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i: � . .'.�� - � -- -- <br /> . 1: ���iu4 .t_...J. {]. 1 .� <br /> �� .� 4_�- ._ .. _ __.. . _ <br /> . ' ' .1',. h drr�•:YP� . -.. _ .y. ,�y�fl4�i-. ' ' - . _ �tC:c 2 - -- <br /> __�...._ _� „ � , � . � ' � .. ��- .•S'.�T —_._ <br /> � �� �I���� �� .. . . - !.�" . <br /> , _ __--� .. conda� AMr�McY1�d MY P�rt d dM tar aaNV�eYraae fu N�a d oaadaa►Mla��lwwb�)+wi�N�11 . ..� ,;- <br /> �I�n�e� a+w t�d.s d n»rFop�t�►.da �.n be ,�ppli�a a m.�amu�w.a by d�i.Q«a�t�r <br /> imm�M+�ea�.whal�a nat Ihe�dpa.wuh any arca� to Bono+we� fn dw evau o�a p�Wl tvci�ol dM�.#� . <br /> whicb da t,�h m+u#�a nuuo oP dia Ptopeiny y batara�he aikia�is aqwl a orp�e�te�qqa eb��a�ount d wmr � <br /> secyund by diit Saauity Inwuma�t lmmedi�tely bdaro tbo ulcin�.unles�Bartow�anA f.enJer dharwlre�tee io wdtlnj, <br /> - - --- - - v e6a s�eecu�d by thi�S�y Insnum�eball be xduced by tue emonat at 1he�ee�M multiplNd by!hs Ih!!owlna _ <br /> .,...�, nr�caoa: c+�)the ta�I.Maunt or the wmr�ea,roa Lnnaai.ra�q befo�e a�e u�a�.a by(b)da rair m�rkae valae d da <br /> ---- ------' Proporty irtanodi�toly bafa�c Ua adcia�. My ba�U�e tl�ll be pt�d to 8umow�er. io�ha event ot'�p�nlwl u�kta�oP tia �__ <br /> Piapaly In whkeh�he fair nu��ket v�lus oP tha Propaty intmedi�uely befaro da uikin�i�lea tluia the�mount of wnu <br /> �wnod immediaely befae dto u�icin�. unlea BanovYCr+�nd t�ender wbeiwi�n�nea ia wridn�ar unlw appliubk i�w <br /> whatwise p�ovldes.�be prneeed��hdl be�ppQed w d�o�aa�iecu�ed by tbis 9oeurity Iaatuaaont v�hetlKr ar�nt d�e wm�ab <br /> d�an due. <br /> If d�e Plqierty i��b�ndoaed by Honow�er.or if.�notioe by l.,a�der w BonavHa th�R�4e�aRrn w mdce <br /> +�o�wa�d or seale#cWm for d��w,Boauwet f�ils w rcspond to I.e�de�whhio 30 d+�ys aftv tro dve�Yo notice b alvai, <br /> �- �.eaaer i�autha�riaea ro oouoct.m apply u,e poceea�.�t i�ts updon.adxr w nes�«atioo ar rc�air a�'de Plnopa,ty ar to a�e <br /> cwm raou�ed by tbL Secutity Imtn�ot.w6dl�er ar not dien due. <br /> Unkss I.ader�nd 8omowcr a�hervri�e�groe in w�i�iq�.�u►Y aPWiatioo of procaeds a piocipal,�ll�ot eRlaid a <br />--•�, po�tpone tl�e due date of the ma�Nh1Y WY��eferted w in paua�nq�1 iod 2 ar change tAe aawnm oi snc�p�ymeau. <br /> 11. Borro�ver Not Rdea�ed; Fbrrea�woe B� I.e�ader Na � WMMer: Fa�k�sian of tbe �Lno f« p�yma�t « <br /> - � taoditicAdon of amonizatian d d�sums sacutnd by thi�Security Inctnoneru g�ankd by Le�der ro ary sucoessor ia in�aiest <br /> �_��p�r af Bormwer sholl�ot opemte io�e{ease the liabiliry of Ihe a�iginal Borrower or Boeowerk suoocssor�in iraaest.[�enda <br />-;u�;,���-.A7� sh�li nat tt::,r..quir..d ia �a�ce ps�ccdings aga�m�y�scr�.cot fn�starst ot�to t�latd tEme far�a _._-- <br /> othcrwist modify amo�tisatio�of the wms secwed by thia Security lesdutnent by rr.�son of any demu�d made by the ori�inal <br /> .:�_� Barower or Bonnwerk suooessors in interest. My farbearanoa by La�da ia exaei�ing any tight o�ranedy shall not be� <br />"��!� . waiver of or precE��de the eaercise of any rigltt ar temody. <br /> ;� 12. Syo�e.u�wrs ond A�l�as Bound;Ji�fint a�d Several I.iaWlity;C�-signe�s. The covent�wn and agroanent�of tfw <br />_:.''�r:, Sccurity I�t s1�U bir.rl uad ben�frc olae s�cessas and s�sssigns of l.endcr and Barawer.subjeit w the p�o�vi�iaw aP <br />-_��';� p�ca�r:�ph 17. Bormwer�s eavenants and p�cr.,�atents shalG !r:Joint and xeverul. Any Borruwer who eo-signs this Security <br /> lu+.�wument but does not eaocute the Nate: Qr�p is rasigning this Savrity Instrument only ta matgage.grant and aonvey that <br /> BOfMWC���IIttICSI I111IIB PfO�1C1ty UIIdC�lI1C�CtR9 Of tI1�B SCCII�[SI IIISlNOi�pl� (b)is not petsonally obligatod to pay ihc sums <br /> �.,�, -,.i�, secuRd by this Socuriiy Insdument:and(c)agcees�hat Lender and any other Bormwer rtwy agroe w extend.modify,fotbe�r <br /> or nwke any acaonunodations with rcgard t� �he temw of�his Security lnswment ar�he Note wlthout that Barowerk <br /> �, ua��nt. -- <br /> _r-;�.�� ���' 13. Loan CbaRes. If the loan secur�ed by this Sacuriry Insuument is subject to a law which sets maximum Ic�an __ <br /> --- :,�;-_ cl�arges.8!!�S�lB!I3tY L4�!!l8IIj�!!iG!'�lCtCa S4!IlBI l�1G IRltfGS!0!O!I!=!I4R!!CIl8lSG9 t4I�LYKL�4C!4�t Z4I�LClG�{!!COR.'2'.:Ctla!! � <br /> .:�'?•; ' with the loan eaoeed the permined limits.then: (a)Any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amaunt naessary to reduce � <br /> 2i��� •� � � the charge to�he permitted limit;and(h)any xums alrcady collectod from Barrower which exceeded pe�itted limita wlll be <br />,,�r'�.��;. ` � �funded to Bomower. L.ender may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under t➢�e tiote or b�r Rnalcing a <br />__:-�� h �, , ,dircc�payment ta Bortower. lf A refund reducn principal,the reduction wil!be treated as a partial prapaymem Wieho�K any __ <br /> � ��� +�.y prepr���nent charge under�he Note. °'" <br /> ';'�'�' A9, No�ices. Any ootice to Botrower provided for iro�his Security Instrument s'ha91 be give� bry delivering is or by - <br /> ��, � ��;j.,' E'"•� t�wiling 1)bJ�6fs�class mail unless applicable!aw requires use af another method.The nar+re s'ha00 tK���i�n:ctod to the Property �ti� <br /> � Ac�drtss or nny other uddress Borrowcr dc.ignates by naice to Lender. My noticc to Lencler a�hal9 �given by Frst class `._ <br /> � '�;:.�,'�.":a�. mail t o I.ender�addrr4s stated fie rei n o r a�y o:i�er address Lender desi g nates b y notice ta Bonower. An y notice pr�nvided for <br /> - ' �n tt�is Security InstrumerN AP�aft 6e Jceat+er�to have 6ecn given to Borrowcr or Lender when given as provided in thi4 't,.� <br /> � , -Y'.' psua:raph. ` <br /> �`- j$. Guveming L�w; �tieruniii�y. i nix 5ecuri�y in�uument ahuii be guvemed by fedcrai law arKi ihe iuw ui[i�e <br /> �a <br />-�•��'� �'��_-.:=�'• �" `� judsdiction in which ihe Propeny is locut�ed. ln 1he event�hat any pmvisian nrclause of�his Security Insarument or Ihe Note E <br />�'-�' - �","'�'``"�''`��`� conflictx with npplicnble law,wuch canilict shatl not nffect other provisioras o•i thix Security Instrument or the Note which can <br /> �'����! be given eifect withom the aanflic�ing provi�ion. To this end �he provisin�n�of thic Securiry Inurument and the Note are , �_'- <br /> ' .,K.�.�--'a ..�:^` declared ta be severnble. <br />-i. �. ,��v:.r.e�•.. ..:•.•.'W � :^-_ <br /> • . • - 16. Borrower s Copy. Borrower zhall be given one cunformed copy of the Note und of Ihiti Security Imtru�ie�, - °_ <br /> °� ' ..� 9 :. 17. 'IY�nster of the Properly or a BeneOcial Inlerest in Borrowe� 1 f all or any part of�hc Property or an}�intsTrss in �W <br /> ' d". it is sold or�rau,ferred(or if a bcneficinl intrrest in Bormwer is xold or transferred und Borrower is nat a nalural person) <br />° •��-�=�^,;:•, •� ' without Lender��riar writlen wnsenl.Lender muy.ut ils aption.require ir�-�rnediute pnyment in full ot'ull sum�stcure�by - <br /> `4~� ' ' �; ..�y° this Security In,tr�smen�. Nowever.�his option shall na be exereired by Lerufer if exercise is prohibited by federal�aw ag of �_=' <br /> . .•< ...:� " , the da�e of this Security Imtruraxm. T <br /> - � �"';�'�at: If Lender exrrcixs this a�tion,Lenckr.rhull give Bo�snwc�natice of uccelera�ion. T�e notice ahall provicle a,periad of ` <br /> �' ��� �"" not lexs than 3�days from the dat;thc notke ix delivered or muiled within which Borro�cer mus�pa�•u11 sum�secured b��this °-�'= <br /> �� �� ;_ l.' � J ,• Security Instrument. If Borm�ver fuik tn pay these sums priur to the esrira�ion of thix perioci, l.en:l:r moy invoke any �__- <br />_ �!� ������� ,:" remedies permitted by this Security Inurumrnt without funher notice or dern.�nd on Borrower. <br /> ' 18. Borrower's RiRht to Reinstnte. IF B�,rrower mee�s cenuin cix�diiions, Borrower shall huve the righi to huve � ' <br /> '-,: '.=�'_'..=`'---- catorccmcnt of this Sccurity lnxt�umcnt cli�,continucd a�an}• timc prior tc•thr earlicr of: �af 5 days!or surh othr;��criad u:; <br /> ~. ' �. ' .: �rt 3 Singlc Namily..Foxnk Mu/treddle�1ac('111F1)ItN IAib7RUNENT•-Unifnmi CovenrN� 9I9Y I/w�e�l oJ6 paKerl �% <br />._�i�-'71�� d 1- , �\}� � <br />-_+ (•i-., -�! - ���' � . . <br /> .�� �� .. . i;.. <br /> I{i1�Y �`t .�`�.'�'� �Vj. }�" <br /> .'� '.�t <br /> �"''��:�:�iv, : ;: <br /> ' .'�,, ,:� � - - - _ <br /> .�•. c,�'' r2 [. -� t�-- , <br /> '�,;��'�,'�;? ��': , . ��y�i.� tiI�`�'��•. .�24t!�%���° .,--. t���}�!Y�ati�c.11W�. <br /> ���� +). t�d.i �.S�r.h,, . . . ' � 'i. rr +5}t. . I '�'r.��yn��1� 1'.}•1l�:}��,.4��;, a; t,• ��l,' ��� t t ' .n :t � ,� <br />_ f�;'F - �� o-;.� , 1i��?/�'4:' : .. ._���ti;:..:,, .. .Q r 1. �,�}G,�;.�. •::��.� ir•':i. •�'•_���;_ <br /> .A' . -• � � n ,•� •S�;`•` [_'.' ,ti! i ��i <br /> . � <br /> ' . ;y` <br /> . <br /> �tE•� +,�d ` • .1�� �_r s... \',�'� 7• �. , � t,+ ^' % ., <br /> ���....�n`M15�?�.:.a. ..i.G�`.k� �.' �V� :�..._ -�- '�!ta.�L ��,� rj..�'S�ul�ciik.�r+�JC\ .1�.�v i�.At1.:�J1F��*!' <br /> --- ` 1yI _. " _ . P�►�°..k„ i, ,— _...-"- . —--`:�_�_-. " �T�?������.. . � t r �.qr�} . �,�+ '•-i�'r�;Y�C �r.- <br />-i - - 5 }�Y��.'4 „` ' ' ' • - � � • ,�'�� - . � - t ,�1. � . y�R.� (� -� �N a s�� ' • <br /> `���' , . . ri � �..' ..s �+ � n r � <br /> u ,, • :;�y� �;,t���,1+��ti��:` '�' . � . .����;J�, ..�.i+,t... sa�+ti��� tiri`�.4^:4 , �A, ' ' ' - •`- -.__X �-�' <br /> y 'j�g ..-- . ' -���i.:a}r. �►t�'-.�f":� S! 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