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, � .. , ;.I.t� �. -. .. ; .�. ��- .�•�, . . i��-.f�..s-r..a.�.�1�,:;y'... �r. <br /> � ,i. . . ., . .. . , .. -r; S++� �3 <br /> 1 .. • � . .. . . 'A... <br /> . e.. �. . . •. , •� ' . �1 � � � ' • '• ,` <br /> . oo�vdema�ion a►arwr dd�,rf s�ay p�d�M Eor ooaveY�ea i�liw d oo�d�wlion.�s M�a�lq►iltdprd ad . , ,�- <br /> ' � iNl bt pW�o trad�r. <br /> � 1� �e�w�N d#toaf q�itln�d die �opaty�11w�p!'���hs►!'bo �ppliad to dM app�Mcw�d by d�� <br /> InwuqMat.wMetbet ar nat tl�a due�with�nY e�ow I�ua�0 8or�w�. In�ia ewiM ot�pati�l u�kja�ot dN P r�t!► • <br /> w h i c h t A e filr q�e t v�lue of the P r a p e�t y i m m�d i W a ty b e fare�h o u k i n j i�e q w 1 1 o o r�ro�t e r t k�n t h e�a�t(�a p a s. .. <br /> �eaun�d by thi�S�cudty Lutnanent imrnedl�te!y befate I h e�a k i a�.un l e��B o m a w e r�n d L o n d e r o l l�a w i p e�p a d�j n� <br /> _ — __- tba r�i�w��wed b�r this Socu�iiy Imtnuaa�l�11 6e r�tu�x�1 bY tiia ar�witnt o t tt� ' t�tn l t�t�b p -� <br /> �-�--�.----.-.--�.�-,-, t�ctlon: (sl dje wtal anwun!of Ma�um�eccu�.rl immedi�tely beforo the t�king.divi�(b)�ba fiik m a d ca vdue oPtho <br /> p n o p e t t y Inamediaoel y before dsa ukia�. Any bwl�noe siull be pdd a Narow��. tn�he evau af�p�niN a�cin of�he --- <br /> p�o�paty in wbi�We fair rtwket 1��lue oP Iho Properiy immodl�tely beforo tho t�kM�i�leu I b u�t b o anount o f�oartu <br /> �y� �y�� � �i ng. un lou B o rt o w a r�n d I.o o d e r a t h o�w i i e +�e i n wdt i n j or unku +i p plicable b�w <br /> al�erwi.o provide+.We p�a�eeda.hd)be yrplkd a tbe cwm aecrrod by Wi�Sauriry In�aumem whabor or na�he wnu�ro <br /> d�duo. <br /> IP the Aroperty i��ndaied by Bonowu.or if.attm notko bY L.ender to Bartowor tluu tiw condemnor otfer�w m�ke <br /> s �n awed or cepk a claim for damoQes.Bomnwer fdla to respa�d w l.ender Wi�ln 30 d�ys�fler�h°dne the notke ia�ivcn� <br /> I.ender is a�tYorJiaed w colloct and+ipply Ihe procaods�at Us aptioa.eWra 10�arlo�d�w or�ep�ir oi tAe Propmty ar w Ihe <br /> anno�ma.�u►ed by thic Socwity Mctiurpcnt,whethe�ar not tAoa due. <br /> Unlaa l.endor�nd Banower dherwisa�g�e in writin8.�t��°�P��g�O P���1 oot extepd or <br /> posq►onn d�e due date af�Ae monthlY W►Ymenu rofened to ia paraQrapds I,wM 2 ar chwn�e thc ao�o�w of such pynr�- <br /> li, �oRt�wer Na R�a�dr F7orbear�nce By l.e�der Noe ■ Nr�lver. E�c�enston oi the time fior p�yaneat ar <br /> mod�icatioe of�awAizatian of tlrc s�nns sa.�w�od by Ihis Sec Inwuument�ated by L�eoder to any sacoessor m iutaesh <br /> of Bomower ehall not aperak w rckase tbe liab3liry of 1he ori �1 Borrowcr ar Bartower�succeswrs tm ia�aiest.L�ender <br /> -` shall not 6eroq rod to ca�unenx proi.'eaiioBa�+qt+��ut +��r �w:c�+'��i���:i:st ar rfusc to cxtac�lir,�e for p�y�+►�nt� � <br />-- - - otl�pwlce modify atnatiwuton of the aum�secwed by this Socurity Insaume��hy reason of any demwd made by the ari�inal <br />_ ot1 awl <br /> gonower or Barower�euccasors in interest. My forbeuxnca by Lender in exercising any r��ht or�+emedy shnil�wt be• <br /> ws�iver of or p�eclude the exereise of any right or nmedy. <br />- � � 12. Suaoeasas w��l A�Bauad►Jdnt and Several Liability;Cu�rs. "11�e covanants aad�gneementa af this <br /> .-� �� Security lnsuutr�ent sfiu�U bind and 6eneflt the succes.sors and assigns of 4�r and Borrower.:ubjoct w the provlsion:of <br /> l7.Borrow�r:covenaMe and agrecmenta shall be joinl�nd sever.�l. My Borrower who c�•signs this Security <br /> � �.,�; sdument but does�w�eaecut�uhe Note: (u)is co-sigoing this Security Insuument aniy to mohgage,grant and comey Ihat <br />° ° 9orrowcr�i�terest in the Pr•oy�eny under the tem�s of this Securiry Insaument; (b)is na personally obligated to pay 1he sums <br /> — �;�+�.a,�k,} iocured by this Secudty Insaun�ent;and(c)agoees thet Lender and any other Barm�ver muy:��ree to extend,modify.forbear <br /> � if,`� or make any accomm�tians wilh�gard to the �erms of thia Security Instrument or the �totr without that Bamwerle <br /> , r � , <br /> ,,_�'i'� ODIIILi1t. . <br /> -__— ` ..� '�: 11. [.oaa C�r�PS. li the kmn secured F,y this Securiry Inswment is subject ta u luw which sz�s meaimum loan <br /> , `,� ch es,and�hat law is finally iuet.rpreted so�hut�he interest ar athe�loan chnrges coiiected or�o dx e�i�:cird iu��t�t�;tk�n , <br /> ..� , , �'�,��`'y:: wlt�h U+e loan eacad t�i:permin�d timits,then: (a)nny such Qoan chazge chull 6e rcduced by ihe a�anoual necessery to�.duce <br /> i;�;, , , the charge to the pes+nitted limit:and(b)eny sums already collected from Borrower whict<<tceededpermided limi�s wilt�be <br /> 'Y� �:,, ' rePonded to BonuWcr. l.ender may choose to muke this retund by reducing Ihe principal ow'eQ Under the N�e or by making n ` <br />,,�.. - • dinct payment to Honower. [f a mfund rcduces pryncipul,�he rcduction wit!tie rnated us a partial prcpa��ment without onY <br /> pneppyment charge under Ihe Note. _ <br /> � 14. Nodcea Any notice to Borrower provided for in tfiis Security lnswment ahall be given by delivering it or by � <br /> mailing it by first closx muil unless npplicnblc law roquires use af another methad.The noiice shall be di�+ected to the PropeRy — <br />- Address or any aher nddress Borrower designutes by notice ta Lender. Any nutice to LenJer shall be given by first closa — <br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other addrexs Lender designntes by notice to Borrower. Aqy notice prnvided for _ <br /> - _ _ in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to h�ve been Riven to Borroa•er cx Lender when given as provided in this <br /> � � �.:� _ <br />-��. ...-• <<< Par�BraPh• ° <br /> 15. Governing LAw; Severability� Thix 5ecurity In�trument �hull h� governed b�• itdeml law and the luw of the <br /> - ' ������.:.•.�'.. jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In ihe event iha��ny provision o�dAUSe of thix S�curity Instrument or ihe Note - <br />.y� <br /> conflicts with upplicuble Inw,such conflict sholl na uffect nth�r provixions oT this Securi�y Insttument or the Note w ic can <br /> • be given effect without �he conflicting provisian. To this end the provisioo.of�his 5ecurily Instrument sind the Nt�te tue e' <br /> . �r, K� s declpred to be severable. _ <br />, " +,',"r:.":`;:. .� ." l6. Borrower's Copy. BuROwe�shull bc given ixie mnl'umuJ copy oY tfir,�ote und af thi.Security Instrument. � <br /> . � : • 17. 71�ansfer ot the Property o�a BeneBci�l lalerest in Burrower. If ull or uny�pan of thc F'�operty or any interest in _ <br /> � " ' it is sold or transPerred lor if a fien�G�iul intcre�t in Borrowcr is tiolJ or tr►m.ferted und Borruwer is not a nawrol person) ___ <br /> ° �'� � u� �' ��.,�'•„� wi�hout Lender's prior written rrnisent, Lender rnuy,at it.option,rcquirc immediatc payment in full ot ull sums secured by = <br />'-'•'°�"' �' �':�•:-�i•• • this Security Ins�rument. However.�hiti option�;hull na be excrciseJ by Leixier if excrcise is prohibited by federul law as of � <br /> . y �"`�. 1•-d1F,{�}' _ <br /> .� : ;� . � the date of this Security InstNmem. _ <br /> _I • ,�, , .°�l ,, ; lf l.ender exerrises this aptinn,l.endrr shaH give BoROaer n�Nice of ucceler�tion. The nolice ahaU provide a period of _ <br /> ,.� �.� .in, not less�han 30 day�from the c�ate�he nolicc is dclivered��r�r.iiled within whKh Bi�R<«cr muxt pn�•ull+ums+erured t+y tfii� <br /> '�j�,;'•Z!`�" ;;;t; . Securiay Instrument. lf Bortower fails tu pay these sum. prior to tlx expirmi.m af this pesi�xi. lxnder may in�ake uny <br /> _ . , remedies permitted by this Security Instrumen�wi�hnu�funhrr noticc ur Jr.mund on Born�wer. _ <br />- ,•..,':�� 18. Borrower's Rtght to Relnstate. If Bom�a•cr mects cenain condi�iun., Dornnwer tihull huve the righ� to huve <br /> z --`- enPorcement of this Security Instrument discon�mucd ut any time prinr a�ih�ra�lie� uL ia►S Jay�.r�or wch uthrr period a: _ <br />' � ,;;�-' � � SioElc Fm�ily..Fonnle M�dFYeddie Nac t V16/NtM INtiTRUNkti1'..Cniform Curenoab 9l9D IpuRe 4 njb pugerl <br /> ' ? �..'•7';r{i'�` : �a <br /> �`S�l �`f��S�4*::urrJ���, <br /> h�,�{����'�:a;� �:,. . _ <br /> - �•'� �,,�.;r����r�, ,.;�'.,t = <br /> -�•��C4 -.A �1',{�f(� �1���I�i..1� Y'.. <br /> �l.r �)1;} � •����.+. <br /> 1- 'I"�G q -r^l;j�}[�,r 1 ;-1 7•t��t,.Y.' i...�•ry-+n•--" <br /> r z��Ie,. � ri-�I't��L'•i�S I�.� <br /> '.1.�� h�.,YJ��41��r:� ; .i.� '� .sl�'„^.,������`�,.t�•Y'�.�i� ... '%i..•.lfi�e}''�f'.l•'RRnlR <br /> �y� y -.. . .' � `� 1���i <br /> r �. �T.�, rf • � 1 , : .,. ,�, z ,,..,:., � .� y <br /> --�' � <ti�' � .�•��,/,r�1�,� r�'(� 'J(�jlt' �.ki r5r ��.rit - '�, �� � �� �`�t�... ir2 �=i� ��y}•�,'�'��'�\i;'��1� '. <br /> - BIWi2r��..Y��t�S ,�.a�'�,.��._�,�(,.�a��:.s���,::.;:;�.u4'.ui,� '.. �I;' �i��i' `' �,7.Iti1l�l.Viifafa.�ys�t1.ayu A��. <br /> '^�".�d�._.�1�:..� �f d`"H.96Y( +-Y -�'/' '?e"1 . '-/ 'j1 '1�ll� �-'In- •'"Cy.'T�1 L ° -l�^l� • <br /> � ,v_ ,�,�.. ._�7.� �:.�'?� i ti�fi r, tt.�i. ' .: � a�,. ��`�',�'��h:j`y'j, �!--- ` �. <br /> a :. ' ..o �i =-1• ; �, , �'�it'�: ..` � , tr .l 1i �� ; ��� rbi <br /> .4-4,�� •` "°� ��4:• •�1.'. ' . � '�ti�"•�.v��� !i �_ �t �5''�iri.�'y`';�t1P,f� i:!� �7 Rs. .�!Iti.'4'..rl..:.�� �{�•��t� p <br /> �L:1"'v' oi� ! ,a-. '�,y���;>! ki! `��p��� l�}F J,�� .)I�:r:t �� � �' a y.r K ;. ��.t�tf f ��� r�� �Y��• <br /> '' �,,;` �,u;�.° 5� �uf� �}���'�.�,{y'�S�J,�l�''SY1?•1������t .1f'�. e�.SijF, ��, .• n.•1',. 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