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� , • ;' <br /> � �_��. �. _ •_: <br /> i' _ ..�.���_ ,r...�i,� ,� 1. - _ :. ..��-----_ _ __� . �- <br /> g�. i4�ll!'i"1 <br /> -J �� a. w�n++.r lrep�ety � 9otn�r�a.n koep t�o impmvan�Ti�AOw eaiafas a I�e7atte�r a��eotaa an uie <br /> prapaty insueod�test lass by Mc.h�ta�d� includad wi�hie�he tam 'a�tencfed oov�ra�e•aad�ny albe�bwuiN. lududlo� <br /> flood+nr floodina,far whicb Layder roquiro�lnwranoe.Thls iawtMOe cl�ll ba tnd�Nalned in the anrwrMs md far th�pariad� <br /> ifqll.emler n+quiro�.The lnwt�aoe carrior providln�1he Inwnaoe sludl Na clwien by aorrawer wbje�y ta l.a�da'��pprosd <br /> whioh�lu�ll �ol ba unne�raubly wi�UheW. u�K r.�is a m�tn�tn oo�o a�bea.e�.e. t.aider m�y.M La�der'� <br /> apkm�a6uin oove�qe ta pmtect Lerda'�d�lx�ia tbe Propa�y in�crn�noe whb p�r�niph 7. <br />_ A!1 hnuranee policle�s eM renemis e#ud! bs eecep��bk!o Lender�nd Fhell include a�tand�nl ex�rt��e clau�. I.r.�der _ <br /> _ sinll�wv�e�he�i�ht w MW�he policia�nd naiew�4.if le�i�requiKS.Qotrowu�luill promplly Qive ta I.a�der dl�pu ot <br /> �--�°�---F--�� �wid premiums ond rar.�wa!nuNoes.I��he evcnt af loss.Borrowtr sinll�ive pmnqN ndice�o the inwnnoe curier md I.ader. <br /> i�ender n�y m�ice p�r�utaf lors if aol mdo pro��yiUy by�. <br /> Unk�Lmder�xI 8prrower a�herwire�roe in wri�ing.i�ur�uioe pmcaod�siall bo applied to nxtoelian or rcp�ir of tl►o <br /> - prop�xty dsnuiRed�if�he mstaratian ar�i�ia aamomic�lly fcuibk and I.ender'�sen��ity i4 not Ias�enod.iP thc nxanuion or <br /> rr�i�is na�oa►namieally fe�rible or I.e�de�'c cocu�lty wauld bo lactened. tho inuenurce pra.�ood�ch�ll be�pplied to the waiw <br /> eecurod by Ihi�S�udty Incitument. whdher or not tl�duc,wilh any oxaes4 paid to Bonuwer. If Bomnwer rD�do�taa <br /> - = Prope�ty.or daa�nat ancwer within 30 dqys�naice fmm Lenaer th�t�he insu�ance rurier Aas oiferod a sd11e a ci�ia4. �6m <br /> I.�aider m�y colka tho inwranvo proc�eoAs. l.ader may uce�he pno�oais to nepair or r�estore�he Pmpert�or w p�y euma <br /> �oaKed by thia Secudty Inst�umetu.wlkther or oot tlien due.The 30�day period will be�in wAa�tAc notia is�iven. <br />- Unless Lcnda�And Barrowu otherwlsc agroe in w�iting. su� s,�pplintion of pro��eeds w principal elwll not extend oe <br /> postpone the duo dpto of thc monthiY paYmrnts rcfemed to in par�grapAs 1 and 2 or change the snaunt ot the <br /> under ps�r�graph 21 !he Pmpe�ty is aoquirod by I.cnder.Bornower's right to any irwuranoc polkies ar�l praooeds resduag tram <br /> -- �Wnwge w ii�Fn,pr�ty y�a,.ar ii�r+wyuisiilw�si�aii p:sc w I.eadee ta t�cxuat af tlsc smm seeured br tttis Seceerety l�t� ---- <br />�`_.� - ""- inunediately prior to Ihe a��quisition. `"- <br /> —� 6.Oacapa�.P�aa'v#ttoa.MaWen�oe aad P�+Waiioa o�'il�1PMaperl9i Borrower's I.o�a Applkstioa:l.e�holdw <br />- ,�,�,- Borrower sfwll accupy,establisA.sad use t�ee Pnope�ly as Bomaw•e�'�pcaneipal vesidenoe wllhin sixty days afler 1he ezavtion o�' _ <br /> _--- --== this Security Insttument and shall continue R�n�Y�a��r�e Property as �orrower's principal residence for su leau one year afkr — <br /> the date of aocupancy. un&eti-�R�roder olherwise s�n.*r�in w�riting. which oot�sent slwll not be unn�sonably withheld,or unless <br /> -- �_�'s� ex�enuating�x� �rxise ahich A�e beyand &►rn�wer's rnntrnl. eorrow1r shall not destruy. damage or impvir tbe <br /> `• 'fi: Property,albw the Propea}�.¢�n deterioratc. or rnmmit wa4te on thc Propeny. Borrower shall be in default if any farfeitwe __ <br />-���������'� actio�or praca:�iling,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgment couid result in forfeiwre uf ttH_ _ <br />�� v� �° Pnoperty o�otQieu�wise muterially impair the lien cmAted by this Secu�ity Instrument or Lender s securiry interest. Bomower may -- <br /> --------------��.� cure such a defa�Ot and rcim.�te,as provided in parr�graph causing the action or proceeding to he dismiitised with u ruling <br /> ������ ttwt. in Lender's•gaud�faith determination. pr+ecludes forf'eiw►c oi the Burrower's interest in the Propetry ar ather material <br /> � ��,..� ^��;;r,` . impairrneru ai�mc•iien cma�eil by tl�ia S�x.�uriiy i�i�t�u�i�nt or 1.e��c:'a sc�:uriiy interest. i3orra�cr shail alsa bc ia dcfar.Is 6c <br /> ���r' .... s..�n.t, <br />_;� � '�� . M �>(�•�,•. Borrower,du6ia�g the laan application process,gave materially fnlseue ic�:rccurute infomwtion or,tarzments to I.ender(or failed �,_�. <br /> :�»''xt ..-,��.� k''.' - <br /> '�• r ''�: '°i` to provide I..ert►?ec with any materiul infarmetion)in connection wjth V9n�Icwn evidenced by the Nuta. including.but nat limitod d,�:, <br />'°� �.��t�;. =�;�-. N�,representations concemin:t•8orrower's axupancy of lhe Fruperty as a ari�x:l�wl rr�f�ence.if Uii�Sc�urlty In:.tru�nent is on a ��:� <br /> .:,•�.��`:;•�'` L..+ Oeasehold, Bormwer shu91 cnniply with oll the provitiions of the lease. If&��ow� xquims fee tide �a ahe: �'operty. �he �":-` <br />��' } � ' le�cehold and ti►e fee title s9�aiE nat mcrge unless l.ender ugrees to the merger in wri�ing. �_� <br /> '�4 � '�•� � 7.Arotection ot I.entier's IZig6te in the Properly.If Borrower fails to perform the covenunt�and agroements mntuined in E:�. <br /> �' � �'�- ��� this Security lns�rument, or Ihere is a legs�l procceding thut tnuy significuntly affect Lender's rights in the Pn�perty(such as a �� <br /> � proceeding in bankruptcy, probnte, for condemnsMion or Fo�feiwre or to enforce luws or regulations),then Leadc�rtwy do wid �:.:, <br />��,. ;�puy for whatever is necesgary to protect the value af tF�e Property and I.ender's rights in �he Property. l.ender's actions may �� <br /> �=°��`�` include a in an sums �ecured b a lien which hai nori� over �his Securit Instrument. A nn !n court. m <br /> �,`�,,,� P Y R Y Y P � Y Y pP� � P3Y � <br /> :,� w}�=. � � rrasonable attp�neys'fees ond entering an the Propeny to malcc repaira. Allhcwgh Lender may tuke action under this�wrag�aph �� <br /> 7.Lender ducs not have to da sc►. �=: <br /> Any amounts disbursecl by l.ender under �hi� paragraph 7 shall bewme additional deht af &►rrower secured by �his R•�- <br /> ' ` ��'-���� �, Security Instrument. Unless IIonower and l.endcr agr�c ro other term�of payment, these umount� shAll lxac interest from�he �= <br /> � `�.'.` .P ��.�:. <br /> ,�'�,. ,,,�-���'-,..:F: • a��te of disbursement at the Vote rate suul shs�ll bc pa�ablc, with interest, upnn nr�icc from Lender to 8nrrower requesting � <br /> . ��.z: �. . ,h �� <br />. y''''`,,n;' ' Q b, PAy 8n`MoM�age lasuranee. If l.ender requireJ mortgage insurance a+a condition of muking the laan secured by this Security �'`'�- <br />- �`� , ��' 1' %� Instrument. Horrower shall p•ry the premiums required to main�ain the mnnguge insuruncc in effect. lf, fnr any reason. the ��. <br /> �;", <br /> S.y. <br /> �3 � .: ., morlguge insurunce covernge requircd by Lender In��es or ccases to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the premiurn4 required to �•�+��� <br /> . ���;. <br /> ,•�, � obtain coverage subuantially equivnlcm t+�thc mortguge insurancc prrviausly in effe�t,ut n r��st subs�antially equivalent to the �;�,,,z <br /> •b. ;w�?�%°' .. <br /> ,;.,k - i:.,,. �r� cast to Bnra�wer of the monguge insurance previouxly in effect, ftom an alternute mortgage insurer upproved by I.ender. If , <br /> .rr?�":�'.� •'� {�� cubstantiull �y 8 S F P Y �1 <br /> .��t'' ;}::"� � � uivalent mort u e insurance cover� e is not uvuilubh, borrower zhul I u to Lcndcr carh nxmth a sum ual to �.���;: <br /> ' `'``"`}''�'' '�'�•�`' one-twellth of the e.irl mon a e insuruncc remium Uein� aid b &irrower when thr insunince cover� e la �ed ur ceascd to ° <br /> _ � '�i,�;<`_-`.:�.r� Y ' Y � 8 P 6 p Y 8 p t::� <br /> t,r,_ <br /> -�=--���- be in etfect. Lender w�ll accept.use und retam thexe�.�yments ns u bss reserve�n lieu oi mnngage insurance. Loss reserve c-;,;,, <br /> 1,' '�. j,�:; <br />_ � ;�•� :��ti fam30Z8 8180 i��i�i;S <br />- • '• .`�����, i.1�.. Pp��o18 �_'�.' <br /> � `A,;�t. 1� i.... �..I, <br /> .�� . ,:�.;;,:tf;�r <br /> �� � , i,.,: � . . '„ <br /> :� .. , ,��:,;, <br /> ti`;dc� "�,��':. ' <br /> �,� .�-; ',....� ii�� <br /> ,��., d i <br /> ���� <br /> '`(',;� .,ti, a F., <br /> • ,<,.. . ., . t� Tf,�;ti;',..� ,,+v� _ � a �''i!:.;. <br /> _ . `''�' '�2. . �.•� �.. �•.� �., � . .�. �?,�:c`.'.:+;:,:.�•,' `�g;,, t 6'�%�.�.�1T,t' •.c .��.�� ,.. <br /> .i ;'i'. �.�(+ � 1., �� f�;..�i:,4'�i:,�i ..t u..P., 7.{�:�:�'1�F��� � .l, {;' _ ' _L� ���'��`• 'V�V�i Ni�; .v��`� ] <br /> � ` , 't� t ii�tY7`�'Gv ��,. :t�.�� ,.�.`.�'��� ;�;r;�f . , �'.. . F c . ' �, tn: � '�: ' �. <br /> j " }. �r. ,�.A �'t��� „ ...:, «4 � �,:., ' :.. 's. <br /> � �. ..{•rc �,���• .,�. . , . ��.. ;�� '� .til....;, � .n` .�_:.. �ti� , ��.�.:•. ,�..,.. <br /> ; i:/'(1�"3- � 1��'{''S':�';)i.� i` t, )Y� •� , iq;�l��l i.j�lt,` .;ti ��;���,���'•` :� f,f`� �t.r',�'<<t i d��.a �F. t�. `} <br /> _��� ,ty�, � �� ' k 1 ,� �'�'�"�. � � �� :,•. <br /> '.). _�r 4..yY`e:n...,' .mi j'� j 1 F �lf�t / Z' ��. 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