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— _ , .7�,�i� y� . . � .�_.v. <br /> �e��_ 'S � _. t. ' .._ _ . _ �. n. <br /> -� " '_'.:; :5 r� _ _. � � . .'.,..�„_ <br /> ,._,.itl_..-='. , , ., _ <br /> - ' 93- i�.s'�' ; _� <br /> H.�n�oc w P��w.swdld�l u�ar+a�t iN ar prt ot We P�o�peety or�ny io�e�ia� ., <br /> i��aW or ternsfe�emd(er U a irt�e�at b Aamwrr b wW or umsfemed�ad�an+o�dr b aot�dtursl paaM)�►ittio�t . <br /> 1,pKler•� prior rvrit0en oomo�N. t.eodet maY. �t iM qK�� immediMe p�ymeat in Nll oP dl �aeouaed by tii� � - <br /> p�y lawumeot.How�va.lhit option�ll oot bo e�oo�otai�I.aidor it asorclwo b pevbibitad bY�ederal la�v�at�a d�t� <br /> otgatpna t�eauNS►1n�tru�at• � <br /> tp a <br /> If Lo��der mcerclwa thi�opion.Ilndes�lad�l��ivo 8�trnw�er natiao ot aoodenqion.7be aotiue dWlp�vi�a pesiad of ao� . <br /> — lea ttaa 30 days fram�he d�te tl�e notiae i�ddivcsed at m�iled rvithin wfiieh Born�w�er mua p�y di a�m�ren��+od by Ihis <br /> sew�ity ta�t�u.aent.�r Bormwar r.ils wpuqr�hOSe wms prior w the apir�or�ni.perba.l�ada may iav��ny ronea�a <br /> -- � ,-�,�.,,� .�,�„ �� �war���qW�l�wrn�aent witt�o�u fnnuer�atioo or dwo�d a�Bc�i�war. <br /> !i. � to RRi�hte. If Botmwer meu� aataia oondi�ia�a� Boenoher �hall hwve t6o ri�ht to lu�v�e <br /> _-- - a►foroaneM of lhia Secudty Iu�pumaU 4j6,(�Ninaed at aqy time prior ta�he adier of: (a)S d,yc(or wch Wber pa'iad�ss <br /> u� af ale oa�w�fned in tbis <br /> .pplic�ble I�w m*�►specig►ror rclnanlp�qla) berao �le or tho �p pursatla �o+u�r now�r <br /> Saurity Inct�uma�t:ar(b)aury af��A anforcing�bis Sxud��tn�m�a�►.71wso oonditia►s ue Wit Hornower.(�)P�IYs <br /> Lender�11 sw�n which�heo would b� under thi•Socud�y Imuwna� and the Nae�if nu�ooele�tlon hd oxur+ed;lb) <br /> cuac�r d�Fault ot ar,q otbcr oovemnu or�groemaua:(c)�all apcnks inarned in enfo�ing 1hi�Seauily I�, <br /> Eract�d�ng�but ooa Limited t�.rasonabto attome}ra' tees:and(d takes wch�dion as L�endar tn�y�ab1y�oquiro to aicumc <br /> th�IAe iien o�'IAia S�curi�y I�cumem.l�ender a dshta in Ihe Prnpe�ty and Honawer's oWigatio�to pay tf�o suau sacuried by <br /> - - Wa Sa�ui�ity I�nnuooar clWl ao�t�ue unchmgad Upon rei�ctatement Iry Ho�nruwer. IU�s Secu�ity l�chwac�st arsd tao <br /> obti�a�ions acwed hereby a6W1�En Enlly afiective aa if no woele�tbn hd ocwnrod.11owever.t6ic rIR1N w ndocwto rlall <br /> nw �r in d�e case of'�ocsler,�tion mdcr paAgr�ph 17. rttl�t�s SeauiRy <br /> m r <br /> !. S�le ot NM�(.'la�a�e d'I�u Senlar. The Notc ar A putid iacmest io U�e Notc t�o�kr <br />� - In�uuaiartl iaay be pold ono oe mone uoa�s wi��riar notice to Bonawar.A sWe dny asWt ia a cA�ge iun tho atiry tl�ao�r�t <br /> � aa tho'L�a�nn Serviaer')Ihat oollaxs maMhiy paymems due under ihe Nata and Ihis Socu�r h�urment. 71Kre�I�o nepr be ano : .}. <br /> or more cl�a�cs of ihe Lo�n Servkxr umelatQd w a s�le of the Notc.lf Ihene is a 1he Lown Servixr.Hwsu+�er w�be, . <br /> -- � given wnittn naioe oi the ci�u�ia�d�s.:.x�tlt�k!�a�asr attt!appl� <br /> e l�ssr.�.'!!ce uatict rrf!!��r_R��; . '�.. <br /> - - — address of�de tkw l.oan Servioer ad the add�sa to which paymars dauW be maide.Tho aoti�o wW alto aonuio�q�'��ra:,;:�t`•�t;.�•:, <br /> inforonlion roquired by�pplicablo law. . .. � .��'+�. <br /> Z�. H�ando�e 5MbW�ooes. Boimwer slwll not cause or pem�it Ihe pnesenoo. use. dispc�wl. sto� nks�se��',0► <br /> w� <br /> Hazardoua Spt►�an�es on or in �he Property. Bormwer shall not do. nor albw anya�e elsa w do. amrthing �'ooOmMp itl�e`'� ':�=,.•��� <br /> Prqxny �tra is in vldatiai oi any F.�viro�unenwl Lww. Thc pocoding twu rentcnces cAWI not�p ly w ti�a pnese000.��e.�' <br />�:� stornge an It� Property of small quankdties oi Hazardous Su6el�nc�s tlwt�ra�enerally oeoogniiad to 60 oppropriMe W�ainv� <br /> msidential uses nnd to rromtenanoe oT�he Property. <br />���, Borrower shall pr+omptly give Lende�wrinen notice af r+ny investlgation.claim. danand. Ipwauit or dher action by"Mhy <br /> - governmenrol or�ulatory agency or private party invoWing the Property and n►y Hazardout Substanoe or 8avir�ooma�al�w <br /> _'�, , of which Bortower hac actual knowledge. If Borrower learns. or Is nwiFod by smy governmental or regul+�Mory aarFwe�;�.� <br /> any rcmoval or other remadiation of any Hazardaus Substance�'ecting tho Property is neoeswry.Bortowa slall pwa��edce <br />-.�� all necessary remedi�l•ulions in aceotdance with Enviro�n�enud law. • � <br />-- �-- As�a�c+� in�hin �,aragraph 20. "Hasandous Subctances' arc tt�ose substan�es definod as toxic or twauidous �u�.s�6y . �.:,,_� <br /> �nvitnnmental and thc following subslunces: gASOlinc, kerosene, alber tlptnmable or w�ic penolewn�mdu�. �a�aic � �� . <br /> ;� ' •pesticides and hefiicides,volatile solvents.materials containing usbestos or fornuldeh�rde.atd radioactive matenals. As usod in ';,:� <br />-_ ' this paragraph 20. 'Environmental 4aw" mcans federal laws and laws of it�e ju�lsd�ctbn where the Property is lacatod Ihat <br />`�"� , rcl�tc to or ernironmenta�9��otection. • <br />`?� ��� NON-UNIFORM COVENAN'6'St.�nrrower wid I.ender funher rnvenunt and agrec us fbRbws: <br /> ,;,.�•. • .a;�.. y ''��,. 21. �aeferntbn;Remedtes. l.eteil�c shall give notice to Rorrower prlor to oaderation tollowiag Borrower's�tss�rli ' <br /> - ,.; , • af any co�maat or �gre�ment in thls Securlty Instrument pwt not prlor to ncceleradon under pb 17 unksr <br />.. +�-'�.. ppplicable I�w provides otherwlse).The notice shap specifys (a)the default; (b)the actton req to cure t6e det�[q <br /> . ,,, <br /> 2 ..•�:��, (c)A dAte not lesg tlwn 30 dpys from the date t9K ootice is given to Borrower,by wbk6 the detault must be ca��nd <br /> (d) ths�t•11�wllure to cu�r the det�ult aa ar before the date specltied In the notke may result in acceleratbn�the aoms <br /> secured by�thi�Security 1►utn�ment aael�nle of the Property. The notice slwll[urther infam Boerower ot tl�q r�l to <br /> - �-:-�,,: ��:; rcltsstatc attcr acrcicrattae sed!he �ght to bring st c�ttt s�t�ore t� ��e�f thr nnn-w�lat.�wr ot o detault or aav d4er <br /> � t,..- defense of Bomovrer to accelerotton and sale. If the detaalt ts not cured on or betore the date specifted in tfie nodce, <br /> �[.ender� at Its optlon. may require immediate poivment in full oP all sums sseecuned by this Securlty[ostrua�ent wtt6o�at <br /> •,.,-. . ,:�.4�,, ,,;' Nrther demwnd and mAy invoke the powcr of sole and any other remedies permitted by App1kable law.t.ender sAall be <br />, _ . ,,�°. �. . entitled to rnllect nll rxpenge.s incucre�in pursuing the remedie�provided in this pa�raph 21,IacludinQ.but nat lii+a�ted <br /> "' ,a�� ^ t;, .,.,,:.,_,; to,reasunable attornr�s'tees and cnsis o(title evidence. <br />"' +�{;�r;,1,;;; It thep�►K•er�►f �le l� invoked. Tru.ctec shall recnrd e notice of defaull in e�ch county In which nny paut ot the <br />" � • 's':`.��`•',"•} Prnperty ts located aad s�aH moll copl�oi'such notice In the manner presc�ibed by applicable law to Borrower and to <br /> - ''� �,;, =.: , •� ��' the other per�ns prewri�ed bY applicnble law�.Altcr the time required by�upp8cable law�Trustee st�0�ive publlc notice <br />_�:�' �� ' ot sale to the Ner�ns and In Ihe munner�erescribed by applicable Ipw•.7'rustee. withnut demand on�3on+ower,shAll seil <br />:'; *",t _4�:: �. <br /> ; � the Property s�t public uuction lo the hlRhest bldder at the time and plum and under the termc desigaated in lhe notice ot <br /> ' ' a •k �.:� ��• sale in one or morc pnrcels and in any order Trustee detcrmines. Trustce may pnstpone wle of all or�ny purcel ot the <br /> ��•�� ��• ...., � „ Property by publk announremenl at the time and plece of any previously scheduled sale. Leoder or its desi�aer may <br />_,i ,. �.+�::,;- {� .� .. purchase the Properly at any sale. <br /> i� ;t '`��'��' '�'� <br /> '�!{+:k,`��;.�. �<'�,' •,,,: - <br />_ � .�. .til.�ti <br /> -;�n..�,.� <br /> .� : - ;,;1��i�`sr�,�•� Fatm 81D2� 9180 � <br />-•.�.�. � a�. ; '�� P�q6o18 - . <br /> ,�1•( .-,�if. � . <br />. ' i,,x :� • ♦• . , <br /> •� ` .:•`4=1;��rz;:: _ <br /> � ' �o-�. i"fr���i Ft� ' .: : "+� '� ��';(� �. s.�����' -- - e <br /> �i1`, � �y:4.�.r�' �'�:.5'�:�" . .}y:� , I !; 1,,,!(��11, .;:,.:,• �.u•. , .P .. 'r.c,� ;�L�. i. Y . �'„�,J�` _ .a�.{ ,F,'. <br /> 1.� P�:.`\•'���.1Y.1t.J�. � '�)4-:}� •.�� ��./I� {� 't�%'�y��� �$�' q -.( `��1 �. �] �- �-.i..y9 �{�<< �� �.I;�. ��. �1))�ff .- <br />-_•_:� k..�:;Ls�:S� `i;.^ �' v,kl�f {�t������{�t� �•��r v::�1. �`�ti'!F(�..rwu., J'i .�^, '�<�':. <br /> -- ----- — .u: .;��'�4�':��i1(�i�i.'nrt1SS;lIf.i_t:�.���� ���' ��'�Jo4�N��� a�• - ii �_�. <br />. ._.., --T=- -. -��.-�a- - -�— - -- - ; - - =_-�na••cr f • � � �—��:,_.,��: _.. <br /> �� 1 �5'� +�a 'u ..t' a' ..� rT . ."�ir �3�' f gy��,_,,;.T'��w. .`{, .5�i'�r" ;r • j���1,���:'•"�..n # t1,ii..... <br /> .� .���,al� .�. �p , � �Ld t�I ; � . . + y -+•',•.�' ;� ��j � ,r�r�.�.,,;_ <br /> �: ` '1jJ� '(�����' a ,1') -�}�"4�r�`R..� �yr:a• �'�����r7�',1�tlE✓��f,;, �J�.d �r.�7e� -.t� -1 �t' �',�.,�� ':.r�,r.. �cty ' ��p��,,.,,,�'�i�.*��i`. <br /> a`{ - �'�^'i �'G�t ��` _S�h,.1� A:('�+; 1r' • . .�� - '�V '�� •a f, 1 q°"+i t,• f �� + <br />- - - rt7 �w," '�' `;tr'<<�+R#�{�';,a,�` r: , ,' ,f..c�rj` 1 :�.,�;y` 1�i .j��A�� t�7! rt�;l� �aF.'�'IX �.y�+'�t1F <br /> .� „j .1�+. „ ,i� . .1�, � "t� .;�7:'�'�� �i t�.tive ,.r. i r �, i � r:"�,.-;;` 1 ±� ,�y ' �,��'��f61,y�t�. <br /> '�, +X�+�.� `.r� ,��'��,( e�isa•' t r -�� k) �t ' R' � � i� t k- �1- ' ���,��1k �P��NYYX'i;� � �� �1��� �'�.14. <br />,°.� 1�ti ,�• R,�f�.��� �. . �,� , r.' ,'�•, . . . .. , �, 1, �+ , t�'a v F � !���• <br /> . , �t -!� �",t. 15, .\ i�i �• 4;� ��r'Tt��'f��.� � � �j V'�,(:1��'l (�'�t„r<;'�.tY.`������f'�;L �� , r r� . <br />_ :. � � t � -` •'�i� "t �� � �`.� � . � l�;Y.1r.�ri 't i- f'.+�'{.?V����+rr <br /> ,. ��, ���..i . . `1��,?�"SSt��.+'^+ P' 1 . . - . •�' ��'!•:�f -i � ' ���ii..{r. .•'ni� J� ���� ! ti t <br /> �f. 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