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��_il` ._~'.. '� SL• . - ; __. . . -.. "�___..-- <br /> .1"tJ 1.� } . � . �. �. .. , . . k1h`r+.ct�M�.. , .. � ��� z_ _ <br /> J _ ' „ � . '1; �,'�' ''' � � _ ; ... . ;�,:°'-�,..,.ti'�r';;��� '� ', ,-'Y•�`c-'=.--- <br /> ���1 <br /> . appito�bie In�►iw►�N ror,d.duMesoac)�e,W+le a�ue l+ope�l►�e�t�°+r'y v°w�'d n�,r oo�Mi�d!�'tld� .. <br /> � BarAnity imwn�a�ar.N) at� �hh Soawitr�.�p°0�0�+�e d�M Aao�ow�+f; l�M). .,, <br /> e�y � <br /> p�?'� f�ier�11�u�jn wbiab then�, dadar dd� 9ea�ty � IIN NoM r iY eo�1ii1d� � � , ..;`_ <br /> uoaanedi lb)cqro��ny dahall M�r cdMt�relpu�a a'�pe�M�ta)P4��1 e�arw i�cwib���o!'do� �a�►'. . "., <br /> . . I�ua�m,irouain�,au�ea�ima.a�o++�ab�ttaaei►�'ree�;�ad cdl .aca.cci�..�t rt�r*eNO+r6+y <br /> r�g u i ro�o�w n e t h a�t r h a l i e n ot d�i,l�e a u i t y.da�umant,I.oadarti r�tw b tbe�nily md llon�a►4 ohil�tiaa a p�r d�u <br /> — _ — wa�r� by tt� S�aitY ta��5►11 coada�e s�ed. aJpo�t ro1na�NmNr�t by Hnrrow�e�.t U� Sec�i4► ._ .- <br /> Intuumant�nd tho obU�iau�ecot+ad badrY�tull ramda tWly alteaive M If ao�ooeletMlon b�d aoeuRnd. Howdvx.thi� <br /> ' --___ _ - - dsht to r�b�11 not qipiq la ibe ae�e d aooQJo�tlan w�dor pw'a�r�pb 17. <br /> 19. 8�M d Noai��d��'tio�. 7Ua Nd�e ar� in�vaeu in�he N�e l�whb thb Soanin► - <br /> Mq�ument)nu�Y 60�old ap ur mon dtna wlthaUt p�ria�r�otioe�o�. A Mle ml�y rewit ia a ch�n ia lbe aMity <br /> -- paawn u tbe"r�a sen►loef')tlw coueki�mopthly wrao�w due uddo��he tYQ1e�na ad�sa�nit�ra:arumeM. 7'�a�e.uo <br /> Bower wUl���iiMr�nalioe of the duu�ga �000�d�noe wtth�� 14 above md�p�pUa�ble I�w. The noHue� <br /> will w1e 1k a�we�od�ddece�a/IOa�ew l.o�n Savloer�ad die add�es�w�pwna�ltt�M�o+�W be a�da Tbe tat)oe wlll <br /> �� • �ho eone�iio�qY olber iofa�suia�tr,qr�ed by�lc�ae I�w. <br /> �L Hw�ow S�oes. Banower po�e c�wne a pena�t tha pe�ox.we.d�a�poW.�.oR�eka�e of wy <br /> Noaaid�o+�s S�bmoecs on or in die Ptop�eAy. B�an�ar t�A�!�cM do�4a'�Ibw�oyme d�e to d0.���� . <br /> — .-. P�upaWr tWt s in vio4ttoo of any F�vhoam�nal 7be pooeda�t+�a�s s�l aot�1 1u the prie�aiae.uoe.a <br /> -- — rtoa�c m�hr�topatg of smdl qwnddes of Haa�dous Sub�baoer t��t n�e�a�eratly neo�pized qxbe�papriMe ea�o�l <br /> = tr.tlde�tia�w�esald to m�inta�anoe M'ihe Propaty. <br /> -- BamoMrer sball prnmpUY Sivo L.ender wRittea notlae ai�ny invadg�don,cldm.denwid.lawsuit ar a�lar�rction d!►� <br /> - - - - -- gavemntenta!at regulatory agesscy ar{M�e�ty invc►Iving the P�r�+Mty.nA any Nazvdau Sulxt�ooc ar F�niror�neatd . <br /> Law of which Bomuwer hat actwd k�wwledge. [f Bomawa le�ms.or is naUied by any govanmenW or►e�uWary <br /> aulhoritY.thwt�ny removal or other�rn�ediuion of any H�Nous Substanoe atTeWag the Pbnpaty ia nececpuy.Harrower <br /> . tlutl PromPUY take�II�cessuyr temedfal�edona in acco�diu�ce with 8nviroranattal <br /> : � ,, � As used in this P�B�Ph 211,"Hv.nndnus Substamxa"ato those su�s det'u�ed as toxic ar hwzardous subspnoes by <br /> �:�_, . �'., Emimnmental Law�utd the following sulntances: guolina.kerosenc.odxr tlpmm�blo or eoxic pcd+oleum pn��ia. <br /> -�s,:,..� � �''���' pesticides and hefiicides,volatile solvents,mwtcrials containing sissbestos or fomuddehyde,a�rd r+Wb�ctive muarida As <br /> •. 1 used in tt�is pa�agrapb 20."Envimnmenta!l.a►w"means federnl lawr arrld Isws of the jwi�dktian wbere tbo P�rapeAy i�lac+ded <br /> d <br /> - thu relata lo tiealth.s�fery ar environmental pmtectian. • <br /> °^"•'� NON•UMFORM COVBNAN'I'S. Bamwer and l.ender futther covenAnt,and agt�eo as faBowa: <br /> � '•">: wer'�. <br /> ��=.� tl. AcaderAdoni Remedia. I�nder sball give noHce to Borrower prior to Accelee+�llao tdlowing Rorro <br /> -`��;.� brprch ot'�ny covenwat ur ag�reemeat iu thts Security lastrument (but nat �lor to ac�eler�tbo nuder par�raph ly <br /> n <br />-���-._',� ' npla�applkable Ipw provldes otherwbsel. The aoUce slwll specify: lol the el�alh(b)t6e actio�req�lred to cure Ibe � <br />,�..��.-:. ��.-.�;� det��it:tc)�dair,�tot Icss i�an 3!!days!�-a�tlte sl�k tl:r eMle�!s Elven t�n A�rrower,bp w�Wc6 tbe defadt rmd be _ <br /> ' ' �'°t�' '�, u cured;and(dl that tailure to curc IMe defaup an or before tbe date speclflM ip 4be notic�m�Y resatt In uroeleratiw of -- <br />�`.-'�`,,:�: � , ..,:;,1 +� ._ <br />�„� :..,. , �� i�, the�ms secured by this Securlty la�trument qnd sak ot the Property. T6e aotke sdall�lurther iatorm Borrower ot <br />��:�:...;.. '�.�c�;. :,,'�.��: <br />„��+Y�, ;7 t.�'':'�. the rlght to relnatak wRer�oceleralten oad the�lght to 6ring a caurt Aclbn to asseN the noa-exlstence o�a defaolt ar <br />�%4;:,,�, r,�s'; anY other deknAe of Borrower to accekratbn and sale. If the detaWt b not cured on or betore the dAte specilkd Is __ <br /> �Mt� the noNee,l.ender At ils option may requke immedlpte payment M full otoll sums secured by this Securlty lnstrament <br />-'—"�°"' '•�•• ' �•y.,_,••'j•�� �' wilhaut further demand aW may Invake the power of sale and any alher remedics permilted by applkable law <br />�R'�r. �.���'F±.?:Rt�� . <br /> ,�r:_l.Y F <br /> .,�;.,,,,.;.,;t,wti�;:•, ' I.ender sbpll be enliqcd to colMct�il expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provWed in tais q►pra�ph , <br /> ��.�, . , � n including,but aot Ilmited to.reasonoble attorneys'fees and costs ot tltle evidence. <br /> t � � If the wer of Rele i�invoked,7Yustee shall record a notke of default tn eACh caunty in which any pan ot Ihe <br /> �"`, ' ." `�"°,�` Property ie Y�ac�ted and shAll mall copies at such ootice in the mapnerprescrlbed by appNcubte law to Borrovver�ad to <br /> --- ' li�c uihei•pe�-aons prescr{bcd by apptEcablc la�ti: Alkcr the t3mr reqalnd by app!lrable Isw,'lYu�tee�Aall giv��hll� <br /> ��� ���� � �'' �" `��' notice of sale to the pe�sonc ond in Ihe awnner prescrlbed by appUcable law 1lrustee�wtthoul demAnti on Borrower. �� - <br /> , . k;��,;.. , <br /> y ir�,ti,r�;v f'. x...,., .t <br /> ��,�.:. . ri u � - <br /> - ..,,, � ahall set!Ihe Property ut publlc auclton to the hlghest bldder�t the time ond place and under the terms de�aated in <br /> �; t=�! <br /> ==.�9:;-. , �,d, ,r.�., �•,.:� the notice ot sale in one or more parcels And in Any order'I�ustee determinen. 'Ituatee mpy postpone sale ot nll or uny <br />?;_,��, �';, �fi„.:,,,, ,i pucel of Ihe PrapeNy by publlc aenuuncemenf at Ihe tlme and place af Any prevlously scl�eduled sak. Lender or its <br /> ��`���` � desi aec ma urchose the P� My at an sale. <br />:.".� . .' '''{Q' r '�'�,.U;�,����r. B YP W� Y <br /> •s : t,,. y��r��l.r����, Upop receipt of pAyment of the price bid�'Orustee shall deliver to the purchaser'IFustee's deed conveying the <br /> � � Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shall he prlma facie evidence of the truth of the statemeqts mude thereln. _ <br /> � .. ! �,�l�}:4�,'. t . . . _. <br /> �" �� 'IYuelee sholl npply the proceeda oP Nie sale ip Ihe fu00owiag order: lal to all custs and expetues of exercising the power <br /> '�.��. ��; — <br /> �:Gr„�;�5. :-'. .i.; •:. . <br />•�ri�v��' q .°_.�� ° <br />,'� ��,� •��h� _ <br /> ',' 'f��'r'�' 1����r�, � __ <br /> :'°!;�4� �r"'� a:' - <br /> r••'-,�•�! • ,. <br /> '.��:�i' � r�. ` . - <br /> �� - - -� _ <br /> :.,��.' ,, <br /> :i:Yt•'•;t%, ,�� ��-_^�— — Fi►rm Wla1 9,70 ��.�¢r�nlolwRasi _„ <br /> ����t',�'J' ,.'{.i.'4' �_.. <br /> �:'�1.� <br /> r.�si�:1 s'r . - <br /> ,. . <br /> r;,�;�,�,,, t�. , � , - <br /> :.,,;,,�v�, � �. . •� • <br /> ..i L?� t ;, i1: - <br /> .5,��,... �. � <br /> , t 't i J,iS,;i � f ���i1�++'fNj�'y...r'.::.. .� . . , . ,.._ .-,.c -��;�,,, • �i�'+' <br /> `• �q�t�+�• ., � � �� ) - ��i�I',�'S�S,t � . ' . '�i:i:�,�a.r . 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