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,. � <br /> : � . . � . <br /> _ . _ <br /> , . <br /> . , . <br /> ., .. , . , - <br /> _�— , .: .��� t _- <br /> :,�. ,�.:___ .. .� cF , - . . � ., - • � ,- .- .�_- <br /> , . . � . ,. <br /> � �ppl:csblo!�a msy specily fa�in�anant)befixe We ol'Wo Phnpaty purw�at W�►�pow�a o�� pa 1i�u in Ihi� _ <br /> Security L�umm�a(b)awy ot�altt�nciap this Sxwity ImuumaN. 7l�we aadbiwur ae NW 8aanw�rer: (�) <br /> � p�y,� L.aider ap wms� t6ea be due nnder this Soaudty lacdumait �rd tla Noto u !f na�oodaWoa bd <br /> � aocuned:(b)cares ioy Asf�ult at+�ny ad�r ao�a�ts a a�eat�.(c)Pys all expau�w i�cunad in ad'�anch���MU Secwity <br /> Imon�neat�inclu��t nol limited ta.rasaasble �aamays'tea:and(d1 W�es wch actlan a l.enda m�y raicantbly <br /> �equi�e w ac�aie thu tla lia�of�bia Sacuriry InitrumaN.i.eedetl��ights io the Propaly u�d 8aeowerk obli�doo ta pwy Iho <br /> -- aw� sacme�i try thi�Soca�iry insmandu �il oa�Lwe w�daai�od. Upun�i��+�u Gy CiarS�r. thi� �+aity - <br /> law�nau�ud the oWig�dons securod h�by slull tatain fully etrxtive a�if a�aocele�tiao lud axunr+d. Nowavar.thi� <br /> � -- -- �i�At ta roimtaie duN aot�►pply in�ho cace of scalaatlon wider pu�g�ph 17. — <br /> 1! Sak at Natei Ch�e of I.o�a Seniar. The Note or+�putui i�ueoest�n tho Nate(wBdMx with thi�Seoudry <br /> 1�1 m�y be�old ona ar mane dma witliant priar natioa ta saROwer. A c�lo m�y rcsult in a chaige in tha cMlty <br />- (kiawn as tl�"l..awn 3ervlce�')tbat oollects moathlY Wfmxnts due w�der�he Nde�ad�hi�Secwity Incuumem. Thera�Iw <br /> - - nuy ta ane ar mon ciu�nga of iho I.o�n Scrvlar unrol�tal ta�s�le at Ihe Nok. lf Iha�e is�ch�nge of'the f.oan Saviax <br /> &imowar wlll be given w�iarn noUce of the eh�nge in�ccordmca with p�agraph 14 above wid�pplicabk I�w. 71io notice <br /> ...� _ wlll sute the nuno u�d addness of the new Loan Serviar And tM��dd�sc b which payn�t�should ba mwla. The notke will <br /> - �Iw eonuin any other Int�ian rcquircd by appNcable I�w. <br /> 2p. H�sudo�ro Sv� Borrower shdl nut aiuse or permil thc pnesenca.use.dispo�l.staagc.or akase oi'�ny <br /> Hazardous Subct�maeR oo a in I�e Prope�ty. Bcmawu shWl not do. nor allow anyone else to do.anylhiog afYocting d�e <br /> -_,;��- Property�htt is in vioWion of any Environ�ndWal l.�w. The p�ec�odin�g two sentences shall nat upply to tt�c pnesence.use.or <br /> ,�,�,,: -- storage on ihe Pto�pe�tY of small quantities of Hor,�rdouc Subcl�ooes Id�t a�e eenerally rocogni�ed to be approp�i�te w normal <br /> �e:ideadd uses and to mainunu�e of Uie Phnperty. <br />--_ NanoMer shall promPqy�ive I.eoder wrinen notice d'any i�vestigatan.cWm.demand.luwsuit or dher anioo by any <br /> _-- - — �� gover��tlt'�1a1 a�reguluay ageaey or private pa��nvoivia�e}�e Fn�grny �uNi,u�y Haz,u.i��u�•Sui►.ctan:.:or �asriror�mcivat _ <br /> " Law of which Hotrowcr I�xs �tual knowledge. If Bo�rowcv leams. or is notiPrcd by any goremn�wl or rcguolatory <br />.. authority,that�y��+vpl or dher remediatian of nny H�ardous Subswurce afl'ecting�he Propeny is neoasary.flarrower <br /> al ac iaus in accordance wf�h Environmental law. <br /> chall ��.e ali �medl t <br /> . s� y ��v . <br />_ �n� . <br /> _ . <br /> S As used ln tauis�rnpt�20."Hazardou�Substnnces"ate those subs�ances defined as wx�c ar haxa�dx�a su6suu�ess by — <br /> b Envimnmenwl C.»w and tUr fwlbwing subsla�-es: gasdine.kerosene.other ilammaMe or toxic petrolec..,�-e pmod�cr;,toxic a <br /> pestieides and herbicides,va0ai+ie u+lvents,rnalerials cont:d�ain�asbestos or formaldeh��,a�d radi�►uct�v� rt��aer+a7�. As _ <br /> . " used in this pua�Aph 2Q."�tovironmental LaM"means federa0 iaws and I�ws of Ihe jurisdiction wira+e�he Prapae�m,,•is luct�ed - <br />� ; t6at rclate to healtd,ssdery ar�e,nvirunrnental prvtection. <br /> NON-UNIFOR:VI COVENAN'TS. Barower s+nd Lender fudher covenunt and agree as follows: - <br />-'::,`:;s: ;t... 21. Accele�aRion; Rernedfea l.ender sball give potict to Borrower prlor to accekraUon fdlowio�Bon+ower's • <br /> _- y�; breac6 af u�'covenant nr Agre�t in t6is Security last�umeat lbut not prior to acceleratba uade� par�gesiyr 17 <br /> - A �;r��4 naless applle�ble lew provldes otherwisel. '!'he notice slwYl speciiy: 1a11he default:lb)Ibe aclbn requind¢o cmme Ihe _ <br />-- � '''' °— -- b �kb itse t�ta�t a�st tas � <br /> _ ;.��•.�:�,�_n� defauh.lel a dAte,not lesv than 38 dsys irom tbe dpie ihr nuik�r iy gi�c�to Sorro�ces� y ! , <br /> •� cured;aod ld1 i0�at�allore to cure the defawll on or before�de date specifiM in the nWk�e may n�adlt ia accrYerA�Gia�+�ud — <br /> . '� 4,�;;. , •a;.: tbe su�secured 6y Ihis Security Instrument Aad gale oF the Property. The notice shpll further ioA'�rm�Bor►o�wer of _ <br /> � the rlgbt to reinsWte ofter pcceleration and tdie�ighl to bring A coart action to asseM the non�exi�te�nee af s�dleV��uN or _ <br /> y, �.�;i1:��1 pAy ather defense of Ba'�'owr�du accelerAtion and sale. li the dePault is nd cured an or befurr tioe d�te xiper��ed in � <br /> n <br /> . '��,t;���`�; . _ Ihe natiee.Lender ot Its optioA mav require immediate q�Avment in�uN of all sums srcured by this Stcurity 1�.�ea�urnent <br /> ,. :�::r��+�'.� •;� witfiout Further dem�nd �nd a��y invoke Ihe pow•er of sak and Any other remeci6rs permUted by applicabJe law -_ <br /> _ ; �:;.,:�:;�;f.�.�.;�; � l.ender shall be entilled to collect nll expense�incnrred in pursuing Ihe remedic�s provided in Il�is Faragraph 21. _ <br /> � �' ''° ����� iacludin y ' — <br /> . ; .,;,,�,��.,,,,<<; g,but nol limlted to,reasonable attorne s �ees and cost.g of title evidence. -- <br /> �'•� If the power of sAle is invaked.7lrustee shall recurd a nottrn of defauk in each county in whkb aoy paM oi the = <br /> _,, ,��;;�� Praperts•!s lerBled 3�d shs!!ma!!cogEes at auch aotice in the�teanner p�escrN►et!bv e�►Z►IkAMI�IAw to Rormwnr aiul to , <br /> `�''�''����r, the other persons prescrlbeA by�pplicable law Afler Ihe time required b�upplicable law.7lrustee shr�ll give�►ublic <br /> ,:;. : ,.,�,��a,:,.. <br /> "� i��'�`'�"��ti;�s``,'•' aotice of sale lo the rsans and in the manner esc�ibed b a licable Is�w. 7lrustee.withoul demand on Barcower. — <br /> �� r� Pe M' • 9 PP <br /> ��•`•.�`. ,;_ ��,�; shall sell t6e Property at public auctbn to the hi�hest bWder at Ihe lime and ptace�ad under the te�ms designated in <br /> '�=•�r��� �k�.`#'' the notice ot eWe in one ur more parcets ynd in any order 7lrustee determinec Il�ustee may postpo�+e sale of all or any F_. <br /> n <br />;°;i'x', '�; `�r!t,'�� �� <br /> _ �'.:�•�....,,;..,_ pa r c e l o f t h e Prope r ty by pu6 lic�nnouncement at the lime und plLCe ui�n y pre�•fou.dy scheduled sale. Lender��r its <br /> , .1~>','.� i'�". d ma urchasc the Pr rtv At+�n s�k. ��:: <br />_ . 4;;�i; k��'�:;ti„�, �W� Y P � Y• <br /> ' �, ;s°� ���a;. .,� ,. Upon receipt of puymenl of the price b(d.71ru�tee shall deli�•er to Ihe purchuser 71�ustee's decd com�eving the -_ <br /> '��•'�`���"d" .• Property. Thc recitals in the 7Yustee's deed xhall be prima Parie e��idence aithe truth ot Ihe stalements mnde Iherein. :, <br /> _ � ••;. • �'` � . 7 1 r u W e e s l w l l app lv t h e pr o c e e d s o f t h e s o l e in I he Pullowin u urder: 1 a 1 tu all cos1+end ex p en�oP exercisi n g Ihe p ower i <br /> ,�Ir;n��5�' ���{[ry�� -+�.��,�2t �- <br />� '� 1' �' S• 5�,'�). 'd� <br /> r' .�U� n: <br />� ' ' ' <br /> ••- ;';;,', �,. �; <br />�� ;�� ' . �T' <br /> . - -- - - , �,' <br /> . • � , �.. <br /> ' FiMRIJ02N 9/1q �/tdqrt..:n/wKvcl <br />:�; : . .4,. <br /> :i:: ; � � �f� <br />�,15ii;,�:ti: �' ',�r,:.'�,r;,w� _ � �': <br />--;�;��`���' ���;1;;,�(�:"���;;,.,�,� .-- - r � <br /> � i;, <br /> J.� , ; �t�} ���:•, .-•- - 1 .;: ,, <br /> 1'� ' ;. } �;«. ,, r': ' "k�4y+w�::�>..':yn���i'�:.�i•S� .�F�". �,� ..a ' d��� � <br /> � i�� 4t- r . vk•, . :�t�r' ,:� ��� . ;4 ;1'r' �, '7 v d'1�. _ ; �h��' <br /> -.0�1�' � 1,{�.Y:�b�..l`�` -^�: •1' t ,��lt�';:�. ' •��f'�rt� '����� '� �! -....,� Y� � :. YI.�^'.'h.• �:. ` <br /> -i. �,:� ��••� 1 ��'•�:. ;{.. .4`•'�k�:M• �7.•� � �� <br /> u�.lf�l• " ' � • ���r,��1,,���..1" - •��.� ' . . L'•1• ...� y' i• t( � <br /> e�1� -'e��'_ �l.S._ �1.ti...�l'Yti �. �1�".1.�.� :�:.. ...Y.�l. <br /> .� . � <br /> _-_ <br /> a _� <br /> .-� --. �_ : .: � .....: - ..�.,r__ _" __ _ " ' _i -. ___"_'- "'_. 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