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� �°'�'t`�,��1':S•j .i .. . ...� r <br /> _�� .-a��.A�''. �. L _' <br /> - J�v, •F � .1 ykf/. ;� . . -.0 :T'r � ° _.. <br /> 1 }_" . -.� ..fy <br /> ^Y„y � :.o' !+k'� • .. . .. �,� ��:�Y`��-''+�7'f:;4'..: �� ' . .�q • <br /> - —.�i'.',.t�1 - � i . . ,. . ���. . . . .. • _ __-_ <br /> :�- . � . � ' � . `� ��� � <br /> , ,� . � . <br /> ^ ' .` .— <br /> � '��uw mp►�p�oify►for arMMl�neall b��aia d 1I�P�apeity Pat�b ary po'war d a�la c�awai�d i� " <br /> larbpn�nli a�lb)�try at a�q�t�1W Sea�ity.6Mhwnent. 'l1a�e oa�nAitiam we 11u�t Bonowa: t�) ,. -.. <br /> p�y�1re�Wer dl �uaa M�t6w 6e dne w�dar d�isS�r�y �w�ant�rd die Nae a if ao +�ooden�tim lad � <br /> occ�wrodt le)cm�,wy do�uU a�.qr�+r ooi�rewnl�or�eeaMw,w•(C)p�».a axpea�m tn�anea ia dotord�u�s�eauity ;... <br /> InNnnnotN.fneiudia�.Uu1 nal itiailed b.�owbk apon�y�'tee�and td1 t�{r�a a�ch�ctian�t l.endx m�y �onWy <br /> � roquiro 1�a�atra 1bN q�lip�d tl�Sa�tY In�weraM.Lade�ti rljh�t ia lhe Proparty aad Bonvwa�ti abiigWan b pry d�o <br /> wnu �e�auiedby tds IastnAraiM�p oo�Mtoue �nted. �1poa � iry Huviuw�.tt� «.,��ity ' :- <br /> -__ .._.-�� - --�.� lnstromem�nd the o�U o��ecwed MenbY�hll ro�aria Adly efrec8ve a if ao�ocYlentioo 6ad aoewrod.� �.' '. <br /> rl�ht to roin�t�e�WI aa appiy in We ase d�oa�lartia�uadar pa��17. <br /> 19. Sd�d Nolti�-'d�dP LMw S�vker. Tha No1e a a i�qa�ast ia tha Nde(tagn�i�a wltM Iltl�Seawi�y <br /> Mananan)m�y be sold aie or mo�e da�e�wid�owt p�ior aotice to�rv�. A ada m�y nwit in a ch�u�go#�Ihe aatiry <br /> (k�wwn+�t Ihe"Lo�n Sarvioa"1 dW collacu montMly pt�yymait�due w�der tho Note and tbi�9ocurity laqnaiapt. 'f Ae�te�lpo <br /> nn�y bc ano a maro chm�a of�he Lo�n Saviar wualued to a s�le of tpe Note. If�hae Io�cl�e���ot Ml�c I.o�o Savioa. <br /> Bam�urer will bc oivcn wtinen r►otice o1'1he cMn�e in�coondmoe wiBa pu�raph 14�bove ad�pp��caD1a I�w. 71a aotice <br /> will stata the a�mo and�ce�of the aew l.oat Servicer and We�ddresc tu w�ich�a�yme�s�aaW Oe iaido.'tba�wt�cu�rfL <br /> dcoeonWn�ny atper infa�nnauim rcquired by��pptkable taw. . _ <br /> 20. N�rdou�3�b�tMOe�. Hanower �!G uot caw�e or pe�nit d�e�nce.Mse.disPosst•aw� c�+'',c�r ai Napi <br /> 1�1�rdous Snbww►ceQ oa ar in the Piope�q. Barowv sMll not do.oar dbw myane else to do.aaytf�G►g'�ara�1de <br />.;;;,: p�o�perty�t is io violrion of aay Erninniaio�enul Law. 7'he p�000dio,g two�la�ces:dap not�pply to the p�e� <br />--_ ��ge an tba Piropetty ofi small qwnt�s ot'H�zardou�Subctmocs that are QmeiaUY roco�iuA w be app�+apii�e to no�ra�l . <br /> _ raidendal uses and to tn�ure�auk'e of�hc PraQerty. <br /> Bomnw�er s6�11 P�P�h'R'�ve I.ender written iatioe of any inva�ig��im.damnd.lawsuit or otLa�ctioo bY�Y <br />- _ govanmaiai or�utaiu.y��:y��,"xvatc�uty izsva{ving ticc ERup�:rty a,d a�q 8az�nioua Sui�suuMx ur Euvuaunencai <br /> �L Law of whkh Barower hac actua!knowlodge. If &xrower kaims, ar is ndified by su�y 1�ov�mmenW or regul�oa�Y <br /> authaity.llwt any rcmoval or oth�rca�aWtian of any Hsz�udous Subsrm.e afi'octiag the Pto�arep ts neoeu�ry.Bano�wa ' <br /> , ,S ��P�P�Y take all necessary�medial actiona in accordance wlth Enviro�anenW ' . <br /> �: �', As used in this prr�graph 20."H�rdous Su6stances"are those substances�e6'e�od as to�ic vw huza►dous substanoes b�r. •� � <br />;�°� i, , F�tvironmenW !aw atd the foltowing subslances: g�soline.kerosene.alher fiae�cnab�lc a ta�ciC pctroleum p�ducts.toaic <br /> �" �'�=�.: .;� pesticides ard he�bicides. volatile solvcnts,muterials containing asbes�os or faurn�lJehyde. �qd radloactive m:�o�ials. As <br /> ` ,v`�'.:� used io�his P�SroPh 20."Envimnmental Law"mean�federal laws�nd lawa of W�xe,p�a►i�dicliat wr�kre the Pleparsyas Idcata� <br /> �;:;�; �hu relate to hwlth,safcty or environmerital pnotectioo. . <br /> ' '' ��` NON-UNIFORM COVHNAfYTS. Borrower md Lendcr futtF�er�+uvenwtt and agnee as follows: • <br />'::;i '� '�,��' ' 21. Acceleration:Re�aedks. Leader sb�U giivc aMia to Barrawer priar to acceleratloa tolbv� �er''� <br />__ ��� b�+wc6 ot a�q rnvensat or a�reement ia lbis SecNeit}•lastrument(but not prbr to pccda�tba uad�r p��ph 17 <br /> vaks�,�pNiabk lavy Prov�des aherwisel. The aoa1ee shall specityi (A)�II!�NNUI��(D)�IIC A�IIOfI flQIIIf�1��cure the. <br />*�-';;?� � .��: de�aWt:(c)s dste,oot les9 thaa 30 days from Ihe d�te the aWice is given to Borrov►er, by wYch 16e defs�lt maRt�c � <br /> � �""'�`'` cured;and Id11bd tAilure to cure the defaull on or hefore lhe�te s�ecNied in tde notieQ mw��re:�1 iq#eeekatlon oY <br /> ' ` ;•r` the suu�s secured by this Security lastrument And sale of the Pru�rty. The aoNce shall nov�rr 3nru�Borrower ot <br />'.��A, ���G,s the rigbt to reinst�te aRer a��ceteration and the right to bria�a cowrt acUon to a»ert Ihe nnn-existeace af A de�iwlt or <br /> ;��•�S:�,�, - �uy otder detense of�roKer to�cceteratbn and sa.le. Of t�+e 11elaWlt is nu!ewsed on�t+efnrr t6e�ate aPeeifkd in <br />°�:�i :' �,-�w}�F`�' the aotke,l.ender at its option rtwy requlre immediMe paymeM ia iup ot s�61�w�aas secured by tdis 3ecvNty Q�trumeot <br /> . 11ti� L.����7}�:• <br />:;ti• � � ''�3}:i:Aslc�;�` wit6out f�urlher demand And nwy invake the power �t sulc aa� anv ather remedks permitted by �pplicable Isw: <br /> ��' � �.:Y'�' { ''� Lender slwll 6e entilkd to collect�II expensr4 incu�reA ip pu�suda�g tNe remedies provided ia tbis paragrAp6 21. <br /> •. � �:.:�, . includiag.but nW lim(ted to.reasonable altorneys'tees aanl cosvs ur'�itle evidence. <br /> '`�+�''' " '�f'±;=;". <br /> � L� r.jte <br /> yI�'.1..,, ,� �_ It the powe�of aale is invaked,7lrustee sdnll re�:orc�a nut�ce oi default in each counly in whkb nuy part of the <br /> - :N��:r�' P.�.�rfy iv Mw�a�«I and�II mnil copies oi 4uch rtoti��i�the ms�nner presc�ibnd bv applkabk law lo Barrower�nd to <br /> :��� i a. "` "� the other persons prescrfbed by applicable law A(le�the time�equired by applicable law.'I�ustee s1�0 give publk <br /> tr�,.:, <br /> ."�,.. ;"."� notke d"sale to the persons And in the manner prescri6ed by�pplicsible law. 1lrustee,wllhoW demwnd on Bon�ower. <br /> � ���';!;'�'""''�' shpll sell fhe Property at puh�lk auclbn lo the hi�hest bidde�at Ihe time and place aad under the terms designated in <br /> y ', .« +'�M' !he notke of sale in one or more parcels and in any orde�'I�uslee determfnes. 'llrastee mav pwstpone sak oi oll or pny <br /> • ,.�,.�' ,� �'•"� parcel ot tde Property by pubNc announcement ut tbe time nnd plACe of�ny previously scheduled sale. l.ender or ils <br /> . ,�.:s� <br /> � ��.. ,'•; ... � � desiQnee may purchase the Properly ut uay sak. <br /> '�;5.���;;��'{"�;�;���•�� Upon receipt oi'payment of Ihe price bid.T�us�tee shell deliver to Ihe �rchaser 71�uxtee's deed cor+veying the <br /> �� .r-:, ��•�%•�(�:-• . property. The recifpis in Ihe'IYustee's deed shall be prima iacie evidence oP the truth of the statemeo�s mude therein. <br />:;:.:,,�,� , �i`�� �,�}�.;,} <br /> ,,, �,' �1 .f�"�{''�„:,r�i,,� 'n'���p���pp�Y«P��S of the�ule in the fuNowing arder: �al to oll costs ond expenses of exe�cisin�the power <br />' � �'` �: . <br /> -Sl� •'.,,fsr'! :•. :,. ':;' <br /> _,,1 �j s'F�r�','�,y':�`;,,:u <br />'.�i � '.tt�t.z�: •,.� <br />,�f�i�. ,�� �.::, 1tir <br /> ,.�. : yi��„j�l�'1��i�`�'��?f.J't;;.: <br /> __ . :. ,� 1�1'i'��.. <br /> . "�trj,��,',:.,�;.,�,;�a-�`��!� <br /> -- ���Ll�+�'�����u�� . <br /> �. r• �;c.Fc�. -":�r� <br /> '�.' � Y1+,��;i�`t';f(`�:'.I'����`k , t <br /> :!.7% .�.� i•i����.�4..�.; .�.�n,«'y FrM111�0_li 9�9W �n!¢P. ��j/r/NlY�'�l <br />-.�;� �.. . :� .. 'j��'�i' <br /> •t��ly�� $j'+�;,,•''1�•:�•%'!i. r�%r.1 <br /> 'r� .F�i +=�,�`��)����� +/ <br /> �1. 1 �i.• � �A� <br /> '4�li1� t13r�1�1�';.;:.I'�'l) <br /> ya�a ��1�,t fir�>�Y�i+l;�t�,�' <br /> . ( <br /> { t ( i tF., <br /> 1 �fi+tid�t }I! 1�t' r <br /> L'ii.IC�+�a4� <br /> +'i� M1 1 t.�h+�j�,�.l{�±i� ` - - S,�j� ' .�,��, �`W �'.r re 5F"� ln+'.�^.'�d--_�� 'c n• <br /> � �f4,:isi4 1 t :�i :, r•. .:.f�'f{< %t ' 1�'�:i•, �.• _. � .�•�-51.� �, _5 t i�. ', t' <br /> _.•;•,,' .;eaV'+f' ' t' , - ' .��' ' � .r"•., '� ,<.�,7�;4.�I•' 1 •..., 1 � '•�• r) � _ <br /> i . <br /> � � . � . <br /> , - ".�. <br /> q�r ! , . ��,r t � � .. .�u„ .; c>.. ' . �'11��`1 i`��t�� �'�1 ,i )i �y},,����}17�.��(1yy��� `� .�� + Qy'y' ,te�.j- <br /> �.. ' ; <br /> � • ,i:.. . . .. <br /> = �lnii�i'�'�'IS�'�Y�1�;;f.. . L � y'� la�t F�� �' l{tO/1L1iQ��� �:%J r �A ,�� �!i ,� l�4 <br /> '' {��_ a.� , '"_—' : _ —�" "' r :r..ea��'� ,��� }�.xrfi.�j q�l�{�ji.�I - �'�"' 1Ti", 1-- <br /> _ "_,'. � � �- -- <br /> j ,, f , , r.....; 4 � '� t ��1 , , : <br /> ,` '`' �:�,f t �y <br /> � fl��y1�t� '� t:�Y�� , . , � ; - .. � ���� � � � }- u.� ���(���•'.•',f��l';i��.jl�/j.'!�"f7 ` S �. ��'2.���`,,/r�1, �Q`'��ktl�r4 C:�. <br /> .'r � , _a.vt•.. r .Mi���-_�� .ri', �� . � ' ��� ' �}rrV��`.i� _� �l :�i�.�fiyV�?�;��, �Ur�t�nvc�,�.. <br /> _•i� '.tiv s. .i-.° ' . • _ " _ - . ti(' ;�•i:;.-�cw ���: !'• 'y�.�y",�� �•. '�.li• �i't �r <br /> _ �y �.��u•::it,.. ,o :.; •�, . , • � ,'ii• 1l,V,f�'1 i , „ "If, ,� 1.s .�'.�,: <br /> ,.. i 'r y r .,+ . .j.... ti,� .x:' ;F �.. tt,' . ,�`.���1:', i'. <br /> "'�t�T�,,.,(1Ci;�'.fx���,t� '. • . • '; . �ti.,��r�' „ � t� ' � ,_ ss _�.• ;•1 � <br /> ,qjJ ty • � Z '. . � ... . n".� ' ' ' . �. � .. . . ������{ti 'i� i`1 � t+i•. <br /> � van��;,� ;;ii� . ,� �"'i!' . , � � ' �•�tii� �Y rJ14��ik;;:.t � i :i + :� .. �� <br /> , {t � � ,�,��.�:, ., �- . . - , • ' . , ' I, 'p�'�l`r�)l�r..��. '1_S{��� . <br />. - 1 4. f`'Y�'� 1 k . - �. .- • . �,'1�t� �f f�` ��I�` N`'.1�'�r•�:...r. 1'..1 ,� -r'-' ,. 1 <br /> �r • 1. V!� -Tl 1 /! � �y' '�� <br /> � 1� � �, �: : i��5���JR � t >� 11 ' .YL?• .. ' <br /> � ' . - • . . . � l i 5 �•'''i` �i, � f <br /> .. '.i, �k'�F.i� .. � 1t: r �tt}� •' . ' I• „�1� S�t;��,,M1}lp`(',t,�f �ti�f11��{��S!4ti�a:r��• ' �� � , ���t <br /> � ,�fi'rt� � i• � e�t i '�� '1� 1 �Ift s t � '�r" ,.1' �r <br /> 1 . ..�- i �E � } t{f� '{' .l <br />- - . . . . �- , . �,•. ��h���i:,��ti,,, � �C �- �`�1{t�� - � !'. i� . , � '� - <br /> „" p� � V � . ,t.•1 �: \.`.,:.':..:t, t� t ,. <br /> .. � , � ;.t.d� ( .�. ��1k'' � . <br /> . , . <br /> . .- <br /> , . . <br /> , --�" . ' . ���� � � � li <br /> y�. . , ., ', } . . . . . �;} � �t,.lr .. <br /> :.�� ' <br /> t � <br /> . �� , •, � <br /> • _ . • . . .. ------- - -------- - - - .�_ _. _ .._ . _ ._. . _ ... _ . <br />