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� <br /> _ ,�..;t � _ :. <br /> , � <br /> _ ; • _ <br /> � . �. <br /> � --�t- — , i�',.� f .. , , -- - - • .+aai'��, <br /> . ..A�y ____ ' . �� ��y'�;tiPTI <br /> _—. — �� <br /> — _ __ • " �YW MR��� ��W.N����I�Y���fR YI�fAP��l7�R7v�of b�• - <br /> ' �+nv�l whkh r�l!uot be uanaaon�bly wlthbeld. it Bannw�r faW to m�liqdn oove��►�o da�crib�d�bore��,�dar wip►.q <br /> 1,enderl�apNon,abaiao�w�p a piweat I.,a�dati ei�ha ia�be�ty ln�000rd�noe wlth pwajnipii 7. • <br /> � • All innumce policia ad�eaa�Wde shwll be�o�1�We b aad rMll inclade�wnd�ed n�cW�e: I.eMe� <br /> �hafl M�vo the rixht b bald die polida��nd�a�evv�t�. lf L+pnder mquiaw,8ae�awK��il p�oa�tly�ve to Lender�p raoeipa <br /> of pwW prcaniums and�oow�l aoiiva. In tho evm�t of 1oa.Bo�wer�fl�ive p�ony�t nadw b ttle�aurnoe c�nia aad <br /> _ - — l.a�der. I.aMbr n y mdca pn�'ut tos�if�ot t�da p�gtly hy Sa�rawtr. <br /> Uaicu Lendor aad Barowex atl�rvvtco�roo ia wn�iag.iowranoa�ooeeds rJull bn appllod to�wntlan ar rc.p�ir of <br /> ���.-' �� Proppty d�ed� it 8ie iestaatian ar rep�ir it eoanomic�liy fesable�ad l.aderti seapiry i�oat k�od, lf die <br /> taati or r u eot ecanomially fa�ibb ar L�onderl��eca�ity wnuld be kua�ed.the lnwwnnoe pooeed��IWI be <br /> _;.� -- �pplied to tho wmi roanod by thi�Soa�dty �ti whdfiet ar nat thaq due.with any e�p�id w Rartowu. U <br /> _. 8mmwer abamlon�tbe Propaty.or does aot�uuwcr within 30 daya a rwHoa fiom L�ender th�t Ihe iawnu�oa Gu�ier lao� <br /> oflerod w seulc a claim.�t�m Le�der uuiy ooNxt tho incuranca proeeeds.�dar m�y oce the p�oceeds to or reuarc <br />__T, the propeay or cn pyr wm�:ecmed by thi�Secw3ty Incmrnait.whether or not lhea dua. The 30�d�y{�erlod�be�in wf�m <br /> �e notk�c is givca. <br /> -- = Ualas t.mder and Bortower ad�erwlce �roe io writio�.aoy �tiou oi pocaeda to principal alup not eawd ar <br /> — pc�stpone d�e due d�oe of the manddY WY�oeats relemed w i�n 1 aod 2 ar change Ihe�no�uu af the paymants.,lf <br /> under patrgraph 21 the Property ic�oquurod Ey I.cadcr.Bo�m.rert right w w�y ins�u�eioe policies and Proceed:�sulmg <br /> - fiom d�urWge w the Propccty prlor�o d�c aoqui�ion�bwU pr�to I.entl�ar to the eucat of the suaw acu�ed by thic Socurity <br /> _ = incmnna�t immodistely piot w tbe �han. <br /> .�f�= �, po�nCR p�ratio�.��ce �sd Pratectio� ot H� IP�opaty: Borr+�+ter'� I.o�� Applicalio�: <br /> --- Laa�oYo. Bomo�ver ahall accupy.e.sablist�.�ad usc tba Pfopaty ac Bamwer's;�rv.aeip�l�esideM.�e within�iuty d�ys+�fkr <br /> _ t�,;,ezc�utb,w ui'uas 5ecuriry I�art ami shaii cuntinue to arupy the P�a�c�ty as B�xtawer's princ.�ipai r�ici�we for�i <br /> - last or�e �rc�r aflsr the date d oecuEau�cy. unlesa Lender otke�rwise agroes in writing, which cansent sh�Jl nat be <br /> '� wue�san�611,r witb�de�d,or uqkas exte�uating ciicumai�noes euist h�eich are beyaad Borrowenc�aotml. Bonower:hall rat <br /> �_���' destrny�dan�ge or imp�air the Propeny.allow�he Ptoperty ro deteriaate.or commit wacte an the Propeity. Borrower sha�l <br /> '::��-, be in default if any fari'eia�st action or proceediag,wdether civil or begun that io I.enderh good taith judgmau <br /> „�b,�.; �ould�esult in forfeiture oi the Pnqwerty or otherwiA: materially impair the Ikn c�eatod by this Sec�pity In�nunrnt or <br /> � I.�nder�s security in0e�es� Hornnwer may cure such a default and provided in paragraph 18,by c�ussing�he action <br /> = or p�oceeding�a be dismissed with a�ti�g I.eoder�s good faith det�em�inatfan,p�ocludea farfeitwe of the Bartowa'� <br /> ;�.� .: interest in the PropaRy or athu materi�l imp�im�rnt of the lien ctr.ated by thic Sacurity Instrument or I.ender`s secudry <br /> �''�''�' intems� Bomnwer s6a11 also be in default if Bomower. during the loan applicatIon process. gave mater�Jly fWse or <br /> = inacxurata inf�nnation or st�tements ro Lender(or failed w provlde Lender wlth any material infomwt�on)in connocda�with <br /> �_ �he losn evidrnced by the Note. including. but not limited to. rep�esrntatia�as conceming Borrower's accupancy of ttlie <br />`."`�e=�`�a� Property as a principql residence. If Ihia Security Instr�mnent is un a�sehold.Bsxrower shall comply with all ihe provisiohs <br /> '`�;+�''tl= .+`;' "%�`..�:.,'r';':'�'% of tix ka�e. ii B�mu�er,r�x�uirc�fr.c tiile to dte�'operi3�,,� ie.a.:2.`..��t�i it��z fz�.iidc shall tiot mccgc unlcss I.ctulcs�.�'> <br />.:=:1?�.�:i. • .' .yy.��...,�..1.'+� IO 1�1G RICA�e':in writing. <br />•�:;��t;�:'ci: ,* �;:..,�:�:,�y,�:� ;'w, 7. Po�otectbn of Lender's Ri�Y�ts in the Prppetty. If Borrnwer friils to perform the covenants and a�+eemea�ts <br />:;f3a�.V` ` .•� <br />-�n1�: � ;� i�s•�g:s;•;,��� cuna�n�e•d in this Securiry Insdument.o�ihere ic a 4a�a1 proceeding that may significandy affect Lendec"s ri�Qws ip ti�e <br />°-'" ' "'� -�-'--'=y �r�n sl Such as u roceedin m bank u roba��,F�r condemnnaon or forfcitu�c or to cnforcc luws ar n,,a atian�),then <br />,__-�_.:.; T;. ...., -.- ?:'� �� ��3 �• P 8� !�' Y�P t'`� <br />-�r�:•,u ���y+;;f'`,•��;;:.� ', � L.ender raay�do and pay for whatever oc necessary to pmtect the vs►lue of�he Propeny and Lenderc rights in t}oe F4aperiy. <br />�.+r;r;' " '""'•`i`' ��,�}v� �"� Lender c a:civns ma include in aQa,:sums secured b a lien which has norit over this Securit Instrumen�a <br /> h '•yc.,afn'�:,�'�,.;��.� ' �` Y PAY �' Y P� Y y P'P�'+�+5 <br />��a!�` ��.' �� in court,paying reasonable atwrney�"fees and entering on�he E'roperty to make repairs. Al�twugh L.ender may take action <br /> '�A!`' '' .'..^. <br /> '��' .��gr..'�,:.� : under IhiR pnrngrnph 7,Lender dces nat have to do so. <br /> •t� Any umounts disbursed by Lender under�his paragraph 7 shnll become udditionAl debt of Borrower.ecured by this <br /> �. Sccu�iry InRtrument. Unk.+s Borrower and l.ender agree to other terms of paymem,thcse nmoun4s chall bear intencst from the <br />:��,. ,, date of disbursement at 1F+e Noce rate antj s6aif be payabfe,wi�h ioleter�,upun nuii��iw�u Ix�xler w Bunuwe� �cyuraiiu� <br />:�:r,t� . ' : :;:'.'�.... ; , pnyment. <br /> �i. is � t --:;f..a..,�.:;:7-••. :� r <br /> -�.:,• L; �r,� S. Mi�wrtgage Insurance. If Ler+cl�r required mortguge insurance ac u c4ndition of making the Ioan secured by tU�is <br />�`-'�" � Security Instrumtnt, H�awer sha�l pay t!� premiumx requioed to muintain �he mortgage insurance in effect. !f,for any <br /> ..�,r.. �;,�:: ,; <br />_;a� , . , rea.sato. Ihe mongAgc dnsuarnnce c�nvtrage required by Lender lupses or ceasc: ac be in effect. Borrowe� 1�a�1 pay the <br /> _ , � >'�;�:=~.�f �,��, f premiurns�eyuired t�� obtain covPrnge substan�iully eyuivnlent to the mongage insurance previously i� c�ri�c:, at a cost <br /> =°�`�`�. - �" • " ''`"` " substa�n�a0la:e uivulent to �he cos�to Borrower of Ihe mort o e insurunce reviausl in effN�t�frore�an a�temate mon a e <br /> :::;,Y ' ,�.::�, Y� .:�,�'�„° . Q 8 S p Y � 8 <br /> � . � ^ ,� -;, ,S;{i•,;;r ingurer uF,prnved by Lender. lf suk�:��aniially equivalent mongoge insurance covernge ix not a�ant�.�9e.Borrower shall pay to <br /> � .�,. .. � . '�.,�';�y�� Lend2r each month a sum equa!t[�c�ne-iwelfth of the yearly mortguge insurrnce premium bein-��aid by Bomower when the <br /> 1'.;.,rµ�;.• , ,� inswran�e coverage lapsed or cea.4ed tn be in effect. Lender will accept,use und retuin these paymenls�.s o loxs reserve in lieu <br /> °•� ;' " '.... " �•,� " ' oS rnan�age insurunce. Loss rescrve payments may no longer be required,at thc option of Lender,if mortguge insurance <br /> ,�•� • ,.�-m co�•era�e(in the amount and Wr i'he periai�ha�Lender reyuiresl provided by un intiurer�pproved by Lender again becomes <br /> � '�'`"`'� avAilah+o�e n�cJ is obtained.Bormu•ar s'hall a thr remiumr m uired to mnintnin mon u�e in<atance in effec�,or to rovlde u <br /> �, y. .;.;^ , PY P y Bb P <br />� ;.. , .:, . loss resen�r,imtil the reyuirement 7mr rnongage insuruun�e ends in:,rcordnncc wi�h any wriueu s�_N.^rmern between Bormaer <br />"�r �.��:�'.�- '���j�� • pnd I..etx:�r•�+r a?plicuble Inw. <br /> ,��`?�� ;.r �• 9, loapection. Lendev or its ngent muy mal�e reaxonuble cntries upnn:uid in�pectiom of tP�r Propeny. Lender sP�Ai� <br /> � � give�ar,nw�tr notice•r��L�r�iane of ar prior to an inxpection specifying reasonuble cau,e for the ins,pt.tiu�. <br />� '` ' '- -' ''�'� iQ�.. Ctx�demnation. The preceeds of an�•a�+•ard ar cl;►im fur dumuge.,dircc�or cun�ryueraaa�,in�Qmn:xnumn with any <br />:��;_ - ��' ;i,ft��1 <br /> �� . ..+.+.t, S�k P.utedy--Fappfe NodFYeddk Mar Cy1fY��M 1\tiTRUMkNT••Unl(urm�C'nven,uia 9'96 ��ye?.j npu¢e�l <br /> ,�., - ,-' .. �afsi;;•, <br /> � J�x�� TapASU111A0DS7�CC�M1��O 81atY1•11�1 <br /> . 5 <br /> ' ;. '. �1�.'��'��.:: 5[� . <br /> '-� ,'��i <br /> ;.�3.. - �-.�:, . <br /> � �.,� 5 � �, "r.,"�"'�R'��y;,'C'i b�p�r,�y=:a`l�-..z:.,'I..��a�!"�:.r m:n.a:rs�.�cv �Z�,t�i t P„�ikF' _- <br /> 1 '� . .. - . . ' . , . . 1 I..,�'�(� »"S�.M ���• ;.�'.' 'L;.. 1.t . <br /> . '$.�, C '.y_ , ,1• t ..ti".�'.. � � �� rf��1�f%r <br /> �'.� f . - t '` . . , . L ��� ,` ,' . ��� � . <br /> .�y �� .� I � � <br /> ��ioein ��..s - ...u.�_ . � ...]:c::.��.`!�` ��tf:::.;� ����, __.s �. <br /> — •�_ �.- •, , .. <br /> - -- - - <br /> - ---.-. .. --- <br /> - -�- - � ------ --- -- <br /> ---- -�--- _.._�_: <br /> ._ <br /> c—�- ..� � . 1-. - _- .. - - • � - - -- � � - -,-- ----- --� ..- -_ _ . ... . -,;TZC-.1-•-rr�.�----- ---�—•����-- . _.._._._-----__� . <br /> �T F � �•. . � •l .. - - � . t'. . . . . <br /> LT. c. .� ^�•. . J ' . .� � , , � .. � <br /> ,.� • _ �i . . . . - - . . � . <br /> � ����.�� ,t'� ', ..� ' ' � d' ' - . ' . , ' , , ' <br /> i��. . � '�:-f' • . ' ; ' � . , ' " . <br /> i� '� ���� , <br /> ! .�,�" , ° � .. , � • � . . <br /> ' � � ,, ;��` �� �:i . . • , . .. ,r . ' �: ', ' , ... . :'"�''A "'` ,, '. .�. ••ef�-• . <br /> _ *,� . •;,"'� {t; , � - ., • . � � � � . <br /> ,� �. - � '�1 . . . � ' .. .. . • <br /> . <br /> �. . � � <br /> . <br /> , .� , � <br /> . �' j' � . <br />