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., �, l�� � .4. .. � ��� ���•i.. -_�� .�.<'rn <br /> __�L._ ____ � - � � � 93�- . , ,. , .�s7� <br /> pprma�t.�nq►no lon�a 60�eqai�ai.�t d�o a�tiaa oi La�dor.if aacitp�6 i�aaae aoiva�a t#a�ba..�•.�.d iar tLe pe�iod. , . . <br /> �hM 1.a�delr requf m�)Pro„3ded b!►�a laaue��PPra"ad bY l�aidar�is bao�awil�b#e ad i�o�Wued.Dnrrawer rWl py . <br /> the preiqiYa�reqpi�ed�o mdap�a mo�i�e i�arioe i�a�Ct,or w ptovldc�a{ow r�ava yoW�e�equtraa�al far aAait�t . .-- <br /> i�aAd�i��oapnl�noe�►IIM Nq►�rWr Mne�aaM betw�a�s Hor�o�rer�ad lRadv ar�pp1lc�We lan. <br /> � 9.1rrp�Atoo. t�aeler ar ia.�aat mw m.ka te.�anb+a earle.w�oa,�oa ia�peaio�n or tbe f�upo�ly.Lea�aor�h�u siv�o <br /> —,� Natowex qoHce�1 the da�e of ar priar to an iropatioa�pedfyia�raion�Ule ca�e fa�Ihe iMpeaiva. <br /> lA.C�esu�M- The pooeed�of�ny�war+d or cWm for d� a aotmoaiae w1U�aay <br /> -- ooitddnertian ar atbet Wci�trf�r qA ot the itiopdty.or�coaveyaooe iu iien ai ooademwtloo.�to i�meby ui��ed ind � <br /> �-��r�.� �ull 6e pW w l.ada. <br /> — -- m tho arroat af.oatal akia�ot tha rmpeny.uie p►ooeed�d�l�ne.ppliaa w tne wms�oaaoa by tbi�sewrity la�wa�at, <br /> whotber or pat tha due. w�t6 my e,caa p�W W Barower. la the ievau of a p�rti«I ukiag of tha�y in which tbe tah <br /> m�ic«value af�be Propeity ir,nmodi�tdy befa�e tbe ukfa�g is aNal w or gnaitcr Ilan t[w eimou�t of the wrt�reca�ed by thi� <br /> Sep�rlty 6aq�unait ima�edlMdy baforo Ihe t�lcing.unku Bonowv�nd Lendcr otMawEi�e�ignee in writin�.1be wo��eaued by <br /> thi� Sowrity In�unaaN slp�ll be ieduood by the unount of Ihe praooedo mukiplied py the folbwln� firactia�: (�) the tdwl <br /> __ _ amoum of tho a�am� saured leimalint,ely bofm+e tMe t�ng�divided by (b)the f�i�muic�t vdae of tha Prapetty immedibely <br /> befon tlie uiking.My balwx ehalo be pvd to Borrower. ln the evenc of a p�u1iW al�pg of[be Property in whkh Ua fair <br /> m�rkq vdue oP thc Prope�ty ima�odiately befo�►e the tWdng is Icss thwn the Amount of�he suws sewrcd imriiedi�r beGnro tire <br /> .__� t�ttiog.4oEess 8orrowa and L,ender ottKrwise ogroe in wrfUng ar unless�piicabk la,r ahe�wise provid�s.Wa pracoed�dmU <br /> be applied w 16e sums sacMred by tAis Socurity Imc�ument whdher or not�6e sa�s+�r�e tbe�►dua. <br /> = If�he Propeny is�b�rdoned b�r po�toviMr,+o�r if.after natice by Lerder to Iiarowe�c�t tf�e condrnuwr offers w m�ao <br /> aw�ard or sdtle a claim for da�nag�s,Hoarowet Pails to respond to I.enda within 30 da�,�•s aRer the due the notioe is�iven. <br /> _ - - - - m L.ender is autharked w ooltect and s,�;;�:�Ree� its opHan.either to ratoration ar�r ot��he th+uperty or�o tba su�ot , __- <br /> cecu�ed by tbis Serurity lasaumenl.WQ�e�Peer ac�wt then due. '� <br /> Unlesa l.erider �ad Bomower otherwise agree in writing. any appUcation of pro��eds ta p�incipal shAll not exlad or ', <br /> poctpone the due dat�e oi the momhlx paYments neferred to in puagraphs 1 wid 2 or chang+��10++t amount of Fuch paYmeqts•. ' <br /> ; � �l,gon+ov�er Not Rdeasedl;���bearance By I.eader Not a W�iver. Extension o��,cr time for paymart o�th�uJ�:��tion • ', �. <br /> ` � of amoi.�tizAtion of the wms secur��y this Security i�strumeM grnnted by Lender w uny::ucoessor in intercst of Bo1�ae�ver sMoll <br /> not aperate to rekase the liability of the originAl Borrower or Borrower's wcces.wrs io interat. Lender slwll not 6e rcquircd to , � ,. <br /> T��,��' commence proceeQ�r,a�a$einst any sucoessar in intenest or refusc to extead time for payment or dherwise modify�norti�tion : , <br /> of ti�e sums cecut�+ii'by this Secuolty lnstrumen► by reason of any dem�nd made by the original Borrower ar Borrower's <br /> -��if� success�� in interest. A�y fo�+r�nce by l.ender in eaereisin� any right or remady sh:iY@ not be a wAiver of or preelude th�.�� , , ,� � <br /> --"�'�• ' ' ' ,✓ exetrise�oY�ny right orremady. . . ' ,. ,,, <br /> ='r` - i�,StMre+ssors eht� A+c4igns�Wound; JoiN and Several I.labilily:Co-slgae�.7'h� covenants and a�treeme�+us nf tQ�is • . _ . <br /> "���;,� t Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the saccessors und assigns of l.ender and�4anrrower, subjed to the'provisiatv pi ; <br /> � � paragra�h 17. Bomaw•er's rnvenants and agrezments shall be joint and severul. Any .Borrawer�wt�o ras9gas Ih6s Secut�ry <br /> "x^�� I�trumeryt Dut dces not execute the Nate: (a) is co-sfgning this Security lostrument onCy 10 mortgage. gram tind oonvey thet <br />'-':�;�-•e Borruw�;,r's interest in the Propeny under the terms of Ihi�S�cuvily Instrument:(b1 is n�z�t.personally obligat�d tn pay zbe sums `— <br /> � � :•��?t �s•.�, secumot by lhis Securfry Insttument;and(c)agrees thsN L.ender atui uny other Horcower may agree to extend,madify.forfiear or <br /> �} � ',� make any accommc►datMns with regard to the tern�s of�his Securi[y Inswmec�t or lhe Note wfthout that Bc►rnawer's rnnsent. <br /> 13.Loan Clwrges. If the loan securcd by this Security Instrument is.wbject t�a law which sets muximum loan charges, � <br /> and �hnt law is finully InterpreteQ.n Ihat the interest nr other loun churge� coUected or tN be collected in conneclion with the -- <br /> �; lo�n eaceed the permiUed limit+, then: la)uny �uch liwn churge shall be reduced h� the nmount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> � ta the permktec! lintlt:a�d(h)�sy�etm+slread�' co!lected fYOm Rn►r�wrr whiCh Prrrrd,•il�wrtnillwl limile will ht�refunded tn _ <br />_"i•jf. �r ^ `""''�D' '�� I Bormwer. L.ender may chaose 10 muke thiti refund hy reducing the p�inripaE ow•ed under the Note or by making a direct '�" <br /> •b+ t`yr:.�:.,. , . . � <br />��pa . '"�n',"`, tNt:k ; payrnent to Borr�,vt•er. If o �+efund redure� prinrip�l. the reduction will M �rrated as a partial prcpaytnent wlthou� any --_ <br /> ;. .. � :, �.:.r , �-_:. <br /> . , , prepnyn�ent charge under thc Notc. �:�_- <br /> ;;� ���� F_:�; � 14.Nottces.Any natice to&�rrower pmviJeJ fi�r in this Security Inurunxrn shall tx given by delivering it or by muiling �� <br /> ^ � " it b� tirst cluss mail unle��applicablc law reyuire+use�F another metlxxl.The notfce+hsll be directed�o the Pr�>periy Address �� <br /> �,'�"r.'':.ti� ' .. <br /> ��'�'`"t�'� "��"���� � or ony wher addmss &mower de�ignute, by nuticc lu lxnJer. Any nntirr iu I.endcr tihAll t►e given by first l'�AYS Oli11I [O <br /> ::� , .Y <br />-�.. �:� �, �"`�.:� ' ` Lendcr's udJresti st�t��d hcrcin or uny athcr adJres. lxnJcr de+ign• n��ticc t�►&�rrc�wcr. Any no�icr provided far in this �- <br /> � :�: •; �;_- <br /> �,;'4 • .w ;t� ��� '�•�:' Security Instrument shall t►e d��m��l to have t►ecn given to&irrawrr�ir LenJcr whcn�iven u.+provided in this puragrnph. _. <br />' 1�� ,i�•,"�;'� �h�' r�,: <br /> ,.:t,�,�'''' I5.Covernln�; la�s•; Severnbility. This Securiry Imtrunxnt +hull t�e ��wcrord Ay faieral law �nd the law of the ,� <br /> ' ?t`''} jurisJiction in which the Property iti kxateJ. In the evrnt tha�;�ny pravisinn ar cluu..�ai'this S�xurity lnstrument or the Note �� <br /> �.,�'�'� '�.��'�','����''"� I cunflicts with upplicable law.�uch conflict shull not afiert iNher pru�•i�h�m��t'Ihi�Securil}•Instrument or the Note which cun be � <br /> ,.•.,.;'t.,. � <br />' t '���.. i� ''' iven effect wlthout thc contlirtin rv�vitiion. To thi�enJ thc ravi�iun.of�hi, S��uri� In,trumm�t mui the Note ure declared .�-. <br /> ,r... . �;.; . 6 C P P Y - <br /> �" � ' : , .• :•, ' to be severnble. <br /> t. .- ���.:._.,�et���f+�'a'�, � 16.Borrower'sCopy.&�rrowe�shull be Qiven one r�mli,muY1 cupy of the Nute anci uf this Securily Instrum�ur. �'� <br /> •�"' S' ;;" '�'�{rt�;tijr�' °'t j Fam 3088 s190 ���: <br /> ., ����b; �,— � . � I Pp��018 <br />��;.:��1 �I f C ' :l:'n:• . <br /> ' �.. <br /> -('. <br />-� �� ;�P'':�..�:'�•}f'Pkf.�::.;:.�. ' <br /> # 1� .���4�`� .� i`�'' . <br /> ' ! iJ1��,�c `, <br /> �s� � :f1,���}�'Y'��,`~�y, �1♦������!� r� !^'�+ .1 �11��1�t���y`, '� ....L'.: . R � ;"rf�J+�� �f, .��i ':i: ,�.��. <br /> � { ! +lt �•ii,�,,it•�. � ti � �T' `i �+Rr, R,, i �1,'` {��'�} ri. J � <br /> ,\'.l.. � � 7k;' �� 1. � � tY •i�� Y Yl.i� ���t', � '-�iras.�oa.cK F. . <br /> �� �:cr �1' �'!' =?i�'��f�; .S i�,{�1 T . �,r�iyr r, � .. 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