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��L- •� ��11 _ �_. -. . — <br /> ic \ ' a .s� <br /> _�n- r:ix'w;,,J�.v�. .3 iN .. .�v"+�++✓ 'M(Y�,� ��.�+t�+.'•!'e . .. . . . �'���;S� 'C� � LW_�- <br /> -'�a _ . n ... . . . . . - . � . , d. . ..�`:/;.µ`1 �I�"kt;�� �•.� � ' � �Jr .. <br /> � � �f. ��� ' ���� o <br /> � ,� � , .. . .,, . `.�- <br /> TDO�W171��W th�imp�eseou now ar he�ailer.�a�1M.po�ie�rl�i.l�iiA�odt oreio�ie�,p�puelen�no�� _ <br /> �nd flaaua now at beraifte��pipt gt pia.�o�y� AA�ap4oema�a��d�ddi��Y�b�H wbn b.Qar�d ly►�d�9e� ',. ^ <br /> � � �' imMnm�w. Au a tMe tayaiaat��ahd a�a ebT�,seou�iry m�au�t�.�.�l�r ," • � , � <br /> BORROWBR ODVBiVAM'3 eliq 8arro�er h AwlWly�el�eA of ipe ewle b�y aanveyed ad h�s Wt rl�ke w�a1 <br /> ' �od canvey tlie�ro�arry wd d�t tha Piqtaty ir une�lamheted.eaoepl6ot aam�pr�eoes of teo�oird 8at[ar�pr w�rt�nt��ad <br /> __ wr�ll ddpM�8�1y the t�tb w 1be!'rapa�ty�inu�ll cl�imt iuid da�wod�.wl�ect to any aiaunhio�a�dn+oo�rd <br /> � TMS SA�.UR1'1'Y MS'AtUMBNT oombina anifam cava��nu Cor aMiomd aoe �nd�on�fam oovoaiuw witb ,- <br />- a�.m.4�_ --- ��. Iimiled vaiuians by ju�dinion�a oon�titWe�unifcKm�eatw�ity bwueent aa�arin�t�eal p�opaty. ' '� " <br /> UN�ORM aDVBNAM'3. Banow�a and Lendetcov�eiwn+Md�pee�toUowr <br /> !. P�,��t d P�1 Md b�a'eMt�l���i Wt C1w�11�• &moqw�11 panqlY pY wheu due 1be <br /> �cfpr1 of�nd lnterost ao We debt cvidenoed by tho NWe�nd aaY P'�Y�+���due uoda the Nala <br /> - t Fb�tor 7Yices�ad i�auirane�. Subjoct w�pplic�We law ar w a writ�en w�iver y I.eader.8ono�wer�sll p�y to <br /> �.enda�on the d�Y m�Y WY�u uo due under ti►o Note.unNl Wo Na�e is p�id in PoII.�:um("tiuid:'1 far:(a)Y�Y <br /> tucs and�au�nta whkh mwy awin piai�r ovcr thio Socudry lnspument a�a Ileo on�ha Proparty;(b)YeulY lesashald <br /> .� pa�qmeazs or �wub reats on the fkopeny i�any; cQ� yuuty nwz�ra o��ny tnw�nce�wn�: �a� ya�y nooa <br /> iaWr�noe preaoEaron�� if�ny:(o)Yeari9 mo�t�age imwr�nea premlumR.if my: md(n anY sunaa Wy�ble by Banowa ia <br /> I,�rccard�oca with the provlsian oi pivagraph liw of Ihep�yment of taorgyx iowraoce p�en►iwns- 7�cse <br /> i�s�re taUod'F.s��ar items." l.etde�may.�t any 1ime.callect and twid i�nds i��►amoiuit nw to e:ctiead 16e maxiao�re <br /> anoaup a knder for a tedetally related roongage Iwn mey roqui� for Barower@ escrow acoount ynder t4e Eederd�al <br /> Fsute Seukroent Ploeodwes Act of 1974�s amended from dme to dme.l2 U.S.C.�2601 ersc� (`R��PI�').uolas� <br /> _ law tlu�t�pplia w tAe Ninds seta a le�er oawunt. IF:o.Lender maq.tu Any dmo.caNect a�W Aold Rmdc in�u�uaou�M not to <br /> cz�cd slse i�tr a�sa�t. L�d�r:sa..�estie�sser the amoue:t of Fend� ch+e o� e!� Msis of c�nt d�tw�ed�ew+on�bk - <br /> - — - - �n�tes of expadidra of futwe Esaa�v Ytans or otherwlse in�ccordonce wiW a� '�CaWe law. <br />-� The liunda r,lall be held (�an in�tat�aaion wbose depwils eu�s insw�od by• �get�cy.h�saurna�Wiry.or entity <br /> �,��`���� �!��inc�6diag l.ender.if l.a�d�x is euch an insti¢utian)or in any Fedenl Hamc L.oan Bank. Lrender shaU apply the fiuKfr to P�Y <br /> ,: r�' ' �' ��.1��crpw��teiqs. [.endea���y ha!etreacga 8omower i'or lioldiog wdapplying the�iu�ds.amually annlycing Ihe escrow <br />-� ��., �'account. or veri�ying Ihe gscrow Items. �oaikss Lender p�ya Borrower intercat oo tUB Wnds �nd applicabk uw petmits <br />';ti ___�q�i� L,e�ier ta ue:�dca such a chnrge. Howea��.>l.xnder maynequire Ba�rowrr to pay a one-time chaa�ge fa an irtdepa�dau rcal <br /> - — T"„�-" e�Wte tax re�sarting serv[ce used by L.en�r an connection with this loan,unless spplicabk law pavides otberwise. Unless on <br /> . agroement is made or applicable law requires interest ta be paid.Lender shall not be requi�ed to psy Borrower uny Lftercat a <br /> .� 'eamings on the PWnds. Borrower and Lencler may ogree iuo wtiting.however.that lntenest shall be paid on the I�nds. Laider <br />"`'` shall give to Borrower.without charge,an ennual acc0iu�tiag of thc bLnds,showing credius and t�ebits W 1hc Funds�nd 1he <br /> : - —' ' -- purpose far which eaeh debit to the Fhnds was mwle. The PWnds ue plalged as aWltiorwl secucitg for all wms ceewed by <br />'°�'� -- thic Security InstntmetN. . <br /> ,�, <br />=�- If thc� Pbn�tx held I+y Lender exceed tF�e amountv permided w be held bv i�q,olicablt law.Lender ahall accautt to <br /> "' Borrower for the eacess Funil.�e in accoMance with the��ac�umements of applicabls���. It iD�e amount of ttrc Plinds Ueld by <br /> _+7 �. <br />;��: _ .�; I.cnder at any time is ndi su�ffi�ienc to pay the Escrow leamg when due.Lende�mA� so nntify Borrower in writing.w� _ <br />��•� r � ''` ` �' '•- ' such casc Bortower shaD9 �ny to l.ender�he amount necessary to make•up�7P+e ctr�i;.+ency. Bortower ciuiJl moke up the <br />�•:,�+ � . <br />-:':, - deficiency in no anore than t�velve monthly paymeMs,et l.ender�c�di;crecion. . <br /> �;,�; � Upon payv»ent in full of all suma secured by this Security Instrument,Lendar sfiall prompUy reiund to Barower any <br /> Funds held by l.ender. If.under pa�agr�ph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Pro�erty.Lender.piior to Ihe acquisition nr � <br /> • * selB of the Pruperty. sMall epply any Funds held by Lender at U�e time of acquisilian or sale as e credit asein�the sums <br /> � .. ," secured by this Security Insdument. - <br />�.y� 3. AppYcatbn of Payments. Unlecg upplicable luw pravides otherwise, all payments received by L.ender under = <br />- _ paragraphs 1 and 2 s6all be applied:GrgQ,to Any prepaymem chuges due under 1he Nate; amountc payabla urnier __ <br />-` —_-_---- �►nrngrn�+h 2;lhirri,10 IOIPfW51(IIIP:fM�►!I).!.�ixincipal due:and Iaet,to ony late charges due under the Note. _ <br /> �� 4. Cbar�es; l.(ms. Borr�wer st�all pay oll luxes.assessments, charges, fines and imposit�ons anribumble to the - <br /> .�:i•°• �'���-�,��•� Property which may unain prioriay uver Ihis Security Instrument,and le�sehold payments or ground ren44,if suiy. Harower � <br /> u <br /> ' '��.. __ •"� sh�ll pey these obligAdons in tfie mnnn�rr provided in parugmph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bomowcr shall pay� tfiem on = <br />� � time directly to the per.son 2�wec!pnymenl. Bomower shs�ll promptly fumish to Lender all notices of omounts to be paid under � <br />==�;e �`��`"`'� u� Ihis ra !f Borrower makes these a ments directl , shall rom tl fumish to l.ender recei ts evideticin <br />�;�;r�.:�'r��'���'��r�(.e• P�B !�• P Y Y P P Y P � <br /> � ,� 1he payments, - <br /> :::t ,;��;��-;� .�` •� :�; � Borro�cer sAall promptly discharge Any lien which has priodty oticr this Secu�ity lnstrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees - <br /> rrr� '�a ... °�::`. i. _ <br /> r in writing to�he puyment of the obligation secured by the lien in p manner acceptuble to Lender,(b►contests in gaod faith the :: <br /> } .:. �� 1�en by,ar defends ngainst enforcement of thc lien in,IcgAI pnxeedings which in�he Lender's opinion operate to pr�event the _ <br />��"� t .;�f� :� ',.:��,.^�;�° e�farcement of the lien;or(c)securcs f'ram the holder of the lien an agreement sntisfuctory to Lender subordinatin��he lien - <br /> �.�1.... . ,,,>.. ., ri.. - <br /> _ � _�,��t to this Secur�ty Insdvment. If L.ender derermines thn�any pun of the Property i�subject�o a lien which muy aunin priority _ <br /> ;� } ,; over this Security Instrument,Lcnder moy give Borcower u notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sotisfy the lien or take <br /> r.�;� ;� v r,,;.,�',-,��� "� or�e or marr ot the actions set fonh nbove within 10 doys of the giving uf notice. _ <br /> ^G��i� . S. Hawn�d or Proper�y Insurance. Borrower shall keep�he improvemenis now existing or hercnf�er erected on the � <br /> �.,.�,f�:�, : � <br />- � ' '�'•�•� � � Pro n insured a ainst 7oss b fire,hazards included wilhin the temi"extendecl cavera e und an other haznrds,includin <br /> � c;'.�}•:�� •���;;,o, pe Y 8 Y R " Y B 1' <br /> _ ��A��� '_�,,,�;,� floods or Qooding.inr which Lender reyuires insurunce. This insucance shafi be maintained in the amounts anci for the <br /> ,��_�-�����*,... _ <br /> � '��;:.,s1�E.f;'`' - <br /> " ' '','�`•� FwaiJ�i.Y' l�40 1/w¢�2 njeyuipaal ° <br /> , , .,'. - <br /> .. ; ' . ;;: <br /> ;, '-�.. '��•��r � <br /> . :ii�� �'�F,4.;�, = <br /> ' ''e' , ;��{/�R�t�f - • ��'S'9... 1,,, . . "'•r'.""`Q"'�_ <br /> r. . ,Y �# :`. .I�, tt.f S�a i, .�. " �: �t y�-p;y,,��. ..a... .,; _ aa-....... .. . <br /> -��. �i.7.i� � 1 ��ll,. ;'.?, 1��i�....y. �,� i��. . . - .�'!'�.�i$T��i,r.y,��.i". . ' '.�� " � . <br /> � . ' . . , .� ' ,< '.l ' Yf�..ry7e( , . <br /> -,� � . : s. �. ,,, t �J ,� • � �,'��' � . •' . . � ,� <br /> � � , <br /> _ ,` ': <br /> ". '. �f � r � Y��;. ; . � ...� � �'�� � . ���',fli*���� <br /> � ' • , . <br /> -- 1-f. .J" tYi���" � � !: - •-_.. _�__ ..----'-----""--• -—--- --- - --- r t - � �-Y°`- - — - <br /> 'K�t :.�. �:.�% - . , ' � ' — ._— ._ ...._, .-- --- '----- , - - - _--_-- . . �t. --`_-- -- . . . - ----_- <br /> o � c'� ,� <br /> iI. .�. , a ` •. •}'l• .. . . ., <br /> '.;}, .. .!-�":•��• ..5. . � ` . . ..µ� . _. .. . . . - .. � • . . <br /> _ .�., ._ +r��� • � ' . �,, .. � � . , , • . ,• <br /> - °' .��r�'J, � � 1 _�=''.. , , ., ! ' . ''' " ' ,' � <br />_ � ' '.u. . � ' <br /> , , !w . . , . . <br /> '���� � �i' ' ,�t'� , , ��. • '• <br /> °� ,'r '• y • •i-: •1`:•, . � . _ � . . �. <br /> . d'.l�`ifit`i �, . +�,� - . . t� . • , � • . � .. `� � .'- • \ tf., •- , . � . . . . . <br />-. . '� d , Y^ -�� '_,clCd•''—'� ,. . - . � ..�� � .'1. �.. . ,�a4tidr�Qii.'y. . ' _ `v' . <br /> '� � .�. , '� ��' , 1� . . <br /> �' .Y'� ° .. , ' ' ..� . . , . . <br /> .. , , . <br /> . � ,. 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