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. .f . . .�a�. . , '.;.�..! ar°� . . . . � _' ....;�:J.c��-= <br /> .�pry _ "!'.. -t': `�:",:� ,='i'-. - <br /> — ,::aia,,..,,..�,,. <br /> � ��� � ' � � � �'�.Qi�,t98 T�--,�;s�.� ___ <br /> . ��'" z <br /> p�eiod.W�Leodar nqp�e�. 7ho iaaar�ae c�nier prc�vWin��be Mw�ooe sM�Qe chaMa by Baaowra tnbJea a I.tiad�rr � „ j.�, <br /> ,�peo�v�l wbi�h d�ll uot 6e ume�o�iy v�1nld. �pONI�fiiih la n� +�e��Ua+ie.l.�tder tpqy.+t - <br /> t�rt optkM,cbt�in to paM�t l�wid�t�ridK}A d�+�ty in�000�INnw�wit�pmplipb 7. . . <br /> t All im�t�noe pdio�e��ie�ovr�sh�q be�1� �ad 4h�l1 bialude i�s�nd�rd aaoril�e c1Kne. L�nd�r �� . <br /> �!t 1��p rLIM to Mold dio palides�d raww�l�,, V Laidet reqltites.BaRnw�tlnll pamply�Ire w Lader�11 rooefpM ,..� <br /> d pdd praniums a�d roaewal aaloac. fn�he aMaM ot laa.8arua�er s1u11�iMe panpt oodoe a tM ia�urrno�e arrler aad � <br /> - -� , L�eeder. l�ade�n►�y n�ake p�oo!'d'los�lf no�neAde paaeq�llY bY���awtt• <br /> Unbo Lender�nd Aomonn�er othawi�a�peo in writinQ.i»wranoapmo�ed�r�p be�plied w ne�wr�dan a repir a1 �. <br /> _ -----��---- Iho U the rcstoratlon ar nep�ir k ewnomicmQy+ fas�6Je and l.u�derh�crority!s ml lasss�eed. U die � <br /> a���on ar t�e t i�t�ol a�anamically ti�uiblo ar l.endetti�ea�y wauW be leaedd.the icmra000 pr000edt slWl be r <br /> appliad to�he wms�ow�red by thi�Secudty Incauma►t.whGl�a or not�due.wi�h Nyr exoas qid to Bomow�or. U = <br /> Boeow�er�b�ndoos tla PruQaty.or dooa not a�uwer within 3f1 d�yc a aa�riaa ftom l.aida tMt the iaamu�eo canier Ipn <br /> oBaed to�eub a c1�n.lAen 4wder m�y ooNocl lhe inwtan�e paoeoda. I.e�kr m�y qie the pnx+eod�ta�i�ar ro�tam � <br /> the Propaty or a p�y auro caau�od by this Security IncuunKaN.whe�her or not tl�en due. The 30�day petiod aill be�in whea . <br /> �ho notioo i� ven. <br /> - Unkss r aad Bonower otlKrwice agroe in writing.any fication of procads w prirtcipal chall aot oatatd or � <br /> pastpono the due d�te of tbe monthly p�ymentR�efer�ed�o in p�m�1 a�d 2 ar chan�e tho amaunt of th►paiynx�u. U � <br /> under pua�niph 21 the Pruporty b mqui�ad by Lender. Bormurorl�dght ta any insurance policies and pnoceoda�sultiag �i <br /> fr�om d�m�go ra�die Rneeny prior fo t6e s�oquisitian sl�all pu�ta Lender to the exant af the�pns secu►ed by thi�Security <br /> I�tnwaeot�m►�edi�ety pioa m the�q uisitian. <br /> i. Oa�tpwe� �tlu�. 1Nalateaanca Aod Protectloo af t6e PropMyi Barto�ver'e Lowa Applkatiwi ! <br /> I.ea9el�ld� Borrower shdL vocupy.eshblish.and use the Property as Barrower�principal asidenoe wiUdn ci�tty days afier <br /> - � �ss s7tectet�tm af thia Ses�att�r�RSttt�eeeM�!!n+�NimM t�r+ec���tl�Pr.�+nty,K iHxnw,erk lainciMl nuirten�fn fnr at <br /> - <br /> - --— kau ane year after �he date of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise �ees in writing. whica cancent slqN oot be _i <br /> �uueasonably witl�held a unless eztenwting ci�sumstancea exist whkh arc beyand Bormwerl�canirol. Barower sl�all na <br /> dptroy�dam�ge or imp�it itie Pkopetty.allow tho Property W deterlorate.or commit wasto on the Propnty. Borrower sR�aM <br /> be in default if any forFeinue a�tion or procoeding,wl�ether civil or criminwl. is begun that in Le�xier's good fai�h judgmeot — <br /> oouW rewlt in forfeitar+e of Uie PropeAy or wherwise n�ate�ially impair the lien c�xated by thia Sacutity 1nclnuneot ar <br /> ' I.enderl�security intenst. Bomower mny curc such�defaut�and rcinstate,as provided in paragrapl�I causing the�tiaa <br /> �: �P��B to be dismissod wi�h A rullag ttw�.in Lender�s goad fai�h detcrmination,procludes fodeiwro of thc Borrowerh <br />-=Y` interest in the Property or atl� meterial impaim�ent of the lien created by this Socudty Instrument ar[.eaderh securiry <br />.��s intenest. Borrower shall dso be in default if Bomower,during �he lowi applicwian proccss. gave mate�ially filse ar <br />�-•��• inexurate Info�matjan ar statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lendcr with any rtwterial informatlon)in camection wid� <br /> = _� — the loan evldenced by tho Note. includ�ng, but iwt limited w. representcuions conceming Borrower�occupancy of'the � <br /> '��' Property as a principa�rcsidence. If this Secnrity Instn�ment is on a ks►�ehold,Borrower sh�ll cumply wilh all the provisioas � <br />`°.�`-" of�he lease. If BormWer acquirc�s fee titic to ihe FhroQeny.the leocchold and the fee title shall not at�are�•anbsa l.ender ag� <br />��'�'��; to 1he merger in writing. � <br /> - � ' ',7 7. Pratectbn �f I�n�le�`s Rights in the ProperyrYw If Borrower fails to perform the coreQ+ants t�nd s�,e�nents <br /> 4�1��,,5" ca�ntainod in this Securily Im,�n�ment,or there is u IegaU praceeding thut may signiticuntly aff'ert Lender��i-,�ht. in the <br />_�,;y-- - - F��opetty(such aa e procetdi�g in bankruptcy,pmMate,for cendemanlinn nr f�rfeih�re nr M enforee laws Or r+Cpulatims),then � <br /> .,. �A ' Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessnry to protect the vul�vr�►.°the Property and Lenderk rights in the Property. <br /> ����� ',`•,.• Lender�s actionc rnay include paying uny sams xecured by a lien whi.h fi:�s priurity over lhis Securily Insuument,appearing �` <br /> •,� in court.paying reasonu6le attomeys'fees and entering an Ihe Ropeny ta muke repairs.Althaugh Lender may ta�;e nction _ <br /> ' +,,��, under Ihis pumgraph 7,Lender does not huve to do so. - <br /> .4 ' �, r��'!r� "l�Y�• An umounts disburxed b l.ender under this ara�r� h 7 sh:dl become additionul deM of Borrower �ecured b this � <br /> ?�.`Y.....,. .,i ,. Y Y P � �P Y v�- <br /> Securiry lnsttument. Unless 8orrower wid Lender ugree tc*other terms at'paymenl,the.e nmountF shal) 6e+u interesl fmm the ,�_._ <br /> b._ da�e of disbunement at the Nae rote and shall be payable.with in��rr��.upon notice from Lender ta►Bomower rcqucsting <br />