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; . . , <br /> �.. d . .�� � <br /> :r..�:y„ ' s�.,r.: d " . • . , . .. • ,,. . , . . • .'�w� .. ... •.,--- <br /> a`• - <br /> . piqra�eats nrY ao Ip�ar be t�equirod. M t1M qMlan aP I��it�aa�el�e iaw►�ao�a aovet�e(ia�he��pount aW far Iliisa padad ', ,S. <br /> Nwt i�dec a p u M al Pr'm+id�d b�r�n ia�'°ror�ppr'°'�'°d by�°nd��n��vail�ble�ud f�a6t�ina�d,Aoa�owar�h�ll pq► . . . <br /> _— d�O p�a��hqyind b n�Wais�yye IaNUma�e in�1'ia.a to p�miWe s fa�ro�erve�uMll�ho eeq�lnmoat tw�nay�: • �, ,.. <br /> bwrro�s s�dn in�000idwv�iNidi M,y rrripe�a�p+ea�aient batweee 9atv�et�ad Lender�a'�ppli�blo i�w. ;, n, <br /> !. i�.l�rdar at ip apr�t m�y w�1ce res�on�We a�trl�e�rpoo Md ia�p�ctiaor of dr P�ape��y.L�etlar iW�� ' , <br /> Bo�t�war 4otfoa at the�e af�pio�a�a�ta�pection�pedtyi�y reroa�bM cawe fo�Ila�p�tio�• . <br /> 1�. CondeMrNo�. 71a pro�ead� of any�w�rd or d�iaa tar d�er.dirxt or ca�wquNMla�. ia ooae�eclbn�►1tY� <br /> — aondaa�nation ar a�l�qicia�ot'� {wt of the�ope� P�wavo�+�fa lk�t d�.�r��y��a�d - <br /> �II be p�id to L,ender. <br />_ � �.�.�~ Ia tlee evm�t of a tad t�ki�of the PrnpeMy.tha qooeedt tiWl 6e�pplled to the sam�aau�d by dds 61�eca�ily InMn�r�ent� <br /> wbatha or not N�a�duo, witb aay e�cass p�id to Bor�maer.In iho eva�t ot�p�ati�l ukia�of the P�+npaly i�which tMe t�ir <br /> mvket valuo of the PmpGty immedi�taly bofa�e tho W�ia�i�aqud w or�eater tiu�n tha unoud of Ihe aima rea�red 6y thi� <br /> Securiry lampment immediuely befom tho tuldng.unlew Botroww'wd Lader otharwice tgroe in writl�.lho wms tecurod by <br /> thia Seat�ity lnuuument siuill be redaoed by tbe�unt of tLe�+ooeed�t�lUpliod by tbo fallawit� fhiction: (U tha tat�l <br /> Anw►uM of thc cuma�a,w+od ima�edi�Rd�►bcfam Ifie�.divided b�r(bl the fdr m�rlcet vdue of tho Proppty lmmodWelY <br /> beforo tbc tddn�. My bW+tace slwll Ea pid b Bonuwer. la 16a event af a putial t�kin�of tho Propaty in which the fdr <br /> �wrka value of the Propaty imaaediatd�►bef«e p�e taJci�is Qa�t1m the�naunt of�he aun�sa:ured irmnedi�tely beforo the <br /> takiog.ankra Bwruwer ud I.ader a�hervise�gree in wridug or ualecs applicabte Ia�:�othenvlce providea�tho pio�xedo�all <br /> be�pplied w tl�c sums socurod by�hie Socurity lastn�me�t wMha or aot the a�ms ara then due. <br /> !f the Piropaty�is ab�anda�ed by Borrower,or if.afler naiae'��v Le�d�r w Bonower tfNt the ooidemoor.ofias w rrWce aa <br /> aw�d or �ettle�cl�im foc dam�yes. Barrowa fails W nespond to I.a�der witl�in 30 days�fter the date�notice ie �iven. <br /> _-'_—� _ �.T.-�.�- I.rnder!s authorlrsd to cQ91?�rk aad apply the procoods,Al�[A OpN011,dd�er b�atoratlon or�pair of t4e P�o�ar to t6o auat <br /> •,','�� teqirod by�dis Savd 1 �+rt�etber or not then duc. <br /> =�:;��5,a,� �Y �Sm�wn�lt, <br /> ��= Unlesr Lende� and&•rcov�er�awise agree in writing.�y�pplicatloh of procrads to pr�neipal clwll not acWd or <br /> . ,postpone t6e due datc of t6r�m�mthly poyrnrnts nefene�to in par�grapha 1 and 2 ar change the amount oi such paym�nts. <br /> . . 11. Aorrower Not Itelea�ed;�orbe�rana ���i,eAder Na a Waiver.Butension of the tims for pa�yment m modifk�tloa <br /> of amorti�ntion of the sua�.�seet+ted by Ihis Sexa►�iey]nstrumemt granted by l.ender to any suca�ssor in i�e�st of Hort+ower shWl <br /> not opera¢e to rela�se the liabiliry of the originol Borrower or Homawer's sucocssors in interest. l.ender slwll not be roquirod W <br />_ oommpue proceodings a�ainst any sucoessor in interest or reft�se to wct�nd time for payment or othenvise modify�uriortizatbn <br /> � '• •,af the sums cxured by this Security Instrument by reason af any demand made by tho original Bormwer or Bormwer's <br /> �;; , Rucce.csors in interest. Any fafiwrar�ce by L.ender in exerei�in�any dght or r�er�dy ahall not be e waiver�of�or proclude the ��' �. <br /> —_""'� exe�ise of any right or remedy. <br /> —.�,.._,� . <br /> __...�.� ,. <br /> ___ _ _ _ <br /> _,.��� . 12, :G�caessore aiid A�ignv D�wr�d� Jolnt aud Several Ws�bllib':Co-s�ners. The covenents and�Ograanen�§ of this � . <br /> -- -�`""'-7 � <br /> =_—.���t�E�t Security ]mtrument sholl bind an� benefit the successors and 'ass���is of Ixnder und &��tow�r,sul�e�t to�he pmvi.s3ong of <br /> �M1 ° �:�:;:' <br /> �' t7, parag�aph 17. Borrow�r's cavenants und agreernents shall be jai�t wd several. Any Borrowtr wh� oo-signs thi�.3�:curity <br /> �,� , inctniment but does nc�t execute the Note: (a)is cc-signing ihis Securi�y Instrument only to mortgage; gra�u and Convey that ' <br />'�;�: ,..�,�,9�''j;Y Aormwer's interest in fic �Prapzny undar the�erms of�bis Sec+urity Instrument; (b)is not personally obligntec7 �o pay tQ�e sums <br /> �"""�'�!?���<<� ' Fecured hy this Securit lnstnsmeat: and (c)agrees thet Lender �mul uny uther Borcower may agree to eatend,madify,fo�rbear or <br /> --- =_�,rc�:�`�S Y <br /> �,v� make uny A;commodadons with regArd io�he terms of this Secuvily in+�rument or the Note without that Borrowar's cor+seru. <br /> �r� , 1;.�l.ot�n Char�es. if Ihe loan secured by this Security Insirurnent is sub3ec�to u law which sets meximum lonr�charges. <br /> �=; ! "�"; w�d that law is finally inreryreted so that the interest or other loun charges rnUected or to be collected in connection with ihe <br /> �';f;�� loan exceed the permiued limits,then:(a)any wch lonn charge shall be reJ'4ced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge _ <br /> `*�ti,-�;;;,.-';,i ro the�•rmfttec! limit;anc! (h) nny �am� elready �����?r�wi fmm Hr�rr�wer wbich exeeeded nennitted limits will be rePuricled to <br />-�' ;'"i.;���Y�Y,��+{�1�.. Borrower. Lender nwy chaasr. to rr+�ke thir: refund by reducing ihe principAl owed unc'er �he Note or bv making :� *s�rer� <br /> " �'�,.-;'�''f � ment to Borrower. If a rcfund reJuces inci 1, tht reductivn will be treuted as A arliul re ment wilhout an <br /> , t1;. PAY Pr Pa P' P PAY Y <br /> ��.�., ;,,', ���, prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> ��K''•��'` ' 14. Notte�.Any notice to Borrowcr pmvlded for in thfs 5tcurity Ins�PUmem r:holl be geven by delivering ic or by muiling <br /> '�j�+a•. ' •...t.�1 _ <br /> •r��y��,� it by fint class mnil unless applicuble I�w reyuires use of ano���r method.Th�ncrtice shal!be directed to Ihe Property Address <br /> %'� ���lk:ij�' or any c�ther addresx Borrower detiignutes by n�tice �o I.endcr, Any notice to I.ender ah.ill t+e given by first class mail to <br /> �r "����.. I.ender's nddress stated herein ar any Mher aJdress lxnder drsi;r,ates by noticc to &�rrower. Any nwice provided for in this <br /> '��'��I r t Security imtrument shall I�e dcen�i ta hz�ve bccn given to Borrou�er ar l.crulcr�vhcn given a�pmvided in this pamgroph. . <br /> �.;. <br />:_ ?•'�,�� �':�.�,�,.:���' IS. CoverninR A,aw: SeverpbilUy. This Szcurity Inrtrument xhull he govcrnal by fcdcrul Iv�ti� and the I��v of'the <br />'-:�""-�_.��'" jurisdiction in which the Propeny i� located. In the event thu� any provi�ion�ir clauu��f this Security ]nstrument ur the Note <br />. � ,.. .�6�" rnntlicts Hiih epplicable lew,tiuch c�nflid shull not affi�t o�her pruvi,iam uf this Securit� Inwniment or the Note which cun be <br /> a'r uu. <br /> �: •,?�!.��� {�S •• given eY9�c1 withaut the conflicting�r��vislon.To this end�he prnvi�ions uf this S�wurit} toi�¢ruanent urul the Note s�re declared <br /> �, M. )•,IS` 'a <br /> � -. �,.:•..,...,,:;,;�'��r,� to be seve�ble. _ <br /> -- � �.,—�—�, ��-� !6. 8o1'rower's C�y.H�►rn►wer chull tx gu+cu one runf��nncci mpy of�hc Notc anJ of thiti Sccurit} ins�rument. - <br /> �,� ';��',,: ��!,���l��'t -� Pam 3028 �/00 <br /> :' `���,'.. <br /> . •. �. <br /> '��"'�..�,;ie�,� r.,�;i,, vaynaora <br /> ..r, llii ..�., <br />- �.yk..r.� . ,. <br />: ••tr•' .q�'�y.,�,�-,,,,�,Y - <br /> � y�C�.�� iS ��,.�.-� - _ — <br />—�• y ^ ' • � • !•` - �'f` �Ii • .. . .. ��IIISi\�Z11�S6•�IiS'�n Y-�- <br /> ��:3�`;'�.} � :��{�;..��ii., , ,�t����.� rr, , � �.� `.c;}c;r�;:�,1iu: 1,4; ,•� as�,i� � �,x�� <br /> - �tt�t'di��",.r. 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