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_�.�p .-t� � _ <br /> _ � � ' _— <br /> -- +'., � � ' ,• � <br /> �-�- � <br /> , � . ' - =- - <br /> _-- __..�_ 93- io�.s� <br /> moen�le wn'�+d�the�a�rove�aow a naa+A«�,eetoa on�he pupaty..�a v��sa�.�wta�.�oe..�na <br /> fixd�ne� nuw or baedta� • ppt uf�he pi+uperty. All �s �nd additioas tball dw be oovond by tAis Seauit�► <br /> Iaruuana�M.All ot Uie farsoia�is refared ta in�hL Sew�ity lnslrumaw a the•Propaty.• <br /> BORROWBR OOVBNAN7S tb�l Aanowar h 4i�lly wii�od af the a1Me heneby oo�veyed+uid hat the ri�ht to at�N�d <br /> oonvey tfio Propaty artd tb�t the Prape�ty is uaaxuaibaed.axcqN �ar a�cumbranoa of noord. Bornawer w�rnnt��ad wW <br /> defpd�anaally U�e 11tte to tho Prapaty�alr�t sll claims�d dent�ndt,:ubjod la�ny encumbtat�ces oi rocotd. <br /> _ _-�__ ._:,...__ � THlS 3�C'UR11Y 1NS7RUM8NT oombiaa uaifortn wvaaMc far nstiaW uzo md non-oaifoim oovw�ols with ILdtad <br /> vari�tiau by jurkdkyi�ro constltwe a unlWrm security inctrumait aavainQ�+I Wapa�y. _ <br /> �-��--___�-:_--_-_---�, UMFORM OOVBNAN7'S.BaROw�u ard I.ader oovanat and agroe as fallavu�: �, <br /> 1. P�,yMe�t at P�ICIpd aod I�tarMi P�'�P�YaeM a�d L,ste Chntgeo. Barrower�hdl P�PUY PoY wba�due Ihe <br /> - p�itrcipd of�nd fntanest on�ho debt evida�oed by the Nae and wry p�ymcnt md Iwe dwrges due undcr the Nao. <br /> -: 2.�t�dt tor Tuca sod Inwr�noe.Subjecl ta applicable!aw or to a written w�iver by�der. �om�wer shall paiy Ia <br />- LeMe�on the d�y mant6ly p�yn�aUs�uic due un�ler lhe Notc.until Ihe Nde is p�id in tLU. a sum('Funds')For.(r+)yeady twees <br /> ' and acsessmenw which m�y atWn prbrity over thi�Sixu�ity Inauumerd as a lien an tho Pmpeny;(b)yearly leasehald paymanta <br /> ar ground►cnta on�he Property.lf any:(c1 Yearly IwA�d ar prape�y inwrance premiums: (d)YeAr1y flood i�u�nce pnmiums. � <br /> - - - if any: (e)Y�Y ��S�o i�u�nce prcmiums. if any:and(tl any sums payablc by Borrower to accondunee with <br /> tAe prnvlsion�of p�r�pb lieu of�he payment of mongage insu�anoe Q�emiu,ns.7'�ese iceQU a�e cu[fed'Esc�uar Items." <br /> - Le��der ma�.al AnY�i�e.eoltect aad hold Funds in an amaunt �d to exceed tY�e maucimuat amou�r rr Pender foe a feder�ll�r �,:.. <br />- - relatod arartg�e Ro�n emy �re for Bomnw�'s escrow scoount under 1he�adenal RexO �s�rte Setden�erN Proc�edunes Act of - <br /> >a � 1974 as amndod from time to ume. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seq. 1"RESPA'/.unless aa�udher I�w tlnt applics to the Fw�ds <br />= — �a!�r srsso�snt.!£�. isssder tt�Y. at �ny timR, rnllact and hoW Frcd�irn aa ao�xmt not w eac»od the lesse�atr�aunt. � <br />_ -- I,eodc�rtmy cstimnte t�c ainount of Fu�ds due on the basis of curnent daui aa�n;.a�rtabA�rstim9tes o6 enp�mdituas of futurc - <br /> � Ezerow Itans or otherwise in srccordanee wf�h�plicablc law. _ <br /> The Funds shell 6e held in an institulion whose deposits are inwred b� a fedePal agency. instn�mentelity, � entity <br />_ (including I.end¢r.if Lender is such an institutiool ar in siny F�deral Home l.oan Bank.L��►�er shall ap�ply the Funds t�pay the �::_ <br />. '� Escrow Items. I.erder may nd charge Borrowe�ior holdiag and applying 1he�unds.annually analyzin�th;escrow account,or `�`ry <br /> . �`' y veri in the E.umw Uems. unless L.ender c Horruwer i�uerest on the Fursd1,arad licable law n2zits[.ender ro make such �- <br /> .. . :,�_ fY 8 Pay u APP P4 .,�� <br /> a chaRee. However,Lender may requioe Bormwer to pay a one-�ime charge Icnr aa� i�mdeaa ma!estate taz reporting service Q-_ <br /> � h ; �., � used b LetKler in connoctian with this lonn. unless a icuble luw roviclPS az6��+•'r.�. l'nless rn a reemenl is made or : <br /> , �.s �,� Y PP�� P 8 �'-'- <br />_ 'w�f ,� 4 applicabte law require� interest to 6e paid,Lender shall not be atiguired to pav 8orrowe�ar,�v unterest or earnings on the Fund�. <br /> -- •'••.��;f��'' • Horrower wd l.encter:c�av agrce in writing. however,thut interesl ehall l+r paid oro tQee Fhonds. l.ender�hall give to Barrawer, �="= <br /> '.,��;! :'r M� �_.._ <br /> : .: � without cfnar�e,nn aau�uai accounting of the Funds, showing credi�s And dk�bae: tc*a'he Fnaaidc And the purpose for which exh �_ <br /> ,�. � <br /> �}�;.,_- �__-�'i��.,�� debit t�tl�e��mis was n�sde.The F�snds are pledged es addi�i�+�e��ect+�+�y f�;i'►�um��ec����A hy thig Secori�y ln�ln�m,e�ut r.... <br />-,,:;;.,r •���;.� !f th�^hl�nds held by Lender exceed�he amounts permiueJ t.�be held by applicnble laK,I.ender shall uccount la�urrower <br /> �_t', <br />:'.;,:�, '�" ' .� far the excess Funds in xcordance with the �quirements af upp9ocable law. lithe amount of the Funds held by Lender at uny �,�.: <br />. ` "-'•$� , ,� time is not suflicieN to pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender may sa notify Borrower in wri�ing, and,in such cnse Borrower �-'�' <br />-'�;... ��; �� <br />^�.;�•i� �:�.. � .;�~ �^ shall pay �o Lende�tM;amcwnt nececsury[a m•rke up the deficicncy. Borrower shull meke up the defi�a�:rk�yr in no morc tf�n - - <br /> '�.�' xl ' twelve monthly payrne�os,at I.e�uler's x�lc discretiun. �:. <br /> ' j: � • �'P • Upon paymeM in full of all sum+ wcured by �his Security Instniment, larndc�shall promptly r+efund �o Borrower any ��� <br /> Funds held by Le�der. If,under paragraph 21,L.enJer shall ucquirc or scU�he Property,L.ender,prior to�he acquhition or sale � Q„�� <br /> ` •� of the Propeny,shall apply vny Funds he1J by L.emler vt the time of ucquisilion ur sale as a credi� ugainu the wmti securod by °°- <br /> ���. ' this Security IrWruatemt. ��^. <br /> —�• •{�s,.?�;7ti;,: 3.AppficAtipn��t�Poymenl.4. iiniex+uppiicubie iuw pnwid��iNherwi+c.uil payn�rix� �cti�riv�xi by i.c�kir� wn�r�{w�ag��pli� �r <br />;,ir� ..,��1r�.,V✓(�,y�. <br /> :n•. � R•:::•w�q,,:;,;,.,.•; 1 und 2 shall be uny p�pryment charge�:dur wuler the Ncxe:secinxi.lo :unounts pays►ble under p:►rugraph 2: 4.:;. <br />"'"` � � �'"�i;�'`��`;'=�:, Ihird,to interest due;fiiunh,tn principal due;and I�.tit,to uny lute churges due under the No1c. `�� <br /> -°�- n `� ��� Iik:il �_^_. <br />`w{�� �+ l`�;"'� ;`� 4.Clwr�qes; l.iens.&xa�wer xhull pay oll taaes, asxessment�,chur�;e+, tincs and impositions ottribuwble tu the Propeny �� <br /> � �;�,� � • ��i which rtwy uuuin prio.-iiy over this Security In�lrument, and Icu�ehold paymem� or gmund rents, if un}•. Bcirniwer shall puy <br />-�ii��f ':�!;i• ,�.{;f�a:";r,,:. yY> . <br /> • .,,. , „ Jjt�.�; these ohligwions in�lir manner pmvided in pnru�raph 2,ur if nut puid in�hat munner, &►nower rhull pay chem on timedirectly �� , <br /> � .�f�a,�,,.�•'•'�,. tu lhe perutn��wetl pi►vment. &irn�wer tihull prnmptly furnish to l.emier ull nutices of umc.un�s tn be puici urxfer this purugruph. • <br /> �;�i` '�;�i,y�'� � <br /> ' ' s;',;:,�ti§' ,��• If Bnrrower mukc�ihck paynxnt�direrUy,Borcowcr�hall pri�mpdy furnish tu l.rnder mrei�ts eeidzncing thc�ymentx. <br /> '� t�f}fi °��� BormW-cr hhull rom U div�har�un licn which huti ruirit uver thi+Securit In��rum�n�unlcss Bom�wcr: lul a�re��+in ��� <br /> '�,��".� a(.,,��1�. � '��' a, •^�' P P Y �' Y P � Y Y b <br /> . d.1,.,�,,�i�. <br />- • ,� ,_nt rY�,4 writing to the payment of the ohllgutinn kcunJ by Ihe lien in u munncr ucceptuble t�►l.cnd�r: (bl comcstc in g�xxl faith�he lien �__ <br /> '-`'' � b ar defenJx u am.t enf��nement of the li�n ia. Ic ul rix��wlin + which in �hc�er'� o mion �� rute to revent Um � <br /> .�1z,,. :���if ; . Y• 8'� � 8 P S• P� ?� P �:< <br /> ;: �.'l,•..�-+�� enti�reemem ol'�hc licn:or lc1�«urr�Prum the h.�ld�r��f the lien on agrcrmcni s:�ti.l'a�i„r� to Lender tiuM�Ninating thc licn tu - <br /> �. ,1;.}.,�:,� <br /> -`'`��� '��;(E;.:4�j,'�t��;:� this Sucuri�y Intitrument. If I.endcr�le�crminc.that uny pun i�f che Pn�pcny iti+uhjcr� a� a licn whirh nwy au�in rr6.�rit}•over <br /> �iJil'. �,�C?r;, <br /> �t� , .•� :j.,..;.^.��� this Security In�trument.IAnder muy givr BorroW�er a�N�tice idemifyink thr licn. &irrow4r shull nu�isfy the lien or�ake one�►r <br /> �.. <br /> t; '''"-=r��----- nxi�eoftheu�t„u„,ctfu��{iub.wewithinl0day�ot'thc�ti�•ingofnoticc. �, <br />_ :;n.� � ,.��` . Fo.m 3oze eroo <br />-. � �`�� '`'�.�,,���,�� q,4.�a�e �,' <br /> ��� 'r� ,'.,.'}����: ;. <br /> _ :,�;�`,t�;'- �i; <br /> r .Y , � .. <br /> i i�� i I '.{' <br /> � a��.. �1yC�. <br /> � ,'S4� �`� � r� ,�.. ( z..f� . ^ ,. , �/�q, <br />..� 1. �'�" .��{ ���h' � �.�• •.i.,:1 .Yj"M{ ��� �i �,,..� (.��1 .�'�1 ���l u .7y�� ,}{,1��`'.�/�,/.`c:i' � � '`.i ��_,'� :I • �1!'+��'�`�� �"•'�,�.; <br /> ��,:: .� rI�'� ,Rt,'f" ' ' t ,rl, ie' ��1 1 - c�•. ,�. <br /> '.�. ,�,{° � 5��' l i,, i(�� :it�' ( tF 1,�," ��, �r �i � t ��C{'`� T � 1�, �4 <br /> '^i:d:'I���t�'<} .....ia,� .�'L'�. ..1:�1` !'t' '�4is������j!.'.iA}(+{}'y1 . �t�i p}�� T,jl,/�tt .�•. '���y`.� r:,�.SS t:r '�•,� ��. � 1r � ���Q.� �'d��1•;....._, <br /> t�l�{,�. � C�x •..`. 'i.�v'�i:'.��a.S��.t4�';��f�jya�r_ �S(,�� 'l;r• ,ft:�'� .:�1`n'� J�•. 's�� '�\Yi. � t� ��n .�ylY k'-�.. �� �5�,}{�{J('��)�Y�. � ���.�( _ <br /> 4_ r H�L�i�#�lf� r ;'1 ��t��. ���r�; ;{�p i{':.9 ` . �." '�t ).�\:l'I '� i�7`�1(�;4L �.1. <br /> --- — `' '�.;r,,,1.•.N � "11�1� �1:�.t,¢t;h.l�� r,.•::i,•uLiu.u�' ..J:n7•j,.__�.a-- <br /> ��-�------� - r-=--�----.-•�-�-°--•---.�--� , ns.-�-�--�*•.r--•�-,.•---,�r-� �sr�:+,�-; <br /> v ;: � :�'i:j".4 � - � - IF���� t.���` • - . 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