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�S—. � _ •���• '_' . � ..s.1._._,' :_.:_�"r�'A_.—;=�c, _ _— _ <br /> . ,�.� � . 93=��4�;�'�' '��' <br /> , ,... <br /> P�Y�u mW�������1be apNon of[aWer,!f maM�qp,a i�onooe ooaref�e pn the aawunt u�d far tha Peiiod <br /> th�c t,orider raquireoD 1�'� bY+a��PPnoved by t.eada��in becane.avail�bre aad it obWned.Borniwrer�bdl p�► <br /> . ��ho Memiuna requtrod to t�io mo�q+�s iaru�uioe ia a�'ea�or b provkN�lon reww�e.u�il tbe roqul�aaent tor mo�tsq�s_ . � <br /> ,�. '�u�oe ead�ia�oo�d�aos��qr writ�On�roaa�t between Ho�rower�od�+e�tder ot�pplk�bk I�w. - - <br /> ' f.Itr�loa.I.ander or iu�eat awy m�ke rc�uonabk erpria upon nd Ip�pectiaa�nt'.the Propmty.Lader�Iqll�iva �:'. , <br /> ' �aroww�otioo u the time of or prior ta w ln�pealon spedPylna rcaan�ble c�aiie fa tbe in�pecNoa. , �. <br /> , , lp. (`,ondppq�ttqn, Tue puceeds of�ny ewud or cldm for d�m�gm. diroct or oon� wnnecdon with my <br /> - � .. candaramtlaa ar ather�af mry Wrt o!tha Pncpwty,or for oonvaya�oe ia!iw of�amtim�,ana ha+eby�aad <br /> -- � -._ -- ��. �11 bo pnid ta I.a�Oer. <br /> -- --- In tho ovent of a wW�of the Property�tho pmoeedo�ll be appltod W tbo cum�securod by this Sxurity Iacdu�pau. . . �, . <br /> whotMer or aot than due.wNh aity eacass paid to Bomowcr. In tho eva�t uf a p�rtial tAking of tho Aroperiy ie aUich the fair <br /> mptket value of the Property immodi�tcly bcforo the taking i�aryd to or erarter tfum the�uriaunt of tho�u cecut�ed by this <br /> Sa:udry incdumau immedhtely beforo the taldng.unlcsc Borrower and Laider diu�wise�groe in wridn�.tho sumo sa�ured by : <br /> thic Sxu�ity InstrumaU shaN bc roduoed by thc amount of tho prooAeds mWdpliad by tho Following faction: (a)the toW <br /> amount of tho sums securod fmmediacly bcforo thc taking.divided by(b)the f�ir rt�rket v�lue of the Property immediaWy <br /> i beforo the tAking. Any bwlaace ahail ba paid to Borrower. In the event of e partiel teking of the Pmperty in which the fai� <br /> market value of the Propercy immediotely beforo tho taking is Iess tlwn thc amount of the sums securod immediwtely before the <br /> �. i� �,twlofng�unlesc Aormwer and Leader otherwise agroc in wci�w�or unless appltcabk lavr atherwlco provida.�ht piviceeda tlwll <br /> .-„y� ':'' . �be appliod w the sums cecumd�y�is Socu�lty Tas�nuuaat�.hether or nat the wm4 ar�c tl�e due. <br /> _ --- .. � ' if the Property is abandon�Q+y Bon+ow�.or if,atler notice by ltMer to Borrower tlt�t tbe ecrnlannor o�liers to mofce an <br /> -- _ ',;�, .��wa�d or scttle a claim for dnnm�ges. Bo�t�oK�r:faiils w retpotd to L.ender within 30 days aRer tl�+late the datice ic givea. <br /> -- - — .. '�cr is aetthor#ta!te ea!lect aed appty the pr�c::,ds,�t�ts agtiare.dther ta restantfaa or re�siv aE thc t'c�rKy or ta the st�s <br /> _- ---- see�red by Ihia Savrity InstNment.whether ot�wt tbep du�. <br /> Unlesa Lrnder and Bortower otherwise agrea i1e ariring, any appliauion of pr0000ds to pdncipal �hht+110 Itt�Y CXItM Oi <br />:�� paetpane the due date af the monthly paymenls referred to in pwagraphs 1 end 2 or chenge the amnuM of snch payments. <br /> " 11.Bon+nwer Nat Rdensed;Forbear�a�By I.ender Not s►Woiver.Eatension of thc time for payment or modificatian . <br /> � af amorti�ation of the sums securod by this Security lnstrument granted by Lender to any succes.gor in iMercst of Bornnwer shaBU ' <br /> ' `� ;• nat operatc to release the liabili�;of.lhe orig9nal Borrower or Borrower's successors in intsme�t.I.ender shall nM be roqulrod ttl <br /> ''' ecynunetKx procYedings agaittvt uny�sucnesscx in interest or refuse w extend time for pnyruem or otherwise modiPy++r�o�tiu�tion <br />� ' 'of t��e sums secured by this Sccu�in Instrument by masan of eny demand made by the o�iginal Bornnw6r or Bornower's <br /> - '' sucxessors in interest. Any iorbeat�ance by Lender in exercisinQ ony r�ght or remedy shall not ba�u vvaivei ot ar preclude Ihs . , <br /> - exctcise of ony right or remedy. • <br />:_". <br /> - __ _..._ __ l2. Sua�essorr and Ascigng Bounds Jolnt �d Several Liablltt�: Co-siRneis. The cavenants s►nd �reements of lhie � <br /> �° �`i`� S Security Instrument shall bind and beneflt the successo�� aod assigns of l.ender and Horrower. aub,ject tn t4�e provisions of <br /> " a{i�GYi <br /> , .{ purs,graph 17. Borrower's covenonts and agreements xhull be joint and several. Any &irrower who•co-signs this Secudty <br /> a <br /> � "' ' � instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) ls co-signing this Securfty Instrument only ta mongug�e, prant und convey that <br /> �`.� � . <br /> "„ - • • � :�rst Bomower's interest in the Prupc;�ty w�ler th�tcrms of this Sccurity lnstrument;(b) is not personaCEy•abligated to pay the sun�s <br /> '�s � ' �secured by this Securiry Instrument;And(c)s+g�ees that Lender und any other Borrower may agrec to ex�end,modify. forbear or - <br /> ��," ;��-�;k�:� make any accommadations wUCi repard to the tenns of this Security Instrument or�he ti.�ee wit'hout that Borrowe�'s mnsent. <br /> �,,�r��.t, <br /> S:='` 13. Lan CharQes.If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject t.i a l.iw w�hich uts maaimum loan chcirges. <br /> ~�? and thut It�w is flnally interpreted so thnt the ir�tere4t or other loan charges collected or�u be cat�ected in rnnnection with the <br /> ,��: s'i ; loan excoed thc p�rmitted limits,then: (a!u'�y such loun charge shull be rcduced by the aim�unt nece�sary to reduce the charge <br />- � to the permitted limit;and (b) uny sums ulready a�llected from Borrower which excceded permitted limits will be retLnded tu <br /> •�.^�^' Barrower. I.ender muy choose tn make �hiti refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct _ <br /> _ =��' payment to Bcirn►wer. If � refund reduces principul. �he �luction will be tresued as a ptutial prepaymena without any <br /> . �".� ° prcpayment chu�e under the Nc�te. ° <br />__ ` � l4.NM l e e s.An y t ro tice to Bnrroa�er paovided for in this Securi�y Instrwnent.hall be given hy deliverin g it or b y muilin g _ <br /> ',�:�`���' it by first clacs mail unless applicable law requirer use of nnnther method. The nutice sh�ll be directed to the P�aperty Address <br /> "',�'_. <br /> ' :�;�•� ' <""•"=.`�"`' �ir uny other uddress Borrower desigoates by ni�tice w l.ender. Any notice to l.ender shull he given by first cluss mail to �; <br /> � ,;t,, .. �_.� - <br /> �+ ,;,.� L.ender's nddress+toted herein or any othcr addrexs Lender de�ignates Ny notirc to Hc�rrowcr. Any ncxice pmvided for in this ° <br /> - `� �'`"� ' Security Instniment.r•hvll be deemed to huve been given to&irrowcr�►r l.ender v►hrn gi�•en ati pmvided in this parograph. = <br /> ' ' •�'�,�°•• 13.Governing Iaw: SevernbUity. This Securiry Instrument shull be govcrneJ by fcderai law and the IAw of the <br /> ',, •,_r:::,fC.��+�.�,�, J pe Y �� Y P Y = <br /> • urisdiction in which the Pm rt is hxa�eQ. In the evem thut •rn rrnision iir cluuse uf thi�Scwurit Instrument or the Note <br /> ,r�,•"���. .';�, conflic�s with upplicable law,wch�ronllict shall�xx al'feci�,�her pr�ivi.iom�►f thi.Sururity In,trumrm�ir�he Note whirh run be <br /> rr� �`•���'•' •''t�'.��' given effect withcwt the conflicting provi,ian. Tn thi.�nd the pmvi.iam uf this Security In.trun�ent anJ the Notearedeclared - <br /> �r;�;: �''A(�,,•'�r{� ta be sever�ble. - <br /> ,,t., <br />^��u�:,d�-�_,_''.i.''=�`� 16.Borrower's Copy.Barrower sha10 bc given nnc conti�m�cJ�ti�y of thc Nutc und uf thi.Security inauument. � <br /> -- . �--,,�:.;r-..-•, T <br /> � ���} �•��+l.ii Fotm 3028 8i8u1 ` <br /> �•. ,� � ��� P�q 1 ot B ' <br /> .:�..��,��} ��"� __ <br /> ,,,t,�,�, .�;.�: _. <br /> 4S�N�.4�{>>�� <br /> ,,,,, .. ,.���M1,4 �.�±d;5 _ <br /> '�'-• �'��� �� d} {,i!!R: <br /> �,e'. .•� r �[�i ti i�`'`U•� � <br /> y,��" ;�l �C1,r6��t�i�F��.�{ti'irF�r � -r r y. , , �I�Y�., �',� , '�+`;.fl�'DP�rv„t7(iCt tp�hr^ �3;,��tc4��i�.. ,"7y:---*r—;. <br /> -�Y4�. �t !� r Y tii f �' !:j(y.,�y1 4u f .� '` �•. 1 ' . :,I. �J .w ..�.1..��� }�Y i- -i7f,;:f.'-'�.. , . <br /> ,��'�1{�`r�+��'�1�/L'� l:�i :1•, 1�4i:�,C'PdS a.� -(�� �Vlri' _ . . .. . _ 'T�4v: IL�N1��,J'iI�Y� r i. t.. <br /> SY;� ..� •i;i'i}.}. ?�Y�,s�� J � t _ � �..� -� S-�y . • . . 1, ' , t�'�� Wr)���I������t �iti�.��l'�4 \- -� i rri :J ' <br /> � . � - , <br /> . <br /> : ,,:�. � - - - � <br /> .. . R•lh�4 t �;�'�t��. e'• •. .. i �"��.r�^ f �1� L - � ' ' - <br /> � •. . <br /> _, .. . . . : . . � �' . • � :. <br /> , � <br /> ;., . 1���, ,� � .? ,, ..._ ,t's�.. '�Src?� 1�;;�5 �j <br /> ._ �.v�J��.�r���'�''�+�_��.«.r_��.�•,. _-t;��� ..--'- -_ - - -'i n _+�_-+_ ','�iS.��..: �S.°�tblf�lR�.'�.i�L.S�Yi�Is.y '�!_tit.�i�. <br /> ; �i— . -. ,e,�ti ,r�3z�� -- ... --- - °=.° _ - = _ __ - -� . ��� - •. ..-� . . .�.,-_..:_ <br /> �•. �•!� �l x.. . �,r- . . ,`, .': .';;.•'�,,. . , <br /> � - �'� - - - - , . {. . r..i .c. � '•�,sNuY,.���xwr,•:Le!lii�.. <br /> ;� . ,. . . ' . . r ',,,�. ' : a <br /> °� ' s,:�.t.:,Sv.l. ��1. � .� <br /> a A''�� , '� . .. �.r� , . <br /> �7� '-„iwj:�,•nt<.. P • ; Lt�. 2r .Lt 1 1 :��, _ . .. I' _ . . '- . • . <br /> _1 `xw��, . � .�P_S"� ` - ♦,1,j�.1�. r. �' , ' . . _ .. . .'(� ' ' . . • .� . ' ' <br /> ,M1� 'il!t � t.�.� } {.i��3�(��-�i �" . . . � .' � � � �. . ' <br /> . .14�: �'S . _ � \ fi 1�t,S.�..,�h� .. 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