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.T'�= �� At�� .!i`_;`��'-- <br /> .;� _�..__.."�:i. --_° - - --- � <br /> +- . . . .._ - . .. __. .._- ,.�,_.__ <br /> �y—.�._. ....�R:��....u�' - _'. ._.. -_-,- . <br /> 93- 1o�s <br /> �rooB�w�aa+i u��,e+��.M►�a�na�a aa��o�r.�a�i ���,�n�+. <br /> •ad flRd�naw or be�o�tlec a prt of tbe proporty. All n�canonU and addltiuns�hall a4o be arvaed by this Socueily ' <br /> la�aw�aent. All at the fare�iu�i�rekrrod W in thi�Secwity Inw�umeM Rs tho PropalY• <br /> = BdtROWBR C'OY6NAM'S thit Bamwer is t�wfully alsed ot the est�te herebY co�veyed ad lu�the H�ht to�rant <br /> - - �nd canvey thepro�y ud that�ho Property is wxneumberod.ezoep for encumbnnces of recwnl. Bomnwu wnt�ms�nd <br /> ---- --�-- � <br /> wW defa�d��y the titb w 1ho Ptopaty+�inst�11 c!��nd demu�dr,wbject to any a�cumb�an�a�d rocYxd. <br /> -� -c--_ � THIS SECLlR!'1'Y INSTRUNIBNT cambines uniPam covenant� far mtional use ind noa�uell'omt oovd�np ' - <br /> Ilmil�od vuWions by jurisdicllon w co�stiwte a unifixm�ecudty i�aumem cvvering reW pn�peny. � <br /> UNIPORM COV8NAN7'S. Dcxmwer and l.e�Wer cove�unt�nd��s fdbwa: <br />=.,ifi' l. Pl��t u�PrMcipul u�d INensti P�'�PU'a�t a�d Lnte Chary�e�. Baro�*+er shdl pmmWty WY when due the <br /> _ p�oC�of'�I interesl on the debt evklcn�.rod by the Ndo arid anY prcpayment�d I�tc ctwges due w�der[he Nde. <br /> Flowds tor 71utie�uld lasunoca Subjoct to a�ppllc�ble I�w or to a wriluo w�lver by Lender.Ramwer shsll pay to <br /> ---.° l.e�ck��lho cyy manthly paU�menla Are due w�der the Nato.umil�he Naa is paid in full.a�um l"Huids")far.(�)Y�Y <br /> -.�� <br /> __� ----__--__, ta�ees euW as.sessmenW whkh may att�in�i�+�i1y aver this Security Inswment as A lien on the Property:lb)Ywrly leasehald _ <br /> payments or ground nnts on 1ho PropenY� ii w►y: k) Y�Y ��or prapeny insu�uxx premiums: (d) Yeuly fload <br /> i insura�e pemiums. ii�ny:le)yeuly mott�sgc insurouice premtums, ii any: and(� any �ums pay�ble by Bormwer �a <br /> accondsnce with�he provisjans of puagraph 8, in Ifeu af the payment of mong�go insu�tce premiums. Theso <br /> itemx su�e c�lled"Escrow Items." l.ender rnAy,a1 any�ime,collect ur�d hold Fu�ds in an amcxun nat to oxceed c1m matimum <br />.��,�'��� amount a le�er for a federally rclxtod mo�tgage loyn mry requi�e for Eiorrowerl�escrow aacwnt under the feder�l Real <br /> :�� ��' Fsst�te Settlement Pracodurca Act of 1974 s�s amended from Nme ta timo.12 U.S.C.$2b01 e�srq. ("RESPA"l,unless aiwther <br /> -- !aw th�t applies to the Funds seta u lesser amaunt. lf so.l.end�r m� any time.calloct an�h�l�Fi�nds in an amoun1 not la <br /> -- <br /> ". -- -. ...°.`"."..� exceod the lesser wnount. i.en�iCr u�y vaii��wt� ti�; anH.unt of i'unds duc oa ttu b�sis uf rut�nt data end reR�e <br />' �.�• ' • es�im�tes of expenditurcs of Futu►e Escrow Items or otherwise in aeccxdance with applicabk law. <br /> � 'R�o li�nds shall 6e held in an ins�itutfan whosc depasits are insured by a fedea�►I agcncy.instnxnentality. or entiry <br />�,';.�'�� ;�,-.,t;.y;,a,F-�� :" (including I.ender.if Lender ic such an inclNutiaN or in nny Federa! Home Loan Bunk. l.ender shall apply 1he FLnda to pay <br /> � ' �'�' �hr Escrow Icems. L.ender may not chuge Borrower far iwlding and applying the F'l�Ms. annu�lly analyxing the escrow <br /> � � � • ,. account. nr verifying the Ercrow Items, unless L.ender psiys Homower interes� on �he Fur�ds and applicable law pem�es <br /> !._��`. L.enck�ta mAlce such a charge. However.Lender moy require Borrower to pay u one-time churge for an independent reul <br /> ,'•:t,,�,•. .; <br /> . . estate tax rcpaning service used by Lender in conneclion with thfa loan,unless applicable Inw provides athernise. Unleas un <br /> , �'. 4�"`�"� agrcemom is made or applicable IAw requires inleresl lo be paid.Lender shnll not 6e required to pay Bortower any interest or <br /> .,r. . <br /> r,. � eamings an the hLnds. Bortower And Lender muy Agree in wriling,hawever.that interest shal)be paid an the Funds. Lender - <br />�;�_ . ;"„ � shnll give to Borrower,withaw chu�e.un annual accauming of Ihe Flmds,showing credNs and debits w the Funds and the _ <br /> ' : � s;4;;. �purpase for which exh debit to 1he Funds was mnde. The Punds are pledged as addilian�l �ecurity for all sums secured by <br /> �,��. ���:A;�1". thi4 3ecuriry Instrument. _ <br /> ; � ` . .,�� • If the Runds held by Lender exceed the amounts p�rmuted to be heid by applicai�i�law,Len�r :��e{i accouni ia =_- <br /> -` '�¢"• "`,�-;:�: ' ;++ Borrower for Ute excess hlmds in accardance wlth the requlrements of upplicnb�e luw. If Ihe�mount of the Funds held by ._, <br /> �ac. ati 3�'r s <br /> ��•. .'.K'yN t <br />..:,�'� •i r.,�,�'tP��.�}z.�; I..ender ut nny time is nat sufficiam ta pay the Escrow I�ems when due,I.ender muy sa M►tify Borrower in wri�ing, i�= <br /> {�' such cuse aorrower shull pay ta I.ender the umounl necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall maka up tha <br /> �'i' �•'� •'�y`�ti:�� r defioiency in na more thnn twelva monthly puyrnNms.ut Ixnder;wle dlscretlon. �- <br />'�.;J,r �;��`�,.}`��y.'�•i�t,<:.'.J: — <br />:,f','• .}i�i,.� ;�.C;sxl�,�i;i, Upan paymenl in full of all sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument,l.snder shall prompUy refund to Borrowor.ury ` <br /> ��'� 'f��;,i�'�:::�+�.;�;�;;•t�''� Funds heW by L.ender. If,under paraRtaph 21,Lender shall acquire or sall�he Propeny.Lender.pri�r lo�he acyuisitiai�or <br /> � h <br />�!ii'��' �: 5j.1�. . . 5. ��:- <br /> ., , ,•5' �,�r�.,�;t•.�.;; � ' sale of the Property, shall upply uny Funds hald by Lender a� Ihe time of ucquisition or�t+le aa u credit agaiost the sums _ <br />��•;,� {t. �;,ptr%� ,; secured by this Security Insuument. -. <br /> 1,�,: • �;�,. ...'�,y.,.i ,.�,'� <br /> , �}.._� 3. Appltcalton a!Pay�mcnts� Unless�pplicAble luw pmvides othcrwise, ull pnymems received by Lender under i- <br />- :�::, peraRrnphs 1 und 2 shAll be applfed:�rst, to uny prepnyrnent churge�due under Ihe Not�;K:cand,to umounts payuble under E� <br /> �� t���`'`��r�+' arngre h 2;third,to inlerest due;fouah,to pnncipal due;und Insi,to uny ia�c charges due unJer thr Aiute. <br /> tl�'�;r;,�i:.;�� ie;:. ; P p �._ <br />.�r•'- ,i�:��. 4. ChAr�esi Liens. Borrower shall pny all taxes, assessments, chnrgcs, fines and impositions attributable to the <br /> °—4 �.�,�`ir; xs n.�000in r��nun� . <br />;•:i,;• �.;1�;`�`, ,,�;,. . .{ Propeny which m_, ,. _ri, thi�Secarity Insuument,and leusehold paymcnts or gmund rents,if uny. Borrower _ <br /> -t:�`t, - .. , shull pay these obligutians in the munner provided in puragrnph 2,or if not puid in that munner,Borrower shall pay them on +"�. <br /> :ri,` � xqn.,�{.,_., i <br /> :��.. � � �}��, time directly to ttia per�on owcd puymeM. Borrower shall promptly fumish�o Lcnder al l not ices of amoun�s to be puid uncier t <br />;;;-��. °��,,.�;t:�,�;��..}��`r'st�++;��� �his parngrnph. lf Bortower makes thc:+e payments direc�ly.Barrower shull prompdy fumish lo Lender receipts evidenc�nw <br /> �` ��, , .�i�j'�W� thepayments. <br /> � � �'"� `�'' ��' Borrower shull rom tI diuhur e any lire����hirh ha: norii over thi�Sccurit In.uument unless Bornower.lal a recs <br /> , �; '.,•:d;�•.,•� p p Y g F� Y y F - <br /> -'� • ' -"�' in writing to the payment of the obligation scyu��ed by�hr lirn in u munner ucceptuble w Lender.lblcontests in good faith the -_ <br /> �;�, `���,;;t�^� ,.,,;;��1��, •�' lien by,ar defends aguinst enforcemcnt of�h�li�n in.lesa' �rr�xeedings which in Ihc Lende�t opinion oper�te w pmveot the �,- <br /> r , � --a,. , .� ;�,I,;;�';+ enforcement of the lien;or(c)secure;irom the halder�t t7�c lien un agreement wti.facux}• tu Lender sutwrdinating the lien <br /> �;{,',; r� . ••..���h�:�i�-:��.� � to this Security Instrument. If Lendrr determines that un} Fan of the F'roperty is+ubj�c�a�a lien which may utt�in pri�ri�y _ <br /> �°; ���,��.•,,,,�y�i� � over this Securiry Inswment,Lcnder mny give Bortower a nnti�c identifying the lien. Borrou�cr shull s�isFy the lien or take �� <br /> �• 1 E}�;� t�r�• .� � � one or more of Ihe uctions set forth nbovc within 10 days of thc giving of notire. <br /> '�'' �:��. ,, "'i�;`,'/�� c� � ' S. Ha�rd�r P�operty Insurance. Born�wer sNall keep the impr�acmentx now exis�ing ar hereui'ter erected an the <br /> "� 'i �"`'�`'�{!�`•�;�,;�� Prop�er�y insured againrt losx by fire,huzards included wilhin Ihe term"extendcJ coveruge" And uny other huznrds, including <br /> '�` "�•'� iloocls o�flooding, for which Lenck�myuire+ insurwxe. This in,urance �hall be maimained in the umounts and fur the _ <br /> `�_ ,a�,� �. I <br />_ • !•� .�?��y;{'''��� I Firm J028 9i9Y Ip�A�2 oje paYe� .�s'��_ <br /> .� 'i �1t,�4�1,:}!,' <br /> , � .. . , •.: �t Z�,�i�y. <br /> f j. . '`,�'i�'t.Sd:�Y�=i •_ <br /> ; . ,};��.�lS�V` F: <br />= k � ����;J7�`����:: � �: <br /> iA;. � !��{' 1 4 ��` . . ,..y .�.v'1�.�1�,,�' �������{��}���,.";i?�7� ,� .�`�, �IA;i i;�������. <br /> .,°k• �?�;�1 � ' �i�i;1 • ��, •��� ,i!t,4+/i ti �! � �,.'T' �Yt �� '� s � ;�» �r{'��;. <br /> x.,�Y,. K !3����;,:'�y . . . • �S��V.�1��'i� j���t.;;ti�n.-'.�:f ��7y��` ��1�,�; ?rif�r � <br /> ��� -- ���. _�.'�{'rpieLC%�'f`V"je'�° _i _ �i- ri .-.Y....._. <br /> _ -�. . .__ _ _- _ _. - ____ -__ '' _ "' ' ' <br /> —. _ . , _ -. _ _,. .. _ _._- _ ___ - ._'_' .._ _ ._.. .. _ .. . ._"_,.T _= '_—'.. .. .... . ,r, _ . <br />- '.�� , � , , .. .. , ;+;. - - • �'!.;.: `=�� . .7, .�r,-i"r•- . • /' I`'` - ..: <br /> x ��` .. S1 �' ,i� , <br />- , d. . � ' ... .� . � •. �• � • • - . <br /> 1`Y . ' . . . . . . . <br /> .... \4�'.:,1.. . . ' . . . . . . � <br /> - _a . � ..� ,;; JC�i . 1 � �, . .. .� , . - ` ' ' 1 , � <br /> f �u'/ .q. ' wu' 4 .� .r ,' ,. _ . . I . . . . � `I � . 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