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.lh �����/� - � ' - ���� ;_..., ._ <br /> .���.�I�.__�:. �.__ .��-t__ _..�,. -1 .. .... - ' � <br /> " t, .'' : `�`� , _. ._ —__ _-__'-_.__ _'_-' -.. ' .a _— <br /> ._.^'�-0�lw:i1R.� - . . . '' .. V'. .. i `� •• 1 �,���� \� ._'. �__ <br /> l"�� <br /> . . . , .93-: . <br /> . ,���� �������������� :: � <br /> � .ppnov�i wb��u na ao u�aa.oa�biy rvttl6a�a. UBoreo�ar b�iV w m.inuai�ova��I�e aes�ibea.bow.Le.aer m.,►..e . <br /> . �ti optioo�n6Wno�vat�e to qolecR I�p�kr1��l�bq ip Ihe�1P�a�aty in�ocad�wld�p�f+�{ty�b 7. � . <br /> , 1 Ali ip�noe poHcia�nd ronawW�Tul)be aooep�ble a aidor�nd�lWI inatude a a�rd matp�e clawe. L�a�d(er � <br /> � s6d1 iwve the d�ht W bold tAe poticie�aod tenawal�. If I.aider requina.Barrower rlull pmmpdy Qiva to Lader�I naipp <br /> _ ot paid promiwws a�d tenewal iptioa in tfa evau of lou,B�rowor�II�Ivo p�ony�t noHoe�o d�e im�raaoe c�aim�nd <br />_ Irende� L�a�ler mty ma�e p�oof af iaW if nw a+r�ta ixanPUY 6y Bw�uwtr. ' - <br /> --��-_---__-_�--� Unluc I.e�ulcr atW�anuwar uifwrwtco�t+ee in wrltln�,inwranoe poaeoda�Iwll be opplied w�r,�toratlar►ar rx�ir of <br /> �he if tde �a�h e0000mically taisibla md I.enAerl��ec�u+ity i�not leasoncd. U the <br /> no�u�on or �io�ot eoonot�iadly fwible ar Landerti security would be leuaied,the i�aur�aice p�noeiodt�h�ll be <br /> _ �pplied to the samn cxurad by thi�Socurity Id�uumont. whdher or noi then duo�with�ny a�s p*W ta�annwer. If <br /> Hamwer ab�ndons the P�operty. ar dow not�nswer within 3b d�y�a notice ftom Lender thu the insunu�oe c�nier hu <br /> offerod to seWe�cirim,then l.ender m�y collect tho incwance proceedo. Lender m�y uce�bo prooeeda to�p�i�or�estae <br /> -- — tlie� 3v n�y wm�cecurod bY thi�SecurltY Mpnur�et�t,whethar ar oot then duo. The 3lhd�y periad wUl be�UUt when <br /> e <br /> UNess L.ender uid Aomower olt�cnvico�aroe ln writing,Any Nc�Uon of prooeeds w prb�cipwl clull�ot extend a <br /> po�tpono tho due due of�he monthlY paymaiu tefemd w in pu��1 and 2 or changc the amount of the paymente. If <br /> uakr puagn�ph 21 Il�e Propa i�ocquirod by l.ender.Borrowerls dght to my ineu�nco policies�nd pnoceod��rsultin� <br /> __ fi�ooa d�m�ger to the Propc�qr p�or to the�cquisition�Gall p�cs to Lender to the extent of tbe su�ro sauned by thia Security -- <br /> __ �II�t Im1110dWC�t @f11X[Q(�IC�q Y�t�0I1. <br /> - -- - -- Occ�c� PnpavWo�, IYW�tena�oe �d ProtafRw ot the Propnty; Borrowery La� Applia�ai <br /> �_�_,_ ..... _ � --� <br /> I.ereiold�. Bon�ower shwll occuDx est�bllsh.and usa Wo Prope�ty as Ba�rovrv�s principal t�csideoce within tixty daya�r <br /> - tbe tacertMion oi Uus Security lasdrument and�Aall oontinue to occupy 11�e Prop�t�as Borrowerk principal residence for at ° <br /> � leut one year after the due of oocup�ncy. unkss l.ender atherw(se ag�raes �ue writing, which coosent slWl not be <br />_ �;• it, unmaROnably wlthheld.or unless eatenwwtinng ci�um�wiees exist which aro beyon,c�Borrowerl�cantml. Bamwer stWl not -- <br /> �r�t. datroy,damage or impair the Aopaty.allow the Proper�g:to deterionue.or commeit K�te on the Property. Bonower shall �°"-= <br /> be in defauU if my fodeit�e acdon or proceeding.whether civU or begw�that in L,endet�good fi�th judgment <br /> . cauld result in forfeitune uf the Pnoperty or dhe�wise m�terially impair the Ikn created by a0�i� Secwity Instrument or <br /> ,, Lender'a security interes� Bomowu may cure such a defAUlt and provided M paregraph causin�the action <br /> f.•• . or proaeding to 6e dismissed with a niling Leoder�good faith deternninatiw�,prccludes forfeiture of the'Bomowerla <br /> ;�y���i - <br /> ���:;;�r imterest in the Property ar other nwterial impaitmem of¢he lien crcated by lhis Security Instnunent or Lende�y socurity <br /> '. r� ' '° �' intercst. Bomower chall �Iso 6e in defAWt if BomowPr, durin the loan a lication `�� <br /> ,.;• f g pp proccss,gave msuerinJty false or __ <br /> -� � ineccu�ace informatlon or stwements to Lender(or feiled to provide Lender with any materiai inforniation)in connection with <br />" �'��1 the loan evldenced by 1he Note. including. but not limited to. RP�esentadons conceming Bomnwer�s axepancy of the ' <br />�P�.•�'•1 <br /> - �+"'�!'?�Y es a princIpa4 resldence. If thls Secusity Insm�ment is oe a lts�ettold.Bosrok^er:.h�!!camply with�!!ihe provislons - <br /> '� � ����{'�'� �tn, <br />,..',;,,: 'Y';�.;,� � ni the fense. If Bomower acqu'ues fa title to 1he Pnopert}•,ttie leasehold and the fee tFtls chall not meege unlecs Lender a�rees _:_. <br /> ���,. � ,�,��'`'" to the merger in wdting. -.y-=: <br />_ . ,, �:se�,f . �,,. :+�',::`� <br /> 7. Protection ot Len�er's Righb in the Prope�ty. If Borrower fails t� ge;�orm �he covenants and agrccments ey�r�=• <br /> �'�_�: `' • •� contnined in this Security Inswment, or ti3rcre is a legal proceeding that may si�n;�ricantly uffcet Lender's dghts in the =�='=- <br /> �`w"`�; ,�_��. ." r"�rf��� � Propeny(such as n proceeding in bankr�aptcy,probate,for condemn•rtion or forfelture or tn enfarce laws or rcgulauons),then "� <br /> �;'�?�'� �'�+ �}i�'{�;; ' ' s� l.ender mu do end for whatever is oecex to ct the va0►:e af the Pro a and Lender'.;ri hts In the Pro !�c'!`- <br /> ,�y�t,T:k:,,s;; Y I�°Y �Y P� � Y 8 P��Y• � <br /> r:t,..f. 7 .. Q.rnderk actions mn i psY B Y P �Y PP� � ��}'��� <br /> r .• f,;ti<<;:,;,,,�,.; y nclude in en sums secureal by a lien which has rior+t�:•�•:er Ihis Securi lnstnimen�u n <br /> f��� ���•� in coun, pnying r�easonable attomeys'fees�nd ent��a�g nn the Property to mate re�p:airs.AlthouBh I.ender may take action -- <br /> ' ;_'y�, un�ler this puta$ruph 7.Lender daes not have to do so. �_:; <br /> F�� My umaunts disbursed by Lender u�der this parAgtaph 7 4ha�1 Cecome addUional debt of Horrower secured by this :�=- <br /> = S�rurify InNe�mPnt. 1 Mlesc R�rmw�r nrul J rnrirr nnrPr tii Mhrr tnh�ac�f navmrm.thecr nmrwm�c chall lwnr intrRC1 fmm 1he <br /> "`�' • T � , date of di�sbursement ut the Note rate and shnU be puyablc,wlth intrtest,upan nntice from Lender to Borrower requesting ,�.. <br /> '�,, ., �� �,�; '�� � payment. �„� <br /> ,� ��; S. Mortgoge Insurance. !f Lender required mongage insurnnce ac a cnndi�ian of muking the lu,u�secured by this s::� <br /> ' ` Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay�Q�e premiums requircd to ma{n�aln �hr mongage insurance in effect. IP, for any +?l�' <br /> .•1 ��� � { .. �.�� iir�>n� <br /> •�fi}, ; :�,'}� �� , reueon, the mortgage insurnnce cove�age required by Lender lupxes or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shnll pny the �.;;�_ <br /> .t:r�,•� 3 ' -.�.;� .k- premiums required to obtnin coverage sub�Tantiully equivalent to thc mortgage insurarx:e previously in effect,at a cost ;� <br />`°;'��'�'� ' ;;.';,. - �t� subs��ntially equivulent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgoge insurance previously in effec�,from on altemate mortgage r�:' <br /> ' �s";''°• '�' �'• i�nsurer upproved by Lender. If subuuntiully cquivalenl m�ngage insurance coveragc is not avuiluble,Bomawer shall pay to `'��� � <br /> , r�:>��.L�._:� , ��� Lender ench month a sum eyual to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurunce premium bcing paid by Borrower when the �:i�:' <br /> .�.�' ' insurAnce cavero e lu sed or cea.sed to be in effect. Lender will nccept,use and ro�uin rher,e pnymen�s as u loss reserve in lieu '•��� <br /> `• ��.. • ' - � P• _:n <br /> �,•r, ��. � it:,�?�,z�'}; of monRuge in4uronce. Luss reserve puyments muy no longer be rec�uired, at Ihe option of Lender, if mongage insurance <br /> � ' �' �� '"�1-: coveroRr�in th:amcwnt und for Ihe period thut Lender requires)prc�viJed by un inxurer approved by Lender again becomes "�' <br />'°'.:.s', <br /> �._.:; : �::..•� <br />-a- h ;.s;,, avuilable a�nd i�:abtnined.Boirower shall pay the premiums required tu maintain mo�guge insurunce in eifec�,or to provide a <br /> _.•�,, � •� �'� Ioss reserve,un1i1 the reyuirement for monguge intiuramce endx in uccordunce wi�h any w•ritten ugrcement betwec;n Borrower ��u,� <br /> r- f� ; '.cqk!', and Lender or npplicablr law. �'`�'" <br /> n �� "�' 9. Iospeetion. Lender or its ugent may make rea,anuble cutries uExm und inspertian���f Ihe Propr.ny. LenJer shull �,t�'`� <br /> �t��tz <br />� �r��_..,�,;t#:;���:`•;.;s'. �ive Borrower notice at the�ime of or p�:nr t�un insperiion vperifyin•ri reasonuble cuuse fur Ihe i:�,pection. �Tr��'� <br /> „ `'��. :, �. „•' 10. l'ondemnation. The proceed�of any awurd or clnim for d.images, direct nr conseyuential,in connection with su�y 'F�' <br />' . �,� i1i.z'�.�, �-�('�r`� ,s�;r• <br />" ' �.y ,;�5�;<<• � ','.7 Smgtr Funily--E1mnk Nae�Fteddk 19ae CNIFQR�IINSTR VME\T•-Uniform cooenam. 9/9p rpaRt 3 n/o/ioR�si <br /> � . . <br />_ ��+���4�t�j+��,.. i� .. crcal�IcesPuwKaFcm•� ■ ,;.:... <br />�:.1<< . � ,';'N� "�' ' <br /> tn awe can ueooa�owvw a v.+s e�bmwtsi <br /> :�,f' �,1�'l!?r' ,�'�,r ,,�;�� '�`hri <br /> � � <br /> •h,� �r.,y�'_}L� �f ;�y :.-: <br /> '1+',+. ��}k'�, f w t�� �r �,�'� <br /> �¢ �t,.tl�C;. ' ,..,., „�,� . ` �' i � s�r�� <br /> . ' .. . -., . � ,,•:.•. .. (� `. �r <br /> �-r ���;,�.��. . . 1�'�•. V. 'irr�'`i!�} tM.!� �1�',' �i��''1� � .:�� �- - '1'' � _ �-�1 1+1i. � i i��I. � �� <br /> t� '� ,. ,; �.�.,��,..�:f ,���.•.:;� <br />-e��.� � � -. .., 1.� ' � ' U1 „ �(� ',{ t..:.� t�. �'L'• ^C . 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