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" '�',•' � - - •_ _ <br /> . ._' - -- _ .. ' '�:;j � . .,, .. . , ... . _ .,;_;•:.• -•-_. �.��- , – - _.. —�.__ �--�h.}t_.`�',T,��y <br /> J_�+—.L�r�Ji� • '. - . <br /> .. �' �� -'1... <br /> � per�od��h�t l.eadar�eq�iew. �rb.m�ur��PO canrer p�o�d�q tbe m�+.�uoe d�u a.ab.a�by ann��bj�+w Lenaerr ;�:___. <br /> �ppawAl whicb�U nat bu�bly vvid�held. if 6ann+�o�hil�to m� de�aibed aiwwr.t.w�+t <br /> � Lender�oplioa,o6ub oowerye a pta�eat l.enderti�Ib in�he�P�paty in Nocadw��p�{�h 7. . <br /> Aq M�oa polkia atl�a�eMalo�II be�ooapt�Eie to ronder�nd�hall includo a�utdad mai�ppe etnr�e. 1w�d�er <br /> �baq have die r1�RM to bold tbe po�lic�es�nd ronewdo, lPl.adcr roqui�.Ba�dwJl P�'anP'dy�lve to La�dot ail�aipp <br /> af p�id p�aniwau�nd�v no�ica. la tbe ew�t of loss.Ba*mwar slwll�ive p�ompt nodoe w the fawrsoe caeix�ad <br /> ___ -,_ 4rwaa: la�ci�wy m�e pioulaf lo�r it�ot�wde pnoa�tly bY 8a�nwer. . ' <br /> Uaka l.c��nd Hat�ower ad�wi�e ypeo in w�idn�,in�umneo p�ooeod��bdl be p►pNed to mstawtion or rop�ir o! — <br /> --�-_.-.��"'a"�' �hO oit�d�ed. if'�tia�xtor.ition or�spair iR ocawtnir�Ny fc�clbfe pnd I.enderl� cocurlry 1�not lesseaed. !f tha <br /> -- - ur i�ed eooaaraically ka�ibb or I.ande�l��ocutity wauld be laoaned.�ho iawuanoe p000ed�s1uiN be <br /> - q�lied a t4e wr�u ia�ued by d�i�Secutity In�tnuneM.wiKtha or not Ihea due.�th any a�toea4 pwid 1a Barowex U <br /> -- - Boeowet�budozu tho does not anrwer withi�30 d�yi�no�ioe fram l�a�der tb�t tho inw�anoo c�tder t►a <br /> ofr'end w�atb�cWm,ll�n I.awler mwy oolleit the inwranoe pnceeds. I.ender may uie�ha p►ooeeda ta or�e <br /> 1he Pro�ty or a paiy��acurod by 1hi�Secu�ity Inwnwr�nu.whetlwr a not�due. Tho 30�d�y period 11 be�in wbm <br /> the notioe I� ven. <br /> ° - Unlec9 �nd Bo�ower ahorwjio�roa in writin�,any nppliauian of procoods a pri�ciprl slwll not o�uaad Qe <br /> poapone the due da�e ot tbe ma�whlY P�!'���temed w in p�r�grapha I�r�d 2 a chen�re tlie+�oou�t af tYe qymeals. If <br /> rmdet pir�aph 21 Ihe Ytopeny is acqui�od by l.ender.Botrowat� �ight lo Any L�suraeoe poLcrcs aud pa�eod�� <br /> :=y fnoaa dau�go io fl�e Ptupe�ty prior p d10 acquithion clMll pass to l.erder lo the e�taM of 1Ae waea s�ocWiod by Iria Soc�rity <br /> ,.�-Y I�eumneM ia�ediwely p�iar w t6e,�q�isition. <br />._ _,-.� i, Oan�� l�reaavMia�, 71Wale��ee a�i PrNetlio� ot 11� Pr�oReH,�: ��rer9 !.m Appliutio�: <br /> --:�,.,.�cMl�. Banow�cr shall arcupy.aublW�.a�d nce the 1'1o�eAy as Barower�p�io�cipd nesideaco within sixty days+�tler <br /> ;-�.—�_--- ---- _,-._ the eRee�Ml�n ef ti�ic G+e��riry ItKtrt�nt Mwl chsll n�i�to�ocujry the Pho�ty u Ba�orrerk�h�eipal Reida�oe fur at <br />--!.- kast one year aRu die date of accupancy. unlc� Lender otberwise �grces Li writin�. which caasent �11 not be -._ <br /> umawa�bly whhheld.or unksa eatenuating ciremnstances e�i+t which arc bryand Barower�condol. Bortow�er shaU twt <br />:_���-��°��s deswy.d�maBe or impair the Property.allow Ihe Pbperry to c�mmit waste an the P�npaty. Banower�lwll <br /> ''' I T':�y be in detwh if�ny farfeidm action a proceoding.whetber citi•il ur crimi� begun that Io L.erderk gaod faith judgment <br /> _ r°� could rauU i�fo�feitune of�he Hnperty or attinwise mated�lly imp�ir�he Ikn crcated by this Secu�ity Inmurnrnt or <br />_'�� �:. L�et�der�security intercst. Bortower may cure r+uch a detaul�and pmvided in paragraph cwsing the action <br /> -- "4y4' ur p�ooeoding to be dismissed with a�uling Len�`s good faith detemiinatim.procludes fafeitwe af the Narrowert� <br /> � �:� , <br /> .:,s" r;}:�r A�r,? intet�est In the Ptopaty or wher material impaimxnt of�he lien crealed by this Secu�ity I�nt or l.ender�t security <br /> - . #` ; iote�+est. eamwer sl�all alro be in defauU if Bamowcr. durine thc laan application prar��. gave nwterially falxe ur� <br />:=��;�� <br />.:�'«°^ iru�ccu�a�infomiatlon ar swm�ents�o Lender(ar failed to povi�cle I..ende�wi�h any mataial infannation)in aonnectlon with <br />_,:!-x�'•�'. <br />��:��v ' the loun evidercod by 1he Nae, including, but na lia�ited la, rcpresenu►tiona canceming Bortuwerx occupancy of the <br />;;____:-��1� �s a principal rcsidence. If thfa Security Instrutaent is on s leasehold.Bamwer shall comply wilh all ttrc proviaions <br /> ?j'� � �lzase. If 8onn�r=r acs�seis+es frr sitle to tlte Pr�►jrqy,llx kR�kl arwl�he fee dtle�hall nat me�ge unlesc l.�nder agrecs <br />-. � �.-. <br /> w the merger in wriung. <br /> 7. Protettiai of Leoder's Rigats in the Property. N' [Wmower fails to perform d�e covenant� end agrcements <br /> contained in tNs Security Insaumen4 or there ic a Ieg�l praceding that may signifxanUy Aifect Lender�s rights in the �-_ <br /> �,=•.;; � h.� Pmrerty(sueh ax a prcxeafing in hankn�ptcy.Qr�d►ata.for ca�dernnntion or forFei�ure or to enioree Is�ws or rcgulations),then ____ <br /> s�y Lender may do aad pn}•for whatever is nece��uy ta gNOtect�he volue of thr Pc�,perry anJ l.ender's rights in the Property. �•.�_ <br />�_ . -5..,, ,, {.enderk acdans may uu9wie paying any xums.erureJ by a lien which has priorir ti•over this Securiry Instrumcrk.appearing °���__ <br /> � .' . �•`"'��� in coun,paying reacon�ble auomr}�'fee�und entcring un the f�openy to maae rep•rirs.AUhough L.ender may roke action ��: <br /> a�"", under this�xagmph 7.Lender doex not huve to Jo�o. `� <br /> �"°'�"�'� An; :amiwnt�disbuned by Lende�under this parrgraph 7 .hall I+��omr additicx�ol debt af Born►wer secured by lhis �. _ <br /> � `""'`� Security lnstrumenl. l'nle�s Borrower w�d l.rnder u�ree to otlxr term,uf p•r��nicm.�hexe amoums+hull beor inrercst from�he `� <br /> �� '�t'�� date of dislwnement at ti�e Nae rae w�d ahall be �a}•able.a•ith interext,upr�n nMice from Lender�o Borrower roqucsting ��� <br /> �:;�,� <br /> - � .. . Ni►yHitiil. <br />-'•�z '` .�.;�•, �;;:.r°�•� 8. Mortgage Insuranee. If Lender reyuired mongugr in.uranrr uti A c��ndition of making the loun secured by this �,-� <br /> -�:�fi. ''� '�''�'�`"Y' ; Securit In�trument.Bormwer shal� � the uirec� to muimuin the mort u e in+u�ance in effect. If,for an <br />=„�.;),� ,,•1�J.'s.�.,,,- .;�t�,;:j-. Y �'-Y P y 8 F Y ��. <br /> ,,.,•�' : 17;L. reason. �he mort�oge insurtuice cm�r:age reyuircd hy Lcnder lap.e. or ceu�. tu i+e in effec�, Borrower shull pay the �t; <br />?'�'��f..�• • s -,mrti.•�;.Y�•'l:.. <br /> � ����.,a, r premiums reyuired ta obtuin coverage xub.r�uniiAEla: <1�IIIV:III'lll to �hc m�xtgage imurunce previouzly in cffect, at n cost E <br /> �t a, f, •,�,,a��1'.� . -, <br /> <+,�.�,t�.;.;.��h,��� 4 substantially eyuivnl�nt to thc cost to Aorn�wrr af the mohgugr in.uranrc prr�•r.�urly in effect,fmm an altemole mortgage <br /> ' ''`�� ��l'�, »+>>'•;';. ' ' insurer upproved by Lender. If subxtantiuU��equivatent mortgugr in.ur.�ncr rr�.s4�re is not avnilable,Bonc�we��hall pay to �'-�-� <br /> s��� �4�"�';�••�'���SS�s`t.,.., Lender eucH month a�um cyunl la•one-twelflh nt�hc yearly morlgage in+uranrc premium being paid hy Borrower when Ihe - - <br /> �.��'� }���''���' insurance c ovemge lupxed or cra.u�i t.a}x in eflcrl. L�ixkr will��..r�t.u.r and rrluin�h�,r,�x}r�ent+a,u lo.�reservr in iiau � <br /> <<. r � ., r tc', <br /> :..:�'� � K.�'`;""��fx�r of mortgagc insurancc. Lo�.rc�crvr paymentti muy nu longcr tx rryuircJ,at Ihc uption ��f L�ndrr, if mongugr in.uc�n�: �4"„- <br /> � _��;'. '��«�,�. x ����+ coverage lin thc amau��and for Ihe pericxl thu�Lcnder require�► pr��vidcd hy un in.urrr a��rovcJ My Lender ugain i►crome, � <br /> �?�,`�, . � .•,,, . availu�►ie and irobta�nec9.!Bnrrower�hall p•ry th�pr.�ium.rcquircJ tu muimain m��ngu�e insurancc in cffe�t,or to pro��ide a � <br />� ''��`� �.`�''••�'''" loss reserve.untU tbe rc�u�remem for mort a �inyur:�nce cnd�in xconiunrc �tiith ��m•wmtcn u n�mem be�ween Borrower � <br />- •r.,. ,.. ... i:•�� 1 � L�'�' A " _ <br /> �t ,.`i::'' ;:., r anc0 Lendec or applicuble Inw. ;.-,,. <br />:� F"• � �`• •";•�k'�` .�, 9. 9na ion. Lender��r ias a��m mu makc nu,onaMr emrir+u �n ;mJ in. rut�n+i,#the Pro r1 . Lrnder shali - <br /> .. .. 5 ' • ;4•:�::,;� . � Y I� Fk Fx Y <br /> �•� ` �.` � ,;';,,.�),;•Nt pive�n�•;n�°�er nntice ut the lime of or prior to:►n in,pectHm��xrifyin�e r�a.nnable rau.�1'nr nc�in+�r�ion. <br />�� ' �_��;^.'...��4 i 1Q�1. (�pnikmlu1Nn11. 'ThC j+����rr�i��if anr uu,v�1�v rl:�im tiir danu��•��..�lirrrt�rc r�m�c.vpumlinl. in���nnection with�my - <br /> �. :: •'.�": ` , <br /> , �. � �i�.�,'• ��, 5fepNFumily•�Faank�laelFreAdkMocl'\IFIIRN11tiTRl'11l:1T—Unnorm('menani. 4i9n ya�te?,��nry�kr�i <br /> � �'!';•+' '%f�#;G�, <br />-=, � f:;•';�•C �.na�L,►M�w�ne+n�NrnM.�n� ■ �- <br /> -�'t. - �. �.,�i�..ti. '�" .ei t To Onlc�Uf Ia1003.1LL9�3 O YA%fltK1914111 <br /> '):i.+:o�� -e <br /> ',".:�;� f t�:n`�����t�iii �';;�i: <br />-.��t1} �, ,.t,Utrr,�; � .. <br /> ��!Y1I, q�I�r�i :}'. .. 'S• �.}p�t , .. . ,in1•',. ��,!:n,.� 1t� - _ �••rG (�1'i, i��- ,. <br /> . ih. f�y��.�%y`P:,�,y., �'f�`°P�Y1RT*�*��i+i���:�1)-;�; ��f'K'�+,T`�� }T:'..jk�..,•��a• � r ��f1r.Y �F� �,:v.,cE 4't'!4'Fft•�F•9'�fi�, 1 '�bv . <br /> l 1 . . 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