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� <br /> � . .,. , . <br /> , .. .- <br /> . ,- . _ ..-. _ _.. _ . <br /> � ----� ,-•— <br /> . . <br /> •.� , � - �..-- ._---- - _„� <br /> .�• . , t . . . _.. � - . .. � ,. , .•M . � ' . . .- <br /> �._�__ _�:� - , . ... . , ; .. . 93y. . . _�.�._..� <br /> ���� . , . . <br /> � �or«�r�d.a�►pn at an P�rop.ny.«r�r«�ey�oo.i�1�or oo.e�eoe�tlo�...�'i►�� ' _ . <br /> �116i�piid p�l.p�ier. � <br /> M dr Irroot aP� Ioal�p d d�e PMopaty..IMep�e���lall b��ppNrd q d�+ �ana Neiwd b!i dib Saa�it�► � � �, <br /> lacunimeqtr-wi�ethK a aat d�m d0e�witb aay eucars prid w Bamowr+r. lo die eva�t d�pnW ai�d d�e 1a .. <br /> wnkh die r.i�mNca vvne b�ar�Nopaty iaimeai�MdY bda�'e ur ak�li eqwl a«�e1�e�au�n the.�ao�nt��rt .�� ,. <br /> �ecwed by dds Security!�t hmnedi�tely be�1'aro the iahin�.w�lw Bm�o�rer and I.eede*adlernl�a y�er in w�itlp. � , . <br /> _ _-- da waa socvrod b�r ii�.Soi�iity ta�ti c1u�U ha t�by d�e ess:ot�t ot t1w�p�+�muWpliei by M�e��� . <br /> fi�ctian: (a)the oaal a�t�aiu�t af tbe sumt aeeured immediMely betae�be ut�q.divlded by(b)1Ua fiiir m�uicat . <br /> °- .� --�`�"�'° propaty imnedi�efy befbre the�kia�. Aay batw�oa s1w11 bo ps�ild to Bwmw�er. In tbe avent of s p�td�l��of the <br /> Frope�ty in wAk;h the fidr miulcat v�lue of the Pfiopaty immodWely betao�he a�Ci�b ks�ttua�11a�n�d liio�an� <br /> �ecu�od immediuel9 betao the u�ti�g,unless Aarower md Londer alherwloa apeo In writiry�or unlesa �pplicable I�w <br /> ahawicc pavidea,the pmcoed�ciuiU be appNod w the aap4�ecarod by thi�Secudty lacpun�a�t whdher ar�a1 the apm�ue <br /> drcn due. <br /> If the PirapeAy is aiwidaiod by Bom�wa.or if.dler notioo by Landa�to Barower tiW 1he aoaddanor dfen to m�lce <br /> m�w�ud or settle a cl�im for da�wgea,Bamw�er fiile to tespoad ta I.ender withia 30 d�ya after the d�te tho notioo is Rivan� <br />__ I.ender io authorl�ed to colloct�atd spply tho its option,either to testa�tiat or�ap�ir oi tde Pkcperiy ar w 1he <br /> amu securod by�6�is Securlty InanmKat,wt�ether or not thm�duo. <br /> Unless l.ende:ond Barrower otherwi�e�groo in w�il�g.any liauion of p�oceodr to prL�ipd shsJ1 not ostad a <br /> __= poctpw�e the due daee of tbo�maa y WYmentt�efemed to in p��is 1�nd 2 ar c1w�e the�mioudt oi a�la p�y�t�. <br /> � 11. Borr+o�eer NW . �bauance B l.aMa� Not • Wiiwr. Sxkaeio+� ot 1�e ti�ae faR �nnent or <br /> =�` madifi�tion of a�nort�zation ofi 16e�ns securod by�s Secutity Ia�mrnt�anted bX Lendcr q aq�r saoo�sar In Mtene:t <br /> -. of Banower shall not ape�atc W rci�se the liabiliry of tla ori�iwd 8o�to�rrer ar Bonow�rk aaooessaa i�a in�erest.l.ender <br />--:. �a.0 noc ee reyut�cd co caranaio�procaed�ss aga�t anr sw.,:.�oi�n�c ar reRtx oo actcaa ef� fa�r�!e►e�nt or = <br /> �.i: � otherwise modify ama�tization of tNt wms securod by lhis Sa.�wiity Iqsmiutrcnt @��+eason of�my dem�ud n�e by�hc ari�ital <br /> • Bamwer a Bonowerh�uoccssor�aa inte�� My fabeuar�ce by Lenckr irt exencisin�any ri�ht ar�emody r�haU aot be a <br />-- ' waiver of or preclude 1he exe�ise�6 w�q�ight or rcmody. <br /> ' 12. Suocessorn�ad Assl�s�;Jotnt and Sever�! �L'+.�b�ity;Co-sl�nera The rnvenonts and aig�aments of IAis <br /> .+. Security Instrwnent shall bind a�nd b�ea�e�t tAr auc�e:wts u�u a��ugns of L.rnder w�d Borrower.:ubject w t6e pnmrisions of <br /> �q • patag�aph 17. Hormwer's covenants and�reea��►a0l be joint and severW. My Bomuwer who casi�ns this Secu�ity <br /> `k_„ I n strument but daes not ezxute the Note: a�r a5 c��aai�eg�on;:s Sccuriry tnsaumenc onty w mongage,�e ana canvey�ha� <br /> ' Bonower�s interest in�Fre Property undef ttie t�Qens�ff ti+is Secwr,iry�Irawmenl; (b j is nat personally obligAted to pay�he sums <br /> � ,r",.� �ecurcd by this 5ecurity Insaumeat;ae:d(c)a��ses ttu�t Lender and any other Borrower may agrce w exta�d.modify.forbear <br /> _ • �'�'"'�i or make any accommod�tions with � the tern�s ui'i6+ix Security Inswment or the Note wltiMwt tlut Bonowerl� <br /> °�':� <br /> 1 c ��.�``r� CoIlsGtlt. <br /> f�' 4 �� ' �,� <br /> , ��,J�.. 13. I.oaa Ciw�es. If the loan secured C�y this Security Inspument is subject to a law which sets maximum loar+ <br /> - �;r;{ cl�r8es.sud itset!nw is finally interMet��thflt th�interect cx oti�loan charges collected or w be collected in oonnocdan <br /> �.�,'���f= with the loan exceed the permitted liani�s.then: (a)any such Ioan chuge shall be reduced by the amount ne�.�easary ta rcduce <br /> _.. <br /> � �<��`�"� Ihe ch to the rmiued limit;and qbp an eums alrcad collected from Bornower which exceeded mdtted limits will be <br /> f��n,�y� � P� Y Y P� <br /> - � �' � • iefunded to Borrower. l.ender moy choose to make this refund by r+eJucing t6e principal ow+ed under the Nate or by making o <br /> _.,�r ,s� , Ji�t pnyment tu Bmiowcr. If a rcfuixi reduces princfpal,thc reduction will be acutcd as n panIal p�pn}mnent wlthout any =. <br />''''�- `t���� �;� ''• PrePaYment charge under the Note. <br /> °_•-����. �1• ` �'•-� �'�i" ' 14. Notloes. A�y no�ice to Borrower�ao�i�:d for in this Security Instrument shall be given by de livering it or by -- <br />�� ` 'r` :�'�; ` mailing it by tirst class mail unless applicuble!aw requires use of suwther method.71�e notice shall be directod to the I'roperry - <br />� ' � Address or any other uddresx Bomawer desig�utes by notice to L.ender. Any notice ta Le�viier shall be given by f rst clusa _ <br /> , �;`�� � mail to Lender�nddre��stated herein or any other oddress Lende�designntes by natice t��orcrcar+�er. Any notice providod for <br /> •�� in this Security Ins�rument sholl 6e deemed tn have baen given lo Borrower ar Lender wtr�n given as provided in this � <br /> __�.a� �ragreph. <br /> '��" :.•�. , ,^,,,"".�,".�•., 13. Governl�Law: Severability. This Securily Intitrument xhall br guverned by federnl low art�d�he Inw ot �he <br /> _-- `�! jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In�he event that nny pmvision or clause of�hi�;Security Instn�ment or the Note = <br />_. ��"��, conflicts with applicable luw,such con�iic�ehall not uffect aher provisions af thi�Security Instrument or the Note which can = <br /> 'Q�{� . • � " ''� be given effect without the conflicHne provisior�. 'Ib this era!t9�c provi�ic►ns of this Secu�iry Instrument and the Note are _ <br />- a,��x'''.",."?':w <br /> �'=- - ' • declared to be severable. <br /> �'�{��=' ' �- �.°,.,. ;„,x 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower:�hal!'rr gdven one conformed copy af t�he Note ond of this Securi�y 1„strument. _ <br /> " •��'•� ;.• '�� '` �'� . 17. 7lransier of the Property or a Benei9atiatl laterest In�orrower. If a11 or�ny part of thc Pa�e�ay�t any interes[in <br /> _,!''{;'r=`;'1.��r.,�,'�;z',;• <br /> � it is sold or tronsfcrrcd(ur if a beneficinl interest in Borrower is sold or tran�fened ao�d•B+orrower is rwi a nutural person) <br />••4._ . �.t;��,..�_ `�5,� <br /> �, :!;n;;�,. ..;`��' without Lenderc prior wriuen c�H�.c nt.Lrnder may.ut its optic+n. reyuire immediAt�paymemt in full of all sums secured by _ <br /> ��.,,;: '• �'• '1d;,°y i this Security Inetniment. Howevee.thls aption xhall not be exercised by l.onder if exerci�r d;ptuhibited by federal law ac of <br /> • ���' Ihe date of this Secudty Instrument. <br /> �' »�„r'�` � If Lender exerci�es thix aption.Lender shall give Bomower naice of acceleration. ?lte naice Khall provide a period of <br /> � ���'.",�v; .'�'� 1 � <br /> � �• �?^�• '~' i•:s.,, � not less than 30 duys fram the date the nutice i�delivered ur muiled within whlrh Borrower mug�pay all sums secured by thia <br /> '� . ��:�f�"'� � Secu�at Insuumem. If Barrowcr iailti to a these sums rior �o the ex ira�ion of this eriod. Lender ma invoke an <br /> " . � ,.;;::• Y p Y P P P Y Y <br />�rt ., . 'f��f�I;•,'ij�•�� ,rcmedies�ermitted by this Securit��nstrument withou�fuAher notice�x demand on Burrrn��c. <br />= y� '�� -'�;���'�� 18. Borrower's Right to I�ednstnte. If Borrower meets ccnuin conditions, Borrower shall hs►ve thc right to hnve <br /> . ^-�.- <br /> • ` �',�3�4-�; - , ',:�z . enforcemem ui'�hiti 5n�urily inaUui�ienl Jiu��u�iiwrd ui any ti���e p�i.�r tu thc cadicr of: (a)5 day;ior u:ch uther period ns _ <br />�'��1�:� :f�t�4,i�,t-• :' �•� ' 5M k FamU Fannk�9�/d�lrcdAk Muc UNIFIIRM INSTRUM4�NT••UMfam Cmen�uv 11!`i (�wRe�ujA�agetl <br /> :9.�� .�,�d%f !�4`1} l� Y Y' <br /> , sc�����,r�,, <br /> :f', �'Ya��i'i;�{•'�Ii•ij?�Y+.r,<<' <br /> .•�+: � �;,������:'i��.:i�:r <br /> ti� r �:i3f.��::,t. <br /> (. . �� L �� PA��"���✓ .. <br />-1��.. �(��'fj.��,qL� �t�Qtir� �"'`' t j. 1� ;- �� �'�2y� ���!'�r�f�l��f1�17 t�;! r��, � �; r����i-�1�Mti�`i�-7r'�.w. <br />-ieP.a� 1i�4^' �t'�'S.o: �� . �. ' .{4�1L61.; �i��r „� �.`�`�G\. . _� ,� ..1�•.��{ � , d ��t�t �Lla.r�l� •,.r�k.L".;.. i,..�,.��r..r.�. �. . .s. <br /> .dh .��� ��l ` � Fi';. � ::' � :� i�,-{.! �� I .t. � �I`tF'� I+� �. '"� . . , . . <br /> �a_ ti 'w'; '� �i F ' ,l.J.;•,,`:._ , 4 �,,n tx .� <br /> � i�t,l�4�,�� ;,ti- �!�,t.��?l , .ica�;tii� �.� 1 � ,r u e�,- <br /> .. � , � <br /> . , . , <br /> +�. � t- � ., �.� ,� ,a' ` <br /> �� .���..�nlllr.���+�'�+' .�.�_.__,_ ���� t:.l-��i*S+Is�r+p��Shpl����..�.•';f,'•=:?_.�'�lL�L�;`tt� '` `��C�1�i�i:t�i�t�fU.u±':�iltii�=�_r.'�5�c'"3t'��Y.�.'�— <br />_�_- R ' ;� ,�;...�w - .. . ' - , .-, '_„--� _� ._'_ „�j1 Yf�fSf� t"Ij���i��'����'�1��„r.'.,1St�r�lc��-, '�?3 ' 1-t��f�N <br /> --� � �4.... � ' . . e 4 i. 1 i.c l.� =^o��1 �f :�:�:..t. ' . . <br /> i. 3 .Y r��� t +�+V�:X••;1`,.ri`: �-�I2.y � -i <br /> .a'� � n': pli �_: i .�;�', '�.21:�;� , � <br /> � ,`� -�r�{1�.�� s . .,.� ��(..; ' ,J,'• ?1• . ,i. ... /��.°-�.. .. .. ••,,•�:'�'.i1�t•<..•.. . ,. ' .. �. _ <br /> -- , . � .. 1� � , , . .. .v . .. .��' '� , �r.Y'i:{� . <br /> _.� . _ _ :�',Y4'4 <br /> -:3t�' � �„ . . . � ' . . � ` i .. . . .t� • .. 'Ir.,' ,j„''. 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