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--„� . <br /> �'� . ? � �. -y...�..� - -- _ <br /> �i _ '_" I •! � nY��' '�.T... ' _ <br /> �. r . . .-7��;� �,�,.�, . <br /> .:.� - �.. . ,ri;, . . �. �� , . ,�.�rY, . .^t`'',;��t� <br /> - -- -- � .,: . � �" '�. ,,. . � . <br /> oandeapuria�a abe�u�cin�d ae0!Ah d�be PiapNCy.�r'ta oonwY+�oo ip Ibn d Ro�daarw�inn+�ao horobY adPrd+�d. . � <br /> � . �bdl be pdd a Iwedo� . `a,eM auu�wairad by tbi�9eaaita► � •� <br /> �. In �be evaat af�taal WcL�d twa PMpeAy���1W1 ba�pp�ied.. u� <br /> ta�uua�aN.abetl►er or aot�1ian dne.wNh�ay exoea tn Bonowa: In tba aveat d�p�tial aki�ot ihe ln <br /> �fiid►Ua hir�vdue af the�opaty immedl�toty bofbre the Wcin�(�equ�l oa arpe�1er�ira die amount�w� <br /> securod by thio Secudty(nwwnent bpmadlMOly befaro tho tdtln�unlow Raeawrx atd LraMer�odbtvvlwo y�roe�1.writi�, <br /> .` _ : _ ---_�.-- __� die wau�acured by IUI�Ssrau'iiq�i�ha111t�r�d�Y das�t�aqttlt vf ihs !ed1y!�s tel� <br /> faction: (�)�he totd�mount of tba sunu iecurod immodi�tcly beforo dto�ni•di�)�r�tn�cet vab�e dtba -- <br /> --� _--�---- p�opqty inunedl�toly befaro d�c+Wdn�. My btW�oo�pol be p�dA to Bano�er. W tha arant of�p�1�d't�o -- <br /> Proppty in which tho Wr maket vRlue of tbe Poane�ty immedi�tely bafae die q13aa b'laa dain ths anwuut at �ana '' <br /> �ecund im�nodiWaly beforo Ihe uikinB.unlat Bonowa�nd I.aider atbawhie�ee in w�at wdoc��ppliea6b.Vw <br /> ,.. o�ha�wl�e provlde�.da procro�ed4�Iui116e applfed a da aans�ecurod b�r thb 5ecu�itY ia�qw��dhar w�aot d,e wsa aro <br /> Ibon dun. <br />- If the Prqpe�I�X is�Lwr�omd by IP.afler notice by Le�der to Bcxtower deat dw eo�demnat offer�ta atabt <br /> ■n aMad or aeMfa�ct�3m�oir d�m�ger.Botmwer f�il�to rospood la 1.eider wid�in 30 d�ys dtec dis dua dw notioe ia�ivai. <br /> P. 1.andkr is aueho�iaod a oollax aod app�r�c pocood�.w ia optim.eidia eo�estant3oa ar tq�dr of tho P�ropwty or a do <br /> wau sa:unod by thi�Socio�iq ya�saarnmt.wr6�lrer or�ot�6�an d�re�. <br /> Uelas Le�dix�ad Bonovrer o�tl�vvi+re�eo in writia�.w�Y ���P�'�s���II not oxkad a� :,•�;.: <br /> -_-- poWyone the due date of tbe monthly paymodls�efatod w in p�l�ed 2 or chm�a the�mouo�of such pa�ynr�nt�. . . <br /> __3 y; 11. Sarrower Nat R�e�t �� �� Q�ar l�lot � V1�eSw�: B�c�msio�of dre �+ae for WY� a �'�.�.,,, <br /> moditiation of ivao�dan of the was�eeeurod by this Sc+curity I�tntme�t nr�nAed by 1�eadex lo+Mqr+�asso�'in i�t <br /> -- of Bamwer s1uiU not operata to tela�e the li�bility of the arigiad Bomnwar o�r BanoMab�ip iMa�es�.l.eader <br /> -- ' <br /> - - -_ - --- �iwii not be ' w�an�ru N+u:aaii►i�s a�ai�i iu�y eu�:..w,s�i!�1�'u�'�:e!a e�t��!'��p�pwe�t ar �- <br /> u <br /> ����k odiawise wrwitization of aK xum�socwra by this security mununet�t ey n�sori of my aem�.d ny tMo origioa� � - <br /> Barower ar Botnnwerl�s�woasars ia interat. My f4rbearmce by Lrnder in exac�lain4 anY d�ht or temodY chall�oe tfe• <br /> - waivu of ar proclude the ezercEsc of any right or renxdy. 'jlic covc�nte a�d�teemems of thie <br /> .�' l2. Succes�ora aad A�Bound:Jdnt�d Sevual WWIit3'i� <br /> .' �� Security Instnane�t shall bind and benetit tbe sucoaw�s and assigng nt l.a�der and Bnrrower.wbjoct w the provisions of <br /> parag »,BonoWer's�oven�nts and agitements stuill 6e joint and several. My Bomower who casigns this SocudtY <br /> in�uuk t but does not caecute�he Note: (a)is co-slgning this Security Instmrt�ent only ta morigage,g�ant�nd c�onvey thRt <br /> Bortower's interest in the Piroperty under dn terms of this Security Instrumen� (b)ic not pe�wlly obligated to p�y the cums <br /> '�;1, securod by th&Security[nst�umenr and(c)agrces that I.ender ard any other Bomuwer may ag�co to eatend.modify.fotbeAr ' . <br /> __ ar ms�ke�ny axwnmodotic�nr whh �egard w the uxmc of this Secudty lnswmrnt or tho Note witiwut tlwt Bwrowerl� <br /> . consen� <br /> +�'??�i�:. 13. Loan Chwges. If the loan secwed by�his Security Insqumrnt ls subject to A low which stls maximum lan <br /> ',";- �n_. - � chrrges.and that law ir hnaliy intRpne�ed�o d�an iho intc��t i�oti�r laan ch�gcs ro!la��ar to!x�ltaKSd Ls c� <br /> ��sr� in •t:n;,,,:. _;� .•.:�.�. <br /> ,�y r� ,t�G,,r,.�.,;~` wlth�he loan exceed the perniitted limits,thea: ,,a)enY such loan charge shall bc redueed by 1he amaunt neoessary w reduoe <br />- ' ';�,'•� �,�µ,:'.d.:�t� , �,�`�'..�'v, the e e to the rmitted limit:and(b)sin •autns alread crolkcted from Borrower which exceetled rmitted limka will be <br /> 1 i.j}.,. ' . harft Pa Y Y <br /> ,:. ,..,i ' •) <br /> ��'}►�j, ��- ''�f`�•�'h � refundod to Borrower. Lenda may choose to make this�Pund by Rducing the princip�al owed u�der Note or by nnplcing a <br />=:r ;�F'r� -"':T��.- . direct p a y ment�o Bum,we�. If a nfw�d reduas principal.the reduction will be ur�ted as e pnMfal�xepayment without�ny _ <br />-=.::(r',' ' �•.:C�.,u•� :+ti� p�epyiyment chorge under the Note. • <br />- - "'''` 14. Notices. An notice to Bomower vided for in this Security Instrument shWl be given by daNveriog lt or by � ' <br />_`,'�'.; : � �:<:;-����,�•.>« ' ' y � . <br /> — �irT{;��µY;•�,-; mailing it by first class muil unless applicuble law requires use of aiwther method.71ie notice shell be di�ected to tha PrupeRy �. <br /> �. «:;�,•;�^;<�.t;,' , Addrcss or uny other Address Bortower designates by not ice to L.e n d e r. A n y n o t i c e t o l.e n d e r s h n l l ba g ivon b y first el�ss •' ��' <br /> m�il w Lender's addmss stuted herein or any other address Leixler designutes by notice to Bomower. My notica pravided for <br />,_��. in this Sacurity Instrument chall be decmed �o have beeo given to Rorrower or L.ender when given a4 pruvidad'in this .. <br />� j; , .�• . . • P�rot�• . , <br />`"�c�"''�:; �`��'�: ,`�� � s'•� IS. GoveraiaR Low; Severabilkv Thia Secu�ty Instrument shall be �ovemed by fedeml law and the law of the , <br /> t:.:•�., :,•. <br />+,�f`j���' ,� •��.,�.:;r�. ,:_':-� � �� urisdiction in which the Property is lauted. In�he event thut uny provision or clause of this Security lastrument or the Note , <br /> 1� , . i;;r:�,%Y� j <br /> r;�r}1,ti •;:;, _ •,,���#� -j h�� conflicts with applicuble luw,such conflict shall na uffec�othcr provisions of'this Security Instrument or 1he Note which can <br />;j;y��i;�t� �:;�}'+���s,.•ji;�'�:;5�. � ` be given effect without�he conflicting provigion. 'tb thi4 end the pmvisionr of thic Secudty Inctrument orW the Noto ue <br />;�,�,+s�,r , .'�,�;��,�,��;;�,� declared to be severable. <br /> a��••:• �r• 5 ' 16. Borrower s Cop�: B orrower shall be given one canfarmed copy oi Ihe Note nnd of�his Security Insuument. <br /> -'''•!t�;�°� '` . a � `'4t� 17. 'IYansier ot the Properly or a 8ene��lal lnteresl in Borrower. If all or uny part of the Pmperty or any lnfc�est in . <br /> �'"'� �,.,-.4,��„ ' � �'��`f it is sold or transfeRed(or if u heneficial intcrest in Borrowcr is sold or�rnnsferred and Borrower is not a naturnl person) <br />��, .� • -' `' �'f ` E�' witlwul Lender's•prior written con�ent.Lender muy,ut its option.reyuire immedime payment in full of nll sums securcd by <br /> .a....,,�,. . ' :: . �. <br />,;; �•••-; ' ,� , , �.,t� Ihis Security lnsln�ment. However,thi.op�ion shall not bc exercised by l.ender if exereisc is prohibitai by[ederal It►w a4 of <br />,:`.;;" � '*,��p� • f � the date of this Secu�lry Instrument. <br /> ' _�,5• �r`•��-jy0. ��f If Lender exc�cise��hi�optiun,Lendrr yhall give Borrower notice of accelerntinn. 7'he notice�hall provide a period of <br />: � 1 ��9�:R '. � �� <br /> � 1'":;'� �:�'�r= ., ,. . , � not less thpn 30 days from the date the notice i+dclivered or muiled within which Borrower must poy nll 4ums secured by this <br /> � {�'"4!� • ,;.:�"� � ,;t•�!i•' Security Instrument. If Bormwer fuils to pay �hese .ums prior�n the expiration of this perind, Lender may invoke any <br /> i , • ,' ,}'���.�,;,�,•�1'� remedics pertniucJ by this Secu�ily Instrument w�ithout funtxr natice or demund on Barrowcr. <br />,�',�' ' r;�;,, ,;:;y:;"����,� , lg, Borrower's Ri�hl ta� Reinst�fe. If B�xruwrr meet,certain rnndi�iom, Borrower ahull huve the ri�ht to have <br />�; : . }, , I;�•:1•+;Z.�_,,r;,!, , enforcement oi'�hi.r S��uQiu�la�a��wuent Jikontiitiucd ae a�ti) timc prfor tu the earlier oi: ta�S days!or sach other�eriod as <br /> � !� �,��i,lt�' �r.F Smple F�mily•-lLmie\InNFYeddle�tnc l'\IF/IR111�ti7Rl�ME�T-•UnifamCove� 9,'9Y rpQw�q)'eyqp�a� <br /> t..� ; :1 1�?4 ��� . <br /> ^� •.%' .�� '`. �, {.i.��. / <br /> li <br /> . nt 1 ��'}�,. ' }}11..�� <br /> �' ��,� l.•r �!'��l: <br /> 'j •`� �}:'r�lY,'.}�.�t� � � <br /> i'j}'`` J , ,,( • ' <br /> �y: ) _ <br /> ' ,;��; 1 ' '" . .- ''' c'k"r��' �14cvi�" � •,sT`;*4�i41���J�• �(�;� .�'�'�''�`�' . ,. , r•� �t}![� ��r Y,a <br /> .. � -;� _ ., - 1,� ..,.1�,�1'�''�'"" ���`::.,;, +r�{}i,.����)��hfJij;�:,: r.,,: :at4h'+�^�1.,u��,��1--�.:�JI:'S tr---� - <br /> f f, ,. -� • ' �� .. ..�h�t�. �� ; � � ,i.-�.1� . , . . \"...� . '.LI.� t.a ltcr <br /> f�l�l� � - �'S� � �t <br /> � , �, <br /> `�. yrw u <br /> � <br /> �_� 1`. i -, '1... 1 �. - .. ' f r��t t •• .. •. }�4.�/ 'TSI'Si.'. "". —_ � <br /> � ��� <br /> . . . _�. _ ."_ -_ . <br /> _�,�' � ... ._ _.��.___ .;. . _ ._—__ _. . ..--- '... . 3. . .. .. .. .. ' ',' , _ �`:�r i��4T„', . .. <br /> ... . s , <br /> �,! ;�; , � • - . _:,.�., - , ._"''•'�.^.'"�" — <br /> � ��,,. <br /> � �� 'I ... � . . ,. . . �,� :� <br /> �c� �• . . , . , � � . : � '�, � '' ��- <br /> i� �- �i � .. • ;' . . <br /> � 4�• � .. �. � . . , <br /> , - ::� � <br /> , . . . <br /> �� ',i;; ,r` . � . . , . <br /> : � -�� . ' <br /> � F �'�.' .. . . ..'�lY`.• �.-,d.. +w_ . <br /> � .. <br /> �' r '� . � — --- <br />