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,. �'JflLY�i�F"'al �. . . - � �• �' r' n ���� "� 1 '�r"- <br /> � ' , ��� � /. ' ., <br /> I a. �«r!w/�fy Y�wrro�. coerow� �Iw� ke.p d�e laApnareme�w .ow e�,�or a«e�diec aroa�e oa eu� � ,� �. <br /> --� � PmpatY iMUrod�iaM la�6y tlre. b�wd�inclu0ed wildin llie tam'�twdd a��e"Md wy adar�.i��o W d i� . . <br /> � twoa.o�tbodfe�,tbr wid�l.�d��'��sn�noe, Tl�i�ln�u�+a►oe�11 be m.muiu�a M.tua.oioun��.a ror a�priar <br /> .. WM l,�tl�r�quiro�.71a lo�urwa c�Mkw pnaM'Idiq�lhe iawrnaoe�lall be d�a�a�n by Hui�ow�Me6Jec�t�o l�a�d�r�a�ppnv�i . . <br /> . whid� dMtl�at be unrew�mWy wkhA�ld. It�nnw�x Ikih to m�int�ia aover�e dorcrlbed+ibove.La�det aMqa�t I.wder'� <br /> � cptkm�a6tdn aovo�e w praect La�'s d�hu In tho Propa�ty in a000rdmae witb parn4ap�h 7. : <br /> AU la�u�anoe policie��nd nenewal� ah�U 6e aaoapu6b m lader and vull ialudo��d mo�tp�g,e clw�o. Laider . <br /> _ _- - -- �h+�ll luwe�be�I{bt ta fiold Iho palida�nd�aiewalo. lt Lader roqnircs�Bomnwer�II pronqMlY�ive to t.a�der dl reodpu ot . <br /> - --- - -- - P�P�iums�nd miowel notira�,iM iha evant M Ic�.�.Aon�nwe�vall=ive prno�t uotioe to�ho i�umnco c�r�r�et wnd Lendir. <br /> Laider mqr tn�t�e p�oof of law if pat m�de promptly by Batrowar. <br /> UNea I.ender nd 8otrowt�othawice�roe in writit��inwwnoe prooeatlf sb�ll be appli�d to t�tanMlon or ropeir of�ho <br /> Propc�ty d�m�ed.if the rostonWon or�epair ic aoonomically fe�ible and t.ender's�ecurity is not IocKOnod.lf the neww�oa or <br /> rcp�ir L not aotamically fiatiblo or Lenda's sxudty wa�W be lesnecned.tbe im�urneoe proceecb s1Wl be tpp�lied W dAe am� <br /> cxumd by this Savdty lo�tn�oaeat. whdht�or aot �Aen due. with any excas�paid to Bonower. iP Rorrower�odorn tbe <br /> Pro�erty�or doa�not a�ncwa witAia 30 days�notioe from I.aaikr tiw�he in�u�anoe carrkr lws of�erod w:eule�d�im.tha <br /> L�ender m�y oalbct Iho iosivan�e p�oaoad�. I�ender m�pr ute We Qrocaed�to ropair or natone tha P�pty ar w prqt suma� <br /> �enQOd by thia Socurity Insaumrnt.wbell�et a not t6a►dua.Tl�e 30�day poriod will begin when the nolko is givea. <br /> .- Udess Lender and Boenwer otMwise q�ee in wridng. my applic�tion of procoode W pri�cipad shall not oxta�d or <br /> po�pme the due d�to of the motdhly p�y�mfernd to in p�raphs 1 and 2 or chwngc tbe amount of lbe�. If <br /> unda��aQl�21 Q�e Propnty ia aequirod by I.rnder.Horrower'�rigbt to any i�uranoe policies and.�Kacqeds�re �n� ftvrn� ' •� , <br /> - -- - elx�e to tl�s�pr�or to tts�acs�tis�tioa s!�!!�to Let:der te tles rattent of tlie sum�x�.+re�!bp'�tl�is•Se�restlty:��}�x �• <br /> � ----- -� irm�li�tely prwr to�he ooquisition. <br />',` 6.Oecup�a�y.P�+e�rvatiw.Msintenanoe And Prote�tbn ot tk Prapertyi Borrower'a Loaa A�pO�xaGi�ra;II.c�olde. '� <br /> Borrowcr slu�ll occupy.cstablish.and uso tbe Property�Barrower's principal�+esidenoe wlthin sixty days a6ter e9�•exxut�on�f , <br /> �_ —�-� � this Security Inswment and alwll mntinue to occupy �he Property as Borrower's principal rosidence farr at le�9t ane ywr aiRer <br /> ���;.�s the date af oocupancy,unless L.ender ahenvise agtees in wrlting.which consent shWl r�ot be unreasawbly witllbeld�or unleas <br /> - — extenuating circumetan�es eaist which arc beyond �rT�o�ver•s cantrol. Harrower shall not destroy. darn�p�e or impair the <br />� " Pmperty. aliow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall bc in dcfault iP any forfeiture <br /> �: <br />_ ection or pmceeding,whether civil or criminal. is hegun that in Ler+der's good faith judgment could�dt ln forfehw+e of the <br /> Prupe�ty or aherwise rtwterially impair the lien created by thi�Savrity Instrument or l.ender's secu�3ry iaterest. Borrower mpy . <br />- ' curo such a defautt and reinstate,es providerl iat paragnph 18,by causing the action or proceading�t�m be dismi:ssd with a ruli� <br /> ,, �Ihut, in Lender's guad iaith determirwtion, precludes forfel�ur�e of the Borrower's interest in tho Property oc athcr mutlrinl , <br /> -- �,;,; :.:.�ai:rt.c:tt of�t:�:. li..-r: arr;�r� b}•this Sxudty Instru�.:..;.t or i�crsdcr's r�ccur':iy intcresi. Sarravra shs!! alsc �c in ikf�sf!!9f <br /> • �g':+�``=f• Burrnwer.durin tbae loa�o A luation rocess, ove mat�zaall false or innccurnte infonnation or statements to LenQGr(ar f�iled <br /> �; R !�S'�' P 8 Y <br />"�;t�`' �� tu pruvide l.err�der with any muerial infom�ation)in conr�eciion with the loan evidenced by the Note. including. but not limited <br /> " to,representntir�ns conceming Barrower's occupnncy of the Property a.A ptincipal residencc. [f this Sccurlty Insttumcnt is on a - <br /> � lesuehold, Borrnwrr ahall comply wfth all �he provisinn� of the lease. If Borrower acquires fce Utle w the Property. the <br /> leu�e�old and the fee tiNe shull aot merge unless I.ender aga�:es ta the merger in writing. -- <br /> � �,�:,�. 7.Protectian ot I.ender's Riqhts In the Property.Ufi sornower fail�to perf'orm the wvenants and agrecments rnntained in _ <br /> this Secu�ity Instniment,or there is a legul praceudin�thut may significanUy nffect I.ender's rights in the Properry (such�.s a _ <br /> �"�ti "�±� ""'• prnceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnat;nn or forfei[ure or to enforce laws or regula�ic�ns;,then l.encter may do nnd _ <br /> - pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of ihe Property nnd Lender's righ�a in the Prapetty. L.ender's actions may - <br /> ' _� <br />� -- : i�iauuc Fiayi�lg .uiy auu�� x�u+�tJ Ly a iicu wi�i�i� iia+ N�iu�ity UYCI ll�in .^x-�.u�iEy f�ui�uult�it. wN�i��g iu ��1sil. pdylflg " <br /> _.�;,�':.� - <br />_,.,,`__��, � rea:nnable attorneys'fees and�ntering on the Propeny lo nwke rcpaiB.Although L�:��3a�r may talce ac�ion nnde��his peragraph _ <br /> ,;� 7.l.ender dnes not have to do sa — <br /> .,�4.v..�".t�. <br /> ;;.;..� ,�i` Any ntex�unts disbuned by l.endcr undor �his para�raph 7 ,h:►!1 becnme additional deht of Banower secured by t�is -- <br /> ;..�'. �,�•,�• :: .. Security InFtrument. Unless Bormwer and Lender agree tn nther�erms of payment. these amount;s�iall l+ear interest from the �.*. <br /> �` ,� - datc �f dislwrsement at �he Note ra�c aai shull t+c payaMc, with intcrext, up�m n�nice from i.ender tn Bormwer roquesting � <br /> •�.r �`.,'�". ,. , payment. <br />'�. , � "�- "' 8.Mortgage Insurancc.Ii L.endcr reyuired martga�c insurunrc�.�u conditi�m uf nwking the loan scrured by this Securiry -" <br /> =:_,, �, •>�; <br /> 'r• ��'� `:•;'�'����l Insirument, 8���mwer shull puy thc p�emiu+m rcyuireJ to muintuin Ihe mortguge in+uran��c in �11'ert. lf, for uny reason, the - <br />..-.;, :�+w+t.�!�►�;'�.�: r � <br />;;.�:__ ,, -� ..,P,•�;,,�i�ti�< m�+ngage insurunr,cuverage reyuirctii hy Lender lupses�ir reatiec io t►e in effitit.&�nuwcr.rhall pa� �he premiums required to __ <br /> "'�'-' ' "'-ti�-�,%•� � ' obaain rnvernge suhvtantiully cquivnlcnt lo thc rrxmgugc insu�nre previously in M'fec�. a�a r�►st aubtituntiully equivulent to the � <br /> -:: �-�5.}T F ,t.: _. <br /> "' ��',� ', � mst tn Borraw•cr of Ihe mohgage insurunce prcviou�ly in eff��t. fram s►n ultemutc murtga�ze inwrer appmvcd by l.endar. If <br />�),`�v. � �''•ie' r;•vs <br /> ��1;.'��,_�.{}�� , suUstantially equivalent monga�e insurance coveruge is nut uv�ilable,&irrower+hall p•ry tu l.ender cach mooth a sum equ�l to � <br /> �'�'�'� ''t�',`•�'%�;� � une•tweffth of thc veurl mon u�c in.urrr�c. remium t�cin aiJ hv &�miWCr whrn thr inwranre r�wrr.� c la sed or craseJ t�n �v <br />::,',: ;i;;,� �,��;::r " . Y F b P F p � p <br /> ';,,:, be in efieti. i.e�Hkr will;M:�cpt. u�r u�xi�etai+�ii�ese paSmaNa u� a iu., �eae�vr iu li��u uf unrrlgag� ioaunmce. Li��, rexrrur °- <br /> •;/. �' •;;';.f,, Form 30Z8 919G - <br /> � .�.�'. , r,a,a a s :r <br /> ��. . f <br /> . L <br /> ' ; �.;:,.- . "+*�- , ii..-dsal,�cr„rr.rRaw+is„�,�s,�'I,�;:r'`�'�N.�iw�1;' , ., _ _a �_. <br /> �� � � � � !.�' . ' �� , .. ° � . ... . . 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