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, . <br /> " �' '' _� _ <br /> _. *�:a.. .... . , --- .-s r_ __._�. <br /> ��,�. =.1. �V�- ...� ._. , . � .h. . .i • •. . •• y .�r�r Cw- <br /> .t' n .. :)T\'' • ..}'Y�.1"'-'a-'�.1_. <br /> .._.-�. .�la�u�...N . ' . . �� �� ' . '.+�,I_' '�_. <br /> ��Q�Wm�1��1�i0�pIJ11AVOQ10MR MW Of MN�i�a�'Mb„011 O�IR ,�fld�i�ORr011MI1MM.�M11�1�1100f� ` <br /> ��kQUO�IIOW Q���11 Ot t�10 pfql0�ly. Ap tOp1�C001011b M� 011�t�1�1�-� �10 C1wd��i 1�.� <br /> .. �IMN. AU 11�dlb Pof0lDiA�{It TedqtOd lo itl d11��OOIt�►�11�M� . ' • <br /> BQ��QOV�IAM�!�W BOINDNNlf���W��►�l'�QIO OiUfO�101�►COIIMp04 Nid MM WQ�f�1110/1�q1 <br /> �COflYtyl thQprq�y AAd(�W dIQ Pdlp011�►i�IIf1011aY1�01�,OROOpI rOf�IIQ1111�M�I11�O�100�11d. BOfIOrlfdf WAIINI�� <br /> wiU ddmd�a�ardiy�iie�b a�ba Pmpe�tY a,�aiiw�11 cldna�ad dem�nd�,wbjax a�ny a�cnanbnaoes d�oord <br /> _ _ THtS SENR�I'Y 1N31RUNlBNT aombines w�ifam covaua�u tor �lional u�e and no�r�3io�� co�ws wltb � <br /> .��--�--_-_=-�—�u Wiaited vadadaa by jarisdktion to ccna�titule�unifam secudry inRpumeM a►wxing�eal p�npaty. � <br /> UMPORM OOVBNAIV7'S. Bonower�nd i.ader ooven�nt ud�ee�s tdlowi: ' <br /> 1. Para�eM d PrYcip�l�ad hta'Mi�f'�t�ad 1.*te Clu�ae�. Homowar�IMII promp1I9 Wy wl�an due qie <br /> pdncip�I ot�nd intaest on 1ha deM avldenoed by tha Nwe and mY P�'�M9�au�d We ci�arga due ueder Ihe No1c. <br /> 1 I�innnds tor't1�ze�ad irra�.Subject to applN�ble I�w or to a wtiuen w�iver by Lcndar.Bomuwer sb�ll p�y to <br /> Lender on the d� mo�rhly yym+aqra Mrc duo uodc��hc Nou.unnil tha Note ia pdd in full.�sum t"Plu�d�")far.(�)ytuly <br /> wtcs��nd ac�onu whicA may�taia prio�itS►over tW Sccudry Incuume�t u�lien on tho Pr'nPc+tY:lb)Ye�ly leacelald <br /> v= ° p�y� or�owd n�a Qa t6e IPtope�iY. jC rny: ic)yex#9 lu�,�ud or pioperty inwranee pemiwns: (d)yeuly flood <br /> i�uance penoiwaos.if aay;ta)y�a�rty mo�l�e i�ur�oe p�a�ms• if any: and(q+�Y��WY�Ie by Boeower w <br /> a000�d�noe�rit!thc paris{o�s of'�t�p6 lia�of die p�ymea�t of matg�gc inwranca pemiunw. 'il�ece <br /> F� itans ir�e callod"Bsenuw Naras' I.aider m� my tuae.coila�t and hdd Ponds in�n amamt not w eaoeed the m�ucimum <br />�— �mo�at a lender tar� icderaqy reland mo�tg�e lom mary iroquune for Iion�nwerl�esc�ow�a�ount undcr d�fodcral R�1 <br /> � Estate Seulanent P�ooedurcs An af 1974 as ameaded fiioqp�ti�c q 6me.12 U.S.C.;2601 et stq.("RESPA").ualess aoodrc.r <br /> i law Ih�t applies ro the Fundc�c�lasser amoum. lf so.L�der aay time.cullect�utd hold R�ds in an amow�t nol b <br /> excoed the lesscr aroount. L�oder maY estan�ate 1he amaiM of fvnds due a1 the 6agis of cumdnt d�aod �oo�ble , <br /> - ewiaaates of'expendidurs of fwure 6scrow Items or all�envise in�ccotdarrcc vrith app0�t�b1e law. �� <br /> - The Fi�nds shaU be beW ia+u� instiluoion whose depasiw w�e lnwred by a fr��i:�gencY insuw�tY �Y ' �.� <br /> :.o`,r, (i�cawding l�ender.if L.ender is suc�h an insdatian)or in any Fedecal Hame Lo�n Bank l.eMer sh�ll appiy the Fia�ds ta p�y � ;;•� <br />'s;,. �h e F.s c r o w I t e m s. L.e�du ma y nat c h a r ge Bortower for holdin g suid a P P dY►nB 1he Rmds.uutwilly analyzing the esciow <br /> y.;�;, . accoum�a verityh�g the Escrow Items. unless l.ender paya Barrower iat��est on the Ilrnds and ai,pplieaWe IAw pemnits '. <br />�,:��•i '° ° l.e�da�w make�uch a clwge. However.Leuder muy require Bomower tv pay a ane-ume charge for:,�a mikpendent�al � <br /> esp�tc t�ut rcpo�m�sp�vfoe used by I.cider in ctinnecdon wlth this loan.unless�pplicable law provides ott�erwise. Unless an . <br /> � ' � .� I, � ag�rre�mRnt is nwde or applicable law roquires inte�sc to be paid.l.ender slwll not be roquired to pay Barnwer any imercst ar . <br /> _� °� • ��t!. e mings an the Wn�is. Bamower and Lender may agroe in writing.however.that intenest sfwll be�wid on the F�1s. Leader <br /> -� sh�ll give to Bortower.wl�Fwut annual acco�mting of�he FLrds.showing cnedits�debits w the tia�ds and the , <br /> for which each debit to ihe fiuids was nwde. The FLnds w�e pledged as a d d i t i a w!see u t iry for�!I cums�e e u�e d b y - <br />=T v,�� this SeCUrity InstrumenG <br /> --- -- — -- �� � . c s i a e d t o b e h e l d b l i c a b lo law.L.ender sh�ll acaount to <br /> - _---_ l s e 4 d L e n d e r e a�c!�e c! �w �n Y �P P <br /> - -- !!se�lesxls by w � <br /> �,.� � ,..� Barrower for the excess Funds in accorrlance with the�e�;�ia�rmrnts of applicable law. iC�e amount of the[i�ts t�1d by <br /> �'�. ia <br /> , `•w":� I,ender at any time is not wfficient w pay the Escrow Ite�s ,vhen due.l.ender may so mozffy Borrower in writ�ir�,su� <br /> •"��'' � such case Borr+ower slwll pay to Lender the artwunt ne�essary to make up the deficiency. Barower �ir�li�Pw{a¢ wp the , <br /> � ~ deficie�c.y in ruo an.,re than hvelve monlhly payments,at l.ender'�sole d9scretion. ' <br />`i„�'�:�1 ,. �p;��f, . .. , Upon Pa�+uuenu i�full ot'all sums secvred by �his Security lnstrumenw Ixnder shall promptlY netund to H�ttawer any <br /> ° ' �• �:: Tmnda held b y Lxradrr. It,iaader p a r a gra ph 21,L,cnder�hal!�qu[re or scll the Property.Lender,prior to 1he acajuosi2ion or <br /> , �v� aa e <br /> . � �''�`�S�•'r�', sak of�he Pro q'ha�l� G� an Funds held b L.ender�t Ihe time of uisition or sak as a crodit a��l�e sums <br /> '� ,_ P��S•• f'P Y Y �9 � <br /> _ ...,,�,., � � securod by this Secuc�m;r Qms1•ra�ment. <br /> :`'°"�''=.!`?`'-� l� 3. Applieation oP Hay�eMs. Unkss opplicuble luw provides aherwise, all pnyments received My l.enda� under <br /> .�- •. • � paragrephs 1 and 2 shall be appNed: any prepaymem charges due under ti�e Note:second,�o amaa�nos paypble under <br /> - � �xgrnph 2�thirrl.�n interrct�rineipal due:wid su�y late charaes due unda the Nvte. <br /> !��` � ,,_�• �--''��'•:'• 4. Cha es; Liens� Bor�ower shsill all luxes, assessments. charges, fines und imposition.a �trci�uen�ie to the <br /> ,ar4r�:� r8 PuY <br /> _ ' �, • •'• �=• Property which may nttuin p�iorily over this Security Instrument,nnd lesi.sehold payments or ground r+end.c,+S su�y. �orrower <br /> '•''� ' � ''�'���` `� shall pay these abligutions in�he mtinner provided in pruogruph 2,or if not paid in�hat munner, Borrower y?+all pay Ihem on <br /> ��. •• � ""�K��''�'� time dircctly to 1he Qcrson owed paymem. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of�mo+aa�ic to be paid under <br /> t .4 <br />•"i r�l� e ''�'!;�' ,,;.;��,;...�: this paragraph_ IF E�3ortower mnlces Ihesc paymentc directly.Bomnwer sh�oi prompUy fumish to Lenaeer receipts evidencing <br /> �L:,Nr�! � •.°� rs '+"s the a ents. ' <br />- `��t•t ',,t'��,� •.,1�•�r' �::� P Ym <br /> ,:. � ?�+ti°��4!4gf��, � Borrower shall promptly dischurge nny lien which has priori�y over this Securily loslrument unttss Borrower:(a)agrees <br /> - � (; `� �4" in wrcSting to the payment of the obliga�ion secured by thc lien in u manner ucceptable tr�l.enckr.(b1 contests in good iaith the <br /> " ' ''h1;. ',�, ►>:�,, ,-. <br /> � � �t�,'�.� ,., Ilen by,or defends against enforcement of Ihe lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lzr+der�opinit>�a o}+emte to pm��ent the <br /> �.:�• :�'.� . � �'•'� '� enWrcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an s�gr+eement satisfactor}•to LKOde:R iubordinuting the lien <br /> . . :;.;�. �, '•;•'� . , <br /> � = ••s',r.�r�. , to this Securiry Inswment If Lender detemnines thut any pan of the Propeny is subject tu�a lo�tn wl��:t�may attain priodry <br /> �� � �?�• �+''!'�+;� , over�his Security Instrument,Lender muy give Borrower a notice identifyin�the lien. Borrower shu�U snt39f'y thc li�n or wke <br /> � y, �'"►'� ;�, •one or mone of the Actions set fonh ubove within 10 duyc of the giving of naice. <br /> c <br />;�. h;�tx,.•�`'' • g. llorard or Property Ipsurance. Bormwer shAll keep Ihe improvemen�s now rxi�iin�or hereAfter zrec�eR�on 1he <br /> '� j _ ,�,.; . '�` � ' � �a�crly insured uguinsl loss by fire,hozurds included within the term"extended coverage"and •rny other ha2ardL5,a�ti;.9a�ing <br /> -�� * '� � �i.� flands or flooding, for which L.ender rcquires insurance. This insurnnce shull be maintained in the amoun�s unt7•fmr the <br /> •� �;'#1ti�*„',"`n,'��1.4J��[�']4 <br /> .l.. . � �;,� '<'�'��,��� �w JP2i f/!Y /page 2 oJ6/pgttl <br /> :� , +.�r�t;��''�:��`'''rL <br /> :;��•�t,e��i:,' :.�. <br /> •� ; �•, :., , <br /> 1G'ff':�_S: ,'.;i: . <br /> _ , ,� _ � '-''.i�'�4 '" '�•�t:'.�Y;.1'��:dr:.''f;:flr{s���,._....;..�.t�..a.�so��m,a�cr�c.. . - _ �. <br /> , • r.iw:w.:��,:�. + --._- _ <br /> .� `.�� ���t� .��,;�_. t ` � t f `� `i .. . " .1���1,�.5`y�M i' .. . �..r�.-t �)y, :�a �. � _�—� <br /> :� ����Il�.�'.�1 t� , .�J 1 �} S�t��l�t�c+� �1 f I��' . 'fY" , ' r}''7 �1 t.�+>'*��t���.�[Xf�� <br />__ j�.'{ ! 1 1�,���� i i1��tl- tL : . - .l,ti i.,I �'i ` `_ '• .,� •{y+ :1 R ` i 1� _ <br /> ..�j. 5L�f4�li��aLli��'S�u�- ��. __ _ .�'.�::.1�� r.7:i._..1_._i.��• r � G'' �., ;'t�"_•li�Y!'��1;HtiW� <br /> - -..-:t __- u-_.,--- —._.- _ _ _- -_ "".:.--_' . ..,."_' '_ . .-...," ' __.' . _— _ _ __.-__. .--i--_ __..- <br /> 111 1.�: � 1 :•� . . '.4. �l� ' ` i ` ` '�-A,.�� - . • . �•�. .j' <br />� y�M'_� 'q�• �. :�I��.�:.`��.�.. .1,` 11 . .. <br /> .[i!!. _ . .� '� ' . i;�4fa�l.� � �1.., y . ' . .. � � . .. . <br />.- y;, e.b�•: - � � � "V 1 it, '.���r. . � � . - n;t� ,\�.,"I,� i�, - , ' . � .. ' � . <br />' .Yy•;r` ' ,.1.,�i. . �5[' .'1.� �l 1•, � � . � ' • . �, � . . � .. . � , � . . . <br /> ..',•�. �• •.�� '. .. . .�'�J . �1'�. . .�' .. ' . . .. <br /> .. - �ir ti.. - .,.:'n. ,�'�}:\' :�i� � � ��':;" , , ' • . , . <br /> J^�'t ��..:'.' ,'���+i-:i.�,,• � . _ � ''i.�.:�;p ..t' . , � -� '�.;�� . - J�- .. _. � . ;' . 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