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}��-`�_ -i'����,, •; '� - ' ..-�..-.-!� <br /> ., . LL� '�. --�- <br /> ��..� -.. ....-»- <br /> �� i -- - -- ---_----- .. _ . <br /> �� �� y� ' � �,�GT"- - ,__. <br /> :q �� �� .� . C�4 .-'�: . . <br /> 'rQ�3�8R all'�v�!h0�lpj►IOVE1110fifY IIOA►Oi 110(Oi�OT q�OCtOd 0111�10 p1Ut�01LS1�ilid�OYMp01M�.�� <br /> fLcturo� oaw or baratkr � pot af Ua pnopmty. All rapl�oeiaaN��nd addkian� dwll dio be aovwd by iiq �q�,iqr� <br /> Ia�rumatt.All of the foroaoing l�refomed to in tdi�Secudty lawnuneM a�fhe"P�ope�ty." .. <br /> soRROwsR oov�Mrrs uu�eor�wer a t,�wwuy ri4d ol'1b�rwte beroby oaavey�0 u�d 1�dM f�t W p�t�/ . ._ <br /> ... oanvay tae nrope� u�r�e Prope�y i.uaenc,unbe�aa..�capt tar�ocumbanoe.or r000na. Son�w.n�M.�q�.ar � <br /> defend�aie�lly the Utle W Ihe Prrq�etty�inM a!I d�w�ed dai�,a�ibjaq to�ny aoa�nibr�n�or of noord. . .. <br /> 7'Fi18 SBCURITY IN�TRUMBNT aomWaM Wa�ifam oovaoMMt tor aMbnd we and ao�udPora cov�Mat1 witY lidbd . <br /> -- Juri.alaion to oaaalwte o ua+rona.ea�rit�►ia�trument oaveAn�ro�l prope�►. . � . <br /> UNIPORM OOVBNANT3.Borrower and l.a,�der oovau�nt�nd ytee iu Tolloan: ' . <br /> `� �-.�-__�- _-�---�� 1. Pa�at at i�inctpd aM11Mw+eMt Pt�pU'a�at �ad L�e Qw�a. Bormwer slall �+e�naipllY P�Y what duo 16��' . . <br /> principwl of�nd interat on�ho dobt cvidoaoed by�ho Note u�d�nY P�Y�t�nd I�to cha�ea dua undet thc Note. ' <br /> Z. FWnds for T�xa�ad Imuranoe.SubJoct a�pplicabb I�w or to a w►iaan waiver by Londer. Bormwcr�tull p�y b <br /> Landcr on the d�y momldy paymaiu ue due under the Note.unUl the Note i4 p�id ia iWl,a�um("Fu�dr")for.(a)yauly puca <br /> — and acc�en�eau which iaay�ttain pdority over thie Secudry inkt�umcnt Ac�Hen on tho Prope�ty:(b)yaulY la�dbld pRymaiq <br /> — or ground rents on tlm Prope�ty.ii anyr:(c)Ya�r1Y hu��d or P�'�P�nY inwmu�ce premiunu;(d)yculy flood insur�rioa pe�aNumt, <br />---- if any:(e)Y�Y�8+��P��• if eny: uid(�auY swns PeYablc by Horrowcr ta l.ea�dar. la a000M�rca arith <br /> - tho provisia�of p�r�pb 8.w lia�of�be paymcnt of mort�e iu,�uanoe pmcmiums.7t�ae i�ans arn allod"Fscnnw Itanc." <br />-- l.ender may. �ary time. cd�oc��und hold Funds in an�mow►t oot w excaed the maximwn aa�oum A leaidet for a Gedeidly <br /> --� rolpted mo+tgqgo laaa awy roquire for Narower's cscrow aocouot w�der�he foderal Real Fswte Settlaaaot Pno�oedu�s I1ct of <br />,.:�r 1974 as sunended fiom dmc to tlme. 12 U.S.C.Soctioa 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").wdcss anotha lAw Unt appika w tbe Fund� <br /> - wr..les.e►amr.nN If x•, Cetider mny. et tx�y tie!r_,crlkr��M•!d ��Mr1R is �n amwmt mt to taceed the le�rar aa�omr. <br /> r:>-- - ---- Lender m�y estio�te�Ms au�ount of Funds dut on the b�sis oi c�vront dau apd t�ea�otnble e�tim�es of�diWta of lYtwe <br /> �`'�;. Eccirow[tans or othenvise in�oordance with npplicable law. <br /> ��::,� The Funds shall be held in sm iastitution whosc depoaits arc inswod by a fbderal �ge�cy. instramentality. or aaity <br /> .:;'f".� "��`' � (including I.ender.if l.ender ia such aa n�titution)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank.Lendcr shail apply the Funds to pay the <br />.._�;� ,��:. <br />:'i;'r�_ �'�,,�?��n�''':�� „ Escrow Items. I.endet may nat cha�ge�mnwer for holding and ap�yin�tha Funds.annualky�.�alyzing the acrow a000uat.or <br /> �:;:..,��:�:.., {� . <br /> "F veriFying the Escrow ite�,unless Lender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and applicri�Ve Jaw pernuts Lender to malce such <br />-"__�'::y �, .� ri <br />�"`r{`r�', ':s��:''� a charge. However, Ler�d�:,r�y�quiro Bornower to pay a one-time cl�rge for aro iidependent rcal esl�te taa roporting cervia <br />_.r",tj� ` ' <br />-�.f5,.� '`� usad by Lender in connec�tion with �his loa�. unless uppliaible Iaw pmvides •�n79ierwlce. Unkss an agroement is made or . <br /> ��;ih�l'" �'�� a licxble law uire.c in¢erest to be d. Lender shall not be uired to <br /> __;,, pp req pai req pay�R��rraaer any intrrcst or eamings on the Fw�ds. <br />'=_;t��* Bomower and Lender:nay aaree in writing. however,that intercst slwll be paiQ o�yhe Funda. Lerder sluJl give to&►rnowu, � <br /> -. without ciwrge,an annuaC acrounting of thc Funds. showing crcdits and deblas ta�Q�e Funds and the purpo4e for whlch each � <br /> '' � debit to the Funds wns a�nde,The Funds are pledged ug Additianul secudty for alE u�m.�savned by this Security iruurumcnt. � <br /> x:" If the Funds held hy Y.encier exceed the�mourars permitted to be held by App9icnble law,Lender shull urcount to Borrower � <br /> :� ��`w,,,�;•,,`r�.;,::; • �., for the excess Fuods in accordunce v►i�h the requiremen�s of applicnble law. If t9�amount af qhe i?unds heid by Lender at any <br /> ""�4 `'�~' time is�xu 4ufficient tn pay the F.rcmow• 9�emc when due, Lender may so nMify Bormwer in writing.and, in such case Borrower _ <br /> ,., :�-: <br /> � �� � shall pay to L.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Botrower ahall make up the deflciency in no m�m than <br /> - >' twelve monthly payments.a�l.ender's sole discretion. ' <br /> . ,�;:.'" ..i ,.�•. Upon payment in fu01 of all tums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall prompUy rePond to Borrowar any ', <br />_�!:s;: ,.�J t:, _�,�!h' Funds held by Lender. If, under purngruph 21, I.ender shall acqui�e ar sell the Araperty,L.ender,prior to the acquisition or xple <br />_�:�:�`� .,;��� > ^�'rJ�,� of the PropeRy,shall apply any Fundx held by l,ender at�he time of acquicition or sale as a eredit against 1he aums securad by <br />:,; ;�••.� <br /> .• � �'=��r.-,t, <br /> Y, ��.. {:,,,, this Securiry In.rirument. <br />_�'� :.,: j;.,�,. PP i'!' P t"•. Y i'" E � ' - <br /> �•,j;,g. ,f 3.A Iicallon oP PA�meatc.l inless a licnhle I�w mvklPC Mh�rwice. nii �vmrnta nwrivwl h I.e�kr nnil�r rn rn <br /> �;� fkiti� i., �•:+ �� 1 and 2 shall be appliecl: fiat, tc+uny prepayment charges due under the Note; a�� amounts payable wadcr parAgroph 2; , _ - <br /> �..�aa "{ ,��� '�`�-,', third.ta intrrec�due;fourth,tn prio�cipal due;und last,to uny late charges due under the Nae. • <br />'�j� � � � ����"�''" 4.Ch es; Lie�s. Banower shnll n all taxes,a.�.sessmentc,cfier es, fines and im ,smons attributable to Ute I'r <br /> v�, 's. �f ' f , ' ''r".' .•� � p Y S P' . . opeirty. <br /> �;,.. . <br />,��';}�' � (i.� whirh ma+ a�tlAin prinri�y over thix Sc,urity Instrument, und leusetiold pnytnents or ground rents. if nny. Borrower vFu�i!;pay ' <br />-"�i'��' %�;�a, �'�'''�`�'� these obli ations in ihe m:mner rovidcd in �rv ru 2,or if mit id in that��anner, Borrower shall them on tima directly ' ' <br /> ,,:,y�; ;., . ,.�...�}; 8 p P s t� P�+� P�Y � <br />-';,�.1'a;,; '.��j •.�v,�. _� to the person��w�l paynx;nt, p��rmwcr,hall promptly furnish to L.ender a�l noti:e:of amoums m be paid under this para�raph, . . <br /> •� It'Borr��HCr n�ake.dxse paymcntti dincUy, &�R��wcr,hull prompUy Tumivfi tn Lcnder rereipts evidencing the payments. <br /> -�,i}•, . ��, . <br /> ,;1'�?1J�' �`� •• ` saTroa�cr+hull pnnnptly Ji,ch;�r�e�ny licn w•hich hati priorit} ���-�r Ihi.Security Imtrument unless Borrower:(a)ugreis in <br />""•f'����• ��'"�'! `� writin tr the mcnt i►f thc ubli�utiim kcurcd b the lien in u mm�ncr ucre oahle h�I.eruler;(b)contesls in �wd felth tt�tien , ,,."� . <br /> :._iii��; ;�.�,: w 8 F�Y b Y P' � <br />�� � �•� by, ar defcncls upuinxt enfurccnunt ��f thr licn in, legul pr�x��edings w hirl� in the Lrnder'ti opiniim c�perate to prevent the • <br /> +'l;jef� ,r:.l���t�, i;� ,' , . <br /> fi:�.• •r�;�..,rr•, .. � enfixcemem oT thc lie��:nr�rl,crurc�frnm thc hul..�r of thr licn an agrc�m�t�t tiatisfuctory to Lender suborc9inating the lien to , <br /> ; t,:r{.;... .. .,,, <br />_.�� z�.�l.t ;� ...Y�*;, �his Sc�u�i�p Imirum�nt. li LrnJrr determinc. diui nny part af�he Prupeny i� .uhaect to a lirn whirh may uuuin priority over <br /> ; ; t . thi.Serurity Imtrument, Lcnder ma� �ivc B��rr��a•cr a nuiirr iJrmil'yinE thr lirn. Borrowcr:�aall�Utisfy the lien or toke one or <br /> �.�•.. �'+�.._._. . `� . more of the�tjons set i�xth atx,vr uithin Il!da}•s ot'thc�n�ing��f nuticc. ' <br /> : r• , <br /> ._��1:(• r <br /> �+•:';.+•`.; ;�(f. Fwm 3028 Y/60 <br /> ��::i),''' '.t`,�'t,`' . P.o.�m s --.. <br />;ii�r�,:;t� i.,'w��: . <br />-'1i, �� �� ' �: <br />'} � � ' •,.' . .s . -•V .... . u.. . .. � ��i.C�e�i.�4'1��7Ca�p'_.....��s. ____ <br /> Ay+ �A �:�[" �•�i.. 'i.- .,�,:,v��.NI.4..1+71,;�'�1r{;��_ �.�--.:_ <br /> , � .� � '�r "� . . • , -�,.. • .�Y���:C.:v��,.�.�.�..- <br />. - . r�'1L.L"�*�� 1.' <br /> .�i � . ' _ ' � _'id�d-��.r.� <br /> S <br /> . . <br /> .� <br /> - -- --�— ._ _ . . ... .. . ._ ... <br /> 1t - - - . .-�r..�,�,� vq�� � , <br /> 1 _7 d ' ' . . .. . _ �.t'� L- �'� �.'�L <br />. 5 �r . . „ � , ,. � � . ' . . • . . -Y:o -1 :.�w.�.Fw.��tik4. �I S.t Si <br /> �� !� � - . � . . � .R�'K,.���ifi..�i�.'.,�,•.1:.5�.l�` i4e,.�__ <br /> � . . . .. . . ♦ �.__ <br />� .w , ' - - �' ���1 ��� <br /> ' . . � � . . � f.'I 1 t T J. +l eiefS'f*'.. <br /> - � � .. .. 1A��.11''1'�=i�!".�tl �•,Zy �j+,_.. <br /> - ��f:��- : ,y •. �� i� .�i���j,o.. <br /> 1'� . � `fSd.�) . � d�:a�: �: .'v �f�' ' � '�'!„�� <br /> ,.s. . '����ti. ' ..� ' i �. . :41.f <br /> .,, ,%?.;f� '.�Lt:�� . . ' • '1 � ':.'�, <br /> ; . � J,tyy. . ��i�,� rt`ii� ..' � ',' . 1�1,�}t ` ' • � ' tr�� 1 <br /> t .� � .i : <br /> ' '�R y�, � ;��� .n..+�r. 1.� ,`, <br /> !r• .� ;t.�:,;r,r , � �;,'_ �t �f,�Yl�htS'� . , , . .. � � t'�R�'��r{�� <br /> .. ti " ,�. . , , '(;:;l;,,,t�r� f{�, <br /> , , , , . y,t�,f; ,,:s.,}, , � <br /> ��' . � � . � . � . ,�;�1�'�c,o-.;i,,.,. , '�. <br /> �'}.,, t, . . ... ------ — -------- ----1-----____�_ _� <br /> Il ! <br />