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� �..�„ _ <br /> , __ <br /> :_.._. . _ � . . _ -_ _ ._ -- _, <br /> ..-,�.�- � , --T . , . � e�r.:.... <br /> - i. � � .., . .... . � „�s•:...�'. � . � . ,q,�.•��+.l��Y.`" <br /> t�... ...,.. . . . . � ��� 0.♦ �--'_'"' <br /> .. , '.. ., • '� I . �.. .,Rn . ' '_ <br /> 7��1'F1�W17���(110_�AIp1�GMOf110111i II�W Of 11�O�R p�'tod OII 1110 pf1D�1011y.Mld�II Oi1CfpOpltr�• . ..- <br /> •�f�XftY�L'�OO'��Or���Ot(110 p10� ��fl��OE�llElpi��t�011�fhf���1i0 60 CO�NI��,1�� �,,` <br /> ' hYtilllle0t. AI�d 1�IE rp!`�(�i IE�lIIOd W bl SOpll�ty�IIqflUpOflf�i 1110�PIbr011y.� , • ' :• ,•_-. <br /> � BdtROWBR cOVBNANT3 Wat Harowa b 4wNlly zdoed ot'�do osute hereby aomreyod aad Iw�6a ri�ht 1��+t <br /> rnd oaoveY the PropalY md dyt the Hropaty 4 uneoamnbaed�exoept!or m�cum b�n c a o t�e c a d. H a n�o w�w�nwtf�ad <br /> �rNl del'aid�arordly the dtb to tbo Praperty a�ainu all cl�and dem�nd�.cubject w sny encumbauioes of i�eoo�d. <br /> � _— _ � T}pS SBC[JRITY 1NS7RUMRNT oombioa wiifam oovenuit� far n�tio�i ase�d aon�w�iParm uuva�r�tr witb <br /> ,, :_.�..,�„T�—_,��,---�., Waitea vtrl�lons by ju�isdiCinn ta c�ptitute R unffonn security ina�r�ent eov�aing msl p�opaty. <br /> UMPORM GOVBNAM'S. Ba�ower and La�der covmam�wd ag�ee aA folbwi: <br /> l. Payateat at PrM�ipd a�d IMerati�'�PR7�+M asd i.Ne Chv�a. &atrower�II pnoaiPUY P�Y wUa�due tlw <br /> -� p�l of�pd ituaat an the debt evideoced by dn Notc�nd aaY P�WY����due under the Nde. <br /> Fb�ds far 7l�xa sad Iawra�ce. Subjact w applicabla l�w or W�wri�en waiver y Lender.BoROwer s1u�N py to <br /> Lawler on d�e d�y moardX RaY�ae�s ote duo unda the Nate.until Ihe Note is p�W in fLq�a sum l"Wud+")for:(�1 Y�Y <br /> wcea atd�wl�may�tmdn pariry ovu thii Sxudty Uuuument+u a lia�on the Property:(b)Y�Y leacehold <br />- -_:, _�_ �a��� m�he Pt�ope�ty. U any: (c�Y�Y��a P�P�Y ��� P�wns: (d) yearly Ilood <br /> incur�t�ce pemitrnc.if�ny:k)yearly 4�a6a insura�a P�•if any: aed(� �nY swms pa�l��bie by 8ar�w�w <br /> acao�d�noe wvh We P�vi s i o n c o f p o m g w p h 8,in l i e u o f't h ep�y m a u of motl g,�ge iosutanoe p�e m i u o a s. 'Itiea�e <br /> itemr iue dlled"Escmw Itdm.' I.eider may.�t any time.coYioc�and hold FLnds in an unou�not ta excxed 1Le mucimwr� <br />____._ �oun�a la�der for a federaliy�eWed mo�tgage W�a may nqui�e far Harnwerh eccrow aataimit u�der the tedera0 Real <br /> _ - E,sute Seqle�oe�t procedm�es Mt of 1974 as amendod iram time to dme.12 U.S.C.�2601 ei s�q.('RESPP►").unkss�nolhe* <br /> -��"�;' law th�t�pplies to ihe fiu�ds sets a lesaor amoun� If so.l.ender miay�st�ny t�tne.collxt and hold lir�ds in an amount not w <br /> eua+�A tbe leuer amnun. I.a�der r�y csHmste the amount oi fimds due oo the basis of curreat dau �od�a�omble _ <br /> �` - - ;�"� esdmwtes of expenditures of futune Fsc�rw Itrms ar dl�erwise in wc.Yrxdance wlth applicabk law. ; <br /> .,_�' The Wnds sfwll bc held in en inwitution whose dr,posits are insu�ed by a federal ageocy.u�sUumaat�Ity.or au�j� . <br /> '' (i�chidiog[.ender,if l.end2t fs such an institudon)or ino anjr�vl Homo l.o�n Banic. Lender shall appiy tt�e�F+�nds co pay � <br /> ;i•` '• the Fscnuw It�ms. L.em� �u►y nat charge Borrowzv For h�7a�ara�a and applying the E�nds. ennually analy��ibe esaow - <br />..;;�'_"� nccount,or�-�:MyMg 4Qac L"�row Items. unless Lendcr pays Borrower interest on the Furds and applicadle Ww petmirs <br /> _'_".t +';�� I.p�der to:m�icT�uch A�charge. Nowever.[.ender may requirc II9orrower to pay a one-time charge for an 4ndepafident mcvl •, <br /> . �.,.:� esute tax r�epartin�seiv3�c used by l.ender in connect�on with this lo�n.unless applicable law provides otherwlsq. UnEess un <br /> � ., egroement is made or a�rpf+cable law requires interest to be paid Lender shell not be roquircd to pay Bortowe�.su�y interest or <br />- s on�he i�Unds. �Borrower and Lender may ag�ee in wriung,however.that intercst shall be peid on the F�w�nds. L.ender _ <br /> eamin <br /> B , _ <br /> . <br /> �=t_'' shall give to Borrower.a��thout charge,an annual accoundng of the Funds.showing crrdita and debits to the FLnds a�d the <br />-=�`°'; putpose for which exh debit to the Flmdc was made. The Funds are pledgeU s�s AddlNonal secu�ity for all sums secund by <br /> "=�r "�':; thi:3ecurity Inswm�nt. • <br /> °�_ -- • �a:- �f�p�s�� �iy �,��Ier exceed thc amounts permitted to 6e helrl by applicable law,Lender shell ac�count to <br /> ��. ���� y� Bomuwer for the eacess Funds in accordance with the requir�ements of app9irAble law. If the�amount of thc�Funds held by <br /> .��' ,.:. , ��_� : <br /> '. , `'�� �`° �.� �, ,;� . L e n d e r at an y t�me is not sufficient to pay the Escrou ]tems when due,Lenckr may so notify Honowar itt w�riiin�,a�d,ln <br /> , �.'��' <br />: .�a � � � � , auch case Borrower shall pny to Lende� �he amouna r�ecessary to mafce up the deficiency. Borrower sP+all make up�he <br /> '��� . ,. . deficiency ln t►o morc than cwelve monthlv paymenG�,at I.tnder�s�sule discretion. _ <br /> '""'�' �,�''�'�A=r�i?�'u`�:}• Upon ayment in full of ull sums sacured by this Securiry Instrument. Lender shall promply tefund tn Borrower�}� <br /> :,•,: <br />`�:�'}�� + ' �="' ' Funds held y I.ender. If,under parapraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior to tP�e scquisition or _ <br />--_:�t'L t . �... . <br /> :`.��� sale of the PropeAy,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale ac a credit wga�n�t the sums <br />=_�,� ce.cured by this Seruriry lnsttument. - <br />-- � ' �"�• ' �' 3. Applkation d P�ymenta Gnless applicable law provides otherwlse, all paymeots received by Lender under _ <br />- �,., ,':" �' "�'�'�;,� ,, paragraphs 1 end 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment chorges due under the Note; amounts pAyable wider <br /> •;,; i•-, paragraph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to principal due;and last,�o ony lale charges due under the Notc. <br />.�'»�. <br /> ti�;��. . • �.,•_,•, 4. Cbat�es; I.tens. Horrower shafl pay aii �axes.asses�n�enta charge�, fion� wiJ iww��iliuua att�iU�vbl� io c <br />`:�;�. :� �, t r� ; property which may attain�dority over this Security In,wmen�, aid Icasehold puyments or ground r�ents,if any. Borrower <br /> ,s �'•� � sh�ll pay these obliga�ion� m Ihe manncr providcd in parngrnph 2.or if not paid in thal mwiner,Bormwer shall pay them on <br /> � ��''�'�" time directl to the non owed u ent. Bomower shall m tl furnfsh to Lender all notices of amounts ta be d under <br />}�,r�, : �':� . Y pe� P Ym Pro P Y � <br /> �'�� `� this parograph. If Borrower makes tluse payments directly, Borcower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipt�evidencin� . <br /> `�;.�� ` �'�f''���`'� the paymeats. <br />��a:i{' . �r?�: ' '• _ Borr�vwer ah�ll promptly dischar�c any Ilen which hac priori[y over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)ag�ee5 <br /> ?�' ��.. �:X��y;;. • in writing to�he payment af�he obligadon seeured by ihe lien in a menner ncceptable to Lender,(b)comes�s+n good faith the <br />'` `��"j'' ;(� ' lien b or defends againet enforcement of the lien in,Icgal proceedings which i�the Lender's opinion o�emtr tc��revent the <br />-:�:~�• itla• �,�:�_'... � .� y� : <br />�:-� '�(���¢ .:;`r:y�,• °•;��,�`� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder uf the lien an agreemen�satisfactory to Lender xubatdinatmg the lien <br />'s���.�•; �,;(�:i;"r �,,.: ..,•',;� to this Security [nstrument. If[.ender detern►ines that uny part of�he Pro�eny is cubject to a lien which may attaln priority <br /> ,'�1�'�,r, _ • :,f:', over this Security Instrument,Lender mny give 9orrower a notke identiFymg the lien. Bortower sh�ll satisfy the lien or take <br /> :s�,.��,� ,� , �;�'��`�'':":i`.',. one or more of the acdons set forth abovc withia 19 days of the giving of notice. <br /> �`� � !"'•";- ����"' V S. Ha�rd or Property Insur�nce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafccr erected on�he <br /> �!.•�'a" �� <br /> i'�''}:�{,i;:;� <br /> 1 1 ;. � • � • � Property insured against loss by flre.hazurds included within the term "extendrd coverege"and any other hazards,including <br />-���. 't,��,i;.�:�r - . <br />� �•r f'• z�: '; fluoda or tloodin . for which Lender re uirea insurance. T'his insurance shall be maintained In Ihe amiwnts and for the <br /> ,�it 1,, G�-'�, r q�.�q' . � 9 <br /> , �• ��i.t �f� <br /> yd�,�-: -j. �I��Y.�t 1..'�.ti�1�.' <br /> `,,. t'd �,,1��•y�t;;..5.1'��"�}� Fotro 3�18 9l90 (poRt 2 uJ6 pa�al <br /> �l,'•• '� <br /> `.. . ��y,�� �,�lsd .pr. . <br /> "-G. �i �',; �;���� . <br /> :� �,';�,��fl����� 1 <br />``r• �s,`1 . , . ... . <br /> .� <br /> , �. , <br /> ,r,;�•, . � • j;;;•� r_.. <br /> . ,j}r�;�,.L:41�.'1G{� F +IY�' l�WT 4.:'�i�,t,,�. : <br /> '� `.. . .i..,��.�R� . , _;r,, ti f t . ... G,•....,� � �,T�T <br /> ��' f;� _ �� i�, �p. ��.; •r.�-: .{�;�'�'.!?':� ' '�' G�,..��[)( �' :�' '"•����1 1• .,y�; +i •I�.�, f,' <br /> - r [ (�f:•� ,�� � t ti�l /.�`•1:.• � �i �f.e X . 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