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� . ;�u <br /> --- ;. � . � . . ..- <br /> , . <br /> ,. � . • e � _ <br /> ;._- -��----, F.- ��- - � . -- <br /> �41' . :f. f � _ ... --�—r-- '— _'- ' _ <br /> __.�a�,u _ ii�{� - � .. , ... ..Y[• :t i � . .'�Q"� - r._. <br /> ; � , . � : g3. � �o� ..� . <br /> . paiad�mr►Le.aer reqalro�. '�n i�awMaoe�rria�prov+diK w i�o.�u a cbo�en by awtnwer a�jea to l.a�r . . <br /> +tq�prov�l whk�vnU uol he�miaan►�bly�v(Ih6eW. Q Barow�Mu b mtldtln decoribod abov0.Lender'm�Y•M ,� .. <br /> m <br /> • Laaaerti opdoa,obainoover�,�e a p�aea i.andarl�r1�6a ia d�e Propaty in�oonedNrt�ih panfn�ph 7. <br /> , w All ina�raae poiicie�aod�oew�W sla�ll be�pt�b1e�o l.aad�r�ad sN�ll iacWda�sandnd mo�tRq�e clw�e. l.Aida <br /> . �Mll lu�ve tbe ri�l b bold d�e pdicitx�nd ieoowal�.jt I.e�der nequin�s.Barrower�11 promPqy Live to I.aider aM reoeipu <br /> ._ ___ _ �f'�M�ntunw,M mmwal aaioe�. m the evau af IaW,�arro�wer�ball dre prompt aaaoe a�he inau�oe carlor iad <br /> Lende� l.eader mwy mdce poof'of Im if not m�de P'anplly by'Bort�aw�+r• <br /> . - . Unlea�LRaider�nd Bo�ower dherw[�e agroe in wddap,incurmoop�ooepd�tlu�ll bo applfod w re:la�tiou a Y+ep�ir of <br /> _ �-- �— ---- - - �� �he Propaly dWn�ed.if Ihe�estaation ar�ir U eoanotnic�lly fe�cibfo�nd Londer�cectirUy i�not kuened. If 1be <br /> �esto�tia�or�opair ia na ecoaomicauy ta�iblo or Lenaerh socu�ty wouw be leaconea.the inwauioo paoeed�sh�u ee <br /> �ppped to ihe wmr eeca�red by Wis Secudty U�sham�ent�whdher or not tFKn due�with any excess p�id to Bonawa: If <br /> Barowe:r�b�ndans the Ptoperty.or das not answa within 30 d�ys a notke finm Lender du�t the lnsu�noe ca�rie�Iw <br /> oflerod to ccttle a cl�im�ti�I.eader mro�y wllxt tNe inuua►ce paxed�. L.a�der m�y uce tho pmoeeds to or�tone <br /> �hopropeAy or w p�y wnu ucurod by thia Sa�uity maiwna�t.wl�ether a aot d�en dua. 'ibe 30�d�Y P�� �� <br /> - the notice is givrn. <br /> unksa Lender aoa Barmwer omenrui�eo agroe in writ�g,eny apptkattoa of procade w pr�ocipal sh�l1�wc ox�a�a a <br />— postpare�he due d�oe oi the o�oaltriq PaYa�ents aefenod w io pwag�aphs 1 and 2 or chan�C�hc�dio�xn of d�c pr�y�a. iP <br /> uctder p�ars�gr.q�6 21 the PropeRy ic acquired by l.ender.Bon�nrrerk tight to my insnrance policies ard pacoeds r�+o� <br />--- fmm d�maa�ia tho Piroperty prior to!he aoquuWwo sh�N pacs W l.ender to ttbte exta�t oP die tunu secwied by dds Socuriry <br /> �- lasuumeat it�imedi�tely p�ior w tNc�u�siuon. <br /> -- 6. Qa��pauc�l Prc�ervatia�. MaWe�ce �nd Protectbn af AYe Propniy: Borro+rer"� Applkatio�i <br /> - _— L��lsalds. Ss��'�!!osctspy.tsteMnle,e�ed uee the Ptoperty es Barcw!rk nnncipd nesideace withia sixty days after <br />_.>. --, <br />'"" � -- -- - -__ - �he e�culion of YOn:�SdCurlty lostnunent w�d slwll coiuinua to occupy the Prope�t{r as Bonower5s principal residen�x for at <br /> least aaee year aft�r the date of occupancy. unless Lender att�erv�se agnas w wriWig. which cansau s1uJl not be <br /> - umeasnnably witt�held,or unles�eKt��wwting circumstances ex�st which ue 6eyond Barww�;�control. Bormwersh�ll not <br />':xt��.. clespuy.damage or impair�he Haper�y.aUow the Property to deterio�ate.or commit wastc;on'�D�e Pr+aperty. Borrower shall <br />'='t�� be in default if any forfeituro actiwt qr Pruee�aa;.whe�her civll or 6egun tlwt in i.ende7�good faitb J�B� <br /> -.�µ� � cauld �esult in forfeihue of the Property oY v�eetwise materially impair the lien c�eatecb hy tF+i9 5u,.�wity lnsdurnent a <br /> = �� I.cmder�s security interes� Borrower may cwe such a default and�einswte,as provided in pat��trdph 0 i�,by causing Ihe actian <br /> '` = or proceeding to be dismissed Writt�a tuling Iha�,in Lender's good fnith detem�{natlon,prerlades forfeitur�e of the Bonower� <br />_ '"� interest in�he Hroperty or other anaferial impairment of the lieo cRated by this Security lastrument or Lender's securiry <br /> � intercst. Bomower shall alsa tr� in defAUlt if Borrower. during the loan application pr,�cess, geve materially false or <br /> '��` inacxurate infarmadoo w suueca+ea�ts to Lender(or failed to provlde Lender with any mate�iAO informatlon)in connectian v►�th <br />�����'� �he loan ovidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, repnesentetlons conceming 8orrower`s occupancy of the <br /> `—�,�,��' P��erty a�a pri�w;ip:d resideaoe: If lhis Securiry Insnument is on a leasehold,Borrowe�t�01 comply wlth all lhe provlsions <br /> '„ -; ,;.t �.s; of thc IcBxa. If Borrower acquirec�'ee litle to the Properiy,lhe les�ehold and the fee dtle st�lA not merge unias Leoder ag�ees <br /> •;, .� ,. ,,, :; �• to the rnergcr in wriling. <br /> ' 7. Protection oT I.enr�er's 1RiRdts iq the Propetty. If Borrower fails to perf�w-ai� the covenanis and agreements <br />" -:;_'� . �.:.,.a„� ,_. � containcd in this Security I��trumem,or thrse is a le�al procecding thst may 31g11�CIC8filly HFFM'f I.enderx rightR in �he <br /> ` • ::����;�a7�,i� Property(such as a proeceding in bun0cruptzy,probme,for condemnation or forfeitu�e or to enforce laws or regulations),then <br />''� l.ender ma do and v for whatever is�eces to rotect the value of the Pro and L.ender�ri hrs in the Pro <br /> ' °"�.�tx�w:i�.Y, Y Pa. �Y P PeR3' � Pe�3'• <br /> � � Lender's actions may include�aying any sums securcd by a lien which has priarity ove��P+es Security Instrumen�appeating <br />_ ..,,, 7 i;�a�.;L.,wa'f,+Mr <br /> - �;, M ;;,tj;�;,' in court,paying neasonAble attorneyx'fees und entering on the Property to mal�e ropairs. Although Lender may tal�e uction <br /> ' '�. under this pnregraph 7,L.ender daes not have to do so. <br /> Any amount�;disbursecl by Lender undcr this parugroph 7 shall become additiom+l deM of Borrower secured by this <br /> �!�;; Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender nRree to other terms of pnvmem,these amounts shall bear interect from the _ <br /> ,fs:�. � .. , _ •�-^ � date of disbursement at the Note rnte and shall be payable,with interest,�aotice from Lender to Borrower rcquesting ' <br />'`;,f' '',F.';." ' pnyment. _ <br /> ',�' �r�+!rl��-+±•�°•y' 8. Mortgage lnsuranee. If Lender iequired mortgage insurw�ce a�a condition af making the loun secureJ by this <br /> �� c ' ���,, Security Inst�umenl, Borrower shvll pay the premiums reyuired to muimain Ihe martgage insurnnce in effect. If, lor any <br />�; • . '"��#"'�:� ni,.�� � •reason, dx mort o e insurance covern e re u�red b L.ender la ses o� reases to bt in effect, Barrower shall a the <br />- c.!�:'e;::i _. S 8 g �7 � Y P �P Y <br /> ' �• .,�°"i: , . �• :�-•.•;� • premiums required to obt�in coverage subs�anually equivalent to the mottgage insurance previouy0y i�e elfect,at a eost - <br /> � ' � ';�` • • .,: sut�stnnlinlly equivulent to the cost to BoROwer of the morignge inyur�ce previousfy in efiect,from un ulternaYe mortgage <br /> �t` i�� `:;..,'i'•v,�•, insurer u roved b Lender. IPsubstantinll e uivalent mon a.,� insurnnce covera e is noi nvoilnble,Borrower shalC � to <br /> �,<•;;;,;: ! � PP Y Y 9 R :' 6 P�y <br />•M,. �• • � ,. !`�;,,�� .: Lender each month u sum equal to one-twelfth of the yesuly mortgage insurance premium being puid by Bomower w!he�the <br />=`ti:;y.'�, �1� `�;��•� 4 insurance coverage lupsed or ceased ta be in effect. L.ender will accept,use And retain the.r payments es a loss reserve!n lieu <br /> ���� �r � `�,�;;� �� of mort�age insurunce. Los�reserve payments muy no longer be requiRd, at�he option of Lender, if mortguge insurence <br /> ,�..,•.,. ��-, '' .-. <br />.?t�t�i� . it. ..:� yf'- <br /> , �, �;,,(� ..,.:�,,• y. coverage(in the amount and for the period thnt Lender requires)provided hy cn inyurer opproved by Lender Again becomes <br />_�w!`�( �r• t ' 4��� avniluble wxi is obiained.Borrower shull pay the premiums reyuired to maintain martguge m�urunce in effec�,or to provi�te a <br /> ;`�r, �y�?��. � loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in nrcordance with any written ugreemem between Borm+wer <br /> �' '',. ,!'�t.:�,;��i'�'A'�` and 4enderor upplicnble Inw. . _ <br />-}3c.,�. �'�''t '`��" ' "�'� > 9. laspection. Lender or i��agent mn} ms�ke re�.sanable entries upan nnd mxpec�ion+of the Prupeny. Lender�hall <br />