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-, ___ <br /> �-� . . . ' <br /> ,. <br /> .. «� '� . . ,_ .. <br /> . � <br /> _��� , _."_ ' 4(). •�� _ — _—_--_ "._.___ ..___ .�[ Ntl. <br /> — �--- I !] - � - 'T7�L�+s-- _ <br /> _ r� <br /> ��w ��'�'�Tr___ _ � 5 ti',.,.-- <br /> --.-°-� �I�1HBR 1Y��(h0�1]1IDYElr1{�OOW Of��«'OC�p1 1�10 Q('0�01ty.Nld�I�Oif0111qi�i.�• . .-: _ <br /> . ��fYIG IIOrY Or��pYl Of f�10 plqQClly. A1)�Yld Y�i011�i�l�v!0 b0 COYf.'ICd�+t�$rCtll�ty s <br /> I�Ipli. A110�ih0 t�I�fO�Of10d b 101�SOCYI�t�►IIIitl1�N r��r' ' . <br /> BOItROW6R CUVBNAM'S thu Bonower ia l�wfWly�ed of the esute be+eby canveyo��od hn t1►e ri�ht ta�n�nt <br /> •nd convey tbo Propaty�nd tlu�t the P�opaAY i�w�ncumberod.exoop fer encumb�af ncad. Buaowar warru�u�nd <br /> v��U defend�cnertlly the titb to�be Propaty+�insi dl cWea and dencundti wbject to�ny a�cwnbr�►oes ot ra�cud. <br /> _ � ' 7'NI� SEC.'iJRi 1 Y WSTRiJiV[BNT oombinas unifam oovaanu for mitionai usc �i��arw oova�s +alth � <br /> ' �""""—' -�' Wqited variu�o�a by juricdk�io�n a concti�ute a uniform securiry iastncmene cevering ro�l p,openy. <br /> UNIPORM QOVBNAM'S. Barower�nd I..endar ooveau�nt iu�d agroe�foflowa: <br /> 1. H�yaaait o�F'ri�dpal�nd Tnta�sti p�'�M!'�t asd I.ste Cliar�es. Bomnwcr sfudl P�M�Y P�Y when due the <br />-- n nt and IWte clwges due ander the Nde. <br />�'� Pi'inciP�l of�nd inte�est m tbe debt evidenced by 1he Nota and anY PRPAY� <br /> �. Pb�dy for'IY�tes�wl lacuranc� Subjoct lo applic�ble 4w a to a written waiver by I.enda.Bam°wer sludl p�y to <br /> l.�a�dar on�he d�y monthlY PaY�ta�re due under the Nou.until�he Note is p�id in fuN.�wm l"FLtida")tor.(U Yeuly <br /> -- -�- -- wces apd assesnna�t�whieh m�y uuin priairy over thi�Sav�iry Insaumem as a lieri on the Pnoperty:(b1 Yearly leacehold _ <br /> - - - paymems ar gmund rdus on the Property. ii any: (c) Year1Y hua�d°� P�W�nY ���P�ums: (dl Yea�i,)► Qood <br /> tnsurance prcmiums. ii any;(e)Y�Y�B�ge lnsur�uKx pr�emiuma.if any: �d t0�Y �D�� � ��oo <br /> [.endet,in�000rdance with 1he provleions of p�uag�aph 8. in lieu of U�paymeot of�oo�gaig�ins�+�P�'�°� <br /> .., items are e�lied"Lccrow Items." Lender m�y.u any t�me.collect and btd Fia�ds i�n ao anwwu rot w exead the anaxim�m <br /> '`' �anount a leader for a foder+lly rolated mong�ge loan ma�tequia for Bo�m�ork asc�ow aoeauuN under We foderal Weal <br /> ,,:, <br />= Bstue Seulanent Procedures Act of 1974 as amended fran time to tune.l2 U.S C.§2601 et s�q.t"RESP�►').unless <br />= law�hat�pplks to the H��nds sets a lesser amoun� If so.l.ender any tune,collect and dold Wnds in an onoun�t not to <br /> -- - cxcu.d dtc lesser a�srount. Lcnder may estimete the emoont af Fe�eds dee on tl�Incis af cw�ent dtla aod reawaable F- - <br />��r� �estimates of eapenditutes of iuture Escrow Items or otherwise in xcord�c.'e`ri�h aPP�icabk�w. ��u a eNi <br /> :r. 7Uc Hmds slwll be held in an institation whose depos�tsz ue irwu�d by a Federal ageacy. �Y• �Y <br /> ti�cludfng I.ender.ff I.ender is such an insdtuQon)or in any Fedaa�Hoaie Lou►�• l.�ndu sh�ll aPP�y the i�ds to pay _ <br />- ' the Escruw ltems. l.eoder may not charge Bomnwer for holdirtg and applyi�n��Q►�'Fu�s. annually analyzin�ahe escrow �,,, <br />=V�� aceount,or vediying�he Escmw Items. unless L.ende�pnys Bonov�er it►teres�c�� t�e F��S�d aPplicable law pemdts <br /> -:;�� l.ender ta make such a cherge. However.l.ender may require Bo�ta����eT a�pay a w�e-ume�h�e ior an iodependent�eal � <br />-_::;�.• ., est�te I�c repu�ing service used by Lender ln connecNon wilh this lorrn.ur�l�rss applicable lew pro�•ides otherwise. Unless an <br /> _ y,y�_ , � ',' A�neement is n�ade or applicable law requi�rs interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower tiaiy interest or <br /> � �:. = eurninga on the Phnds. Bom�wer and l.ender may ugree in w�iting.however,Ihat iMerest shall be aid an the�un�.c. L.ender <br /> ' shali give to Barower,without annual accounting of 1he F�nds.��a1�ng�it�����10���ms secured by <br /> . :pwpose for w7iich each debit to tho Funds was made. The PUnds are pledg �3' <br /> �ihis Security lastrum�nt. -- <br /> - If�he Fumiss heid by Le�xkr Cxcc�1 ihe artiouriis pcsmii:tt!:e!x !x!� by applicnble law.Lender shall account to <br /> ., gk <br /> , i.t,, ' �� � Bom�wer for the excess Funds in accordunce with Ihe requirements of�pplicable law. If the Amount oi the f�ue�s hBld by — <br /> , '.,l��•-�►`:'.�;-;;:;�. <br /> '"� ''r. . � ::_. �, l.eader at any time is not su�cient ro pay the Escrow qems wlien due,L.ender�ua�y.:w no�ify Batrawer in wrir�:�,and,in <br /> :,;t,; ;. =^,:.,:�:�'�:�����•;�< such cASe Bornnwer shall pny to Lender Ihe nmount necessary to make up the wr4iciency. Borrower sIwEO m�ke up the <br /> ?; �"- . deflciency i�no more ihan twelve monthly pnymen�s,t+�Lender�s s�+k:cliseretion. .-__ <br /> ,a,+ ;. �.,:F...r.z�- � ' <br /> � • �'•�. � U n a nt in full of All sums secured by lhis Security lea�arument.Lender shell prom�Uly refna�d ta Barrawer uny <br /> ,,:�. .�+ifi���h�tia.,�:,► Po P Y� _-- <br />�;�s=' .,�.c�,a..,;5;:.-.;. �;F Fl�nds held by I.ender. If.undcr pamgmph 21.L.ende�shall ncquire or sell the Propeny.Lender, ;�rior to the ac�q�is3t+an or �,_ <br /> rr'• `• sule of the Propeny.shall apply uny Funds held by l.eader at the time of acquisition or sale sis a credit A_oins�the sums <br /> . ' .�' � �',;�,+ :+,.� secured by this Securiry Inslrument. [.:�� <br />" . � " 3. Applkatbn ot Payments. Uniess ap�lyca'��r 7aw provides o�herwise, all paymeMs receeved by 7.�nder under �•��v <br /> �p� — r,,, . par�raphs t �d 2 sha!!br appltecl: tirse,to any gmps3�nent rt�srges du�emder thr N��r;�rc��nd. �o Arnnuatt payable under ``� <br /> rr �. �`'.�r •��..,.�. �;,��' �.� <br /> ;� , , .,�,�.r 1; ,.;Y�; . par�graph 2;third,to interest due;fouNi,co principal due;s�nd las6 ta uny lete churgex due under the Nute. ` <br /> ' ��• 4. Chprges; Liens. Bomower sh:�ll pay all tuaes, ussecsments,churges, fincs and impc�sitions attributable to the F,:_, <br /> . " ��;;��:.,� _ <br /> • _ r..u. � -�r�� I Prop�My which may atlain priority over this Securiry Inslrument,und leasehold pnyments ar ground rents,l9'any. Borrower �r <br /> ; .J'�;��yt'��.�.�.,,,'�- ,;, shall pa�•thcse obliga�ians in the maaner provided m paragroph 2,or if not paid in thut monncr.Borrower shall�p,iy them on <br /> "� i�C��� :. time dite�:tl}to the p ersor�owed payment. Borrowcr shall promply fumish�o Lendcr all notices of amoums ta he pald under ��,., <br />"` ` '"•' ' ' this Era��'h. li Borrower makes �hese puymems direcUy,Somower shall promp�ly fumi�h to Lendet re c eipt s e v i d c a c i s�g _ <br />:,,,�' .. �_._ <br />.:,;... , ;••r=�:':' ' • �he PaYm'za�ts. � <br />.. �•�'� � � Borrower shall promptly dischArge uny Ikn which hu�prioriiy���.er�his Securiry Instrument unfes.4 Borrower:(a)agrecs <br /> ,i..:�;,. . in wriung ro the ppyment of the obligetion secured hy the lien in u munner acceptuble to Lender.(D)coniests in goad fafth the �= <br />`:, r;;��°�A.' � � ;;;�� lien b ,or d e fen ds a n inst en forcemen t o f t he lien i�.l e g u l p r o c e e d i n g s w h i c h i n t h e L e n d e r g o p i n i o n o p e r a t e t o p r e v e n t t h e <br /> `� j'"' ' �- � enforremem of the I�en:or(c)secares from tiie hotder of tF�e lien an agreement wtisfnctory to L.ender suborclinaung the lien �;� <br /> "�"' ~ �'��.. to�his Security Inswment. If Lender determines tha�nny pnrt of the Property is subject to a licn whicfi may attain priority <br />-�!� .�'� �. `�`"`` �� over this Security tnswment,Lender may give Borrower u notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sutisfy the lien or rake <br />- - i; ; ��>'�s� one or more of the actions set forth nbove within 10 days of the givins of notice. <br /> ; J(�';; �y_ <br /> �'' . , s now existin or herentter erected on the �.._, <br />��� ;;,...f���^;�,��.��� „ 5. Hozard or Property Insurance. Burrower shall keep the improvement B f <br /> ,'�).s;;;,��+.�t�",, Propeny insured against loss bv fire,hnzurds included wi�hin the term"extendeci caver+ge" and nny other hazardt,including �,r, <br /> ��f .• �1 �.rn�• .�.� <br /> � �. ����J� r��it floods or flooding. for which�I.ender reyuires insurance. This insuronce shaU be maintained in the nmounts and for the iji;� <br /> , ',��,�, �a: <br /> � ' •t.'�;,,'S". '+.��+ l': 6f- <br /> � 1. � i1�a�llt8 9190 qwg�1 uj6 puRra i �����t <br /> �"� ' 1 <br /> �} � <br /> ; �'�t;}��1•. � ;� 'l� , ':'.; <br /> f :;-`,it;;a�<<�;1' ;.'f '�.},. 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