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-- . :i' �l I •' ��"„" • ., . ____ ---.�?i�— <br /> — •��;,.;. . .. ,€ky .. � . . .a-4. . _. r ry..a . ..,. .. .... - • . . .. <br /> !_r.t_ .. .t. —_ _ <br /> _ . . �. , ���� �� , <br /> - -- _ 7'Q�7�it�Y17'N dl da impRwaeena saw a la�llar+eroaed a�the p�ape�ty��nd il!arr�neat�,�oa� <br /> �nd 8�tu�au�v ar haeNta'�►.p�tt af qw piapetty. Ap�+apl�aamenls�d additjoa��li�o be uo�►u�d by tl�S�out�ty <br /> . �IMI�11�. �OEI�R�01��f II�OfIb l0 jll�{�OpM'��1 j11�hqIRO�Y Id!�Olty r u <br /> • �(1W��V�1AM1�►fl�BOIfOw�lf�{VfY��y 10�011 O�d16�E dllCby COdYO�Od�hY l�101��1110`I�N <br /> pllt�COItVOy fb0 pYOQQty Nd t��10 PfOpoly jf{�Ia1q�Od.QxOEpI�Of Al�f�lOd�YOCOid. a01101YC1 Mi�11MA1�� ' <br /> wW delaAd�enadly t6e titb t4 the PtapaRy�aq clWa��nddam�.a�blea b aay�otrocotd <br /> _. —: ,_.� i�ii�SSt.`iiitiiiY iW919tt31196NT co�abi�s w�ittam coraati� tur uriiumd m�e �d �ar�a aure� w11G <br /> ,,�T�__—r t�::��.��z-M��.n Wn1�ed v�atians bY�ui�diqiat W oomqlWte a unifam�eauity i�aonuna�t covaiia�rod prapaty. <br /> UNIPURM GOVBNAM'3. Banow�er and I.eiider cov�enmt aad�gtpe u fdlow�: � <br /> 1. P�y�teat a�Pei�dpal aad I�tu+d�l;P�ep�lwe�t aMa 1.1te Gu�e�a, Bomawet sh�ll piomptlY MY whan dae tb <br /> --= prhioip�l oP and IMamt oa the debt evidrnoed by tha Note and my P�epa►lrment�ad We due w�der the Nae. <br /> --- 2. i�qadi ta�7Mues a�d lwara�oe. Subjxt w a�pplic�bk I�w ot W s written wal�Lader.Boanwet dqill pay w <br /> Lender an d�e d�y montdJY P�Y�►u�re due w�der the Note.wWl the Note ia p�W in tull.a wm("PYaid�")fa:(�)Y�f� <br /> tuces u�d�csesanaua which may ap�priairy ovu thio Seanity lostnt�t u�da�a�the Propaty;(b1 Y�Y lea�elwld <br /> p� or ground nata an Iho Prnperty. iP any: (c)Yeai9 lu�wd or prope�ty inRwar�ca prcmiams: (dl Y�Y� <br /> .-- i�pnmium�, if any;(0)Yeuly mat�e iweu�anoe p�.U say;and(��n9�P4��7��*p . <br /> a000nd�nce wlth Ihe providans of puag�pl� lieu oi'�Ae p�ymau of a�o�{�c iaaaance p�aei�wa�a. 71�e <br /> -�-, item�aro c�lled"F.ccrow[tcmc" l.eoder any time.caLlea aid IwW Fr4odt in an�ano�mt not w escaod We oa�iow�o <br /> '°'� amount a lendcr fa a fede�ally relRted mortg�ga loan may�oqui�e ibr Haro�wert es�cmw a000uot wid�x�hc foderal Re�l <br /> — Estau SeWernent P�ooedures A�ct of 1974 a�amended from time w time.l2 U.S.C.;2b01 et se�_l'R�SPI�►").wokss anotMer <br /> _= I�w ttwt�pplies to Ihe fiuido sets a tesser amoua�. If sa Lende�mqr.�t aay dme.cdlect aod 6otd finds In an unount not w <br /> `- -- - exc�xl thn Wner�mn�mt. 1_�1�m�y estimue the amoww ai i�nda dae oa We l�sis of cunaait dua aad rCS�Ona61e . <br />-.'_ c�nates af axper�diwre.c of futune Eccrow Itemr or otherwise In s�o�:whh ap�plica6t�Law. = <br /> , '[he Wrrds siiall be heW in an inaitutfon wbose depocits a�e insurcd by a ftder�l s�ency.uaa�rumaitality,ae a�tity -_ <br /> _ .. (ineluding L�ender.if Lender is cuch an instiwtion)or in�ny Federal Hame L.a�n Badc. Lender slull apply the FwKds w p�y -- <br /> the Escmw Icems. l�ider may not charge Bomower fa hoWing and opplying�he Fl�ads.annua0y analyztng �he escmw <br /> =�+.�',� accounb or ve�lfying the Esemw Items. �a�kss L.ender paya Barower latenest oa the Funds aad appliaiMe law penNts <br /> - k L�ender w make suoh a charge. However.Lender may roquirc Rorrc,wer co pay a one-time charge for an indepa�dent rcal <br /> :, �r estate wx rcporiing service used by Lender in cannoction wlth this loan.ut�i�ss applieable law provides otherwjse. Unkss�n <br /> agroerneM is m�de or applicable law rtquires intenest to 6e paid.Lender shall not be�equired w pay Barower any in�est a <br /> `:• d: ' eamings oo ttie limda. Borrower and L.ender may ag�e ia writing,however.that iatarst shall bepaid on the 6uM�s. l,endr.r _ <br /> ehall give to Bomower.without annual accau�sro.�of the PYmds.showiag credits and debits to�he�unci�3 and the ° <br /> :;;�' pu�pose for which each debit to the Pbnds was made. 'IUe�unds are pledged as s�Witi�aal wxurity�'or all sums cecwod iry <br />_-;;�., this Seruriry Insbument. <br />-:;,r;; If the Hiinda hald by I.cnder excced thc amounts petmitted to be held by- a�b1e IA�,Leader shall account w <br /> ��=- t<< �?�"�, Bomower for the axcess Fundls in aocordance wilh the teryurrements ot sy�plicabte t�W. 1Q t1rc ata�wn�of the Wnds luid by -- <br /> ���° ."r.�. I.ender a�any time ie not s�cni�ient to pay tl�e Escrow la�ec►os when dua.Lender ma���a nodfy Borrower in <br /> � ••p tI•tin � � �%J,�!.,'' � <br /> � ,- M s�ch case Barower shall pay w l.ender the amount nec�:sary to mnke up the def�i�cy. Bomuwer shall nwke up the . <br /> ���;�'; deticiency in no mo�than twelve monthlY I.e�Qe�r's solr.d'n�,retion. c <br /> '."T' •n':.'•'� • ' Upon praym�at in full of all sums secur�ed by�his Srcuriqy 1natQeamem,l.ender shall promndy refund w Borrower any _ <br /> f��-" Funds hefd b�Y.�nder. If,under parngraph 21.L.ender shs�i➢ecqui�or seil the Property,Lender.prior to the acquisition ar �.-_ <br /> ,.�,,�,,,,,;., .. ,� <br /> ' •_�ls ''�:ti�w.t , . ss�le of t9ie P�vperty,shall apply any F�nds held by I..e�bri at the time of acquisitian ar rale�s a crodit ageinst the cums _ <br />-- . t9 e <br /> ' ' a�cu�ed by this Security Insuument. __ <br /> � <br />— ^;�;� -� 3. Application of 4'a�aaents� Unless applicablc ➢aw provides otherwise. all payments receivod by Lender under —� <br /> - :•;;,,-;�-�' paragraphs 1 nnd 2 shall t►e Applied:flrsl,w atay p�epuyment charges due under the Note; emounts payable under = <br /> ""�'• ' ' ' 'd paragraph 2;�hird,to interest.due;fourth,ua pr.incipal due;and last,to any late chuges due under the Note. — <br /> 4. Char�cs; I.icis�. Sarmv:cr sh:z9t gsy� s!! t�xes, �.:sesssnents, churges, fines end impoaitiona ptf�hllfRMP �o tlx� <br />;';�;�� ��•' ,���''`'.�'""�` r Property which ra�ay altain pr+ority over this Security Instrument.and leasehotd payments or graund rcnts,if any. Bomower -- <br /> .�.��V � <br /> "l;--:� , ,:.{p}t-of�q:;?:i, _ sfisdl pay these obligatior�s�n C�e manner provided in pnra�raph 2,or if not paid in tiwt mwmer,Bomower shall pay them on �� <br /> !;� •,. . ! '��+��,.::� . �� ti�rte dit�ectly ta the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompAy fumish to Lender all notices of nnwunts to be paid under <br />- ,�'� � ��:�;,,� •, :� this paragraph. li Borrower makes these payments directly,Aorroaer shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing �'�'' <br /> �.�.��,. <br />,.��,.,f:,• �. . _ .; d .'' �'.: the a ents. E� <br />_:�,,;. � .� . _ P Ym �,_. <br />=;�,lr;r� ` ,'� � �.4.�;���'�Y. Borrower sfi�all prompNy dischnrge nny lien which has priority over this Security Innlrument unlass Borrower.(al agrees fR� <br /> in writing to the payment of Ihe obligution securcd by the lien in a manner accepmble to Lender,(b)contests in good 6suth the 4 <br /> -, ,� ` ' �=� ° ' ��• tien by,nr defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal pmceedings which in the t.ender's opinion operate to Q�cevent the �►,"". <br /> ^ ��'� ,�� �' `;. enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement ssitisfa,:tory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> - � "'° �`'''; to this Secudry Inswment. If Lender determines�hat any part of the Property is subject ta a liza which may attain priority �� <br />� ,Y ' � ���• •5...IL'. . _ <br /> � over this Security Instrumem,Lender may give Borrower A notice identifying Ihe lien. BoROw�r sh�17 satisfy the lien w take m� <br /> �� '�� one or more of the actions set fonh above wi�hin 10 days of�he giving of notice. <br /> �, ' �"'`�� ,���'.`' �.,',r S. Hazard or Prapertv lnsurance. Burtower shall keep the improvements naw existing or t►eres�fter erected an the � <br />'�- ��' f�'� ;�;;5;=;: � - <br /> iH►�'. � •��,,;:;,�:i,^ . . . P�operty insured against loss by f,re,hazards included within�he term"ex�ended c�>�eea_e"and any other hazards,including <br /> 'y9!� - K• �1y}t,r,;:� �'� �•�� floods or flooding,for whit�O S.ender rcquires insurance. 7'his insurance shall be maimained in�he amounts �ed for the �': <br /> +f . �.�'.!.:.1.�� <_`Sh��r�� _ --_ <br /> ¢ �.r}i..•.—_. 3" � <br />,�'f" '' ?'* �,+.1,;,' '!' 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