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.4.....N��i, � I .. ^i� �'": , . . . , . _, .rY .()!� • , .• '" • � � :y_• :jj� ,� c ,�..:,-.. " �, <br /> --- ��:� ;� . , . "' i0�.1!J ., � --��.�- <br /> � �: fMw+d a�Anp�q iawranoe. 8a�nawar�li kaep tbo tmpmvemeats a�w mol�tin� �x hemAar a+aae�l��ia.;+pp � <br /> . . �!n+perty,lnwrod y�i�w laa by flro.b�s+�tds IncludeA avlthin tho tonm�"e�tendod oav�e�e'+�nd�ay o�Uor d�rn+di�'��; <br /> � flosfd�or floadla�.for�lafi Londer�eqµic�eR tawr�noe.ThI�Imwr�r�on Fiu�11 bo m�iiwdaed in ti�e m�auau ud far�e parii+0e.,.. • <br /> tr+�r�r�der reqn+ra. '11�o ia.w�noe anbr pvvWio�a4e tnwnaioe alua�bo da�on uy nonmaar wnja:t to Laeaer•.i�pprov�t �'..-�� - <br /> ',.�w1�6c1��A�I! pot be urw�on�bly widiheW. It Bonow�r t�110 to m�inWn wvan�o de�orN�ed�bovs� lraidx m�y. �t La�der'a �. ;�';� ��,- <br /> aptiap.abWn oova�e w p�atoat I.endcr'�ri�hb ia rhe lhrope�ty in�000rdu�oe wilb p�n�ph 7. •; <br /> IUI imurmoe policia�ad naiew�ls�11 bo aooepuibk to Lender�nd tb�ll iuclude+�a�nd�nd aia�o dw�e. tanda ' �.- <br /> -- - - aall h�ve tbo d�ht to hald Uro palkdeo�ad�1�.If t.endar t�equin��Aarrow�r�II Prnmptly�ive to Lende�dl teoeipt�of ____. <br /> ,-�----�-°-------� paid p�miuma wtid�ewal noticoa.ln tbe BveM ot lacc.Bomnw,w choll�ivo�aotloe w tbe iasunace ca�rlor aad t�ender. <br /> I.endx nyy mdce proot of los�if not m�de Pmm�lY bl►Borrowa. <br /> Unle�LaKkr�nd Barmwer otherwice�roe in wriNng. inwau�oe proce�eAt Rhall be yiplied lo�tor�tion or ropd�of 1be <br /> Pnopaty d�nu�ad,if the msta�Mion or�eqir i�eoonomically teadble and Leadcr'�seaurNy i�aot la�enod.U tdo�atoratlon or <br /> rep�tr 4 ont eoonomially faauible or l.a�de�'��ectt�iry would be lescmad.tho incunaoe pi0000dt shall bo q�plied w Uto wm� <br /> �ecucod by thi4 Secudty I�aument. whdher or not ti►en duo. wftM any accesa paid to 8omawer. If Bomoww��btadom Ibo <br /> - Pmpcny.or daes na a�nvrer withfn 30 d�ys a notioo from[.tndcr tlu�t tho insunncx e�rrier ItRC a�sened to cdilo�cl�im�thea �,, : <br /> I.ender miqr o�llea the imuranoe praoeed�t. l.a�der mpy uce the p�x�ooah w�i�or n�tore the Praperty or to p�y aaq�+ <br /> �ecnoo�t��r t�is Seadty Iastrument.wi�her or not then Auo.The 30�dqy pwiod wlll begin when 1b�wtloe i�givan. . <br /> 4tok�IR+Mder�nd Borrrnver other�vise agroo in writiag. nny �ppliaidon of pr�ooeds lo principal ch�ll aot extead qr :� '. ,. :; <br /> p�ep000 tAo ctuo d�te of the monthly p�yment��temad to i�p�gaphs 1 and 2 or clwngo tho anmunt of the paymau8� U: ,.'. , <br /> aiedv p�r�ap�21 tho 1�eny lo Aeoquirod by I.ender.Borrower's right w nny Insu�ance poflaks a�nd praooedc�wldng fi+om . <br /> �!e w�W�v�e�ty Pdor w thc�cquiRitton�1)po�w I.erKler to tba ezteat of the autq��ocu�d bY d�Saa+ritY I�ent <br /> :•.. ,. <br /> �--- �-- <br /> .._._.��-�--- _,__ immedi�efy pri�raa the acquicfUan. <br /> i»Oaa�ar}�Pr�a�v�tion,Mdataunoe and Pruteatoa ot the Propertyi Bo�a+ower'�Loaa AppNqdoni Lase6otdi. „ � <br /> B�o�rrowor sh�ll accopy.raubNsh.wd use 1he Property as Borrower's principal resider�ce within aiaty days pfler tho oxecu►ion of <br />= this Sawity Ins�v�ment and sf�ll rnruinue to axupy�he Pmpeity as BnrrowePs pdneipal nsidence far at least one year after <br />_ the dMS oi oo�ncy.unkss Lender dherwise agroa in writing.which consent shall not be unneaconobiy unless � <br />= — — extetwstit� circumsWnoes exiw which ue beyond Borrowcr's rnntrol. Borrower shall not dcstroy. damage or Impair the <br /> Pna�perty. �Ilow [he Propeny a daedora�e, or commit wacte on the Property. Borrower shell 6e in default if any forfeiture <br /> - _ __ �ction or prabeding. whdhcr civil or criminal. is begun that in I.ender's goad f�ith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> P�openy or dherwlce materially impair the lien caated by thi�s Security Instrument or l.¢nder's security interest.Borrower muy <br /> curo wch a dePwult and rcinstate,as providod in parngraph 18. by causing the action or praceCding to be dlsmissed wlth a ruling � <br /> - thut, in l.rnder's�aod 1'sii�h detcmuna�ivn, pnecludes fort'eiturc of U�e Eamnwar's interost in the Pmperty or other materipl <br /> � impwirnicrq oi'iirc iien c�by �his Securiq i�uument or I.ender's security interest. Borrowar shaii alsa be in defaait if • - <br /> Bnrmwtr.dudng�he laan application pracess,gave materially false or inaccurate inforniation or statemrnts to Lender(or faileil � _ <br /> to proviJe Lendrr with an�•naate�i�l inforniationl in eo�u�ectian with the loan evidenced by the Nato,including,but not IlmiteA <br /> � to,oep�esrnta�i�x�x concernln�t Horrower's axupancy of the Propeny As a pdocipal residence.If this Secu�ity Instn�ment is on a <br /> IeaseMW. B��M•er shall oomply with aQ the provisi�ns of the lease. If Borrower skquires fee tiUa to th� Pmporty, the <br /> �;� k�M►W and thr tze tiUe sh3A0 not mcrge unlesa Lender�g�es io the merger in wrlting. -` - <br /> 7.PrWectiaan ot I.eader's Rights in the Proper9��,e�Borrawer fails to pert'orm the cavenants and agreemenls cantained in <br /> this Se�vriry In�trumeot, w there is a le�al proceeding that ma) si�enificandy Affect L.ender's rights in the Pmperty(such as a <br /> ' pnicoociiag in b:�nkruptcy,pmbate, fo�cuaed�mnation ar fbrfei�ure c�r tv enforce Inws or regulstions), then l.ender may do and -° <br /> �� p�y fi►r whatever is ne�rss�uy�o prcxect tVie value af ihe Propeny tin�l Lendcr's rights in the Property. L.ender's actions may <br /> - fsr_�l�tslt psytsee un3• ��sse� scr.�re� by s ?:er. i!�ttich h:r• �ri^r.!; e�•er thi� 9ecuri!� instnsmtnt. ap=xarfng 4n routt, ps��ng = ._ <br /> � `• �rasorwMe attotncys' fer��i�D entering on the I'ropeny tt�make repaivs.Altfwueh lrcr+der may take action under thia patagrnpb <br />. �'� .. - 7. Lender dc�ncx have to du w. v°- <br /> Aay wn�wms disbursed by I.endcr under this paragraph 7 s�hall bemme additional deb� ot 8omower secuQed fi�y tQ�is �'- <br /> S�YU�ity la�trwnent. Unless Bonowcr an�l i.ender agree te�uther tcrc�i�.�i paymcnt, these arnc�nts shall bear interest frorn the �-=" <br />- :�-Y= : ' � Jatc nf di�bursement at the Nrne rnte :uK! �hail l+e payahle, wilh i�aarrest, upon ratice fn�m 1.ender ta 8orrower roquesting �. <br /> s;:�:�:-�..: ' � p�yment. <br /> ,, . <br /> '� =--- S.111a7�e Insurw�ee.If I.enJer reyuired m��n�.r,�imurunce sw u conJition nf making the laan securPd by this Security R_.. <br /> _:_.____,_:.�::� � a, Inu�umem. 8��rn►wcr rha0 the rcmiu�n, r uired to oiaintain the mort a e insuran�c in eff�ct. li, for an reason, the �` <br /> �z�1�`•-� P�Y P e4 8 R Y <br /> � m��ngage iowa�n�e awerrge rcyuired by l.eader lapscs ar cea.ks�o bc in effect,&irmwer sh;�Cf pay the premiums required to �:� <br />- � �~ .�ain��uvcnigc whr�:uuiully equivulem to thc mnrtgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost s�:bstantoalE}•equiv�lent lo the ' <br /> x <br /> :���, �;»-_- �tint�o Borniwcr nf tl� nk►hguge in�urun��e pmviouslc in effect, fmm un alternatc mortgage insurcr s�p�roveca by l.ender. Ii �ra-: <br /> � . � �uN.�antfull � uivulcn�m��n n c imurnn��ruvero � i.�xn uvailuhlc, &�rr�►wcr�hull 't'�'i' <br /> ��. . , Y �I 8 B 8' � pay�o Lender each monqh ;i sum equal to �,: <br /> ' °" � um•IwclQh iH'thc yc�rly mnngagc in�uru�rc prcmium being paid hy &�rrowcr whcn�hc in�urance�overage lapsed or ceased to �' <br /> lu in eff�ti�l. lxtKlNr will u�t+�u.nK•��wJ mtnin Ihe��•rymemc:�. a M.x reserve in lieu ot' mnng;�ge in�uruncr. I.�ac rPcAn•P �- <br /> '• •, .:, Form 50�8 9/90 �-- <br /> r,a ... _,. <br /> �r. ..,. o.o„ao�e �. - <br /> �'� -_ <br /> �`a.. M �.;; <br /> .,y :;1�: �Jr, s_��" F .,,�l, �++a;i�6'1;�;��:'i=-�;�+.,s..=•+�ii�M��'�.CIR!'�t':},,..J.` �(��;1 n ��.�,.., <br /> �^� �i ` ' � . � ,� �J1 �`}1. > t - b�'� - - <br /> �C 1r •'`^.y •;o. �, \ . •..�.. . ; , _ <br /> :`1 � _ � - . .�I , ;{K.�1: �.._ '_ ;.11 11 �.�: <br /> � . � . . <br /> . . � <br /> �' .�' i : <br /> ' i • .. . � . • � .�1 � .t --r rk.� Y - l �! <br /> _ . .. <br /> M�./ .•. � .'- . �'J..L�1L. .•i . I Iry_Il�-L ____ <br /> - -_ <br /> -�'--,ry.1� �. - ��•�:�-- ._- .,:1rY' ' _ .`'-�-• - . <br />-,-, .. -., ..._ _ -• _ - � ' , . r.. ,.• �.. <br /> c�e- _.i y _1�A �_. ��..ILr,e.��o 1�. . <br /> ... - __--___-. .�- <br /> -_- <br /> - ' L.. <br /> ` �...: �, . ���., .,. . . � - - . .�.�;�.�;�.: � . ��s r"`'. ` '�•�'"„�'�, <br />..•� ,rir... . .-... 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