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, . _ r .�.• . ..._. . _. <br /> - _-�-`-' ' -c �-' j' � ._ ... ._.. � ----- <br /> 1 ,` ��. . ,y. ---- F_"v <br /> �.�._.,. _ _.�J �- ' � � . � .. . � 7��,�I -t. � <br /> �.�: <br /> � � - .�'. � � . . <br /> • �7,.Tf�'�iQ1!�01'�Bp111�t'W Ir�'�V�OIiOMA'.u� or �R uf(�10 p1+OpCtty Of My IOtEf Ott(p ll <br /> i�m�{d ar tt�adaied(ot U a dd imertart in BamMa it wld or�t�uafarad uid��i�not a a�pural pe�x�a1 wlibaut• <br /> L�ier's priat wrimm c�onea�t. I.ender m�r. �t ita apt�, �e�o imrnodi�ta p�yma�t la t411 of�it aum�eeut�a� by thi� . - <br /> Seoneity IrwnuatiM.How�avet.lhi�apHon tlWl nat 6e exencLei 6y l.prder it aarci�e it pno6tbdtod by fede�al lan a1 d t4a dlle�' ':.�.. <br /> of tW�Socudty ia�rumoat. " ; : <br /> If l�erider eRercl�a thi�opUon.Lender�Inll ve Bortowsr aatioo of aooeJetrtioa.'lUe odioe�m11 provide a pvtud of aot • <br /> le�th�n 30 d�y4 from the A�te the natlm i�del�eaed ar aniled aithin whkh Borrow�er muct py W nutn��ew�ad by d�is <br /> ___ l,c�udry InRaument.V Banower fidla W pwy tt�ae wmt prlor w Uto a�cpinitlon ot Ihis palod. la�der mqy iavol�o aay nanedlea <br /> perndaod by thio Secu InRtrument wllhaut IWnf�r aodoe or dem�nd on Borrower. . <br /> _ __ _ _ _ -- <br /> 18. Ber�rower'e�N to Itdn�te. If Bo�mwer meeu aAaio oadielau. Bormwer sh�ll I�ve t6a dght to fuve <br /> wH'onoen�e�t of lhic Socu ty J�utnunait dl�oatiwcd x my tlme priar a 1ho arliu of: (�) 3 daya(or cuch otiia paiod as . <br /> �pplicable Mw m�y rpecify for toin'statc�eat) beforo Rale ot�he tty purr4u�u�t to any p+wer of wle oanuin�d in thi� <br /> Sow�ity Inurument:or(b)entry oP o Jud�lent ed'orda�U�4 Searity�rutnunent.Tlase oondluam►iu+o tlut Bomower.(a)p�y� <br /> [.cnder�II suma which thcn would ba duo uoder this Seauity Inspnuncnt and the Note as if no aoalerAdat Iwd acurrod:Nf <br /> curcs any defwult of nny other cavenante or agneeirtents: (c)p�y��II eupensa iacurned in enton�ing thia Seauity I�uuaKnt. <br /> including, iwt�wt limitod to. re�sonablo Aaorno�rr' fas: and(d)take�such�on�s I.�a�der m�y rcasooably nequi�to assuro <br /> that tho lien of this Sxurity Ir�uumenl.l.cnder a rights in the Property and Bonowe�''s obligatbn b pay thc wr�os sa��od by <br /> d�is Security I�sbumeM �hall ooMinuo unchangad. Upon ro(�latemanc by Bornower. this Securiry lnist�rmeot and the <br /> abligatiaas�ecurod hcroby shall ncmnin thlly effectivc oa if no axeleratlon hd oocunod. fbwe+rcr.this n1Elu a rein�tatio tlall <br /> �wtapp�y ra nbe ca�e of s►ccelcration undcr para8r�ph 17. <br /> _ ?��� 19, r�ot Not� Chwn�e ot Ln�n 3ervloa�. The Notc or a p�iial i�erest in Ihe l+tate (together wilh this Scc�qiry <br /> ----- Instrumeny roay be sold ona or mara times without prior naicao ta Barowcr.A s�lc nwy rewlt io a c e in the entity(lnown , <br />_- as the"L,oan Servioer")diat collects monthlY PaYments due under the Note wd this Secu�iry insnument. also may be ane <br /> �:W� or more chan�es of tt�e 2.oxn ScNicer unrelated w a sale of Ihe Nate.If theno is A elwnge af thc I.oan Scrviccr.Bornower will 6e -- <br /> _= i- ---- — - given wntten notia of i��change in accar�danc�e with parugrapi�i3 abuvr�u«1�{r;,iK�i,ir i��w.';'i�e�«►ti�z wiii �.trte d��uu��a►�i =_ <br /> addrcss of the new Loa�o 5arvicer sxx#1he aGdress to which payments shouW be made.Ti�e��rtice will also cauain any otlkr <br /> , � ��, ,-" inforn�ation roquircd by npplicable law. <br /> ,2�44 20. H�rdo��e S�bcMncec. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presen��e. use. disposal, storage. or release of any <br /> Hexardous Subsu+nces on or in the Property. 8or�nwer shell not do. nar�Il�ow anyone else to da, anything affecUng the <br /> `;. �i�;� P�nY�is in violat+on of uny Emironmenta6 La�•v. The preceding Iwo seutences shall not apply [o tte� prcsence. use,or <br /> ..{ +�,� . storage an the�rtp<,6 small quuntities of Hazardous Subs�rs that are ge�rrally nocognized to be aPPrapriate to n�m�l <br /> i' r �:i� residentisl nses to mainterwnce of thc Property. <br /> {! (�,i�i. AarroN�er shall promplly give Lender written notice of any investigation. claim,dernand,lawsuit or other action by ony <br /> - .`��_, governmenwl or regulatary agency or private paity involving the Property uad any Hauirdous Subslance or Environmenta! Law <br /> af which�orrawer has uctual knawledge. Ii Barrower learns. ar is notiflad by any Rmernmental or regulatory author�ty. lhat <br />:;:.�, ;����', any remova!or other ren�ediation of�ny Hawrdous Subswnce piPecting the Proprrty is necessaty,Bomawer shall promptly lake <br />- ,,,, r� , all ne�xasary remediul acti��ns in ecco�dance witN Envimnmental Law. <br />'s' �iiu • As u�! in this paisgtapl:24. "Hazasdo:ss Substsnres" ase !hosz subssances defnet� a� �o�ic or haz�rd<ws suhster!+'y bY ' - <br /> --- <br />;.,,�, 4, ---Eq1�a>rki;�:� —_ <br /> ��� �-h��}�� Environmemal Luw �nd the following subswnces: gasoline. kerasene, other flummnbl� nr wsic petroleum raducts, toaic __ <br />-��. � '�ik',.� M <br /> �c t�°• pesticides an�i herbicfdes,volatile solvems. muterlals rnnteining asbestos ar fom�aldehyde,and radiouct�ve mate s.As used in <br /> " �'"� f� thia purngrnph 20, "�nvironmental Law' meAns fedeml laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Proaerry is located that --- <br /> �� - �,��-'.,�`!� . relate to health,snfct�or environmental prcxection. ... <br /> r c <br /> `;'�' 1'.'�'•''. ' �;F,:' NON-UNIFOR COVENANTS.Borrow•er ana l.ender funher covenunt und agree us foHows: ._ <br /> �i • .r• �i�� �; 21.Acieleretiont Remedi�.I.e�der shall give notice to Borrower prlar tn pcceleration followi�Borrower's breach - <br /> �. , � <br /> �„� ; ��,::�.,�; � ot any apvenant or egreement In thls Securtty Instrument (but not prlor to Accelerutian under p�ragrAph 17 unlesg �. <br /> S <br /> " �'J�'�'• � qpplkable!aw prnv(des atherwise). The notice slwll speclfy: (a)the default;(b) 1he acNan requind to cure the defaull; —� <br /> �,'+ �:;�f;"} (c)A dote,pot les.g than 30 days trnm the date the notice Is gtven to which the default must be cured;su�d ��'��•_ <br /> - ''X'_�>� iati:�:..t r'`:�- <br /> ''�:,,:•.,• f; . (d)tlwt�alture to cute tlte defaull on or bePore the dpte speciiled In the antice m�y resull in acceleralion of the sums �., <br /> ��'�'<< secured b this Securtt lnstrument and sule oi the Pro r! The notice shall furlher lnform Borrnx•er oP the rl ht to t�,.. <br /> ... • <br /> —`�� . rclnstatc atter acccicrs�ton �ad thc rlght ta brl�s co��r! ctEoee ta a.�ser�� ihe non-szlstenre of s defa�lt or eny other .__ <br /> _ . -,--�.% ''' <br />.�,� t .{; ;����,N defense of Borrower to aceeleratlon and s�le. If the detault is not cured o�or heWrc 3he dpte rpecified in the notice� �, <br />:_,,; •J��„,.,;1, l.ender. at Its option. may requlre immedlate payment in iull af all sums secured 1�w• d'�is Security lastivment wtfhaul �_— <br /> ��•� �,, t furlher demand and mny invoke thc powcr oi sule and nny other remcdlec permitted bv applicable low. I.ender shall bc �__ <br />-• v..!�.:; •;�f.�.�'. <br /> �4..,,,,' ' c_;�z.c enNtled to collect a0 expensc�incu�ed in pursuing the remedlruc pmvidetil ln Yh�s para�raph 21.IncludaaR.but not limlted �, <br /> '�•f`�' to�reasonable attorne+s'feetc end ca9ts of tUle ev3Qence. ___ <br /> , }��� � If liar power of sale is invokeri, �'ruvtee shall record a notice nf defu u�t ln each cnunt� in �vhich any part of the <br />