«� ���i�.�t�hi`.���_ �����1u. � :�_ <br /> -•-, � .� j��_ .�yf � _- ,�i... -- - ---.-... , . ' • .t��� !'i� . C��. -- „S.�- ; � ,:t.� • .ar� _ �- �r- � . <br />�""� •Q /} i{{i f��/I�:`�.Sf/' - .. i. �- . � �•.- . . . �- . • . . • <br /> P �, ��'y'j��J��'I���J„��t" _.-..- • ..,. ' ` +; , . . �s' ); . , <br /> 's ' •�, �'' �} 2.'��•_'�`�� A:). � ' , ','1�y�; ti,•. , <br /> w ,�.`;.t�i.7) �c;r-��,. . -. . - � - . . 1i,''� . � ' <br /> , "L# :i,t`lt:l���� • �r .� � .. .. . - .. . ��. ' . _ . <br /> �� .}, <br />. i •:.�:�+�r . . � . <br /> �' ,f�����!' „ . <br /> �, , . <br /> e ' . , . <br /> �,: ' ' ;t'�t. ' „ ' ' , ' t.: � <br /> ' �� •t;t , • ���. � <br />��� � j , ,��.��cV :' .,.. ..- ..��. ' . . ' ' � ;•`'i,�;;';;: <br /> � ? .. . . „ . , � . ,., , � , . ,.. <br /> ° .;� ' , ,.... .. . <br /> s .. r , <br /> ; . <br /> . , <br />