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��'"`'�___ r�.�.� . - - - ` _ -- <br />__`: , - -- ------�, __ _-------_ _- -_ _ _----�,� -. <br /> , _ - . . ' ' . � vy 1.,, e.L•. � <br /> """" _"�'. . , ' <br /> �+10�'�2 <br /> oa�dann�tla�at cthr q�tiq�of any pu of�he P� far oanveyanoe ie lieu d ap��ho�by a�lp�ed�nd <br /> �M116o pdd to� <br /> Is tbe ev�ait a1�eoal alan�d d�e Propaty.tfiap�y�lall ba�pplbd ro die sums�ooared by tbh Seowhy <br /> Ia�trumaW.wbaher ar na d�en duu.wUh�ny e�u pi�m Ba�rawer. in ibe erent ot�prtW t�kina of ihe Propat�r ia ' <br /> wbi�h the fiir m�icet v�lue oi the Pao{�aty imn�edWcly befam Iha Wein�it eqwl to c��rcr�ter�h�n thc�naunt d fhe wau <br /> •ecwed by this Secudty Insdumait immodl�tely befae�he tal•Ing.un{ea Bortower and I.rnder dherwice s�ree 1n weitio�. <br />_ _----__ - t!x�ana sala+ed by t!�SecurttY lnsqu�etettt shnll be re��ecd by thn�mrw�at nl the��a�eed�muldplied by�be fdloYViag <br /> fn�tion: (�l the totd anaunt of�ha sum:�ecurod immedi�tely hefaro the t�l�in�.divided by(b)1he fdr msrket value oT�he �_ <br /> -_�-�===--=--_� Proputy laur�edlately befa�e tt�tal�ing. Any balance �ll 6o pnid to BartoK�et. In the event of u part�al wkin of the <br /> Propetty in wfdch tbo fiit mukat value af�he Piroperty immedl�tely befo��ha t�kln�i�kss�han the unount of�wm� - <br /> - �ocwed immedl�tely boforo �he ul�ing,ualess Bamowcr and Lendcr wherwico agno in w�iling or unlese y�plicabb hw <br /> = wl�vrlce pmvWes.tho prooeedc sluill ba�pplied to tha suma saeurod by tbi�Soewiry Instnnr�we whett�er ar nw the wmc�o <br /> tben due. <br /> �f�he Rc�perty ic�b�u�d�ned by Bomuwcr.or if.aftar rwtloe by L.ender lo Normwer�hw the condemnor offers to m�ke <br /> �n�waM ar settie a cTaim for d�ma�es.Somuwer P+iilc to nespaod to Lender wUdin 30 duya r�Rer�he date the notice la given. <br /> - I.e�nder is aiu�tdotiz�ed uo�cdlect and APP�Y 1ha it�optian.oither to moocati�oo oc aepair ot'tlpe IPkoperty or ca d�fe -- <br /> sup�ee�,�unod bar lhis Secvri,ty Inspument.whe�her or not U�rn due. <br /> - ° UnO�1�eider a0d Bamwa ott�eiwise agtee in wrking,any applicAtion oi'Qrac�ecds w principal sl�ll uot extend ar <br />-� poe�000 tho due date oStA�roontAiY p��rmenta�+efemed ta in�rephs 1 and 2 a chart�ge ihe amaunt of such p��rmenis, <br /> _ __ il, Bo�*�ow�er 11�M Rdpned: l�bpu�a�oe Qy Lender Not � W,�irer. Eatension ut' the time tor p.yment or <br /> --��-- modificatiou of wroorli2ation of the sums socmed by�txxis Secu�ily InRtrument grwt�i by Lefder io any aw.�aessar in iroerest <br />'= of Bamu�rcr slwU ndt apex-ate to rckase the liability of 1he original Bnmwer or Hq�tuwer's�uccessora in imornest. I�ender <br />-_ - -- _ riu�ii�w�t for royui�xi�ta>canunem.�e prurbuJings agaiwxt any�in inte��rx�tosc tu cwt��k3 iiirk Fur paytss�.�t cr _ <br /> otherw�ise modity amo�ti�;�uon of�he sums serwed by this Secwiry(nstnunem by n:ason of eny demand made by the aigirta�l <br />= Bortower or Barower�i succes.w�s�n intenesl. My forbe��ce by I.encler in aaerrci�ing my right or remedy stwll nat be a <br /> ` �- — w�iver of or preclude thc exercise of any�ight or remedy. <br />:,���;� IZ. Snecrasor�,w�ql Ass�a Bound;Jdnt and Several Lis�Wlity;Ca�rs�. The covenants and agraments of this �"" <br />>,�;��' Security Instnunent staxU Q�ind and bene6t the successo�s and as.4igns of l.en�4er ac�d Snrtower,subject to the provlsions of <br /> • � Y' �r�:�. <br /> p 17. Bomnwcr?.covenants and agreements shall be joinl and eeveral. R.��ay Botrower who casigns thls Security <br />`',! G�t but da,s not execute 1he Note: (a)is co-signing thia Securiry Instnimenl only�o moAgage.grant w4d canvey that �- <br /> -:_` Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Securlty Instrumenh. (b1 is not pervcxudly obliguted to pay thc�uns - <br />" securad b thic Securi Instrumrnt;w�d(c)a s 1ha�l.ender end an other Borrower ma r._10 extend,modi for6ea�r �'�=" <br /> Y �Y � Y Y a�" ' fY• ---- <br />�-•;�;, or make pny acc�xnmodatia�s wilh r�agaN to the tertnc of lhis Security Inst�ument or the Note without thpt BormwerL �'_ <br /> � consenG =-_- <br />':'�r;�� . 13. Loa�Chuges. If�he loan secured by Kt�i< S�tcuriry Instrument i. suf*ject to a law which sets a�ucx�i�rnum loan � <br />-`-��'--��-�__ -- char�ec ond that lawis finally interpreted so that the ua�etest or other lonn charees cdlecled�u to he collerr�d i�e rnnnectian ._._ <br />-`�; , with the M�w exceed the pennitted limit�,then: IA►any auch luan charge,hall be reduced by the amount nere�san tc��lwc� <br /> �� '' �' � the ch:�ze ra uuhe permitud limit;and(b)any sums already collect�d from Borrower which ex��eded permitted limit�a•if1 be ��� <br /> ;�'�;• i s..: <br />.;�, ,��, refundedl tw��orrower. Lender mey choasc to makc this refund by redueing Ihe priacipnl owed under the Note or�p�atci�g a �,�w: <br />°,;; �•� � dlt+ect�a}�tcn1 to Bor�;�vrr. If a rcfund rcduces pritwi�tl,ttx�reduction wtll be t�catuf as a purtial propuy�r�at u•iU►�wi ur�y , r:�-.-- <br />:�f`� �°�tif'�' P�Y�ns' � <br /> �, �h o unJter uhe Note. ' �1.;'- <br /> •� 14. Notk�es. Any noticc to Borrowcr provided for in this 5�;urity Instrumem xhull be given by deliveriag it ar t�y �L <br />�-'Y Z' r tir\:�; � �;z.- <br /> .y � mailin�it t�v first class mnil unless;���Iw ai�l�r law reyuires u�e of umother methai.The notice vthal4 be directed to�he Prc�rty <br /> Address o�any other uddress Borrower cl� ncNice lo Lender. Any naice to l.ender shall 6e given by firyi c9usti <br /> ,�,? '' mail to l.efnder�s uddress stuted herein or any other nddre.s Lender detiignutes by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> __'.� . ..� � in ihir Security Instrument shall bc deemed to ha���� t�een given to Borrower ar L.ender when given �.s pr��vided in this F�'4� <br /> parag!sMF. =- <br />==�' ��''"��,��;�° �• IS. Governing Law; Severabillty. This Security Inswment shall be governed 6y federnl law nnd the law of ehe :_ <br /> '.� �� �'�'��'�:. judwdieti�+n i�which the Property is I.xa�ed. In the evcnt�hut an�. provision or cluu�at'this Security In+wment or the Nvte ` � <br /> _-�c.. <br />;:�� canflic�s w�eh upplirnble luw,such conflict zhull not uffect other pTOVisian�of this Security Inxtrument or the Note which can - <br /> �;,:�i,n be given eifect with>>ua ihr confticting provitiiun. To this end Ihe pmviYionw��f�his Security Instrumrnt and�he Nwe am =- <br /> ..�r.�e;,d,� declWed to be severu�Sw. <br />__'i'-; ,�:%lz;. -- . � �t;..,; <br /> _,.,���,iri,:.:_ '���,.� D6. �orrower s Copy. BoROwrr shall be Fivrn one coof��rn�ed cnpy of�hr�ote and of�his Serurity Intitn�ment. ��•:=; <br />.r.��r �..�. i' ,;,yt. <br /> �` t l9. '�ansfer of the PropeHy or p Benefirlal Interest in fi�mwer. If ull nr�ny purt oi the Propeny or any interest in <br />_'':."���'':.-%i., ,.;lrr�r,'T - <br /> < <t} it is�c+9d�ur trunsfcrrcd(or if u benrliei:�1 interr.t in Bom►wer is .,�td��r trumferred and H�:�nnwer is not u naturul penon� �--.: <br /> ` • '•i� : s,+•{ <br />�.� " ; n4;��;;��_�. , wii3u��at l.rnders prior written cunsem.Lender muy,at its�►ptinn,reyuir�immrJialr paymen� in full of nll sums secured by <br /> . .' •�?';!�'`� this Security InsUument. However,this option sholl not bc rxercixed by LenJer if exerci+c is pmhibited by federal luw as of <br /> `��r `• � •°'d.•�; ` the date of this Security Instrument. ��1.. <br /> - -��*"•,. . ;'r• IP Lender exerci5es this option,Lender tihull give Barower noticr ol'accelrrrtion. Thr nutice,hull provide u period of �ri <br /> � `°� not less Ihnn 30 duyx from the dute the notice iti delivcreJ�x mailcKl wilhin whirh Bnm►wcr mu�t ps�y•rll.umti xecured by thi� <br /> �r-� �;' ` y � .'��. Securiay lns�rumen�. If Borrower fuilx tn puy Ihrk+ums prior to�hc cxpiration uf this�xriai, I..�nJer may invoke unr .1� <br />_,�I_�.,t'='�+;' •� � rcmedie�permined by thix Serurity Insuument withuui funher nntire or drmunJ un Borniwcr. <br /> - '�'�`� = � !8. Rorrower's IR3ght to ReinstAte. It' Bum►w�r me�tx certuin runJi�i��n., Burn�w�r�hall bavr the rigM to ha�e <br /> •�,.. =�' ,.• <br />. �v" '"�—"' Ci1�0iTCtiiC01 Qf 1lila St�Qlll� III�IIUIIICIII�IIK'UIIIIIIUI'lI�1l :my liinr piiur iu�hr carlirr oi: �u► 5 duys�or�uch othcr pcnod as ,, � <br /> <. <br /> _ };�}';y+•'o�i�� ';•;t �;.a <br /> �• � SinQkFamily•-FaankNwFreddieMacUNIfURNINtiTRI'�1F�T••l'nlformCovemnu 9N90 I�x+Re4��jb�u�¢v.� <br /> _.y 4 S`L�/'_ .1• . . <br /> :'�; �P.{;.�.- . � : <br /> '�l� ; �;i 6 �.�� <br />..?iv+t ��i , ,�' �'�� <br />�i^`.� : i���,.•'_. . '.. . <br />- i i�� <br /> ,, �! ' , . ja�' <br /> Ri y ., .::r.:. x;.,. ,r�, '(�,�» '.�`;::',:�""_-_�- <br /> . � .. �f �'�^. �k'�.x.+':at'�. �rr..�,� i�.�..,l.� ;, ' � . . .i.,��'!,'' ��' <br />`1�� ' :�� .i ' . , „ ' • , , �����.. 1 ° ti,�i �+t��� ' <br /> _ J3 . .��_ . ._. ��:irr . ... <br /> _ , ..� . . <br /> ... . . , �. r.• <br /> � 'Y1:.��r:W� , . <br /> _ y . <br /> .- ,y;�su�r.�,.. <br /> ..- <br /> � � ..-.y . ��i�r.!..✓.'. <br /> _ -- - -- - - <br /> - — - - ---- -- ----- -- --- - <br /> - j -'-�--- ..--�=_ - --= �,.-- - - _ --�--,-._._.,—�. ..-- - - � --•------ -- � <br /> •.1 � tl ". � . . . . .. . � . .. _ ., : � ,1' <br />— ,i'.� .. ,. , . . . : • . <br />_ .�'_�' . . , • r . . , .- l., <br /> ��'; � k�; ' '. . ' _ : , ., . , , , , . • . ' • �;: + ,51 I , <br /> ' � , � ` �t�� i± u .. V , .' . ' � ��.. ' 1 ' . �� 41 �1, .� � i� � <br /> � ,' . • .'t'1 . , � .'1 .` . �f. �..r�� :�'.�_T_";tf' i' ...y. <br /> 1 .r•J/I� � . .. ' �. �r'.V. , -l• � 1 . .' . .� ' i., � <br /> .�� o - . . _ • _ .. ' .. 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